blob: 16b9e34803a9bbd841e946e8843d4fc11673e11c [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// Initializes a `Dictionary` from unique members.
/// Using a builder can be faster than inserting members into an empty
/// `Dictionary`.
public // SPI(Foundation)
struct _DictionaryBuilder<Key: Hashable, Value> {
internal var _target: _NativeDictionary<Key, Value>
internal let _requestedCount: Int
public init(count: Int) {
_target = _NativeDictionary(capacity: count)
_requestedCount = count
public mutating func add(key newKey: Key, value: Value) {
_precondition(_target.count < _requestedCount,
"Can't add more members than promised")
_target._unsafeInsertNew(key: newKey, value: value)
public __consuming func take() -> Dictionary<Key, Value> {
_precondition(_target.count == _requestedCount,
"The number of members added does not match the promised count")
return Dictionary(_native: _target)
extension Dictionary {
/// Creates a new dictionary with the specified capacity, then calls the given
/// closure to initialize its contents.
/// Foundation uses this initializer to bridge the contents of an NSDictionary
/// instance without allocating a pair of intermediary buffers. Pass the
/// required capacity and a closure that can intialize the dictionary's
/// elements. The closure must return `c`, the number of initialized elements
/// in both buffers, such that the elements in the range `0..<c` are
/// initialized and the elements in the range `c..<capacity` are
/// uninitialized.
/// The resulting dictionary has a `count` less than or equal to `c`. The
/// actual count is less iff some of the initialized keys were duplicates.
/// (This cannot happen if `allowingDuplicates` is false.)
/// The buffers passed to the closure are only valid for the duration of the
/// call. After the closure returns, this initializer moves all initialized
/// elements into their correct buckets.
/// - Parameters:
/// - capacity: The capacity of the new dictionary.
/// - allowingDuplicates: If false, then the caller guarantees that all keys
/// are unique. This promise isn't verified -- if it turns out to be
/// false, then the resulting dictionary won't be valid.
/// - body: A closure that can initialize the dictionary's elements. This
/// closure must return the count of the initialized elements, starting at
/// the beginning of the buffer.
@_alwaysEmitIntoClient // Introduced in 5.1
public // SPI(Foundation)
_unsafeUninitializedCapacity capacity: Int,
allowingDuplicates: Bool,
initializingWith initializer: (
_ keys: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Key>,
_ values: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Value>
) -> Int
) {
self.init(_native: _NativeDictionary(
_unsafeUninitializedCapacity: capacity,
allowingDuplicates: allowingDuplicates,
initializingWith: initializer))
extension _NativeDictionary {
@_alwaysEmitIntoClient // Introduced in 5.1
internal init(
_unsafeUninitializedCapacity capacity: Int,
allowingDuplicates: Bool,
initializingWith initializer: (
_ keys: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Key>,
_ values: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Value>
) -> Int
) {
self.init(capacity: capacity)
let initializedCount = initializer(
UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: _keys, count: capacity),
UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: _values, count: capacity))
_precondition(initializedCount >= 0 && initializedCount <= capacity)
_storage._count = initializedCount
// Hash initialized elements and move each of them into their correct
// buckets.
// - We have some number of unprocessed elements at the start of the
// key/value buffers -- buckets up to and including `bucket`. Everything
// in this region is either unprocessed or in use. There are no
// uninitialized entries in it.
// - Everything after `bucket` is either uninitialized or in use. This
// region works exactly like regular dictionary storage.
// - "in use" is tracked by the bitmap in `hashTable`, the same way it would
// be for a working Dictionary.
// Each iteration of the loop below processes an unprocessed element, and/or
// reduces the size of the unprocessed region, while ensuring the above
// invariants.
var bucket = _HashTable.Bucket(offset: initializedCount - 1)
while bucket.offset >= 0 {
if hashTable._isOccupied(bucket) {
// We've moved an element here in a previous iteration.
bucket.offset -= 1
// Find the target bucket for this entry and mark it as in use.
let target: Bucket
if _isDebugAssertConfiguration() || allowingDuplicates {
let (b, found) = find(_keys[bucket.offset])
if found {
_internalInvariant(b != bucket)
_precondition(allowingDuplicates, "Duplicate keys found")
// Discard duplicate entry.
uncheckedDestroy(at: bucket)
_storage._count -= 1
bucket.offset -= 1
target = b
} else {
let hashValue = self.hashValue(for: _keys[bucket.offset])
target = hashTable.insertNew(hashValue: hashValue)
if target > bucket {
// The target is outside the unprocessed region. We can simply move the
// entry, leaving behind an uninitialized bucket.
moveEntry(from: bucket, to: target)
// Restore invariants by lowering the region boundary.
bucket.offset -= 1
} else if target == bucket {
// Already in place.
bucket.offset -= 1
} else {
// The target bucket is also in the unprocessed region. Swap the current
// item into place, then try again with the swapped-in value, so that we
// don't lose it.
swapEntry(target, with: bucket)
// When there are no more unprocessed entries, we're left with a valid
// Dictionary.