blob: d5ef6502aed4c58be9fb7603772b6ff536661ad8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- TgmathDerivatives.swift.gyb --------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines derivatives for tgmath functions.
import Swift
#if os(macOS) || os(iOS) || os(tvOS) || os(watchOS)
import Darwin.C.tgmath
#elseif os(Linux) || os(FreeBSD) || os(OpenBSD) || os(PS4) || os(Android) || os(Cygwin) || os(Haiku)
import Glibc
#elseif os(Windows)
import CRT
#error("Unsupported platform")
@derivative(of: fma)
func _jvpFma<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T,
_ y: T,
_ z: T
) -> (value: T, differential: (T, T, T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (fma(x, y, z), { (dx, dy, dz) in dx * y + dy * x + dz })
@derivative(of: fma)
func _vjpFma<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T,
_ y: T,
_ z: T
) -> (value: T, pullback: (T) -> (T, T, T)) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (fma(x, y, z), { v in (v * y, v * x, v) })
@derivative(of: remainder)
func _jvpRemainder<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T,
_ y: T
) -> (value: T, differential: (T, T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
Unimplemented JVP for 'remainder(_:)'. \ tracks this issue
@derivative(of: remainder)
func _vjpRemainder<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T,
_ y: T
) -> (value: T, pullback: (T) -> (T, T)) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (remainder(x, y), { v in (v, -v * ((x / y).rounded(.toNearestOrEven))) })
@derivative(of: fmod)
func _jvpFmod<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T,
_ y: T
) -> (value: T, differential: (T, T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
Unimplemented JVP for 'fmod(_:)'. \ tracks this issue
@derivative(of: fmod)
func _vjpFmod<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T,
_ y: T
) -> (value: T, pullback: (T) -> (T, T)) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (fmod(x, y), { v in (v, -v * ((x / y).rounded(.towardZero))) })
%for derivative_kind in ['jvp', 'vjp']:
% linear_map_kind = 'differential' if derivative_kind == 'jvp' else 'pullback'
@derivative(of: sqrt)
func _${derivative_kind}Sqrt<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T
) -> (value: T, ${linear_map_kind}: (T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
let value = sqrt(x)
return (value, { v in v / (2 * value) })
@derivative(of: ceil)
func _${derivative_kind}Ceil<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T
) -> (value: T, ${linear_map_kind}: (T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (ceil(x), { v in 0 })
@derivative(of: floor)
func _${derivative_kind}Floor<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T
) -> (value: T, ${linear_map_kind}: (T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (floor(x), { v in 0 })
@derivative(of: round)
func _${derivative_kind}Round<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T
) -> (value: T, ${linear_map_kind}: (T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (round(x), { v in 0 })
@derivative(of: trunc)
func _${derivative_kind}Trunc<T: FloatingPoint & Differentiable> (
_ x: T
) -> (value: T, ${linear_map_kind}: (T) -> T) where T == T.TangentVector {
return (trunc(x), { v in 0 })
%end # for derivative_kind in ['jvp', 'vjp']:
// Unary functions
%for derivative_kind in ['jvp', 'vjp']:
% linear_map_kind = 'differential' if derivative_kind == 'jvp' else 'pullback'
% for T in ['Float', 'Double', 'Float80']:
% if T == 'Float80':
#if !(os(Windows) || os(Android)) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% end
@derivative(of: exp)
func _${derivative_kind}Exp(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
let value = exp(x)
return (value, { v in value * v })
@derivative(of: exp2)
func _${derivative_kind}Exp2(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
let value = exp2(x)
return (value, { v in v * ${T}(M_LN2) * value })
@derivative(of: log)
func _${derivative_kind}Log(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (log(x), { v in v / x })
@derivative(of: log10)
func _${derivative_kind}Log10(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (log10(x), { v in v * ${T}(M_LOG10E) / x })
@derivative(of: log2)
func _${derivative_kind}Log2(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (log2(x), { v in v / (${T}(M_LN2) * x) })
@derivative(of: sin)
func _${derivative_kind}Sin(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (sin(x), { v in v * cos(x) })
@derivative(of: cos)
func _${derivative_kind}Cos(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (cos(x), { v in -v * sin(x) })
@derivative(of: tan)
func _${derivative_kind}Tan(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
let value = tan(x)
return (value, { v in v * (1 + value * value) })
@derivative(of: asin)
func _${derivative_kind}Asin(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (asin(x), { v in v / sqrt(1 - x * x) })
@derivative(of: acos)
func _${derivative_kind}Acos(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (acos(x), { v in -v / sqrt(1 - x * x) })
@derivative(of: atan)
func _${derivative_kind}Atan(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (atan(x), { v in v / (1 + x * x) })
@derivative(of: sinh)
func _${derivative_kind}Sinh(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (sinh(x), { v in v * cosh(x) })
@derivative(of: cosh)
func _${derivative_kind}Cosh(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (cosh(x), { v in v * sinh(x) })
@derivative(of: tanh)
func _${derivative_kind}Tanh(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
let value = tanh(x)
return (value, { v in v * (1 - value * value) })
@derivative(of: asinh)
func _${derivative_kind}Asinh(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (asinh(x), { v in v / sqrt(1 + x * x) })
@derivative(of: acosh)
func _${derivative_kind}Acosh(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (acosh(x), { v in v / sqrt(x * x - 1) })
@derivative(of: atanh)
func _${derivative_kind}Atanh(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (atanh(x), { v in v / (1 - x * x) })
@derivative(of: expm1)
func _${derivative_kind}Expm1(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (expm1(x), { v in exp(x) * v })
@derivative(of: log1p)
func _${derivative_kind}Log1p(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (log1p(x), { v in v / (x + 1) })
@derivative(of: erf)
func _${derivative_kind}Erf(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (erf(x), { v in v * ${T}(M_2_SQRTPI) * exp(-x * x) })
@derivative(of: erfc)
func _${derivative_kind}Erfc(_ x: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, ${linear_map_kind}: (${T}) -> ${T}) {
return (erfc(x), { v in v * -${T}(M_2_SQRTPI) * exp(-x * x) })
% if T == 'Float80':
% end # if T == 'Float80':
% end # for T in ['Float', 'Double', 'Float80']:
%end # for derivative_kind in ['jvp', 'vjp']:
// Binary functions
%for T in ['Float', 'Float80']:
% if T == 'Float80':
#if !(os(Windows) || os(Android)) && (arch(i386) || arch(x86_64))
% end
@derivative(of: pow)
func _vjpPow(_ x: ${T}, _ y: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, pullback: (${T}) -> (${T}, ${T})) {
let value = pow(x, y)
return (value, { v in (
v * y * pow(x, y - 1), v * value * log(x.isLessThanOrEqualTo(0) ? ${T}(1) : x)
) })
@derivative(of: pow)
func _jvpPow(_ x: ${T}, _ y: ${T}) -> (value: ${T}, differential: (${T}, ${T}) -> ${T}) {
let value = pow(x, y)
return (value, { (dx, dy) in
dx * y * pow(x, y - 1) + dy * value * log(x.isLessThanOrEqualTo(0) ? ${T}(1) : x)
% if T == 'Float80':
% end # if T == 'Float80':
%end # for T in ['Float', 'Float80']: