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//===--- DerivedConformances.h - Derived protocol conformance ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines entry points to synthesize compiler-derived conformances
// to certain known protocols.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include <utility>
namespace swift {
class AbstractFunctionDecl;
class AccessorDecl;
class AssociatedTypeDecl;
class ASTContext;
struct ASTNode;
class Decl;
class DeclContext;
class DeclRefExpr;
class EnumDecl;
class EnumElementDecl;
class Expr;
class GuardStmt;
class Identifier;
class NominalTypeDecl;
class ParamDecl;
class Pattern;
class PatternBindingDecl;
class ProtocolDecl;
class StructDecl;
class Type;
class TypeDecl;
class ValueDecl;
class VarDecl;
class DerivedConformance {
ASTContext &Context;
Decl *ConformanceDecl;
NominalTypeDecl *Nominal;
ProtocolDecl *Protocol;
DerivedConformance(ASTContext &ctx, Decl *conformanceDecl,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal, ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Retrieve the context in which the conformance is declared (either the
/// nominal type, or an extension of it) as a \c DeclContext.
DeclContext *getConformanceContext() const;
/// Add \c children as members of the context that declares the conformance.
void addMembersToConformanceContext(ArrayRef<Decl *> children);
/// Get the declared type of the protocol that this is conformance is for.
Type getProtocolType() const;
/// Returns the VarDecl of each stored property in the given struct whose type
/// does not conform to a protocol.
/// \p theStruct The struct whose stored properties should be checked.
/// \p protocol The protocol being requested.
/// \return The VarDecl of each stored property whose type does not conform.
static SmallVector<VarDecl *, 3> storedPropertiesNotConformingToProtocol(
DeclContext *DC, StructDecl *theStruct, ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// True if the type can implicitly derive a conformance for the given
/// protocol.
/// If true, explicit conformance checking will synthesize implicit
/// declarations for requirements of the protocol that are not satisfied by
/// the type's explicit members.
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we are determining whether to
/// derive a witness.
/// \param protocol The protocol whose requirements are being derived.
/// \return True if the type can implicitly derive a conformance for the
/// given protocol.
static bool derivesProtocolConformance(DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Diagnose problems, if any, preventing automatic derivation of protocol
/// requirements
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures
/// \param protocol The protocol with requirements we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures for
static void tryDiagnoseFailedDerivation(DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Diagnose any members which do not conform to the protocol for which
/// we were trying to synthesize the conformance to.
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures
/// \param protocol The protocol with requirements we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures for
static void diagnoseAnyNonConformingMemberTypes(DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Diagnose the declaration for which we were trying to synthesize
/// the conformance for, if the synthesis is not supported for that
/// declaration.
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures
/// \param protocol The protocol with requirements we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures for
static void diagnoseIfSynthesisUnsupportedForDecl(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Determine the derivable requirement that would satisfy the given
/// requirement, if there is one.
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we are determining whether to
/// derive a witness.
/// \param requirement The requirement for which we are checking for a
/// derivation. This requirement need not be within a derivable protocol,
/// because derivable requirements can get restated in inherited unrelated
/// or unrelated protocols.
/// \returns The requirement whose witness could be derived to potentially
/// satisfy this given requirement, or NULL if there is no such requirement.
static ValueDecl *getDerivableRequirement(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Determine if an AdditiveArithmetic requirement can be derived for a type.
/// \returns True if the requirement can be derived.
static bool canDeriveAdditiveArithmetic(NominalTypeDecl *type,
DeclContext *DC);
/// Derive an AdditiveArithmetic requirement for a nominal type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveAdditiveArithmetic(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Determine if a Differentiable requirement can be derived for a nominal
/// type.
/// \returns True if the requirement can be derived.
static bool canDeriveDifferentiable(NominalTypeDecl *type, DeclContext *DC,
ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive a Differentiable requirement for a nominal type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveDifferentiable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive a Differentiable type witness for a nominal type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
std::pair<Type, TypeDecl *>
deriveDifferentiable(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType);
/// Derive a CaseIterable requirement for an enum if it has no associated
/// values for any of its cases.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveCaseIterable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive a CaseIterable type witness for an enum if it has no associated
/// values for any of its cases.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
Type deriveCaseIterable(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType);
/// Determine if a RawRepresentable requirement can be derived for a type.
/// This is implemented for non-empty enums without associated values,
/// that declare a raw type in the inheritance clause.
static bool canDeriveRawRepresentable(DeclContext *DC, NominalTypeDecl *type);
/// Derive a RawRepresentable requirement for an enum, if it has a valid
/// raw type and raw values for all of its cases.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveRawRepresentable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive a RawRepresentable type witness for an enum, if it has a valid
/// raw type and raw values for all of its cases.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
Type deriveRawRepresentable(AssociatedTypeDecl *assocType);
/// Determine if a Comparable requirement can be derived for a type.
/// This is implemented for enums without associated or raw values.
/// \returns True if the requirement can be derived.
static bool canDeriveComparable(DeclContext *DC, EnumDecl *enumeration);
/// Derive an Equatable requirement for a type.
/// This is implemented for enums without associated or raw values.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveComparable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Diagnose problems, if any, preventing automatic derivation of Comparable
/// requirements
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures
static void tryDiagnoseFailedComparableDerivation(DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal);
/// Determine if an Equatable requirement can be derived for a type.
/// This is implemented for enums without associated values or all-Equatable
/// associated values, and for structs with all-Equatable stored properties.
/// \returns True if the requirement can be derived.
static bool canDeriveEquatable(DeclContext *DC, NominalTypeDecl *type);
/// Derive an Equatable requirement for a type.
/// This is implemented for enums without associated values or all-Equatable
/// associated values, and for structs with all-Equatable stored properties.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveEquatable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Diagnose problems, if any, preventing automatic derivation of Equatable
/// requirements
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures
static void tryDiagnoseFailedEquatableDerivation(DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal);
/// Determine if a Hashable requirement can be derived for a type.
/// This is implemented for enums without associated values or all-Hashable
/// associated values, and for structs with all-Hashable stored properties.
/// \returns True if the requirement can be derived.
static bool canDeriveHashable(NominalTypeDecl *type);
/// Derive a Hashable requirement for a type.
/// This is implemented for enums without associated values or all-Hashable
/// associated values, and for structs with all-Hashable stored properties.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveHashable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Diagnose problems, if any, preventing automatic derivation of Hashable
/// requirements
/// \param nominal The nominal type for which we would like to diagnose
/// derivation failures
static void tryDiagnoseFailedHashableDerivation(DeclContext *DC,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal);
/// Derive a _BridgedNSError requirement for an @objc enum type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveBridgedNSError(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive a CodingKey requirement for an enum type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveCodingKey(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive an Encodable requirement for a struct type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveEncodable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Derive a Decodable requirement for a struct type.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveDecodable(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Whether we can derive the given Actor requirement in the given context.
static bool canDeriveActor(NominalTypeDecl *nominal, DeclContext *dc);
/// Derive an Actor requirement for an actor class.
/// \returns the derived member, which will also be added to the type.
ValueDecl *deriveActor(ValueDecl *requirement);
/// Declare a read-only property.
std::pair<VarDecl *, PatternBindingDecl *>
declareDerivedProperty(Identifier name, Type propertyInterfaceType,
Type propertyContextType, bool isStatic, bool isFinal);
/// Add a getter to a derived property. The property becomes read-only.
static AccessorDecl *
addGetterToReadOnlyDerivedProperty(VarDecl *property,
Type propertyContextType);
/// Declare a getter for a derived property.
/// The getter will not be added to the property yet.
static AccessorDecl *declareDerivedPropertyGetter(VarDecl *property,
Type propertyContextType);
/// Build a reference to the 'self' decl of a derived function.
static DeclRefExpr *createSelfDeclRef(AbstractFunctionDecl *fn);
/// Returns true if this derivation is trying to use a context that isn't
/// appropriate for deriving.
/// \param synthesizing The decl that is being synthesized.
bool checkAndDiagnoseDisallowedContext(ValueDecl *synthesizing) const;
/// Returns a generated guard statement that checks whether the given lhs and
/// rhs expressions are equal. If not equal, the else block for the guard
/// returns `guardReturnValue`.
/// \p C The AST context.
/// \p lhsExpr The first expression to compare for equality.
/// \p rhsExpr The second expression to compare for equality.
/// \p guardReturnValue The expression to return if the two sides are not
/// equal
static GuardStmt *returnIfNotEqualGuard(ASTContext &C, Expr *lhsExpr,
Expr *rhsExpr,
Expr *guardReturnValue);
// return false
static GuardStmt *returnFalseIfNotEqualGuard(ASTContext &C, Expr *lhsExpr,
Expr *rhsExpr);
// return lhs < rhs
static GuardStmt *
returnComparisonIfNotEqualGuard(ASTContext &C, Expr *lhsExpr, Expr *rhsExpr);
/// Returns the ParamDecl for each associated value of the given enum whose
/// type does not conform to a protocol \p theEnum The enum whose elements and
/// associated values should be checked. \p protocol The protocol being
/// requested. \return The ParamDecl of each associated value whose type does
/// not conform.
static SmallVector<ParamDecl *, 4>
associatedValuesNotConformingToProtocol(DeclContext *DC, EnumDecl *theEnum,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Returns true if, for every element of the given enum, it either has no
/// associated values or all of them conform to a protocol.
/// \p theEnum The enum whose elements and associated values should be
/// checked. \p protocol The protocol being requested. \return True if all
/// associated values of all elements of the enum conform.
static bool allAssociatedValuesConformToProtocol(DeclContext *DC,
EnumDecl *theEnum,
ProtocolDecl *protocol);
/// Create AST statements which convert from an enum to an Int with a switch.
/// \p stmts The generated statements are appended to this vector.
/// \p parentDC Either an extension or the enum itself.
/// \p enumDecl The enum declaration.
/// \p enumVarDecl The enum input variable.
/// \p funcDecl The parent function.
/// \p indexName The name of the output variable.
/// \return A DeclRefExpr of the output variable (of type Int).
static DeclRefExpr *
convertEnumToIndex(SmallVectorImpl<ASTNode> &stmts, DeclContext *parentDC,
EnumDecl *enumDecl, VarDecl *enumVarDecl,
AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, const char *indexName);
static Pattern *
enumElementPayloadSubpattern(EnumElementDecl *enumElementDecl, char varPrefix,
DeclContext *varContext,
SmallVectorImpl<VarDecl *> &boundVars);
static VarDecl *indexedVarDecl(char prefixChar, int index, Type type,
DeclContext *varContext);
} // namespace swift