blob: ae5ea062fc7d9bec83718ad6b8f7f9c070427cea [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DerivedConformanceDifferentiable.cpp - Derived Differentiable ----===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2019 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements explicit derivation of the Differentiable protocol for
// struct and class types.
#include "CodeSynthesis.h"
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "TypeCheckType.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "swift/AST/AutoDiff.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/PropertyWrappers.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "DerivedConformances.h"
using namespace swift;
/// Return true if `move(along:)` can be invoked on the given `Differentiable`-
/// conforming property.
/// If the given property is a `var`, return true because `move(along:)` can be
/// invoked regardless. Otherwise, return true if and only if the property's
/// type's 'Differentiable.move(along:)' witness is non-mutating.
static bool canInvokeMoveAlongOnProperty(
VarDecl *vd, ProtocolConformanceRef diffableConformance) {
assert(diffableConformance && "Property must conform to 'Differentiable'");
// `var` always supports `move(along:)` since it is mutable.
if (vd->getIntroducer() == VarDecl::Introducer::Var)
return true;
// When the property is a `let`, the only case that would be supported is when
// it has a `move(along:)` protocol requirement witness that is non-mutating.
auto interfaceType = vd->getInterfaceType();
auto &C = vd->getASTContext();
auto witness = diffableConformance.getWitnessByName(
interfaceType, DeclName(C, C.Id_move, {C.Id_along}));
if (!witness)
return false;
auto *decl = cast<FuncDecl>(witness.getDecl());
return decl->isNonMutating();
/// Get the stored properties of a nominal type that are relevant for
/// differentiation, except the ones tagged `@noDerivative`.
static void
NominalTypeDecl *nominal, DeclContext *DC,
SmallVectorImpl<VarDecl *> &result,
bool includeLetPropertiesWithNonmutatingMoveAlong = false) {
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
auto *diffableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
for (auto *vd : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
// Peer through property wrappers: use original wrapped properties instead.
if (auto *originalProperty = vd->getOriginalWrappedProperty()) {
// Skip immutable wrapped properties. `mutating func move(along:)` cannot
// be synthesized to update these properties.
if (!originalProperty->isSettable(DC))
// Use the original wrapped property.
vd = originalProperty;
// Skip stored properties with `@noDerivative` attribute.
if (vd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>())
if (vd->getInterfaceType()->hasError())
auto varType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(vd->getValueInterfaceType());
auto conformance = TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(
varType, diffableProto, nominal);
if (!conformance)
// Skip `let` stored properties with a mutating `move(along:)` if requested.
// `mutating func move(along:)` cannot be synthesized to update `let`
// properties.
if (!includeLetPropertiesWithNonmutatingMoveAlong &&
!canInvokeMoveAlongOnProperty(vd, conformance))
/// Convert the given `ValueDecl` to a `StructDecl` if it is a `StructDecl` or a
/// `TypeDecl` with an underlying struct type. Otherwise, return `nullptr`.
static StructDecl *convertToStructDecl(ValueDecl *v) {
if (auto *structDecl = dyn_cast<StructDecl>(v))
return structDecl;
auto *typeDecl = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(v);
if (!typeDecl)
return nullptr;
return dyn_cast_or_null<StructDecl>(
/// Get the `Differentiable` protocol `TangentVector` associated type witness
/// for the given interface type and declaration context.
static Type getTangentVectorInterfaceType(Type contextualType,
DeclContext *DC) {
auto &C = contextualType->getASTContext();
auto *diffableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
assert(diffableProto && "`Differentiable` protocol not found");
auto conf =
TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(contextualType, diffableProto, DC);
assert(conf && "Contextual type must conform to `Differentiable`");
if (!conf)
return nullptr;
auto tanType = conf.getTypeWitnessByName(contextualType, C.Id_TangentVector);
return tanType->hasArchetype() ? tanType->mapTypeOutOfContext() : tanType;
/// Returns true iff the given nominal type declaration can derive
/// `TangentVector` as `Self` in the given conformance context.
static bool canDeriveTangentVectorAsSelf(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
DeclContext *DC) {
// `Self` must not be a class declaraiton.
if (nominal->getSelfClassDecl())
return false;
auto nominalTypeInContext =
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
auto *diffableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
auto *addArithProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::AdditiveArithmetic);
// `Self` must conform to `AdditiveArithmetic`.
if (!TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(nominalTypeInContext, addArithProto, DC))
return false;
for (auto *field : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
// `Self` must not have any `@noDerivative` stored properties.
if (field->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>())
return false;
// `Self` must have all stored properties satisfy `Self == TangentVector`.
auto fieldType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(field->getValueInterfaceType());
auto conf = TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(fieldType, diffableProto, DC);
if (!conf)
return false;
auto tangentType = conf.getTypeWitnessByName(fieldType, C.Id_TangentVector);
if (!fieldType->isEqual(tangentType))
return false;
return true;
// Synthesizable `Differentiable` protocol requirements.
enum class DifferentiableRequirement {
// associatedtype TangentVector
// mutating func move(along direction: TangentVector)
// var zeroTangentVectorInitializer: () -> TangentVector
static DifferentiableRequirement
getDifferentiableRequirementKind(ValueDecl *requirement) {
auto &C = requirement->getASTContext();
if (requirement->getBaseName() == C.Id_TangentVector)
return DifferentiableRequirement::TangentVector;
if (requirement->getBaseName() == C.Id_move)
return DifferentiableRequirement::MoveAlong;
if (requirement->getBaseName() == C.Id_zeroTangentVectorInitializer)
return DifferentiableRequirement::ZeroTangentVectorInitializer;
llvm_unreachable("Invalid `Differentiable` protocol requirement");
bool DerivedConformance::canDeriveDifferentiable(NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
DeclContext *DC,
ValueDecl *requirement) {
// Experimental differentiable programming must be enabled.
if (auto *SF = DC->getParentSourceFile())
if (!isDifferentiableProgrammingEnabled(*SF))
return false;
auto reqKind = getDifferentiableRequirementKind(requirement);
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
// If there are any `TangentVector` type witness candidates, check whether
// there exists only a single valid candidate.
bool canUseTangentVectorAsSelf = canDeriveTangentVectorAsSelf(nominal, DC);
auto isValidTangentVectorCandidate = [&](ValueDecl *v) -> bool {
// If the requirement is `var zeroTangentVectorInitializer` and
// the candidate is a type declaration that conforms to
// `AdditiveArithmetic`, return true.
if (reqKind == DifferentiableRequirement::ZeroTangentVectorInitializer) {
if (auto *tangentVectorTypeDecl = dyn_cast<TypeDecl>(v)) {
auto tangentType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(
auto *addArithProto =
if (TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(tangentType, addArithProto, DC))
return true;
// Valid candidate must be a struct or a typealias to a struct.
auto *structDecl = convertToStructDecl(v);
if (!structDecl)
return false;
// Valid candidate must either:
// 1. Be implicit (previously synthesized).
if (structDecl->isImplicit())
return true;
// 2. Equal nominal, when the nominal can derive `TangentVector` as `Self`.
// Nominal type must not customize `TangentVector` to anything other than
// `Self`. Otherwise, synthesis is semantically unsupported.
if (structDecl == nominal && canUseTangentVectorAsSelf)
return true;
// Otherwise, candidate is invalid.
return false;
auto tangentDecls = nominal->lookupDirect(C.Id_TangentVector);
// There can be at most one valid `TangentVector` type.
if (tangentDecls.size() > 1)
return false;
// There cannot be any invalid `TangentVector` types.
if (tangentDecls.size() == 1) {
auto *tangentDecl = tangentDecls.front();
if (!isValidTangentVectorCandidate(tangentDecl))
return false;
bool hasValidTangentDecl = !tangentDecls.empty();
// Check requirement-specific derivation conditions.
if (reqKind == DifferentiableRequirement::ZeroTangentVectorInitializer) {
// If there is a valid `TangentVector` type witness (conforming to
// `AdditiveArithmetic`), return true.
if (hasValidTangentDecl)
return true;
// Otherwise, fallback on `TangentVector` struct derivation conditions.
// Check `TangentVector` struct derivation conditions.
// Nominal type must be a struct or class. (No stored properties is okay.)
if (!isa<StructDecl>(nominal) && !isa<ClassDecl>(nominal))
return false;
// If there are no `TangentVector` candidates, derivation is possible if all
// differentiation stored properties conform to `Differentiable`.
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 16> diffProperties;
getStoredPropertiesForDifferentiation(nominal, DC, diffProperties);
auto *diffableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
return llvm::all_of(diffProperties, [&](VarDecl *v) {
if (v->getInterfaceType()->hasError())
return false;
auto varType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(v->getValueInterfaceType());
return (bool)TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(varType, diffableProto, DC);
/// Synthesize body for `move(along:)`.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyDifferentiable_move(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto &C = funcDecl->getASTContext();
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *nominal = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
// Get `Differentiable.move(along:)` protocol requirement.
auto *diffProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
auto *requirement = getProtocolRequirement(diffProto, C.Id_move);
// Get references to `self` and parameter declarations.
auto *selfDecl = funcDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
auto *selfDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *paramDecl = funcDecl->getParameters()->get(0);
auto *paramDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(paramDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 8> diffProperties;
getStoredPropertiesForDifferentiation(nominal, parentDC, diffProperties);
// Create call expression applying a member `move(along:)` method to a
// parameter member: `self.<member>.move(along: direction.<member>)`.
auto createMemberMethodCallExpr = [&](VarDecl *member) -> Expr * {
auto *module = nominal->getModuleContext();
auto memberType =
auto confRef = module->lookupConformance(memberType, diffProto);
assert(confRef && "Member does not conform to `Differentiable`");
// Get member type's requirement witness: `<Member>.move(along:)`.
ValueDecl *memberWitnessDecl = requirement;
if (confRef.isConcrete())
if (auto *witness = confRef.getConcrete()->getWitnessDecl(requirement))
memberWitnessDecl = witness;
assert(memberWitnessDecl && "Member witness declaration must exist");
// Create reference to member method: `self.<member>.move(along:)`.
Expr *memberExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(selfDRE, SourceLoc(), member, DeclNameLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto *memberMethodExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(memberExpr, SourceLoc(), memberWitnessDecl,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Create reference to parameter member: `direction.<member>`.
VarDecl *paramMember = nullptr;
auto *paramNominal = paramDecl->getType()->getAnyNominal();
assert(paramNominal && "Parameter should have a nominal type");
// Find parameter member corresponding to returned nominal member.
for (auto *candidate : paramNominal->getStoredProperties()) {
if (candidate->getName() == member->getName()) {
paramMember = candidate;
assert(paramMember && "Could not find corresponding parameter member");
auto *paramMemberExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(paramDRE, SourceLoc(), paramMember, DeclNameLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
// Create expression: `self.<member>.move(along: direction.<member>)`.
return CallExpr::createImplicit(C, memberMethodExpr, {paramMemberExpr},
// Collect member `move(along:)` method call expressions.
SmallVector<ASTNode, 2> memberMethodCallExprs;
SmallVector<Identifier, 2> memberNames;
for (auto *member : diffProperties) {
auto *braceStmt = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), memberMethodCallExprs,
SourceLoc(), true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(braceStmt, false);
/// Synthesize body for `var zeroTangentVectorInitializer` getter.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto &C = funcDecl->getASTContext();
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getParent();
auto *nominal = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
// Get method protocol requirement.
auto *diffProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
auto *requirement =
getProtocolRequirement(diffProto, C.Id_zeroTangentVectorInitializer);
auto nominalType =
auto conf = TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(nominalType, diffProto, parentDC);
auto tangentType = conf.getTypeWitnessByName(nominalType, C.Id_TangentVector);
auto *tangentTypeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicit(tangentType, C);
// Get differentiation properties.
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 8> diffProperties;
getStoredPropertiesForDifferentiation(nominal, parentDC, diffProperties,
/*includeLetProperties*/ true);
// Check whether memberwise derivation of `zeroTangentVectorInitializer` is
// possible.
bool canPerformMemberwiseDerivation = [&]() -> bool {
// Memberwise derivation is possible only for struct `TangentVector` types.
auto *tangentTypeDecl = tangentType->getAnyNominal();
if (!tangentTypeDecl || !tangentTypeDecl->getSelfStructDecl())
return false;
// Get effective memberwise initializer.
auto *memberwiseInitDecl =
// Return false if number of memberwise initializer parameters does not
// equal number of differentiation properties.
if (memberwiseInitDecl->getParameters()->size() != diffProperties.size())
return false;
// Iterate over all initializer parameters and differentiation properties.
for (auto pair : llvm::zip(memberwiseInitDecl->getParameters()->getArray(),
diffProperties)) {
auto *initParam = std::get<0>(pair);
auto *diffProp = std::get<1>(pair);
// Return false if parameter label does not equal property name.
if (initParam->getParameterName() != diffProp->getName())
return false;
auto diffPropContextualType =
auto diffPropTangentType =
getTangentVectorInterfaceType(diffPropContextualType, parentDC);
// Return false if parameter type does not equal property tangent type.
if (!initParam->getValueInterfaceType()->isEqual(diffPropTangentType))
return false;
return true;
// If memberwise derivation is not possible, synthesize
// `{ }` as a fallback.
if (!canPerformMemberwiseDerivation) {
auto *module = nominal->getModuleContext();
auto *addArithProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::AdditiveArithmetic);
auto confRef = module->lookupConformance(tangentType, addArithProto);
assert(confRef &&
"`TangentVector` does not conform to `AdditiveArithmetic`");
auto *zeroDecl = getProtocolRequirement(addArithProto, C.Id_zero);
// If conformance reference is concrete, then use concrete witness
// declaration for the operator.
if (confRef.isConcrete())
if (auto *witnessDecl = confRef.getConcrete()->getWitnessDecl(zeroDecl))
zeroDecl = witnessDecl;
assert(zeroDecl && "Member method declaration must exist");
auto *zeroExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(tangentTypeExpr, SourceLoc(), zeroDecl,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// Create closure expression.
unsigned discriminator = 0;
auto resultTy = funcDecl->getMethodInterfaceType()
auto *closureParams = ParameterList::createEmpty(C);
auto *closure = new (C) ClosureExpr(
SourceRange(), /*capturedSelfDecl*/ nullptr, closureParams,
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
TypeExpr::createImplicit(resultTy, C), discriminator, funcDecl);
auto *closureReturn = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), zeroExpr, true);
auto *closureBody =
BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {closureReturn}, SourceLoc(), true);
closure->setBody(closureBody, /*isSingleExpression=*/true);
ASTNode returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), closure, true);
auto *braceStmt =
BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), returnStmt, SourceLoc(), true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(braceStmt, false);
// Otherwise, perform memberwise derivation.
// Get effective memberwise initializer: `Nominal.init(...)`.
auto *tangentTypeDecl = tangentType->getAnyNominal();
auto *memberwiseInitDecl =
assert(memberwiseInitDecl && "Memberwise initializer must exist");
auto *initDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(memberwiseInitDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *initExpr = new (C) ConstructorRefCallExpr(initDRE, tangentTypeExpr);
// Get references to `self` and parameter declarations.
auto *selfDecl = funcDecl->getImplicitSelfDecl();
// Create `self.<member>.zeroTangentVectorInitializer` capture list entry.
auto createMemberZeroTanInitCaptureListEntry =
[&](VarDecl *member) -> CaptureListEntry {
// Create `<member>_zeroTangentVectorInitializer` capture var declaration.
auto memberCaptureName = C.getIdentifier(std::string(member->getNameStr()) +
auto *memberZeroTanInitCaptureDecl = new (C) VarDecl(
/*isStatic*/ false, VarDecl::Introducer::Let,
SourceLoc(), memberCaptureName, funcDecl);
auto *memberZeroTanInitPattern =
NamedPattern::createImplicit(C, memberZeroTanInitCaptureDecl);
auto *module = nominal->getModuleContext();
auto memberType =
auto confRef = module->lookupConformance(memberType, diffProto);
assert(confRef && "Member does not conform to `Differentiable`");
// Get member type's `zeroTangentVectorInitializer` requirement witness.
ValueDecl *memberWitnessDecl = requirement;
if (confRef.isConcrete())
if (auto *witness = confRef.getConcrete()->getWitnessDecl(requirement))
memberWitnessDecl = witness;
assert(memberWitnessDecl && "Member witness declaration must exist");
// <member>.zeroTangentVectorInitializer
auto *selfDRE =
new (C) DeclRefExpr(selfDecl, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *memberExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(selfDRE, SourceLoc(), member, DeclNameLoc(),
/*Implicit*/ true);
auto *memberZeroTangentVectorInitExpr =
new (C) MemberRefExpr(memberExpr, SourceLoc(), memberWitnessDecl,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
auto *memberZeroTanInitPBD = PatternBindingDecl::createImplicit(
C, StaticSpellingKind::None, memberZeroTanInitPattern,
memberZeroTangentVectorInitExpr, funcDecl);
CaptureListEntry captureEntry(memberZeroTanInitCaptureDecl,
return captureEntry;
// Create `<member>_zeroTangentVectorInitializer()` call expression.
auto createMemberZeroTanInitCallExpr =
[&](CaptureListEntry memberZeroTanInitEntry) -> Expr * {
// <member>_zeroTangentVectorInitializer
auto *memberZeroTanInitDRE = new (C) DeclRefExpr(
memberZeroTanInitEntry.Var, DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit*/ true);
// <member>_zeroTangentVectorInitializer()
auto *memberZeroTangentVector =
CallExpr::createImplicit(C, memberZeroTanInitDRE, {}, {});
return memberZeroTangentVector;
// Collect member zero tangent vector expressions.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> memberNames;
SmallVector<Expr *, 4> memberZeroTanExprs;
SmallVector<CaptureListEntry, 2> memberZeroTanInitCaptures;
for (auto *member : diffProperties) {
auto memberZeroTanInitCapture =
// Create `zeroTangentVectorInitializer` closure body:
// `TangentVector(x: x_zeroTangentVectorInitializer(), ...)`.
auto *callExpr =
CallExpr::createImplicit(C, initExpr, memberZeroTanExprs, memberNames);
// Create closure expression:
// `{ TangentVector(x: x_zeroTangentVectorInitializer(), ...) }`.
unsigned discriminator = 0;
auto resultTy = funcDecl->getMethodInterfaceType()
auto *closureParams = ParameterList::createEmpty(C);
auto *closure = new (C) ClosureExpr(
SourceRange(), /*capturedSelfDecl*/ nullptr, closureParams, SourceLoc(),
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
TypeExpr::createImplicit(resultTy, C), discriminator, funcDecl);
auto *closureReturn = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), callExpr, true);
auto *closureBody =
BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), {closureReturn}, SourceLoc(), true);
closure->setBody(closureBody, /*isSingleExpression=*/true);
// Create capture list expression:
// ```
// { [x_zeroTangentVectorInitializer = x.zeroTangentVectorInitializer, ...] in
// TangentVector(x: x_zeroTangentVectorInitializer(), ...)
// }
// ```
auto *captureList =
CaptureListExpr::create(C, memberZeroTanInitCaptures, closure);
ASTNode returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), captureList, true);
auto *braceStmt =
BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), returnStmt, SourceLoc(), true);
return std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>(braceStmt, false);
/// Synthesize function declaration for a `Differentiable` method requirement.
static ValueDecl *deriveDifferentiable_method(
DerivedConformance &derived, Identifier methodName, Identifier argumentName,
Identifier parameterName, Type parameterType, Type returnType,
AbstractFunctionDecl::BodySynthesizer bodySynthesizer) {
auto *nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto &C = derived.Context;
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto *param = new (C) ParamDecl(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), argumentName,
SourceLoc(), parameterName, parentDC);
ParameterList *params = ParameterList::create(C, {param});
DeclName declName(C, methodName, params);
auto *const funcDecl = FuncDecl::createImplicit(
C, StaticSpellingKind::None, declName, /*NameLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*GenericParams=*/nullptr, params, returnType, parentDC);
if (!nominal->getSelfClassDecl())
funcDecl->setBodySynthesizer(bodySynthesizer.Fn, bodySynthesizer.Context);
funcDecl->copyFormalAccessFrom(nominal, /*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
return funcDecl;
/// Synthesize the `move(along:)` function declaration.
static ValueDecl *deriveDifferentiable_move(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto &C = derived.Context;
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto tangentType =
getTangentVectorInterfaceType(parentDC->getSelfTypeInContext(), parentDC);
return deriveDifferentiable_method(
derived, C.Id_move, C.Id_along, C.Id_direction, tangentType,
C.TheEmptyTupleType, {deriveBodyDifferentiable_move, nullptr});
/// Synthesize the `zeroTangentVectorInitializer` computed property declaration.
static ValueDecl *
deriveDifferentiable_zeroTangentVectorInitializer(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto &C = derived.Context;
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto tangentType =
getTangentVectorInterfaceType(parentDC->getSelfTypeInContext(), parentDC);
auto returnType = FunctionType::get({}, tangentType);
VarDecl *propDecl;
PatternBindingDecl *pbDecl;
std::tie(propDecl, pbDecl) = derived.declareDerivedProperty(
C.Id_zeroTangentVectorInitializer, returnType, returnType,
/*isStatic*/ false, /*isFinal*/ true);
// Define the getter.
auto *getterDecl =
derived.addGetterToReadOnlyDerivedProperty(propDecl, returnType);
// Add an implicit `@noDerivative` attribute.
// `zeroTangentVectorInitializer` getter calls should never be differentiated.
getterDecl->getAttrs().add(new (C) NoDerivativeAttr(/*Implicit*/ true));
derived.addMembersToConformanceContext({propDecl, pbDecl});
return propDecl;
/// Pushes all the protocols inherited, directly or transitively, by `decl` to `protos`.
/// Precondition: `decl` is a nominal type decl or an extension decl.
void getInheritedProtocols(Decl *decl, SmallPtrSetImpl<ProtocolDecl *> &protos) {
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> inheritedTypeLocs;
if (auto *nominalDecl = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(decl))
inheritedTypeLocs = nominalDecl->getInherited();
else if (auto *extDecl = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(decl))
inheritedTypeLocs = extDecl->getInherited();
llvm_unreachable("conformance is not a nominal or an extension");
std::function<void(Type)> handleInheritedType;
auto handleProto = [&](ProtocolType *proto) -> void {
proto->getDecl()->walkInheritedProtocols([&](ProtocolDecl *p) -> TypeWalker::Action {
return TypeWalker::Action::Continue;
auto handleProtoComp = [&](ProtocolCompositionType *comp) -> void {
for (auto ty : comp->getMembers())
handleInheritedType = [&](Type ty) -> void {
if (auto *proto = ty->getAs<ProtocolType>())
else if (auto *comp = ty->getAs<ProtocolCompositionType>())
for (auto loc : inheritedTypeLocs) {
if (loc.getTypeRepr())
cast<DeclContext>(decl), None, /*unboundTyOpener*/ nullptr)
/// Return associated `TangentVector` struct for a nominal type, if it exists.
/// If not, synthesize the struct.
static StructDecl *
getOrSynthesizeTangentVectorStruct(DerivedConformance &derived, Identifier id) {
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto *nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
// If the associated struct already exists, return it.
auto lookup = nominal->lookupDirect(C.Id_TangentVector);
assert(lookup.size() < 2 &&
"Expected at most one associated type named `TangentVector`");
if (lookup.size() == 1) {
auto *structDecl = convertToStructDecl(lookup.front());
assert(structDecl && "Expected lookup result to be a struct");
return structDecl;
// Otherwise, synthesize a new struct.
// Compute `tvDesiredProtos`, the set of protocols that the new `TangentVector` struct must
// inherit, by collecting all the `TangentVector` conformance requirements imposed by the
// protocols that `derived.ConformanceDecl` inherits.
// Note that, for example, this will always find `AdditiveArithmetic` and `Differentiable` because
// the `Differentiable` protocol itself requires that its `TangentVector` conforms to
// `AdditiveArithmetic` and `Differentiable`.
llvm::SmallPtrSet<ProtocolType *, 4> tvDesiredProtos;
llvm::SmallPtrSet<ProtocolDecl *, 4> conformanceInheritedProtos;
getInheritedProtocols(derived.ConformanceDecl, conformanceInheritedProtos);
auto *diffableProto = C.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
auto *tvAssocType = diffableProto->getAssociatedType(C.Id_TangentVector);
for (auto proto : conformanceInheritedProtos) {
for (auto req : proto->getRequirementSignature()) {
if (req.getKind() != RequirementKind::Conformance)
auto *firstType = req.getFirstType()->getAs<DependentMemberType>();
if (!firstType || firstType->getAssocType() != tvAssocType)
auto tvRequiredProto = req.getSecondType()->getAs<ProtocolType>();
if (!tvRequiredProto)
SmallVector<TypeLoc, 4> tvDesiredProtoTypeLocs;
for (auto *p : tvDesiredProtos)
// Cache original members and their associated types for later use.
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 8> diffProperties;
getStoredPropertiesForDifferentiation(nominal, parentDC, diffProperties);
auto synthesizedLoc = derived.ConformanceDecl->getEndLoc();
auto *structDecl =
new (C) StructDecl(synthesizedLoc, C.Id_TangentVector, synthesizedLoc,
/*Inherited*/ C.AllocateCopy(tvDesiredProtoTypeLocs),
/*GenericParams*/ {}, parentDC);
structDecl->setBraces({synthesizedLoc, synthesizedLoc});
structDecl->copyFormalAccessFrom(nominal, /*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
// Add stored properties to the `TangentVector` struct.
for (auto *member : diffProperties) {
// Add a tangent stored property to the `TangentVector` struct, with the
// name and `TangentVector` type of the original property.
auto *tangentProperty = new (C) VarDecl(
member->isStatic(), member->getIntroducer(),
/*NameLoc*/ SourceLoc(), member->getName(), structDecl);
// Note: `tangentProperty` is not marked as implicit here, because that
// incorrectly affects memberwise initializer synthesis.
auto memberContextualType =
auto memberTanType =
getTangentVectorInterfaceType(memberContextualType, parentDC);
Pattern *memberPattern = NamedPattern::createImplicit(C, tangentProperty);
memberPattern =
TypedPattern::createImplicit(C, memberPattern, memberTanType);
auto *memberBinding = PatternBindingDecl::createImplicit(
C, StaticSpellingKind::None, memberPattern, /*initExpr*/ nullptr,
/*sourceIsParentContext*/ true);
// Cache the tangent property.
C.evaluator.cacheOutput(TangentStoredPropertyRequest{member, CanType()},
// Now that the original property has a corresponding tangent property, it
// should be marked `@differentiable` so that the differentiation transform
// will synthesize derivative functions for its accessors. We only add this
// to public stored properties, because their access outside the module will
// go through accessor declarations.
if (member->getEffectiveAccess() > AccessLevel::Internal &&
!member->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DifferentiableAttr>()) {
auto *getter = member->getSynthesizedAccessor(AccessorKind::Get);
// If member or its getter already has a `@differentiable` attribute,
// continue.
if (member->getAttrs().hasAttribute<DifferentiableAttr>() ||
GenericSignature derivativeGenericSignature =
// If the parent declaration context is an extension, the nominal type may
// conditionally conform to `Differentiable`. Use the extension generic
// requirements in getter `@differentiable` attributes.
if (auto *extDecl = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(parentDC->getAsDecl()))
if (auto extGenSig = extDecl->getGenericSignature())
derivativeGenericSignature = extGenSig;
auto *diffableAttr = DifferentiableAttr::create(
getter, /*implicit*/ true, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
/*linear*/ false, /*parameterIndices*/ IndexSubset::get(C, 1, {0}),
// If nominal type is `@_fixed_layout`, also mark `TangentVector` struct as
// `@_fixed_layout`.
if (nominal->getAttrs().hasAttribute<FixedLayoutAttr>())
// If nominal type is `@frozen`, also mark `TangentVector` struct as
// `@frozen`.
if (nominal->getAttrs().hasAttribute<FrozenAttr>())
structDecl->getAttrs().add(new (C) FrozenAttr(/*implicit*/ true));
// If nominal type is `@usableFromInline`, also mark `TangentVector` struct as
// `@usableFromInline`.
if (nominal->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>())
structDecl->getAttrs().add(new (C) UsableFromInlineAttr(/*implicit*/ true));
// The implicit memberwise constructor must be explicitly created so that it
// can called in `AdditiveArithmetic` and `Differentiable` methods. Normally,
// the memberwise constructor is synthesized during SILGen, which is too late.
// After memberwise initializer is synthesized, mark members as implicit.
for (auto *member : structDecl->getStoredProperties())
return structDecl;
/// Diagnose stored properties in the nominal that do not have an explicit
/// `@noDerivative` attribute, but either:
/// - Do not conform to `Differentiable`.
/// - Are a `let` stored property.
/// Emit a warning and a fixit so that users will make the attribute explicit.
static void checkAndDiagnoseImplicitNoDerivative(ASTContext &Context,
NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
DeclContext *DC) {
// If nominal type can conform to `AdditiveArithmetic`, suggest adding a
// conformance to `AdditiveArithmetic` in fix-its.
// `Differentiable` protocol requirements all have default implementations
// when `Self` conforms to `AdditiveArithmetic`, so `Differentiable`
// derived conformances will no longer be necessary.
bool nominalCanDeriveAdditiveArithmetic =
DerivedConformance::canDeriveAdditiveArithmetic(nominal, DC);
auto *diffableProto = Context.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable);
// Check all stored properties.
for (auto *vd : nominal->getStoredProperties()) {
// Peer through property wrappers: use original wrapped properties.
if (auto *originalProperty = vd->getOriginalWrappedProperty()) {
// Skip wrapped properties with `@noDerivative` attribute.
if (originalProperty->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>())
// Diagnose wrapped properties whose property wrappers do not define
// `wrappedValue.set`. `mutating func move(along:)` cannot be synthesized
// to update these properties.
if (!originalProperty->isSettable(DC)) {
auto *wrapperDecl =
auto loc =
originalProperty->getAttributeInsertionLoc(/*forModifier*/ false);
wrapperDecl->getName(), nominal->getName(),
.fixItInsert(loc, "@noDerivative ");
// Add an implicit `@noDerivative` attribute.
new (Context) NoDerivativeAttr(/*Implicit*/ true));
// Use the original wrapped property.
vd = originalProperty;
if (vd->getInterfaceType()->hasError())
// Skip stored properties with `@noDerivative` attribute.
if (vd->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NoDerivativeAttr>())
// Check whether to diagnose stored property.
auto varType = DC->mapTypeIntoContext(vd->getValueInterfaceType());
auto diffableConformance =
TypeChecker::conformsToProtocol(varType, diffableProto, nominal);
// If stored property should not be diagnosed, continue.
if (diffableConformance &&
canInvokeMoveAlongOnProperty(vd, diffableConformance))
// Otherwise, add an implicit `@noDerivative` attribute.
vd->getAttrs().add(new (Context) NoDerivativeAttr(/*Implicit*/ true));
auto loc = vd->getAttributeInsertionLoc(/*forModifier*/ false);
assert(loc.isValid() && "Expected valid source location");
// Diagnose properties that do not conform to `Differentiable`.
if (!diffableConformance) {
vd->getName(), vd->getType(), nominal->getName(),
.fixItInsert(loc, "@noDerivative ");
// Otherwise, diagnose `let` property.
nominal->getName(), nominalCanDeriveAdditiveArithmetic)
.fixItInsert(loc, "@noDerivative ");
/// Get or synthesize `TangentVector` struct type.
static std::pair<Type, TypeDecl *>
getOrSynthesizeTangentVectorStructType(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto *nominal = derived.Nominal;
auto &C = nominal->getASTContext();
// Get or synthesize `TangentVector` struct.
auto *tangentStruct =
getOrSynthesizeTangentVectorStruct(derived, C.Id_TangentVector);
if (!tangentStruct)
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
// Check and emit warnings for implicit `@noDerivative` members.
checkAndDiagnoseImplicitNoDerivative(C, nominal, parentDC);
// Return the `TangentVector` struct type.
return std::make_pair(
/// Synthesize the `TangentVector` struct type.
static std::pair<Type, TypeDecl *>
deriveDifferentiable_TangentVectorStruct(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
auto *nominal = derived.Nominal;
// If nominal type can derive `TangentVector` as the contextual `Self` type,
// return it.
if (canDeriveTangentVectorAsSelf(nominal, parentDC))
return std::make_pair(parentDC->getSelfTypeInContext(), nullptr);
// Otherwise, get or synthesize `TangentVector` struct type.
return getOrSynthesizeTangentVectorStructType(derived);
ValueDecl *DerivedConformance::deriveDifferentiable(ValueDecl *requirement) {
// Diagnose unknown requirements.
if (requirement->getBaseName() != Context.Id_move &&
requirement->getBaseName() != Context.Id_zeroTangentVectorInitializer) {
return nullptr;
// Diagnose conformances in disallowed contexts.
if (checkAndDiagnoseDisallowedContext(requirement))
return nullptr;
// Start an error diagnostic before attempting derivation.
// If derivation succeeds, cancel the diagnostic.
DiagnosticTransaction diagnosticTransaction(Context.Diags);
Nominal->getDeclaredType(), getProtocolType());
requirement->getName(), getProtocolType(),
// If derivation is possible, cancel the diagnostic and perform derivation.
if (canDeriveDifferentiable(Nominal, getConformanceContext(), requirement)) {
if (requirement->getBaseName() == Context.Id_move)
return deriveDifferentiable_move(*this);
if (requirement->getBaseName() == Context.Id_zeroTangentVectorInitializer)
return deriveDifferentiable_zeroTangentVectorInitializer(*this);
// Otheriwse, return nullptr.
return nullptr;
std::pair<Type, TypeDecl *>
DerivedConformance::deriveDifferentiable(AssociatedTypeDecl *requirement) {
// Diagnose unknown requirements.
if (requirement->getBaseName() != Context.Id_TangentVector) {
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);
// Start an error diagnostic before attempting derivation.
// If derivation succeeds, cancel the diagnostic.
DiagnosticTransaction diagnosticTransaction(Context.Diags);
Nominal->getDeclaredType(), getProtocolType());
requirement->diagnose(diag::no_witnesses_type, requirement->getName());
// If derivation is possible, cancel the diagnostic and perform derivation.
if (canDeriveDifferentiable(Nominal, getConformanceContext(), requirement)) {
return deriveDifferentiable_TangentVectorStruct(*this);
// Otherwise, return nullptr.
return std::make_pair(nullptr, nullptr);