blob: 8cbef3a1cc2c4c51df74930538400a2495762df1 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DerivedConformanceCodingKey.cpp - Derived CodingKey --------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements explicit derivation of the CodingKey protocol for an
// enum.
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "DerivedConformances.h"
using namespace swift;
/// Sets the body of the given function to `return nil`.
/// \param funcDecl The function whose body to set.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveNilReturn(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getDeclContext();
auto &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto *nilExpr = new (C) NilLiteralExpr(SourceLoc(), /*Implicit=*/true);
auto *returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), nilExpr);
auto *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(returnStmt),
return { body, /*isTypeChecked=*/false };
/// Sets the body of the given function to `return self.rawValue`.
/// \param funcDecl The function whose body to set.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveRawValueReturn(AbstractFunctionDecl *funcDecl, void *) {
auto *parentDC = funcDecl->getDeclContext();
auto &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto *selfRef = DerivedConformance::createSelfDeclRef(funcDecl);
auto *memberRef =
UnresolvedDotExpr::createImplicit(C, selfRef, C.Id_rawValue);
auto *returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), memberRef);
auto *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(returnStmt),
return { body, /*isTypeChecked=*/false };
/// Sets the body of the given function to `self.init(rawValue:)`, passing along
/// the parameter of the given constructor.
/// \param initDecl The constructor whose body to set.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveRawValueInit(AbstractFunctionDecl *initDecl, void *) {
auto *parentDC = initDecl->getDeclContext();
auto &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
// Get the param from init({string,int}Value:). self is the first param in the
// list; stringValue is the second.
auto *valueParam = initDecl->getParameters()->get(0);
auto *valueParamExpr = new (C) DeclRefExpr(ConcreteDeclRef(valueParam),
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit=*/true);
// rawValue param to init(rawValue:)
auto *rawValueDecl = new (C) ParamDecl(
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), C.Id_rawValue,
SourceLoc(), C.Id_rawValue, parentDC);
auto *paramList = ParameterList::createWithoutLoc(rawValueDecl);
// self.init(rawValue:) expr
auto *selfRef = DerivedConformance::createSelfDeclRef(initDecl);
auto *initExpr = UnresolvedDotExpr::createImplicit(
C, selfRef, DeclBaseName::createConstructor(), paramList);
// Bind the value param in self.init(rawValue: {string,int}Value).
Expr *args[1] = {valueParamExpr};
Identifier argLabels[1] = {C.Id_rawValue};
auto *callExpr = CallExpr::createImplicit(C, initExpr, C.AllocateCopy(args),
auto *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(callExpr),
return { body, /*isTypeChecked=*/false };
/// Synthesizes a constructor declaration with the given parameter name and
/// type.
/// \param paramType The type of the parameter.
/// \param paramName The name of the parameter.
/// \param synthesizer A lambda to call to set the constructor's body.
template <typename Synthesizer>
static ValueDecl *deriveInitDecl(DerivedConformance &derived, Type paramType,
Identifier paramName,
const Synthesizer &synthesizer) {
auto &C = derived.Context;
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
// rawValue
auto *rawDecl =
new (C) ParamDecl(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
paramName, SourceLoc(), paramName, parentDC);
// init(rawValue:) name
auto *paramList = ParameterList::createWithoutLoc(rawDecl);
DeclName name(C, DeclBaseName::createConstructor(), paramList);
// init(rawValue:) decl
auto *initDecl =
new (C) ConstructorDecl(name, SourceLoc(),
/*Failable=*/true, /*FailabilityLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*Throws=*/false, /*ThrowsLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*GenericParams=*/nullptr, parentDC);
// Synthesize the body.
return initDecl;
/// Synthesizes a read-only computed property with a given type and name.
/// \param type The type of the property.
/// \param name The name of the property.
/// \param synthesizer A lambda to call to set the property's getter.
template <typename Synthesizer>
static ValueDecl *deriveProperty(DerivedConformance &derived, Type type,
Identifier name,
const Synthesizer &synthesizer) {
// Define the property.
VarDecl *propDecl;
PatternBindingDecl *pbDecl;
std::tie(propDecl, pbDecl) =
derived.declareDerivedProperty(name, type, type,
/*isStatic=*/false, /*isFinal=*/false);
// Define the getter.
auto *getterDecl = derived.addGetterToReadOnlyDerivedProperty(
propDecl, type);
// Synthesize the body.
derived.addMembersToConformanceContext({propDecl, pbDecl});
return propDecl;
/// Sets the body of the given function to return a string value based on
/// switching on `self`.
/// \param strValDecl The function whose body to set.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyCodingKey_enum_stringValue(AbstractFunctionDecl *strValDecl, void *) {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived var stringValue: String {
// switch self {
// case A:
// return "A"
// case B:
// return "B"
// case C:
// return "C"
// }
// }
// }
auto *parentDC = strValDecl->getDeclContext();
auto &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto *enumDecl = parentDC->getSelfEnumDecl();
Type enumType = parentDC->getDeclaredTypeInContext();
BraceStmt *body = nullptr;
auto elements = enumDecl->getAllElements();
if (elements.empty() /* empty enum */) {
// return ""
auto *emptyStringExpr = new (C) StringLiteralExpr("", SourceRange(),
auto *returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), emptyStringExpr);
body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(returnStmt),
} else {
SmallVector<ASTNode, 4> cases;
for (auto *elt : elements) {
auto *baseTE = TypeExpr::createImplicit(enumType, C);
auto *pat = new (C) EnumElementPattern(baseTE, SourceLoc(), DeclNameLoc(),
DeclNameRef(), elt, nullptr);
auto labelItem = CaseLabelItem(pat);
auto *caseValue = new (C) StringLiteralExpr(elt->getNameStr(),
auto *returnStmt = new (C) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), caseValue);
auto *caseBody = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(returnStmt),
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, CaseParentKind::Switch, SourceLoc(),
labelItem, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
/*case body var decls*/ None));
auto *selfRef = DerivedConformance::createSelfDeclRef(strValDecl);
auto *switchStmt = SwitchStmt::create(LabeledStmtInfo(), SourceLoc(),
selfRef, SourceLoc(), cases,
SourceLoc(), C);
body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(switchStmt), SourceLoc());
return { body, /*isTypeChecked=*/false };
/// Sets the body of the given constructor to initialize `self` based on the
/// value of the given string param.
/// \param initDecl The function whose body to set.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
deriveBodyCodingKey_init_stringValue(AbstractFunctionDecl *initDecl, void *) {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived init?(stringValue: String) {
// switch stringValue {
// case "A":
// self = .A
// case "B":
// self = .B
// case "C":
// self = .C
// default:
// return nil
// }
// }
// }
auto *parentDC = initDecl->getDeclContext();
auto &C = parentDC->getASTContext();
auto *enumDecl = parentDC->getSelfEnumDecl();
Type enumType = parentDC->getDeclaredTypeInContext();
auto elements = enumDecl->getAllElements();
if (elements.empty() /* empty enum */) {
return deriveNilReturn(initDecl, nullptr);
auto *selfRef = DerivedConformance::createSelfDeclRef(initDecl);
SmallVector<ASTNode, 4> cases;
for (auto *elt : elements) {
auto *litExpr = new (C) StringLiteralExpr(elt->getNameStr(), SourceRange(),
auto *litPat = new (C) ExprPattern(litExpr, /*IsResolved=*/true, nullptr,
auto labelItem = CaseLabelItem(litPat);
auto *metaTyRef = TypeExpr::createImplicit(enumType, C);
auto *valueExpr = new (C) MemberRefExpr(metaTyRef, SourceLoc(), elt,
DeclNameLoc(), /*Implicit=*/true);
auto *assignment = new (C) AssignExpr(selfRef, SourceLoc(), valueExpr,
auto *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(assignment),
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, CaseParentKind::Switch, SourceLoc(),
labelItem, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), body,
/*case body var decls*/ None));
auto *anyPat = AnyPattern::createImplicit(C);
auto dfltLabelItem = CaseLabelItem::getDefault(anyPat);
auto *dfltReturnStmt = new (C) FailStmt(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc());
auto *dfltBody = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(dfltReturnStmt),
cases.push_back(CaseStmt::create(C, CaseParentKind::Switch, SourceLoc(),
dfltLabelItem, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
/*case body var decls*/ None));
auto *stringValueDecl = initDecl->getParameters()->get(0);
auto *stringValueRef = new (C) DeclRefExpr(stringValueDecl, DeclNameLoc(),
auto *switchStmt = SwitchStmt::create(LabeledStmtInfo(), SourceLoc(),
stringValueRef, SourceLoc(), cases,
SourceLoc(), C);
auto *body = BraceStmt::create(C, SourceLoc(), ASTNode(switchStmt),
return { body, /*isTypeChecked=*/false };
/// Returns whether the given enum is eligible for CodingKey synthesis.
static bool canSynthesizeCodingKey(DerivedConformance &derived) {
auto enumDecl = cast<EnumDecl>(derived.Nominal);
// Validate the enum and its raw type.
// If the enum has a raw type (optional), it must be String or Int.
Type rawType = enumDecl->getRawType();
if (rawType) {
auto *parentDC = derived.getConformanceContext();
rawType = parentDC->mapTypeIntoContext(rawType);
auto &C = derived.Context;
auto *nominal = rawType->getCanonicalType()->getAnyNominal();
if (nominal != C.getStringDecl() && nominal != C.getIntDecl())
return false;
auto inherited = enumDecl->getInherited();
if (!inherited.empty() && inherited.front().wasValidated() &&
return false;
// If it meets all of those requirements, we can synthesize CodingKey
// conformance.
return true;
ValueDecl *DerivedConformance::deriveCodingKey(ValueDecl *requirement) {
// We can only synthesize CodingKey for enums.
auto *enumDecl = dyn_cast<EnumDecl>(Nominal);
if (!enumDecl)
return nullptr;
// Check other preconditions for synthesized conformance.
if (!canSynthesizeCodingKey(*this))
return nullptr;
auto rawType = enumDecl->getRawType();
auto name = requirement->getBaseName();
if (name == Context.Id_stringValue) {
// Synthesize `var stringValue: String { get }`
auto stringType = Context.getStringDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto synth = [rawType, stringType](AbstractFunctionDecl *getterDecl) {
if (rawType && rawType->isEqual(stringType)) {
// enum SomeStringEnum : String {
// case A, B, C
// @derived var stringValue: String {
// return self.rawValue
// }
} else {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived var stringValue: String {
// switch self {
// case A:
// return "A"
// case B:
// return "B"
// case C:
// return "C"
// }
// }
// }
return deriveProperty(*this, stringType, Context.Id_stringValue, synth);
} else if (name == Context.Id_intValue) {
// Synthesize `var intValue: Int? { get }`
auto intType = Context.getIntDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto optionalIntType = OptionalType::get(intType);
auto synth = [rawType, intType](AbstractFunctionDecl *getterDecl) {
if (rawType && rawType->isEqual(intType)) {
// enum SomeIntEnum : Int {
// case A = 1, B = 2, C = 3
// @derived var intValue: Int? {
// return self.rawValue
// }
// }
} else {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived var intValue: Int? {
// return nil
// }
// }
return deriveProperty(*this, optionalIntType, Context.Id_intValue, synth);
} else if (name == DeclBaseName::createConstructor()) {
auto argumentNames = requirement->getName().getArgumentNames();
if (argumentNames.size() == 1) {
if (argumentNames[0] == Context.Id_stringValue) {
// Derive `init?(stringValue:)`
auto stringType = Context.getStringDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto synth = [rawType, stringType](AbstractFunctionDecl *initDecl) {
if (rawType && rawType->isEqual(stringType)) {
// enum SomeStringEnum : String {
// case A = "a", B = "b", C = "c"
// @derived init?(stringValue: String) {
// self.init(rawValue: stringValue)
// }
// }
} else {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived init?(stringValue: String) {
// switch stringValue {
// case "A":
// self = .A
// case "B":
// self = .B
// case "C":
// self = .C
// default:
// return nil
// }
// }
// }
return deriveInitDecl(*this, stringType, Context.Id_stringValue, synth);
} else if (argumentNames[0] == Context.Id_intValue) {
// Synthesize `init?(intValue:)`
auto intType = Context.getIntDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto synthesizer = [rawType, intType](AbstractFunctionDecl *initDecl) {
if (rawType && rawType->isEqual(intType)) {
// enum SomeIntEnum : Int {
// case A = 1, B = 2, C = 3
// @derived init?(intValue: Int) {
// self.init(rawValue: intValue)
// }
// }
} else {
// enum SomeEnum {
// case A, B, C
// @derived init?(intValue: Int) {
// return nil
// }
// }
return deriveInitDecl(*this, intType, Context.Id_intValue, synthesizer);
return nullptr;