blob: f833a705e452daee9e2aa95d2a4e7cde0887a7ae [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- BuilderTransform.cpp - Result-builder transformation -----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements routines associated with the result-builder
// transformation.
#include "MiscDiagnostics.h"
#include "TypeChecker.h"
#include "TypeCheckAvailability.h"
#include "swift/Sema/IDETypeChecking.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTPrinter.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookupRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/Sema/ConstraintSystem.h"
#include "swift/Sema/SolutionResult.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMap.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <tuple>
using namespace swift;
using namespace constraints;
namespace {
/// Find the first #available condition within the statement condition,
/// or return NULL if there isn't one.
const StmtConditionElement *findAvailabilityCondition(StmtCondition stmtCond) {
for (const auto &cond : stmtCond) {
switch (cond.getKind()) {
case StmtConditionElement::CK_Boolean:
case StmtConditionElement::CK_PatternBinding:
case StmtConditionElement::CK_Availability:
return &cond;
return nullptr;
/// Visitor to classify the contents of the given closure.
class BuilderClosureVisitor
: private StmtVisitor<BuilderClosureVisitor, VarDecl *> {
friend StmtVisitor<BuilderClosureVisitor, VarDecl *>;
ConstraintSystem *cs;
DeclContext *dc;
ASTContext &ctx;
Type builderType;
NominalTypeDecl *builder = nullptr;
Identifier buildOptionalId;
llvm::SmallDenseMap<Identifier, bool> supportedOps;
SkipUnhandledConstructInResultBuilder::UnhandledNode unhandledNode;
/// Whether an error occurred during application of the builder closure,
/// e.g., during constraint generation.
bool hadError = false;
/// Counter used to give unique names to the variables that are
/// created implicitly.
unsigned varCounter = 0;
/// The record of what happened when we applied the builder transform.
AppliedBuilderTransform applied;
/// Produce a builder call to the given named function with the given
/// arguments.
Expr *buildCallIfWanted(SourceLoc loc,
Identifier fnName, ArrayRef<Expr *> args,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels) {
if (!cs)
return nullptr;
// FIXME: Setting a base on this expression is necessary in order
// to get diagnostics if something about this builder call fails,
// e.g. if there isn't a matching overload for `buildBlock`.
TypeExpr *typeExpr;
auto simplifiedTy = cs->simplifyType(builderType);
if (!simplifiedTy->hasTypeVariable()) {
typeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(loc, simplifiedTy, ctx);
} else if (auto *decl = simplifiedTy->getAnyGeneric()) {
// HACK: If there's not enough information to completely resolve the
// builder type, but we have the base available to us, form an *explicit*
// TypeExpr pointing at it. We cannot form an implicit base without
// a fully-resolved concrete type. Really, whatever we put here has no
// bearing on the generated solution because we're going to use this node
// to stash the builder type and hand it back to the ambient
// constraint system.
typeExpr = TypeExpr::createForDecl(DeclNameLoc(loc), decl, dc);
} else {
// HACK: If there's not enough information in the constraint system,
// create a garbage base type to force it to diagnose
// this as an ambiguous expression.
// FIXME: We can also construct an UnresolvedMemberExpr here instead of
// an UnresolvedDotExpr and get a slightly better diagnostic.
typeExpr = TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(loc, ErrorType::get(ctx), ctx);
cs->setType(typeExpr, MetatypeType::get(builderType));
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocs;
for (auto i : indices(argLabels)) {
auto memberRef = new (ctx) UnresolvedDotExpr(
typeExpr, loc, DeclNameRef(fnName), DeclNameLoc(loc),
SourceLoc openLoc = args.empty() ? loc : args.front()->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc closeLoc = args.empty() ? loc : args.back()->getEndLoc();
Expr *result = CallExpr::create(ctx, memberRef, openLoc, args,
argLabels, argLabelLocs, closeLoc,
/*trailing closures*/{},
return result;
/// Check whether the builder supports the given operation.
bool builderSupports(Identifier fnName,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels = {}) {
auto known = supportedOps.find(fnName);
if (known != supportedOps.end()) {
return known->second;
return supportedOps[fnName] = TypeChecker::typeSupportsBuilderOp(
builderType, dc, fnName, argLabels);
/// Build an implicit variable in this context.
VarDecl *buildVar(SourceLoc loc) {
// Create the implicit variable.
Identifier name = ctx.getIdentifier(
("$__builder" + Twine(varCounter++)).str());
auto var = new (ctx) VarDecl(/*isStatic=*/false, VarDecl::Introducer::Var,
loc, name, dc);
return var;
/// Capture the given expression into an implicitly-generated variable.
VarDecl *captureExpr(Expr *expr, bool oneWay,
llvm::PointerUnion<Stmt *, Expr *> forEntity = nullptr) {
if (!cs)
return nullptr;
Expr *origExpr = expr;
if (oneWay) {
// Form a one-way constraint to prevent backward propagation.
expr = new (ctx) OneWayExpr(expr);
// Generate constraints for this expression.
expr = cs->generateConstraints(expr, dc);
if (!expr) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Create the implicit variable.
auto var = buildVar(expr->getStartLoc());
// Record the new variable and its corresponding expression & statement.
if (auto forStmt = forEntity.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
applied.capturedStmts.insert({forStmt, { var, { expr } }});
} else {
if (auto forExpr = forEntity.dyn_cast<Expr *>())
origExpr = forExpr;
applied.capturedExprs.insert({origExpr, {var, expr}});
cs->setType(var, cs->getType(expr));
return var;
/// Build an implicit reference to the given variable.
DeclRefExpr *buildVarRef(VarDecl *var, SourceLoc loc) {
return new (ctx) DeclRefExpr(var, DeclNameLoc(loc), /*Implicit=*/true);
BuilderClosureVisitor(ASTContext &ctx, ConstraintSystem *cs,
DeclContext *dc, Type builderType,
Type bodyResultType)
: cs(cs), dc(dc), ctx(ctx), builderType(builderType) {
builder = builderType->getAnyNominal();
applied.builderType = builderType;
applied.bodyResultType = bodyResultType;
// Use buildOptional(_:) if available, otherwise fall back to buildIf
// when available.
if (builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildOptional) ||
buildOptionalId = ctx.Id_buildOptional;
buildOptionalId = ctx.Id_buildIf;
/// Apply the builder transform to the given statement.
Optional<AppliedBuilderTransform> apply(Stmt *stmt) {
VarDecl *bodyVar = visit(stmt);
if (!bodyVar)
return None;
applied.returnExpr = buildVarRef(bodyVar, stmt->getEndLoc());
// If there is a buildFinalResult(_:), call it.
ASTContext &ctx = cs->getASTContext();
if (builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildFinalResult, { Identifier() })) {
applied.returnExpr = buildCallIfWanted(
applied.returnExpr->getLoc(), ctx.Id_buildFinalResult,
{ applied.returnExpr }, { Identifier() });
applied.returnExpr = cs->buildTypeErasedExpr(applied.returnExpr,
dc, applied.bodyResultType,
applied.returnExpr = cs->generateConstraints(applied.returnExpr, dc);
if (!applied.returnExpr) {
hadError = true;
return None;
return std::move(applied);
/// Check whether the result builder can be applied to this statement.
/// \returns the node that cannot be handled by this builder on failure.
SkipUnhandledConstructInResultBuilder::UnhandledNode check(Stmt *stmt) {
return unhandledNode;
#define CONTROL_FLOW_STMT(StmtClass) \
VarDecl *visit##StmtClass##Stmt(StmtClass##Stmt *stmt) { \
if (!unhandledNode) \
unhandledNode = stmt; \
return nullptr; \
void visitPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *patternBinding) {
// If any of the entries lacks an initializer, don't handle this node.
if (!llvm::all_of(range(patternBinding->getNumPatternEntries()),
[&](unsigned index) {
return patternBinding->isExplicitlyInitialized(index);
})) {
if (!unhandledNode)
unhandledNode = patternBinding;
// If there is a constraint system, generate constraints for the pattern
// binding.
if (cs) {
SolutionApplicationTarget target(patternBinding);
if (cs->generateConstraints(target, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow))
hadError = true;
VarDecl *visitBraceStmt(BraceStmt *braceStmt) {
SmallVector<Expr *, 4> expressions;
auto addChild = [&](VarDecl *childVar) {
if (!childVar)
expressions.push_back(buildVarRef(childVar, childVar->getLoc()));
for (auto node : braceStmt->getElements()) {
// Implicit returns in single-expression function bodies are treated
// as the expression.
if (auto returnStmt =
dyn_cast_or_null<ReturnStmt>(node.dyn_cast<Stmt *>())) {
node = returnStmt->getResult();
if (auto stmt = node.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
if (auto decl = node.dyn_cast<Decl *>()) {
// Just ignore #if; the chosen children should appear in the
// surrounding context. This isn't good for source tools but it
// at least works.
if (isa<IfConfigDecl>(decl))
// Skip #warning/#error; we'll handle them when applying the builder.
if (isa<PoundDiagnosticDecl>(decl)) {
// Pattern bindings are okay so long as all of the entries are
// initialized.
if (auto patternBinding = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(decl)) {
// Ignore variable declarations, because they're always handled within
// their enclosing pattern bindings.
if (isa<VarDecl>(decl))
if (!unhandledNode)
unhandledNode = decl;
auto expr = node.get<Expr *>();
if (cs && builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildExpression)) {
expr = buildCallIfWanted(expr->getLoc(), ctx.Id_buildExpression,
{ expr }, { Identifier() });
addChild(captureExpr(expr, /*oneWay=*/true, node.get<Expr *>()));
if (!cs || hadError)
return nullptr;
// Call Builder.buildBlock(... args ...)
auto call = buildCallIfWanted(braceStmt->getStartLoc(),
ctx.Id_buildBlock, expressions,
/*argLabels=*/{ });
if (!call)
return nullptr;
return captureExpr(call, /*oneWay=*/true, braceStmt);
VarDecl *visitReturnStmt(ReturnStmt *stmt) {
if (!unhandledNode)
unhandledNode = stmt;
return nullptr;
VarDecl *visitDoStmt(DoStmt *doStmt) {
auto childVar = visitBraceStmt(doStmt->getBody());
if (!childVar)
return nullptr;
auto childRef = buildVarRef(childVar, doStmt->getEndLoc());
return captureExpr(childRef, /*oneWay=*/true, doStmt);
static bool isBuildableIfChainRecursive(IfStmt *ifStmt,
unsigned &numPayloads,
bool &isOptional) {
// The 'then' clause contributes a payload.
// If there's an 'else' clause, it contributes payloads:
if (auto elseStmt = ifStmt->getElseStmt()) {
// If it's 'else if', it contributes payloads recursively.
if (auto elseIfStmt = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(elseStmt)) {
return isBuildableIfChainRecursive(elseIfStmt, numPayloads,
// Otherwise it's just the one.
} else {
// If not, the chain result is at least optional.
} else {
isOptional = true;
return true;
bool isBuildableIfChain(IfStmt *ifStmt, unsigned &numPayloads,
bool &isOptional) {
if (!isBuildableIfChainRecursive(ifStmt, numPayloads, isOptional))
return false;
// If there's a missing 'else', we need 'buildOptional' to exist.
if (isOptional && !builderSupports(buildOptionalId))
return false;
// If there are multiple clauses, we need 'buildEither(first:)' and
// 'buildEither(second:)' to both exist.
if (numPayloads > 1) {
if (!builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildEither, {ctx.Id_first}) ||
!builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildEither, {ctx.Id_second}))
return false;
return true;
VarDecl *visitIfStmt(IfStmt *ifStmt) {
// Check whether the chain is buildable and whether it terminates
// without an `else`.
bool isOptional = false;
unsigned numPayloads = 0;
if (!isBuildableIfChain(ifStmt, numPayloads, isOptional)) {
if (!unhandledNode)
unhandledNode = ifStmt;
return nullptr;
// Attempt to build the chain, propagating short-circuits, which
// might arise either do to error or not wanting an expression.
return buildIfChainRecursive(ifStmt, 0, numPayloads, isOptional,
/// Recursively build an if-chain: build an expression which will have
/// a value of the chain result type before any call to `buildIf`.
/// The expression will perform any necessary calls to `buildEither`,
/// and the result will have optional type if `isOptional` is true.
VarDecl *buildIfChainRecursive(IfStmt *ifStmt, unsigned payloadIndex,
unsigned numPayloads, bool isOptional,
bool isTopLevel = false) {
assert(payloadIndex < numPayloads);
// First generate constraints for the conditions. This can introduce
// variable bindings that will be used within the "then" branch.
if (cs && cs->generateConstraints(ifStmt->getCond(), dc)) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Make sure we recursively visit both sides even if we're not
// building expressions.
// Build the then clause. This will have the corresponding payload
// type (i.e. not wrapped in any way).
VarDecl *thenVar = visit(ifStmt->getThenStmt());
// Build the else clause, if present. If this is from an else-if,
// this will be fully wrapped; otherwise it will have the corresponding
// payload type (at index `payloadIndex + 1`).
assert(ifStmt->getElseStmt() || isOptional);
bool isElseIf = false;
Optional<VarDecl *> elseChainVar;
if (auto elseStmt = ifStmt->getElseStmt()) {
if (auto elseIfStmt = dyn_cast<IfStmt>(elseStmt)) {
isElseIf = true;
elseChainVar = buildIfChainRecursive(elseIfStmt, payloadIndex + 1,
numPayloads, isOptional);
} else {
elseChainVar = visit(elseStmt);
// Short-circuit if appropriate.
if (!cs || !thenVar || (elseChainVar && !*elseChainVar))
return nullptr;
// If there is a #available in the condition, the 'then' will need to
// be wrapped in a call to buildLimitedAvailability(_:), if available.
Expr *thenVarRefExpr = buildVarRef(
thenVar, ifStmt->getThenStmt()->getEndLoc());
if (findAvailabilityCondition(ifStmt->getCond()) &&
builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildLimitedAvailability)) {
thenVarRefExpr = buildCallIfWanted(
ifStmt->getThenStmt()->getEndLoc(), ctx.Id_buildLimitedAvailability,
{ thenVarRefExpr }, { Identifier() });
// Prepare the `then` operand by wrapping it to produce a chain result.
Expr *thenExpr = buildWrappedChainPayload(
thenVarRefExpr, payloadIndex, numPayloads, isOptional);
// Prepare the `else operand:
Expr *elseExpr;
SourceLoc elseLoc;
// - If there's no `else` clause, use `Optional.none`.
if (!elseChainVar) {
elseLoc = ifStmt->getEndLoc();
elseExpr = buildNoneExpr(elseLoc);
// - If there's an `else if`, the chain expression from that
// should already be producing a chain result.
} else if (isElseIf) {
elseExpr = buildVarRef(*elseChainVar, ifStmt->getEndLoc());
elseLoc = ifStmt->getElseLoc();
// - Otherwise, wrap it to produce a chain result.
} else {
elseLoc = ifStmt->getElseLoc();
elseExpr = buildWrappedChainPayload(
buildVarRef(*elseChainVar, ifStmt->getEndLoc()),
payloadIndex + 1, numPayloads, isOptional);
// The operand should have optional type if we had optional results,
// so we just need to call `buildIf` now, since we're at the top level.
if (isOptional && isTopLevel) {
thenExpr = buildCallIfWanted(ifStmt->getEndLoc(), buildOptionalId,
thenExpr, /*argLabels=*/{ });
elseExpr = buildCallIfWanted(ifStmt->getEndLoc(), buildOptionalId,
elseExpr, /*argLabels=*/{ });
thenExpr = cs->generateConstraints(thenExpr, dc);
if (!thenExpr) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
elseExpr = cs->generateConstraints(elseExpr, dc);
if (!elseExpr) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
Type resultType = cs->addJoinConstraint(cs->getConstraintLocator(ifStmt),
{ cs->getType(thenExpr), cs->getConstraintLocator(thenExpr) },
{ cs->getType(elseExpr), cs->getConstraintLocator(elseExpr) }
if (!resultType) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Create a variable to capture the result of this expression.
auto ifVar = buildVar(ifStmt->getStartLoc());
cs->setType(ifVar, resultType);
applied.capturedStmts.insert({ifStmt, { ifVar, { thenExpr, elseExpr }}});
return ifVar;
/// Wrap a payload value in an expression which will produce a chain
/// result (without `buildIf`).
Expr *buildWrappedChainPayload(Expr *operand, unsigned payloadIndex,
unsigned numPayloads, bool isOptional) {
assert(payloadIndex < numPayloads);
// Inject into the appropriate chain position.
// We produce a (left-biased) balanced binary tree of Eithers in order
// to prevent requiring a linear number of injections in the worst case.
// That is, if we have 13 clauses, we want to produce:
// /------------------Either------------\
// /-------Either-------\ /--Either--\
// /--Either--\ /--Either--\ /--Either--\ \
// /-E-\ /-E-\ /-E-\ /-E-\ /-E-\ /-E-\ \
// 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 1011 1100
// Note that a prefix of length D of the payload index acts as a path
// through the tree to the node at depth D. On the rightmost path
// through the tree (when this prefix is equal to the corresponding
// prefix of the maximum payload index), the bits of the index mark
// where Eithers are required.
// Since we naturally want to build from the innermost Either out, and
// therefore work with progressively shorter prefixes, we can do it all
// with right-shifts.
for (auto path = payloadIndex, maxPath = numPayloads - 1;
maxPath != 0; path >>= 1, maxPath >>= 1) {
// Skip making Eithers on the rightmost path where they aren't required.
// This isn't just an optimization: adding spurious Eithers could
// leave us with unresolvable type variables if `buildEither` has
// a signature like:
// static func buildEither<T,U>(first value: T) -> Either<T,U>
// which relies on unification to work.
if (path == maxPath && !(maxPath & 1)) continue;
bool isSecond = (path & 1);
operand = buildCallIfWanted(operand->getStartLoc(),
ctx.Id_buildEither, operand,
{isSecond ? ctx.Id_second : ctx.Id_first});
// Inject into Optional if required. We'll be adding the call to
// `buildIf` after all the recursive calls are complete.
if (isOptional) {
operand = buildSomeExpr(operand);
return operand;
Expr *buildSomeExpr(Expr *arg) {
auto optionalDecl = ctx.getOptionalDecl();
auto optionalType = optionalDecl->getDeclaredType();
auto loc = arg->getStartLoc();
auto optionalTypeExpr =
TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(loc, optionalType, ctx);
auto someRef = new (ctx) UnresolvedDotExpr(
optionalTypeExpr, loc, DeclNameRef(ctx.getIdentifier("some")),
DeclNameLoc(loc), /*implicit=*/true);
return CallExpr::createImplicit(ctx, someRef, arg, { });
Expr *buildNoneExpr(SourceLoc endLoc) {
auto optionalDecl = ctx.getOptionalDecl();
auto optionalType = optionalDecl->getDeclaredType();
auto optionalTypeExpr =
TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(endLoc, optionalType, ctx);
return new (ctx) UnresolvedDotExpr(
optionalTypeExpr, endLoc, DeclNameRef(ctx.getIdentifier("none")),
DeclNameLoc(endLoc), /*implicit=*/true);
VarDecl *visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *switchStmt) {
// Generate constraints for the subject expression, and capture its
// type for use in matching the various patterns.
Expr *subjectExpr = switchStmt->getSubjectExpr();
if (cs) {
// Form a one-way constraint to prevent backward propagation.
subjectExpr = new (ctx) OneWayExpr(subjectExpr);
// FIXME: Add contextual type purpose for switch subjects?
SolutionApplicationTarget target(subjectExpr, dc, CTP_Unused, Type(),
if (cs->generateConstraints(target, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow)) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
cs->setSolutionApplicationTarget(switchStmt, target);
subjectExpr = target.getAsExpr();
assert(subjectExpr && "Must have a subject expression here");
// Generate constraints and capture variables for all of the cases.
SmallVector<std::pair<CaseStmt *, VarDecl *>, 4> capturedCaseVars;
for (auto *caseStmt : switchStmt->getCases()) {
if (auto capturedCaseVar = visitCaseStmt(caseStmt, subjectExpr)) {
capturedCaseVars.push_back({caseStmt, capturedCaseVar});
if (!cs)
return nullptr;
// If there are no 'case' statements in the body let's try
// to diagnose this situation via limited exhaustiveness check
// before failing a builder transform, otherwise type-checker
// might end up without any diagnostics which leads to crashes
// in SILGen.
if (capturedCaseVars.empty()) {
TypeChecker::checkSwitchExhaustiveness(switchStmt, dc,
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Form the expressions that inject the result of each case into the
// appropriate
llvm::TinyPtrVector<Expr *> injectedCaseExprs;
SmallVector<std::pair<Type, ConstraintLocator *>, 4> injectedCaseTerms;
for (unsigned idx : indices(capturedCaseVars)) {
auto caseStmt = capturedCaseVars[idx].first;
auto caseVar = capturedCaseVars[idx].second;
// Build the expression that injects the case variable into appropriate
// buildEither(first:)/buildEither(second:) chain.
Expr *caseVarRef = buildVarRef(caseVar, caseStmt->getEndLoc());
Expr *injectedCaseExpr = buildWrappedChainPayload(
caseVarRef, idx, capturedCaseVars.size(), /*isOptional=*/false);
// Generate constraints for this injected case result.
injectedCaseExpr = cs->generateConstraints(injectedCaseExpr, dc);
if (!injectedCaseExpr) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Record this injected case expression.
// Record the type and locator for this injected case expression, to be
// used in the "join" constraint later.
{ cs->getType(injectedCaseExpr)->getRValueType(),
cs->getConstraintLocator(injectedCaseExpr) });
// Form the type of the switch itself.
Type resultType = cs->addJoinConstraint(
cs->getConstraintLocator(switchStmt), injectedCaseTerms);
if (!resultType) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Create a variable to capture the result of evaluating the switch.
auto switchVar = buildVar(switchStmt->getStartLoc());
cs->setType(switchVar, resultType);
{switchStmt, { switchVar, std::move(injectedCaseExprs) } });
return switchVar;
VarDecl *visitCaseStmt(CaseStmt *caseStmt, Expr *subjectExpr) {
auto *body = caseStmt->getBody();
// Explicitly disallow `case` statements with empty bodies
// since that helps to diagnose other issues with switch
// statements by excluding invalid cases.
if (auto *BS = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(body)) {
if (BS->getNumElements() == 0) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// If needed, generate constraints for everything in the case statement.
if (cs) {
auto locator = cs->getConstraintLocator(
subjectExpr, LocatorPathElt::ContextualType());
Type subjectType = cs->getType(subjectExpr);
if (cs->generateConstraints(caseStmt, dc, subjectType, locator)) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Translate the body.
return visit(caseStmt->getBody());
VarDecl *visitForEachStmt(ForEachStmt *forEachStmt) {
// statements are handled via buildArray(_:); bail out if the
// builder does not support it.
if (!builderSupports(ctx.Id_buildArray)) {
if (!unhandledNode)
unhandledNode = forEachStmt;
return nullptr;
// For-each statements require the Sequence protocol. If we don't have
// it (which generally means the standard library isn't loaded), fall
// out of the result-builder path entirely to let normal type checking
// take care of this.
auto sequenceProto = TypeChecker::getProtocol(
dc->getASTContext(), forEachStmt->getForLoc(),
if (!sequenceProto) {
if (!unhandledNode)
unhandledNode = forEachStmt;
return nullptr;
// Generate constraints for the loop header. This also wires up the
// types for the patterns.
auto target = SolutionApplicationTarget::forForEachStmt(
forEachStmt, sequenceProto, dc, /*bindPatternVarsOneWay=*/true);
if (cs) {
if (cs->generateConstraints(target, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow)) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
cs->setSolutionApplicationTarget(forEachStmt, target);
// Visit the loop body itself.
VarDecl *bodyVar = visit(forEachStmt->getBody());
if (!bodyVar)
return nullptr;
// If there's no constraint system, there is nothing left to visit.
if (!cs)
return nullptr;
// Form a variable of array type that will capture the result of each
// iteration of the loop. We need a fresh type variable to remove the
// lvalue-ness of the array variable.
SourceLoc loc = forEachStmt->getForLoc();
VarDecl *arrayVar = buildVar(loc);
Type arrayElementType = cs->createTypeVariable(
cs->getConstraintLocator(forEachStmt), 0);
cs->addConstraint(ConstraintKind::Equal, cs->getType(bodyVar),
forEachStmt, ConstraintLocator::SequenceElementType));
Type arrayType = ArraySliceType::get(arrayElementType);
cs->setType(arrayVar, arrayType);
// Form an initialization of the array to an empty array literal.
Expr *arrayInitExpr = ArrayExpr::create(ctx, loc, { }, { }, loc);
arrayInitExpr, TypeLoc::withoutLoc(arrayType), CTP_CannotFail);
arrayInitExpr = cs->generateConstraints(arrayInitExpr, dc);
if (!arrayInitExpr) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
ConstraintKind::Equal, cs->getType(arrayInitExpr), arrayType,
arrayInitExpr, LocatorPathElt::ContextualType()));
// Form a call to Array.append(_:) to add the result of executing each
// iteration of the loop body to the array formed above.
SourceLoc endLoc = forEachStmt->getEndLoc();
auto arrayVarRef = buildVarRef(arrayVar, endLoc);
auto arrayAppendRef = new (ctx) UnresolvedDotExpr(
arrayVarRef, endLoc, DeclNameRef(ctx.getIdentifier("append")),
DeclNameLoc(endLoc), /*implicit=*/true);
auto bodyVarRef = buildVarRef(bodyVar, endLoc);
Expr *arrayAppendCall = CallExpr::create(
ctx, arrayAppendRef, endLoc, { bodyVarRef } , { Identifier() },
{ endLoc }, endLoc, /*trailingClosures=*/{}, /*implicit=*/true);
arrayAppendCall = cs->generateConstraints(arrayAppendCall, dc);
if (!arrayAppendCall) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Form the final call to buildArray(arrayVar) to allow the function
// builder to reshape the array into whatever it wants as the result of
// the for-each loop.
auto finalArrayVarRef = buildVarRef(arrayVar, endLoc);
auto buildArrayCall = buildCallIfWanted(
endLoc, ctx.Id_buildArray, { finalArrayVarRef }, { Identifier() });
buildArrayCall = cs->generateConstraints(buildArrayCall, dc);
if (!buildArrayCall) {
hadError = true;
return nullptr;
// Form a final variable for the for-each expression itself, which will
// be initialized with the call to the result builder's buildArray(_:).
auto finalForEachVar = buildVar(loc);
cs->setType(finalForEachVar, cs->getType(buildArrayCall));
{forEachStmt, {
{ arrayVarRef, arrayInitExpr, arrayAppendCall, buildArrayCall }}});
return finalForEachVar;
/// Visit a throw statement, which never produces a result.
VarDecl *visitThrowStmt(ThrowStmt *throwStmt) {
Type exnType = ctx.getErrorDecl()->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
if (!exnType) {
hadError = true;
if (cs) {
SolutionApplicationTarget target(
throwStmt->getSubExpr(), dc, CTP_ThrowStmt, exnType,
if (cs->generateConstraints(target, FreeTypeVariableBinding::Disallow))
hadError = true;
cs->setSolutionApplicationTarget(throwStmt, target);
return nullptr;
/// Describes the target into which the result of a particular statement in
/// a closure involving a result builder should be written.
struct ResultBuilderTarget {
enum Kind {
/// The resulting value is returned from the closure.
/// The temporary variable into which the result should be assigned.
/// An expression to evaluate at the end of the block, allowing the update
/// of some state from an outer scope.
} kind;
/// Captured variable information.
std::pair<VarDecl *, llvm::TinyPtrVector<Expr *>> captured;
static ResultBuilderTarget forReturn(Expr *expr) {
return ResultBuilderTarget{ReturnValue, {nullptr, {expr}}};
static ResultBuilderTarget forAssign(VarDecl *temporaryVar,
llvm::TinyPtrVector<Expr *> exprs) {
return ResultBuilderTarget{TemporaryVar, {temporaryVar, exprs}};
static ResultBuilderTarget forExpression(Expr *expr) {
return ResultBuilderTarget{Expression, { nullptr, { expr }}};
/// Handles the rewrite of the body of a closure to which a result builder
/// has been applied.
class BuilderClosureRewriter
: public StmtVisitor<BuilderClosureRewriter, Stmt *, ResultBuilderTarget> {
ASTContext &ctx;
const Solution &solution;
DeclContext *dc;
AppliedBuilderTransform builderTransform;
Optional<SolutionApplicationTarget> (SolutionApplicationTarget)>
/// Retrieve the temporary variable that will be used to capture the
/// value of the given expression.
AppliedBuilderTransform::RecordedExpr takeCapturedExpr(Expr *expr) {
auto found = builderTransform.capturedExprs.find(expr);
assert(found != builderTransform.capturedExprs.end());
// Set the type of the temporary variable.
auto recorded = found->second;
if (auto temporaryVar = recorded.temporaryVar) {
Type type = solution.simplifyType(solution.getType(temporaryVar));
// Erase the captured expression, so we're sure we never do this twice.
return recorded;
/// Rewrite an expression without any particularly special context.
Expr *rewriteExpr(Expr *expr) {
auto result = rewriteTarget(
SolutionApplicationTarget(expr, dc, CTP_Unused, Type(),
if (result)
return result->getAsExpr();
return nullptr;
/// Retrieve information about a captured statement.
std::pair<VarDecl *, llvm::TinyPtrVector<Expr *>>
takeCapturedStmt(Stmt *stmt) {
auto found = builderTransform.capturedStmts.find(stmt);
assert(found != builderTransform.capturedStmts.end());
// Set the type of the temporary variable.
auto temporaryVar = found->second.first;
Type type = solution.simplifyType(solution.getType(temporaryVar));
// Take the expressions.
auto exprs = std::move(found->second.second);
// Erase the statement, so we're sure we never do this twice.
return std::make_pair(temporaryVar, std::move(exprs));
/// Build the statement or expression to initialize the target.
ASTNode initializeTarget(ResultBuilderTarget target) {
assert(target.captured.second.size() == 1);
auto capturedExpr = target.captured.second.front();
SourceLoc implicitLoc = capturedExpr->getEndLoc();
switch (target.kind) {
case ResultBuilderTarget::ReturnValue: {
// Return the expression.
Type bodyResultType =
SolutionApplicationTarget returnTarget(
capturedExpr, dc, CTP_ReturnStmt, bodyResultType,
Expr *resultExpr = nullptr;
if (auto resultTarget = rewriteTarget(returnTarget))
resultExpr = resultTarget->getAsExpr();
return new (ctx) ReturnStmt(implicitLoc, resultExpr);
case ResultBuilderTarget::TemporaryVar: {
// Assign the expression into a variable.
auto temporaryVar = target.captured.first;
auto declRef = new (ctx) DeclRefExpr(
temporaryVar, DeclNameLoc(implicitLoc), /*implicit=*/true);
// Load the right-hand side if needed.
auto finalCapturedExpr = rewriteExpr(capturedExpr);
if (finalCapturedExpr->getType()->hasLValueType()) {
finalCapturedExpr =
TypeChecker::addImplicitLoadExpr(ctx, finalCapturedExpr);
auto assign = new (ctx) AssignExpr(
declRef, implicitLoc, finalCapturedExpr, /*implicit=*/true);
return assign;
case ResultBuilderTarget::Expression:
// Execute the expression.
return rewriteExpr(capturedExpr);
llvm_unreachable("invalid result builder target");
/// Declare the given temporary variable, adding the appropriate
/// entries to the elements of a brace stmt.
void declareTemporaryVariable(VarDecl *temporaryVar,
std::vector<ASTNode> &elements,
Expr *initExpr = nullptr) {
if (!temporaryVar)
// Form a new pattern binding to bind the temporary variable to the
// transformed expression.
auto pattern = NamedPattern::createImplicit(ctx, temporaryVar);
auto pbd = PatternBindingDecl::create(
ctx, SourceLoc(), StaticSpellingKind::None, temporaryVar->getLoc(),
pattern, SourceLoc(), initExpr, dc);
if (temporaryVar->isImplicit())
/// Produce a final type-checked pattern binding.
void finishPatternBindingDecl(PatternBindingDecl *patternBinding) {
for (unsigned index : range(patternBinding->getNumPatternEntries())) {
// Find the solution application target for this.
auto knownTarget =
{patternBinding, index});
// Rewrite the target.
auto resultTarget = rewriteTarget(knownTarget);
if (!resultTarget)
index, resultTarget->getInitializationPattern(),
patternBinding->setInit(index, resultTarget->getAsExpr());
const Solution &solution,
DeclContext *dc,
const AppliedBuilderTransform &builderTransform,
Optional<SolutionApplicationTarget> (SolutionApplicationTarget)>
) : ctx(solution.getConstraintSystem().getASTContext()),
solution(solution), dc(dc), builderTransform(builderTransform),
rewriteTarget(rewriteTarget) { }
Stmt *visitBraceStmt(BraceStmt *braceStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target,
Optional<ResultBuilderTarget> innerTarget = None) {
std::vector<ASTNode> newElements;
// If there is an "inner" target corresponding to this brace, declare
// it's temporary variable if needed.
if (innerTarget) {
declareTemporaryVariable(innerTarget->captured.first, newElements);
for (auto node : braceStmt->getElements()) {
// Implicit returns in single-expression function bodies are treated
// as the expression.
if (auto returnStmt =
dyn_cast_or_null<ReturnStmt>(node.dyn_cast<Stmt *>())) {
node = returnStmt->getResult();
if (auto expr = node.dyn_cast<Expr *>()) {
// Skip error expressions.
if (isa<ErrorExpr>(expr))
// Each expression turns into a 'let' that captures the value of
// the expression.
auto recorded = takeCapturedExpr(expr);
// Rewrite the expression
Expr *finalExpr = rewriteExpr(recorded.generatedExpr);
// Form a new pattern binding to bind the temporary variable to the
// transformed expression.
declareTemporaryVariable(recorded.temporaryVar, newElements, finalExpr);
if (auto stmt = node.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
// "throw" statements produce no value. Transform them directly.
if (auto throwStmt = dyn_cast<ThrowStmt>(stmt)) {
if (auto newStmt = visitThrowStmt(throwStmt)) {
// Each statement turns into a (potential) temporary variable
// binding followed by the statement itself.
auto captured = takeCapturedStmt(stmt);
declareTemporaryVariable(captured.first, newElements);
Stmt *finalStmt = visit(
// Re-write of statements that envolve type-checking
// could fail, such a failure terminates the walk.
if (!finalStmt)
return nullptr;
auto decl = node.get<Decl *>();
// Skip #if declarations.
if (isa<IfConfigDecl>(decl)) {
// Diagnose #warning / #error during application.
if (auto poundDiag = dyn_cast<PoundDiagnosticDecl>(decl)) {
// Skip variable declarations; they're always part of a pattern
// binding.
if (isa<VarDecl>(decl)) {
// Handle pattern bindings.
if (auto patternBinding = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(decl)) {
llvm_unreachable("Cannot yet handle declarations");
// If there is an "inner" target corresponding to this brace, initialize
// it.
if (innerTarget) {
// Capture the result of the buildBlock() call in the manner requested
// by the caller.
return BraceStmt::create(ctx, braceStmt->getLBraceLoc(), newElements,
Stmt *visitIfStmt(IfStmt *ifStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) {
// Rewrite the condition.
if (auto condition = rewriteTarget(
SolutionApplicationTarget(ifStmt->getCond(), dc)))
assert(target.kind == ResultBuilderTarget::TemporaryVar);
auto temporaryVar = target.captured.first;
// Translate the "then" branch.
auto capturedThen = takeCapturedStmt(ifStmt->getThenStmt());
auto newThen = visitBraceStmt(cast<BraceStmt>(ifStmt->getThenStmt()),
temporaryVar, {target.captured.second[0]}),
capturedThen.first, {capturedThen.second.front()}));
// Look for a #available condition. If there is one, we need to check
// that the resulting type of the "then" doesn't refer to any types that
// are unavailable in the enclosing context.
// Note that this is for staging in support for buildLimitedAvailability();
// the diagnostic is currently a warning, so that existing code that
// compiles today will continue to compile. Once result builder types
// have had the chance to adopt buildLimitedAvailability(), we'll upgrade
// this warning to an error.
if (auto availabilityCond = findAvailabilityCondition(ifStmt->getCond())) {
SourceLoc loc = availabilityCond->getStartLoc();
Type thenBodyType = solution.simplifyType(
thenBodyType.findIf([&](Type type) {
auto nominal = type->getAnyNominal();
if (!nominal)
return false;
ExportContext where = ExportContext::forFunctionBody(dc, loc);
if (auto reason = TypeChecker::checkDeclarationAvailability(
nominal, where)) {
loc, diag::result_builder_missing_limited_availability,
// Add a note to the result builder with a stub for
// buildLimitedAvailability().
if (auto builder = builderTransform.builderType->getAnyNominal()) {
SourceLoc buildInsertionLoc;
std::string stubIndent;
Type componentType;
std::tie(buildInsertionLoc, stubIndent, componentType) =
if (buildInsertionLoc.isValid()) {
std::string fixItString;
llvm::raw_string_ostream out(fixItString);
builder, componentType,
stubIndent, out);
.fixItInsert(buildInsertionLoc, fixItString);
return true;
return false;
if (auto elseBraceStmt =
dyn_cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(ifStmt->getElseStmt())) {
// Translate the "else" branch when it's a stmt-brace.
auto capturedElse = takeCapturedStmt(elseBraceStmt);
Stmt *newElse = visitBraceStmt(
temporaryVar, {target.captured.second[1]}),
capturedElse.first, {capturedElse.second.front()}));
} else if (auto elseIfStmt = cast_or_null<IfStmt>(ifStmt->getElseStmt())){
// Translate the "else" branch when it's an else-if.
auto capturedElse = takeCapturedStmt(elseIfStmt);
std::vector<ASTNode> newElseElements;
declareTemporaryVariable(capturedElse.first, newElseElements);
capturedElse.first, capturedElse.second)));
temporaryVar, {target.captured.second[1]})));
Stmt *newElse = BraceStmt::create(
ctx, elseIfStmt->getStartLoc(), newElseElements,
} else {
// Form an "else" brace containing an assignment to the temporary
// variable.
auto init = initializeTarget(
temporaryVar, {target.captured.second[1]}));
auto newElse = BraceStmt::create(
ctx, ifStmt->getEndLoc(), { init }, ifStmt->getEndLoc());
return ifStmt;
Stmt *visitDoStmt(DoStmt *doStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) {
// Each statement turns into a (potential) temporary variable
// binding followed by the statement itself.
auto body = cast<BraceStmt>(doStmt->getBody());
auto captured = takeCapturedStmt(body);
auto newInnerBody = cast<BraceStmt>(
captured.first, {captured.second.front()})));
return doStmt;
Stmt *visitSwitchStmt(SwitchStmt *switchStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) {
// Translate the subject expression.
ConstraintSystem &cs = solution.getConstraintSystem();
auto subjectTarget =
if (!subjectTarget)
return nullptr;
// Handle any declaration nodes within the case list first; we'll
// handle the cases in a second pass.
for (auto child : switchStmt->getRawCases()) {
if (auto decl = child.dyn_cast<Decl *>()) {
// Translate all of the cases.
bool limitExhaustivityChecks = false;
assert(target.kind == ResultBuilderTarget::TemporaryVar);
auto temporaryVar = target.captured.first;
unsigned caseIndex = 0;
for (auto caseStmt : switchStmt->getCases()) {
if (!visitCaseStmt(
temporaryVar, {target.captured.second[caseIndex]})))
return nullptr;
// Check restrictions on '@unknown'.
if (caseStmt->hasUnknownAttr()) {
cs.getASTContext(), caseStmt, limitExhaustivityChecks);
switchStmt, dc, limitExhaustivityChecks);
return switchStmt;
Stmt *visitCaseStmt(CaseStmt *caseStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) {
// Translate the patterns and guard expressions for each case label item.
for (auto &caseLabelItem : caseStmt->getMutableCaseLabelItems()) {
SolutionApplicationTarget caseLabelTarget(&caseLabelItem, dc);
if (!rewriteTarget(caseLabelTarget))
return nullptr;
// Transform the body of the case.
auto body = cast<BraceStmt>(caseStmt->getBody());
auto captured = takeCapturedStmt(body);
auto newInnerBody = cast<BraceStmt>(
captured.first, {captured.second.front()})));
return caseStmt;
Stmt *visitForEachStmt(
ForEachStmt *forEachStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) {
// Translate the for-each loop header.
ConstraintSystem &cs = solution.getConstraintSystem();
auto forEachTarget =
if (!forEachTarget)
return nullptr;
const auto &captured = target.captured;
auto finalForEachVar = captured.first;
auto arrayVarRef = captured.second[0];
auto arrayVar = cast<VarDecl>(cast<DeclRefExpr>(arrayVarRef)->getDecl());
auto arrayInitExpr = captured.second[1];
auto arrayAppendCall = captured.second[2];
auto buildArrayCall = captured.second[3];
// Collect the three steps to initialize the array variable to an
// empty array, execute the loop to collect the results of each iteration,
// then form the buildArray() call to the write the result.
std::vector<ASTNode> outerBodySteps;
// Step 1: Declare and initialize the array variable.
arrayInitExpr = rewriteExpr(arrayInitExpr);
declareTemporaryVariable(arrayVar, outerBodySteps, arrayInitExpr);
// Step 2. Transform the body of the for-each statement. Each iteration
// will append the result of executing the loop body to the array.
auto body = forEachStmt->getBody();
auto capturedBody = takeCapturedStmt(body);
auto newBody = cast<BraceStmt>(
capturedBody.first, {capturedBody.second.front()})));
// Step 3. Perform the buildArray() call to turn the array of results
// collected from the iterations into a single value under the control of
// the result builder.
ResultBuilderTarget::forAssign(finalForEachVar, {buildArrayCall})));
// Form a brace statement to put together the three main steps for the
// for-each loop translation outlined above.
return BraceStmt::create(
ctx, forEachStmt->getStartLoc(), outerBodySteps, newBody->getEndLoc());
Stmt *visitThrowStmt(ThrowStmt *throwStmt) {
// Rewrite the error.
auto target = *solution.getConstraintSystem()
if (auto result = rewriteTarget(target))
return nullptr;
return throwStmt;
Stmt *visitThrowStmt(ThrowStmt *throwStmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) {
llvm_unreachable("Throw statements produce no value");
Stmt *visit##STMT##Stmt(STMT##Stmt *stmt, ResultBuilderTarget target) { \
llvm_unreachable("Function builders do not allow statement of kind " \
#STMT); \
} // end anonymous namespace
BraceStmt *swift::applyResultBuilderTransform(
const Solution &solution,
AppliedBuilderTransform applied,
BraceStmt *body,
DeclContext *dc,
Optional<SolutionApplicationTarget> (SolutionApplicationTarget)>
rewriteTarget) {
BuilderClosureRewriter rewriter(solution, dc, applied, rewriteTarget);
auto captured = rewriter.takeCapturedStmt(body);
return cast_or_null<BraceStmt>(
captured.first, captured.second)));
Optional<BraceStmt *> TypeChecker::applyResultBuilderBodyTransform(
FuncDecl *func, Type builderType) {
// Pre-check the body: pre-check any expressions in it and look
// for return statements.
// If we encountered an error or there was an explicit result type,
// bail out and report that to the caller.
auto &ctx = func->getASTContext();
auto request =
switch (evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator, request,
ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Error)) {
case ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Okay:
// If the pre-check was okay, apply the result-builder transform.
case ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Error:
return nullptr;
case ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::HasReturnStmt: {
// One or more explicit 'return' statements were encountered, which
// disables the result builder transform. Warn when we do this.
auto returnStmts = findReturnStatements(func);
diag::result_builder_disabled_by_return_warn, builderType);
// Note that one can remove the result builder attribute.
auto attr = func->getAttachedResultBuilder();
if (!attr) {
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(func)) {
attr = accessor->getStorage()->getAttachedResultBuilder();
if (attr) {
attr->getLocation(), diag::result_builder_remove_attr)
// Note that one can remove all of the return statements.
auto diag = ctx.Diags.diagnose(
for (auto returnStmt : returnStmts) {
return None;
ConstraintSystemOptions options = ConstraintSystemFlags::AllowFixes;
auto resultInterfaceTy = func->getResultInterfaceType();
auto resultContextType = func->mapTypeIntoContext(resultInterfaceTy);
// Determine whether we're inferring the underlying type for the opaque
// result type of this function.
ConstraintKind resultConstraintKind = ConstraintKind::Conversion;
if (auto opaque = resultContextType->getAs<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>()) {
if (opaque->getDecl()->isOpaqueReturnTypeOfFunction(func)) {
resultConstraintKind = ConstraintKind::OpaqueUnderlyingType;
// Build a constraint system in which we can check the body of the function.
ConstraintSystem cs(func, options);
if (auto result = cs.matchResultBuilder(
func, builderType, resultContextType, resultConstraintKind,
cs.getConstraintLocator(func->getBody()))) {
if (result->isFailure())
return nullptr;
// Solve the constraint system.
SmallVector<Solution, 4> solutions;
if (cs.solve(solutions) || solutions.size() != 1) {
// Try to fix the system or provide a decent diagnostic.
auto salvagedResult = cs.salvage();
switch (salvagedResult.getKind()) {
case SolutionResult::Kind::Success:
case SolutionResult::Kind::Error:
case SolutionResult::Kind::Ambiguous:
return nullptr;
case SolutionResult::Kind::UndiagnosedError:
return nullptr;
case SolutionResult::Kind::TooComplex:
return nullptr;
// The system was salvaged; continue on as if nothing happened.
if (cs.isDebugMode()) {
auto &log = llvm::errs();
log << "--- Applying Solution ---\n";
log << '\n';
// FIXME: Shouldn't need to do this.
// Apply the solution to the function body.
if (auto result = cs.applySolution(
SolutionApplicationTarget(func))) {
performSyntacticDiagnosticsForTarget(*result, /*isExprStmt*/ false);
return result->getFunctionBody();
return nullptr;
AnyFunctionRef fn, Type builderType, Type bodyResultType,
ConstraintKind bodyResultConstraintKind,
ConstraintLocatorBuilder locator) {
auto builder = builderType->getAnyNominal();
assert(builder && "Bad result builder type");
if (InvalidResultBuilderBodies.count(fn)) {
*this, getConstraintLocator(fn.getAbstractClosureExpr())));
return getTypeMatchSuccess();
// Pre-check the body: pre-check any expressions in it and look
// for return statements.
auto request =
PreCheckResultBuilderRequest{{fn, /*SuppressDiagnostics=*/true}};
switch (evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator, request,
ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Error)) {
case ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Okay:
// If the pre-check was okay, apply the result-builder transform.
case ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Error: {
if (!shouldAttemptFixes())
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
if (recordFix(IgnoreInvalidResultBuilderBody::duringPreCheck(
*this, getConstraintLocator(fn.getAbstractClosureExpr()))))
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
return getTypeMatchSuccess();
case ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::HasReturnStmt:
// Diagnostic mode means that solver couldn't reach any viable
// solution, so let's diagnose presence of a `return` statement
// in the closure body.
if (shouldAttemptFixes()) {
if (recordFix(IgnoreResultBuilderWithReturnStmts::create(
*this, builderType,
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
return getTypeMatchSuccess();
// If the body has a return statement, suppress the transform but
// continue solving the constraint system.
return None;
// Check the form of this body to see if we can apply the
// result-builder translation at all.
auto dc = fn.getAsDeclContext();
// Check whether we can apply this specific result builder.
BuilderClosureVisitor visitor(getASTContext(), nullptr, dc, builderType,
// If we saw a control-flow statement or declaration that the builder
// cannot handle, we don't have a well-formed result builder application.
if (auto unhandledNode = visitor.check(fn.getBody())) {
// If we aren't supposed to attempt fixes, fail.
if (!shouldAttemptFixes()) {
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
// Record the first unhandled construct as a fix.
if (recordFix(
*this, unhandledNode, builder,
getConstraintLocator(locator)))) {
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
BuilderClosureVisitor visitor(getASTContext(), this, dc, builderType,
Optional<AppliedBuilderTransform> applied = None;
DiagnosticTransaction transaction(dc->getASTContext().Diags);
applied = visitor.apply(fn.getBody());
if (!applied)
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
if (transaction.hasErrors()) {
if (recordFix(
*this, getConstraintLocator(fn.getAbstractClosureExpr()))))
return getTypeMatchFailure(locator);
return getTypeMatchSuccess();
Type transformedType = getType(applied->returnExpr);
assert(transformedType && "Missing type");
// Record the transformation.
[&](const std::pair<AnyFunctionRef, AppliedBuilderTransform> &elt) {
return elt.first == fn;
}) == resultBuilderTransformed.end() &&
"already transformed this body along this path!?!");
std::make_pair(fn, std::move(*applied)));
// If builder is applied to the closure expression then
// `closure body` to `closure result` matching should
// use special locator.
if (auto *closure = fn.getAbstractClosureExpr()) {
locator = getConstraintLocator(closure, ConstraintLocator::ClosureResult);
} else {
locator = getConstraintLocator(fn.getAbstractFunctionDecl(),
// Bind the body result type to the type of the transformed expression.
addConstraint(bodyResultConstraintKind, transformedType, bodyResultType,
return getTypeMatchSuccess();
namespace {
/// Pre-check all the expressions in the body.
class PreCheckResultBuilderApplication : public ASTWalker {
AnyFunctionRef Fn;
bool SkipPrecheck = false;
bool SuppressDiagnostics = false;
std::vector<ReturnStmt *> ReturnStmts;
bool HasError = false;
bool hasReturnStmt() const { return !ReturnStmts.empty(); }
PreCheckResultBuilderApplication(AnyFunctionRef fn, bool skipPrecheck,
bool suppressDiagnostics)
: Fn(fn), SkipPrecheck(skipPrecheck),
SuppressDiagnostics(suppressDiagnostics) {}
const std::vector<ReturnStmt *> getReturnStmts() const { return ReturnStmts; }
ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck run() {
Stmt *oldBody = Fn.getBody();
Stmt *newBody = oldBody->walk(*this);
// If the walk was aborted, it was because we had a problem of some kind.
assert((newBody == nullptr) == HasError &&
"unexpected short-circuit while walking body");
if (HasError)
return ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Error;
assert(oldBody == newBody && "pre-check walk wasn't in-place?");
if (hasReturnStmt())
return ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::HasReturnStmt;
return ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck::Okay;
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (SkipPrecheck)
return std::make_pair(false, E);
// Pre-check the expression. If this fails, abort the walk immediately.
// Otherwise, replace the expression with the result of pre-checking.
// In either case, don't recurse into the expression.
auto *DC = Fn.getAsDeclContext();
auto &diagEngine = DC->getASTContext().Diags;
// Suppress any diangostics which could be produced by this expression.
DiagnosticTransaction transaction(diagEngine);
HasError |= ConstraintSystem::preCheckExpression(
E, DC, /*replaceInvalidRefsWithErrors=*/false);
HasError |= transaction.hasErrors();
if (SuppressDiagnostics)
return std::make_pair(false, HasError ? nullptr : E);
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
// If we see a return statement, note it..
if (auto returnStmt = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(S)) {
if (!returnStmt->isImplicit()) {
return std::make_pair(false, S);
// Otherwise, recurse into the statement normally.
return std::make_pair(true, S);
/// Ignore patterns.
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *pat) override {
return { false, pat };
ResultBuilderBodyPreCheck PreCheckResultBuilderRequest::evaluate(
Evaluator &evaluator, PreCheckResultBuilderDescriptor owner) const {
// We don't want to do the precheck if it will already have happened in
// the enclosing expression.
bool skipPrecheck = false;
if (auto closure = dyn_cast_or_null<ClosureExpr>(
skipPrecheck = shouldTypeCheckInEnclosingExpression(closure);
return PreCheckResultBuilderApplication(
owner.Fn, /*skipPrecheck=*/false,
std::vector<ReturnStmt *> TypeChecker::findReturnStatements(AnyFunctionRef fn) {
PreCheckResultBuilderApplication precheck(fn, /*skipPreCheck=*/true,
return precheck.getReturnStmts();
bool TypeChecker::typeSupportsBuilderOp(
Type builderType, DeclContext *dc, Identifier fnName,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels, SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> *allResults) {
bool foundMatch = false;
SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 4> foundDecls;
builderType, DeclNameRef(fnName),
NL_QualifiedDefault | NL_ProtocolMembers, foundDecls);
for (auto decl : foundDecls) {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl)) {
// Function must be static.
if (!func->isStatic())
// Function must have the right argument labels, if provided.
if (!argLabels.empty()) {
auto funcLabels = func->getName().getArgumentNames();
if (argLabels.size() > funcLabels.size() ||
funcLabels.slice(0, argLabels.size()) != argLabels)
foundMatch = true;
if (allResults)
allResults->append(foundDecls.begin(), foundDecls.end());
return foundMatch;
Type swift::inferResultBuilderComponentType(NominalTypeDecl *builder) {
Type componentType;
SmallVector<ValueDecl *, 4> potentialMatches;
ASTContext &ctx = builder->getASTContext();
bool supportsBuildBlock = TypeChecker::typeSupportsBuilderOp(
builder->getDeclaredInterfaceType(), builder, ctx.Id_buildBlock,
/*argLabels=*/{}, &potentialMatches);
if (supportsBuildBlock) {
for (auto decl : potentialMatches) {
auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(decl);
if (!func || !func->isStatic())
// If we haven't seen a component type before, gather it.
if (!componentType) {
componentType = func->getResultInterfaceType();
// If there are inconsistent component types, bail out.
if (!componentType->isEqual(func->getResultInterfaceType())) {
componentType = Type();
return componentType;
std::tuple<SourceLoc, std::string, Type>
swift::determineResultBuilderBuildFixItInfo(NominalTypeDecl *builder) {
SourceLoc buildInsertionLoc = builder->getBraces().Start;
std::string stubIndent;
Type componentType;
if (buildInsertionLoc.isInvalid())
return std::make_tuple(buildInsertionLoc, stubIndent, componentType);
ASTContext &ctx = builder->getASTContext();
buildInsertionLoc = Lexer::getLocForEndOfToken(
ctx.SourceMgr, buildInsertionLoc);
StringRef extraIndent;
StringRef currentIndent = Lexer::getIndentationForLine(
ctx.SourceMgr, buildInsertionLoc, &extraIndent);
stubIndent = (currentIndent + extraIndent).str();
componentType = inferResultBuilderComponentType(builder);
return std::make_tuple(buildInsertionLoc, stubIndent, componentType);
void swift::printResultBuilderBuildFunction(
NominalTypeDecl *builder, Type componentType,
ResultBuilderBuildFunction function,
Optional<std::string> stubIndent, llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
// Render the component type into a string.
std::string componentTypeString;
if (componentType)
componentTypeString = componentType.getString();
componentTypeString = "<#Component#>";
// Render the code.
std::string stubIndentStr = stubIndent.getValueOr(std::string());
ExtraIndentStreamPrinter printer(out, stubIndentStr);
// If we're supposed to provide a full stub, add a newline and the introducer
// keywords.
if (stubIndent) {
if (builder->getFormalAccess() >= AccessLevel::Public)
printer << "public ";
printer << "static func ";
bool printedResult = false;
switch (function) {
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildBlock:
printer << "buildBlock(_ components: " << componentTypeString << "...)";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildExpression:
printer << "buildExpression(_ expression: <#Expression#>)";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildOptional:
printer << "buildOptional(_ component: " << componentTypeString << "?)";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildEitherFirst:
printer << "buildEither(first component: " << componentTypeString << ")";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildEitherSecond:
printer << "buildEither(second component: " << componentTypeString << ")";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildArray:
printer << "buildArray(_ components: [" << componentTypeString << "])";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildLimitedAvailability:
printer << "buildLimitedAvailability(_ component: " << componentTypeString
<< ")";
case ResultBuilderBuildFunction::BuildFinalResult:
printer << "buildFinalResult(_ component: " << componentTypeString
<< ") -> <#Result#>";
printedResult = true;
if (!printedResult)
printer << " -> " << componentTypeString;
if (stubIndent) {
printer << " {";
printer << " <#code#>";
printer << "}";