blob: 0a40cb0c05d4667f38b0e9160844978569195683 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- SILLowerAggregateInstrs.cpp - Aggregate insts to Scalar insts ---===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// Simplify aggregate instructions into scalar instructions using simple
/// peephole transformations.
#define DEBUG_TYPE "sil-lower-aggregate-instrs"
#include "swift/SIL/Projection.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILBuilder.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILInstruction.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILModule.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILVisitor.h"
#include "swift/SIL/TypeLowering.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Passes.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/PassManager/Transforms.h"
#include "swift/SILOptimizer/Utils/InstOptUtils.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/CommandLine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Debug.h"
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::Lowering;
STATISTIC(NumExpand, "Number of instructions expanded");
static llvm::cl::opt<bool> EnableExpandAll("sil-lower-agg-instrs-expand-all",
// Utility
/// We only expand if we are not in ownership and shouldExpand is true. The
/// reason why is that this was originally done to help the low level ARC
/// optimizer. To the high level ARC optimizer, this is just noise and
/// unnecessary IR. At the same time for testing purposes, we want to provide a
/// way even with ownership enabled to expand so we can check correctness.
static bool shouldExpandShim(SILFunction *fn, SILType type) {
return EnableExpandAll ||
(!fn->hasOwnership() && shouldExpand(fn->getModule(), type));
// Higher Level Operation Expansion
/// Lower copy_addr into loads/stores/retain/release if we have a
/// non-address only type. We do this here so we can process the resulting
/// loads/stores.
/// This peephole implements the following optimizations with the ossa version
/// of the optimization first.
/// copy_addr %0 to %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load [copy] %0 : $*T
/// store %new to [assign] %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load %0 : $*T // Load the new value from the source
/// strong_retain %new : $T // Retain the new value
/// %old = load %1 : $*T // Load the old value from the destination
/// strong_release %old : $T // Release the old
/// store %new to %1 : $*T // Store the new value to the destination
/// copy_addr [take] %0 to %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// // load [take], not load [copy]!
/// %new = load [take] %0 : $*T
/// store %new to [assign] %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load %0 : $*T
/// // no retain of %new!
/// %old = load %1 : $*T
/// strong_release %old : $T
/// store %new to %1 : $*T
/// copy_addr %0 to [initialization] %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load [copy] %0 : $*T
/// store %new to [init] %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load %0 : $*T
/// strong_retain %new : $T
/// // no load/release of %old!
/// store %new to %1 : $*T
/// copy_addr [take] %0 to [initialization] %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load [take] %0 : $*T
/// store %new to [init] %1 : $*T
/// ->
/// %new = load %0 : $*T
/// // no retain of %new!
/// // no load/release of %old!
/// store %new to %1 : $*T
static bool expandCopyAddr(CopyAddrInst *cai) {
SILFunction *fn = cai->getFunction();
SILValue source = cai->getSrc();
// If we have an address only type don't do anything.
SILType srcType = source->getType();
if (srcType.isAddressOnly(*fn))
return false;
bool expand = shouldExpandShim(fn, srcType.getObjectType());
using TypeExpansionKind = Lowering::TypeLowering::TypeExpansionKind;
auto expansionKind = expand ? TypeExpansionKind::MostDerivedDescendents
: TypeExpansionKind::None;
SILBuilderWithScope builder(cai);
// If our object type is not trivial, we may need to destroy the old value and
// copy the new one. Handle the trivial case quickly and return.
if (srcType.isTrivial(*fn)) {
SILValue newValue = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(
cai->getLoc(), source, LoadOwnershipQualifier::Trivial);
SILValue destAddr = cai->getDest();
// Create the store.
builder.emitStoreValueOperation(cai->getLoc(), newValue, destAddr,
return true;
// %new = load [copy|take] %0 : $*T
auto loadQual = [&]() -> LoadOwnershipQualifier {
if (IsTake_t::IsTake == cai->isTakeOfSrc())
return LoadOwnershipQualifier::Take;
return LoadOwnershipQualifier::Copy;
SILValue newValue = builder.emitLoweredLoadValueOperation(
cai->getLoc(), source, loadQual, expansionKind);
SILValue destAddr = cai->getDest();
// Create the store in the guaranteed uninitialized memory.
// store %new to [init|assign] %1
// If we are not initializing the destination, we need to destroy what is
// currently there before we re-initialize the memory.
auto storeQualifier = [&]() -> StoreOwnershipQualifier {
if (IsInitialization_t::IsInitialization != cai->isInitializationOfDest())
return StoreOwnershipQualifier::Assign;
return StoreOwnershipQualifier::Init;
builder.emitLoweredStoreValueOperation(cai->getLoc(), newValue, destAddr,
storeQualifier, expansionKind);
return true;
static bool expandDestroyAddr(DestroyAddrInst *dai) {
SILFunction *fn = dai->getFunction();
SILBuilderWithScope builder(dai);
// Strength reduce destroy_addr inst into release/store if
// we have a non-address only type.
SILValue addr = dai->getOperand();
// If we have an address only type, do nothing.
SILType type = addr->getType();
if (type.isAddressOnly(*fn))
return false;
// We only expand if ownership is not enabled and we do not have a large
// type. This was something that was only really beneficial for the low level
// ARC optimizer which runs without ownership enabled.
bool expand = shouldExpandShim(fn, type.getObjectType());
// If we have a non-trivial type...
if (!type.isTrivial(*fn)) {
// If we have a type with reference semantics, emit a load/destroy.
SILValue li = builder.emitLoadValueOperation(dai->getLoc(), addr,
auto &typeLowering = fn->getTypeLowering(type);
using TypeExpansionKind = Lowering::TypeLowering::TypeExpansionKind;
auto expansionKind = expand ? TypeExpansionKind::MostDerivedDescendents
: TypeExpansionKind::None;
typeLowering.emitLoweredDestroyValue(builder, dai->getLoc(), li,
return true;
static bool expandReleaseValue(ReleaseValueInst *rvi) {
SILFunction *fn = rvi->getFunction();
SILBuilderWithScope builder(rvi);
// Strength reduce destroy_addr inst into release/store if
// we have a non-address only type.
SILValue value = rvi->getOperand();
// If we have an address only type, do nothing.
SILType type = value->getType();
assert(!SILModuleConventions(fn->getModule()).useLoweredAddresses() ||
type.isLoadable(*fn) &&
"release_value should never be called on a non-loadable type.");
if (!shouldExpandShim(fn, type.getObjectType()))
return false;
auto &TL = fn->getTypeLowering(type);
TL.emitLoweredDestroyValueMostDerivedDescendents(builder, rvi->getLoc(),
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Expanding: " << *rvi);
return true;
static bool expandRetainValue(RetainValueInst *rvi) {
SILFunction *fn = rvi->getFunction();
SILBuilderWithScope builder(rvi);
// Strength reduce destroy_addr inst into release/store if
// we have a non-address only type.
SILValue value = rvi->getOperand();
// If we have an address only type, do nothing.
SILType type = value->getType();
assert(!SILModuleConventions(fn->getModule()).useLoweredAddresses() ||
type.isLoadable(*fn) &&
"Copy Value can only be called on loadable types.");
if (!shouldExpandShim(fn, type.getObjectType()))
return false;
auto &typeLowering = fn->getTypeLowering(type);
rvi->getLoc(), value);
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << " Expanding: " << *rvi);
return true;
// Top Level Driver
static bool processFunction(SILFunction &fn) {
bool changed = false;
for (auto &block : fn) {
auto ii = block.begin(), ie = block.end();
while (ii != ie) {
SILInstruction *inst = &*ii;
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "Visiting: " << *inst);
if (auto *cai = dyn_cast<CopyAddrInst>(inst))
if (expandCopyAddr(cai)) {
changed = true;
if (auto *dai = dyn_cast<DestroyAddrInst>(inst))
if (expandDestroyAddr(dai)) {
changed = true;
if (auto *rvi = dyn_cast<RetainValueInst>(inst))
if (expandRetainValue(rvi)) {
changed = true;
if (auto *rvi = dyn_cast<ReleaseValueInst>(inst))
if (expandReleaseValue(rvi)) {
changed = true;
return changed;
// Top Level Entrypoint
namespace {
class SILLowerAggregate : public SILFunctionTransform {
/// The entry point to the transformation.
void run() override {
SILFunction *f = getFunction();
LLVM_DEBUG(llvm::dbgs() << "***** LowerAggregate on function: "
<< f->getName() << " *****\n");
bool changed = processFunction(*f);
if (changed) {
} // end anonymous namespace
SILTransform *swift::createLowerAggregateInstrs() {
return new SILLowerAggregate();