blob: ad8325d031f4a18f4de258d75353397cc20b2285 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- PrintingDiagnosticConsumer.cpp - Print Text Diagnostics ----------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the PrintingDiagnosticConsumer class.
#include "swift/Frontend/PrintingDiagnosticConsumer.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceManager.h"
#include "swift/Markup/Markup.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/StringRef.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatAdapters.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace swift;
using namespace swift::markup;
namespace {
class ColoredStream : public raw_ostream {
raw_ostream &Underlying;
explicit ColoredStream(raw_ostream &underlying) : Underlying(underlying) {}
~ColoredStream() override { flush(); }
raw_ostream &changeColor(Colors color, bool bold = false,
bool bg = false) override {
Underlying.changeColor(color, bold, bg);
return *this;
raw_ostream &resetColor() override {
return *this;
raw_ostream &reverseColor() override {
return *this;
bool has_colors() const override {
return true;
void write_impl(const char *ptr, size_t size) override {
Underlying.write(ptr, size);
uint64_t current_pos() const override {
return Underlying.tell() - GetNumBytesInBuffer();
size_t preferred_buffer_size() const override {
return 0;
/// A stream which drops all color settings.
class NoColorStream : public raw_ostream {
raw_ostream &Underlying;
explicit NoColorStream(raw_ostream &underlying) : Underlying(underlying) {}
~NoColorStream() override { flush(); }
bool has_colors() const override { return false; }
void write_impl(const char *ptr, size_t size) override {
Underlying.write(ptr, size);
uint64_t current_pos() const override {
return Underlying.tell() - GetNumBytesInBuffer();
size_t preferred_buffer_size() const override { return 0; }
// MARK: Markdown Printing
class TerminalMarkupPrinter : public MarkupASTVisitor<TerminalMarkupPrinter> {
llvm::raw_ostream &OS;
unsigned Indent;
unsigned ShouldBold;
void indent(unsigned Amount = 2) { Indent += Amount; }
void dedent(unsigned Amount = 2) {
assert(Indent >= Amount && "dedent without matching indent");
Indent -= Amount;
void bold() {
void unbold() {
assert(ShouldBold > 0 && "unbolded without matching bold");
void updateFormatting() {
if (ShouldBold > 0)
OS.changeColor(raw_ostream::Colors::SAVEDCOLOR, true);
void print(StringRef Str) {
for (auto c : Str) {
OS << c;
if (c == '\n')
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Indent; ++i)
OS << ' ';
TerminalMarkupPrinter(llvm::raw_ostream &OS)
: OS(OS), Indent(0), ShouldBold(0) {}
void printNewline() { print("\n"); }
void visitDocument(const Document *D) {
for (const auto *Child : D->getChildren()) {
if (Child->getKind() == ASTNodeKind::Paragraph) {
// Add a newline before top-level paragraphs
void visitBlockQuote(const BlockQuote *BQ) {
for (const auto *Child : BQ->getChildren())
void visitList(const List *BL) {
for (const auto *Child : BL->getChildren())
void visitItem(const Item *I) {
print("- ");
for (const auto *N : I->getChildren())
void visitCodeBlock(const CodeBlock *CB) {
void visitCode(const Code *C) {
void visitHTML(const HTML *H) { print(H->getLiteralContent()); }
void visitInlineHTML(const InlineHTML *IH) {
void visitSoftBreak(const SoftBreak *SB) { printNewline(); }
void visitLineBreak(const LineBreak *LB) {
void visitLink(const Link *L) {
for (const auto *Child : L->getChildren())
void visitImage(const Image *I) { llvm_unreachable("unsupported"); }
void visitParagraph(const Paragraph *P) {
for (const auto *Child : P->getChildren())
// TODO: add raw_ostream support for italics ANSI codes in LLVM.
void visitEmphasis(const Emphasis *E) {
for (const auto *Child : E->getChildren())
void visitStrong(const Strong *E) {
for (const auto *Child : E->getChildren())
void visitHRule(const HRule *HR) {
void visitHeader(const Header *H) {
for (const auto *Child : H->getChildren())
void visitText(const Text *T) { print(T->getLiteralContent()); }
void visitPrivateExtension(const PrivateExtension *PE) {
void visitParamField(const ParamField *PF) {
void visitReturnField(const ReturnsField *RF) {
void visitThrowField(const ThrowsField *TF) {
#define MARKUP_SIMPLE_FIELD(Id, Keyword, XMLKind) \
void visit##Id(const Id *Field) { llvm_unreachable("unsupported"); }
#include "swift/Markup/SimpleFields.def"
static void printMarkdown(StringRef Content, raw_ostream &Out,
bool UseColor) {
markup::MarkupContext ctx;
auto document = markup::parseDocument(ctx, Content);
if (UseColor) {
ColoredStream stream{Out};
TerminalMarkupPrinter printer(stream);
} else {
NoColorStream stream{Out};
TerminalMarkupPrinter printer(stream);
// MARK: Experimental diagnostic printing.
static void printDiagnosticKind(DiagnosticKind kind, raw_ostream &out) {
switch (kind) {
case DiagnosticKind::Error:
out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::RED, true);
out << "error:";
case DiagnosticKind::Warning:
out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::YELLOW, true);
out << "warning:";
case DiagnosticKind::Note:
out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::CYAN, true);
out << "note:";
case DiagnosticKind::Remark:
out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::CYAN, true);
out << "remark:";
static void printNumberedGutter(unsigned LineNumber,
unsigned LineNumberIndent, raw_ostream &Out) {
Out << llvm::formatv(
"{0} | ",
llvm::fmt_align(LineNumber, llvm::AlignStyle::Right, LineNumberIndent));
static void printEmptyGutter(unsigned LineNumberIndent, raw_ostream &Out) {
Out << std::string(LineNumberIndent + 1, ' ') << "| ";
static void printStringAsSingleQuotedLine(StringRef str, raw_ostream &Out) {
Out << "'";
for (auto character : str) {
if (character == '\n')
Out << "\\n";
Out << character;
Out << "'";
// Describe a fix-it out-of-line.
static void describeFixIt(SourceManager &SM, DiagnosticInfo::FixIt fixIt,
raw_ostream &Out) {
if (fixIt.getRange().getByteLength() == 0) {
Out << "insert ";
printStringAsSingleQuotedLine(fixIt.getText(), Out);
} else if (fixIt.getText().empty()) {
Out << "remove ";
printStringAsSingleQuotedLine(SM.extractText(fixIt.getRange()), Out);
} else {
Out << "replace ";
printStringAsSingleQuotedLine(SM.extractText(fixIt.getRange()), Out);
Out << " with ";
printStringAsSingleQuotedLine(fixIt.getText(), Out);
static void describeFixIts(SourceManager &SM,
ArrayRef<DiagnosticInfo::FixIt> fixIts,
raw_ostream &Out) {
Out << "[";
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fixIts.size(); ++i) {
if (fixIts.size() > 2 && i + 1 == fixIts.size()) {
Out << ", and ";
} else if (fixIts.size() > 2 && i > 0) {
Out << ", ";
} else if (fixIts.size() == 2 && i == 1) {
Out << " and ";
describeFixIt(SM, fixIts[i], Out);
Out << "]";
/// Represents a single line of source code annotated with optional messages,
/// highlights, and fix-its.
class AnnotatedLine {
friend class AnnotatedFileExcerpt;
// A diagnostic message located at a specific byte in the line.
struct Message {
unsigned Byte;
DiagnosticKind Kind;
std::string Text;
// A half-open byte range which should be highlighted.
struct Highlight {
unsigned StartByte;
unsigned EndByte;
// A half-open byte range which should be replaced with the given text.
struct FixIt {
unsigned StartByte;
unsigned EndByte;
std::string Text;
unsigned LineNumber;
// The line number displayed to the user. This may differ from the actual
// line number if #sourceLocation is used.
unsigned DisplayLineNumber;
std::string LineText;
SmallVector<Message, 1> Messages;
SmallVector<Highlight, 1> Highlights;
SmallVector<FixIt, 1> FixIts;
// Adjust output color as needed if this byte is part of a fix-it deletion.
void applyStyleForLineByte(unsigned Byte, raw_ostream &Out, bool &Deleted) {
bool shouldDelete = false;
for (auto fixIt : FixIts) {
if (Byte >= fixIt.StartByte && Byte < fixIt.EndByte)
shouldDelete = true;
// Only modify deletions when we reach the start or end of
// a fix-it. This ensures that so long as the original
// SourceLocs pointed to the first byte of a grapheme cluster, we won't
// output an ANSI escape sequence in the middle of one.
if (shouldDelete != Deleted) {
if (shouldDelete) {
Out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::RED, /*bold*/ true);
Deleted = shouldDelete;
// Insert fix-it replacement text at the appropriate point in the line.
bool maybePrintInsertionAfter(int Byte, bool isLineASCII,
raw_ostream &Out) {
// Don't print insertions inline for non-ASCII lines, because we can't
// print an underline beneath them.
if (!isLineASCII)
return false;
for (auto fixIt : FixIts) {
if ((int)fixIt.EndByte - 1 == Byte) {
Out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::GREEN, /*bold*/ true);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fixIt.Text.size(); ++i) {
// Invert text colors for editor placeholders.
if (i + 1 < fixIt.Text.size() && fixIt.Text.substr(i, 2) == "<#") {
Out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::GREEN, /*bold*/ true,
/*background*/ true);
} else if (i + 1 < fixIt.Text.size() &&
fixIt.Text.substr(i, 2) == "#>") {
Out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::GREEN, /*bold*/ true,
/*background*/ false);
} else {
Out << fixIt.Text[i];
return true;
return false;
unsigned lineByteOffsetForLoc(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc) {
SourceLoc lineStart = SM.getLocForLineCol(SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc),
getLineNumber(), 1);
return SM.getByteDistance(lineStart, Loc);
AnnotatedLine(unsigned LineNumber, unsigned DisplayLineNumber,
StringRef LineText)
: LineNumber(LineNumber), DisplayLineNumber(DisplayLineNumber),
LineText(LineText) {}
unsigned getLineNumber() { return LineNumber; }
void addMessage(SourceManager &SM, SourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticKind Kind,
StringRef Message) {
Messages.push_back({lineByteOffsetForLoc(SM, Loc), Kind, Message.str()});
void addHighlight(SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange Range) {
Highlights.push_back({lineByteOffsetForLoc(SM, Range.getStart()),
lineByteOffsetForLoc(SM, Range.getEnd())});
void addFixIt(SourceManager &SM, CharSourceRange Range, StringRef Text) {
FixIts.push_back({lineByteOffsetForLoc(SM, Range.getStart()),
lineByteOffsetForLoc(SM, Range.getEnd()), Text.str()});
void render(unsigned LineNumberIndent, raw_ostream &Out) {
printNumberedGutter(DisplayLineNumber, LineNumberIndent, Out);
// Determine if the line is all-ASCII. This will determine a number of
// later formatting decisions.
bool isASCII = true;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < LineText.size(); ++i)
isASCII = isASCII && static_cast<unsigned char>(LineText[i]) <= 127;
// Map a byte in the original source line to a column in the annotated
// line.
unsigned *byteToColumnMap = new unsigned[LineText.size() + 1];
unsigned extraColumns = 0;
// Track the location of the first character in the line that is not a
// whitespace character. This can be used to avoid underlining leading
// whitespace, which looks weird even though it is technically accurate.
unsigned firstNonWhitespaceColumn = 0;
bool seenNonWhitespaceCharacter = false;
// We count one past the end of LineText here to handle trailing fix-it
// insertions.
for (unsigned i = 0; i < LineText.size() + 1; ++i) {
if (isASCII) {
for (auto fixIt : FixIts) {
if (fixIt.EndByte == i) {
// We don't print editor placeholder indicators, so make sure we
// don't count them here.
extraColumns += fixIt.Text.size() -
StringRef(fixIt.Text).count("<#") * 2 -
StringRef(fixIt.Text).count("#>") * 2;
if (i < LineText.size()) {
// Tabs are mapped to 2 spaces so they have a known column width.
if (LineText[i] == '\t')
extraColumns += 1;
if (!seenNonWhitespaceCharacter && !isspace(LineText[i])) {
firstNonWhitespaceColumn = i + extraColumns;
seenNonWhitespaceCharacter = true;
byteToColumnMap[i] = i + extraColumns;
// Print the source line byte-by-byte, emitting ANSI escape sequences as
// needed to style fix-its, and checking for non-ASCII characters.
bool deleted = false;
maybePrintInsertionAfter(-1, isASCII, Out);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < LineText.size(); ++i) {
applyStyleForLineByte(i, Out, deleted);
if (LineText[i] == '\t')
Out << " ";
Out << LineText[i];
if (maybePrintInsertionAfter(i, isASCII, Out)) {
deleted = false;
maybePrintInsertionAfter(LineText.size(), isASCII, Out);
Out << "\n";
// If the entire line is composed of ASCII characters, we can position '~'
// characters in the appropriate columns on the following line to
// represent highlights.
if (isASCII) {
auto highlightLine = std::string(byteToColumnMap[LineText.size()], ' ');
for (auto highlight : Highlights) {
for (unsigned i =
std::max(highlight.StartByte, firstNonWhitespaceColumn);
i < highlight.EndByte; ++i)
highlightLine[byteToColumnMap[i]] = '~';
for (auto fixIt : FixIts) {
// Mark deletions.
for (unsigned i = std::max(fixIt.StartByte, firstNonWhitespaceColumn);
i < fixIt.EndByte; ++i)
highlightLine[byteToColumnMap[i]] = '-';
// Mark insertions. If the fix-it starts at the beginning of the line,
// highlight from column zero to the end column. Otherwise, find the
// column which immediately precedes the insertion. Then, highlight
// from the column after that to the end column. The end column in
// this case is obtained from the fix-it's starting byte, because
// insertions are printed before the deleted range.
unsigned startColumn = fixIt.StartByte == 0
? 0
: byteToColumnMap[fixIt.StartByte - 1] + 1;
for (unsigned i = startColumn; i < byteToColumnMap[fixIt.StartByte];
highlightLine[i] = '+';
// Print the highlight line with the appropriate colors.
if (!(Highlights.empty() && FixIts.empty())) {
printEmptyGutter(LineNumberIndent, Out);
auto currentColor = ColoredStream::Colors::WHITE;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < highlightLine.size(); ++i) {
llvm::raw_ostream::Colors charColor;
switch (highlightLine[i]) {
case '+':
charColor = ColoredStream::Colors::GREEN;
case '-':
charColor = ColoredStream::Colors::RED;
case '~':
charColor = ColoredStream::Colors::BLUE;
charColor = ColoredStream::Colors::WHITE;
if (currentColor != charColor) {
currentColor = charColor;
Out.changeColor(charColor, /*bold*/ true);
Out << highlightLine[i];
Out << "\n";
// Print each message on its own line below the source line. If the source
// line is ASCII, we can insert a caret pointing directly to the message
// location. If not, use a more generic "-->" indicator.
// FIXME: Improve Unicode support so every message can include a direct
// location indicator.
for (auto msg : Messages) {
printEmptyGutter(LineNumberIndent, Out);
if (isASCII) {
Out << std::string(byteToColumnMap[msg.Byte], ' ') << "^ ";
} else {
Out << "--> ";
printDiagnosticKind(msg.Kind, Out);
Out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::WHITE, /*bold*/ true);
Out << " " << msg.Text << "\n";
delete[] byteToColumnMap;
/// Represents an excerpt of a source file which contains one or more
/// annotated source lines.
class AnnotatedFileExcerpt {
SourceManager &SM;
unsigned BufferID;
/// The primary location of the parent error/warning/remark for this
/// diagnostic message. This is printed alongside the file path so it can be
/// parsed by editors and other tooling.
SourceLoc PrimaryLoc;
/// Whether the excerpt is from a virtual file (e.g. one introduced using
/// #sourceLocation).
bool FromVirtualFile;
std::vector<AnnotatedLine> AnnotatedLines;
/// Return the AnnotatedLine for a given SourceLoc, creating it if it
/// doesn't already exist.
AnnotatedLine &lineForLoc(SourceLoc Loc) {
// FIXME: This call to `getLineNumber` is expensive.
unsigned lineNo = SM.getLineAndColumnInBuffer(Loc).first;
AnnotatedLine newLine(lineNo, 0, "");
auto iter =
std::lower_bound(AnnotatedLines.begin(), AnnotatedLines.end(),
newLine, [](AnnotatedLine l1, AnnotatedLine l2) {
return l1.getLineNumber() < l2.getLineNumber();
if (iter == AnnotatedLines.end() || iter->getLineNumber() != lineNo) {
newLine.LineText = SM.getLineString(BufferID, lineNo);
newLine.DisplayLineNumber =
return *AnnotatedLines.insert(iter, newLine);
} else {
return *iter;
void printNumberedLine(SourceManager &SM, unsigned BufferID,
unsigned LineNumber, unsigned LineNumberIndent,
raw_ostream &Out) {
printNumberedGutter(LineNumber, LineNumberIndent, Out);
Out << SM.getLineString(BufferID, LineNumber) << "\n";
void lineRangesForRange(CharSourceRange Range,
SmallVectorImpl<CharSourceRange> &LineRanges) {
unsigned startLineNo =
unsigned endLineNo = SM.getLineAndColumnInBuffer(Range.getEnd()).first;
if (startLineNo == endLineNo) {
// Split the range by line.
SourceLoc lineEnd = SM.getLocForOffset(
BufferID, *SM.resolveOffsetForEndOfLine(BufferID, startLineNo));
LineRanges.push_back(CharSourceRange(SM, Range.getStart(), lineEnd));
for (unsigned intermediateLine = startLineNo + 1;
intermediateLine < endLineNo; ++intermediateLine) {
SourceLoc lineStart =
SM.getLocForLineCol(BufferID, intermediateLine, 1);
SourceLoc lineEnd = SM.getLocForOffset(
*SM.resolveOffsetForEndOfLine(BufferID, intermediateLine));
LineRanges.push_back(CharSourceRange(SM, lineStart, lineEnd));
SourceLoc lastLineStart = SM.getLocForLineCol(BufferID, endLineNo, 1);
LineRanges.push_back(CharSourceRange(SM, lastLineStart, Range.getEnd()));
void printLineEllipsis(raw_ostream &Out) {
Out.changeColor(ColoredStream::Colors::CYAN, true);
Out << llvm::formatv("{0}...\n",
llvm::fmt_repeat(" ", getPreferredLineNumberIndent()));
AnnotatedFileExcerpt(SourceManager &SM, unsigned BufferID,
SourceLoc PrimaryLoc)
: SM(SM), BufferID(BufferID), PrimaryLoc(PrimaryLoc) {
FromVirtualFile = SM.isLocInVirtualFile(PrimaryLoc);
unsigned getPreferredLineNumberIndent() {
// The lines are already in sorted ascending order, and we render one line
// after the last one for context. Use the last line number plus one to
// determine the indent.
return floor(1 + log10(AnnotatedLines.back().getLineNumber() + 1));
void addMessage(SourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticKind Kind, StringRef Message) {
lineForLoc(Loc).addMessage(SM, Loc, Kind, Message);
void addHighlight(CharSourceRange Range) {
SmallVector<CharSourceRange, 1> ranges;
lineRangesForRange(Range, ranges);
for (auto lineRange : ranges)
lineForLoc(lineRange.getStart()).addHighlight(SM, lineRange);
void addFixIt(CharSourceRange Range, StringRef Text) {
SmallVector<CharSourceRange, 1> ranges;
lineRangesForRange(Range, ranges);
// The removals are broken down line-by-line, so only add any insertions
// to the last replacement.
auto last = ranges.pop_back_val();
lineForLoc(last.getStart()).addFixIt(SM, last, Text);
for (auto lineRange : ranges)
lineForLoc(lineRange.getStart()).addFixIt(SM, lineRange, "");
void render(unsigned MinimumLineNumberIndent, raw_ostream &Out) {
// Tha maximum number of intermediate lines without annotations to render
// between annotated lines before using an ellipsis.
static const unsigned maxIntermediateLines = 3;
assert(!AnnotatedLines.empty() && "File excerpt has no lines");
unsigned lineNumberIndent =
std::max(getPreferredLineNumberIndent(), MinimumLineNumberIndent);
// Print the file name at the top of each excerpt.
auto primaryLineAndColumn = SM.getPresumedLineAndColumnForLoc(PrimaryLoc);
Out << std::string(lineNumberIndent + 1, '=') << " "
<< SM.getDisplayNameForLoc(PrimaryLoc) << ":"
<< primaryLineAndColumn.first << ":" << primaryLineAndColumn.second
<< " " << std::string(lineNumberIndent + 1, '=') << "\n";
// Print one extra line at the top for context, so long as this isn't an
// excerpt from a virtual file.
if (AnnotatedLines.front().getLineNumber() > 1 && !FromVirtualFile)
printNumberedLine(SM, BufferID,
AnnotatedLines.front().getLineNumber() - 1,
lineNumberIndent, Out);
// Render the first annotated line.
AnnotatedLines.front().render(lineNumberIndent, Out);
unsigned lastLineNumber = AnnotatedLines.front().getLineNumber();
// Render intermediate lines/ellipsis, followed by the next annotated
// line until they have all been output.
for (auto line = AnnotatedLines.begin() + 1; line != AnnotatedLines.end();
++line) {
unsigned lineNumber = line->getLineNumber();
if (FromVirtualFile) {
// Don't print intermediate lines in virtual files, as they may not
// make sense in context. Instead, just print an ellipsis between them
// if they're not consecutive in the actual source file.
if (lineNumber - lastLineNumber > 1) {
} else if (lineNumber - lastLineNumber > maxIntermediateLines) {
// Use an ellipsis to denote an ommitted part of the file.
printNumberedLine(SM, BufferID, lastLineNumber + 1, lineNumberIndent,
printNumberedLine(SM, BufferID, lineNumber - 1, lineNumberIndent,
} else {
// Print all the intermediate lines.
for (unsigned l = lastLineNumber + 1; l < lineNumber; ++l) {
printNumberedLine(SM, BufferID, l, lineNumberIndent, Out);
// Print the annotated line.
line->render(lineNumberIndent, Out);
lastLineNumber = lineNumber;
// Print one extra line at the bottom for context, so long as the excerpt
// isn't from a virtual file.
if (!FromVirtualFile) {
SM, BufferID,
AnnotatedLines[AnnotatedLines.size() - 1].getLineNumber() + 1,
lineNumberIndent, Out);
} // end anonymous namespace
namespace swift {
/// Represents one or more annotated file snippets which together form a
/// complete diagnostic message.
class AnnotatedSourceSnippet {
SourceManager &SM;
std::map<StringRef, AnnotatedFileExcerpt> FileExcerpts;
SmallVector<std::pair<DiagnosticKind, std::string>, 1>
AnnotatedFileExcerpt &excerptForLoc(SourceLoc Loc) {
StringRef bufName = SM.getDisplayNameForLoc(Loc);
unsigned bufID = SM.findBufferContainingLoc(Loc);
// Use the buffer display name as the key in the excerpt map instead of the
// buffer identifier to respect #sourceLocation directives.
FileExcerpts.emplace(bufName, AnnotatedFileExcerpt(SM, bufID, Loc));
return FileExcerpts.find(bufName)->second;
AnnotatedSourceSnippet(SourceManager &SM) : SM(SM){};
void addMessage(SourceLoc Loc, DiagnosticKind Kind, StringRef Message) {
if (Loc.isInvalid()) {
UnknownLocationMessages.push_back({Kind, Message.str()});
excerptForLoc(Loc).addMessage(Loc, Kind, Message);
void addHighlight(CharSourceRange Range) {
if (Range.isInvalid())
void addFixIt(CharSourceRange Range, StringRef Text) {
if (Range.isInvalid())
excerptForLoc(Range.getStart()).addFixIt(Range, Text);
void render(raw_ostream &Out) {
// Print the excerpt for each file.
unsigned lineNumberIndent =
std::max_element(FileExcerpts.begin(), FileExcerpts.end(),
[](auto &a, auto &b) {
return a.second.getPreferredLineNumberIndent() <
for (auto excerpt : FileExcerpts)
excerpt.second.render(lineNumberIndent, Out);
// Handle messages with invalid locations.
if (UnknownLocationMessages.size() == 1) {
Out << "Unknown Location: ";
printDiagnosticKind(UnknownLocationMessages[0].first, Out);
Out << " " << UnknownLocationMessages[0].second << "\n";
} else if (UnknownLocationMessages.size() > 1) {
Out << "Unknown Location\n";
for (auto unknownMessage : UnknownLocationMessages) {
printEmptyGutter(2, Out);
printDiagnosticKind(unknownMessage.first, Out);
Out << " " << unknownMessage.second << "\n";
} // namespace swift
static void annotateSnippetWithInfo(SourceManager &SM,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info,
AnnotatedSourceSnippet &Snippet) {
llvm::SmallString<256> Text;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Text);
DiagnosticEngine::formatDiagnosticText(Out, Info.FormatString,
// Show associated fix-its as part of the message. This is a
// better experience when notes offer a choice of fix-its. It's redundant
// for fix-its which are also displayed inline, but helps improve
// readability in some situations.
if (!Info.FixIts.empty()) {
Out << " ";
describeFixIts(SM, Info.FixIts, Out);
Snippet.addMessage(Info.Loc, Info.Kind, Text);
for (auto range : Info.Ranges) {
// Don't print inline fix-its for notes.
if (Info.Kind != DiagnosticKind::Note) {
for (auto fixIt : Info.FixIts) {
// Don't print multi-line fix-its inline, only include them at the end of
// the message.
if (fixIt.getText().find("\n") == std::string::npos)
Snippet.addFixIt(fixIt.getRange(), fixIt.getText());
// Add any explicitly grouped notes to the snippet.
for (auto ChildInfo : Info.ChildDiagnosticInfo) {
annotateSnippetWithInfo(SM, *ChildInfo, Snippet);
// MARK: Main DiagnosticConsumer entrypoint.
void PrintingDiagnosticConsumer::handleDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
if (Info.Kind == DiagnosticKind::Error) {
DidErrorOccur = true;
if (SuppressOutput)
if (Info.IsChildNote)
switch (FormattingStyle) {
case DiagnosticOptions::FormattingStyle::Swift:
if (Info.Kind == DiagnosticKind::Note && currentSnippet) {
// If this is a note and we have an in-flight message, add it to that
// instead of emitting it separately.
annotateSnippetWithInfo(SM, Info, *currentSnippet);
} else {
// If we encounter a new error/warning/remark, flush any in-flight
// snippets.
flush(/*includeTrailingBreak*/ true);
currentSnippet = std::make_unique<AnnotatedSourceSnippet>(SM);
annotateSnippetWithInfo(SM, Info, *currentSnippet);
if (PrintEducationalNotes) {
for (auto path : Info.EducationalNotePaths) {
if (auto buffer = SM.getFileSystem()->getBufferForFile(path))
case DiagnosticOptions::FormattingStyle::LLVM:
printDiagnostic(SM, Info);
if (PrintEducationalNotes) {
for (auto path : Info.EducationalNotePaths) {
if (auto buffer = SM.getFileSystem()->getBufferForFile(path)) {
printMarkdown(buffer->get()->getBuffer(), Stream, ForceColors);
Stream << "\n";
for (auto ChildInfo : Info.ChildDiagnosticInfo) {
printDiagnostic(SM, *ChildInfo);
void PrintingDiagnosticConsumer::flush(bool includeTrailingBreak) {
if (currentSnippet) {
if (ForceColors) {
ColoredStream colorStream{Stream};
if (includeTrailingBreak)
colorStream << "\n";
} else {
NoColorStream noColorStream{Stream};
if (includeTrailingBreak)
noColorStream << "\n";
for (auto note : BufferedEducationalNotes) {
printMarkdown(note, Stream, ForceColors);
Stream << "\n";
bool PrintingDiagnosticConsumer::finishProcessing() {
// If there's an in-flight snippet, flush it.
return false;
// MARK: LLVM style diagnostic printing
void PrintingDiagnosticConsumer::printDiagnostic(SourceManager &SM,
const DiagnosticInfo &Info) {
// Determine what kind of diagnostic we're emitting.
llvm::SourceMgr::DiagKind SMKind;
switch (Info.Kind) {
case DiagnosticKind::Error:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Error;
case DiagnosticKind::Warning:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Warning;
case DiagnosticKind::Note:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Note;
case DiagnosticKind::Remark:
SMKind = llvm::SourceMgr::DK_Remark;
// Translate ranges.
SmallVector<llvm::SMRange, 2> Ranges;
for (auto R : Info.Ranges)
Ranges.push_back(getRawRange(SM, R));
// Translate fix-its.
SmallVector<llvm::SMFixIt, 2> FixIts;
for (DiagnosticInfo::FixIt F : Info.FixIts)
FixIts.push_back(getRawFixIt(SM, F));
// Display the diagnostic.
ColoredStream coloredErrs{Stream};
raw_ostream &out = ForceColors ? coloredErrs : Stream;
const llvm::SourceMgr &rawSM = SM.getLLVMSourceMgr();
// Actually substitute the diagnostic arguments into the diagnostic text.
llvm::SmallString<256> Text;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream Out(Text);
DiagnosticEngine::formatDiagnosticText(Out, Info.FormatString,
auto Msg = SM.GetMessage(Info.Loc, SMKind, Text, Ranges, FixIts);
rawSM.PrintMessage(out, Msg, ForceColors);
SourceManager::GetMessage(SourceLoc Loc, llvm::SourceMgr::DiagKind Kind,
const Twine &Msg,
ArrayRef<llvm::SMRange> Ranges,
ArrayRef<llvm::SMFixIt> FixIts) const {
// First thing to do: find the current buffer containing the specified
// location to pull out the source line.
SmallVector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned>, 4> ColRanges;
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> LineAndCol;
StringRef BufferID = "<unknown>";
std::string LineStr;
if (Loc.isValid()) {
BufferID = getDisplayNameForLoc(Loc);
auto CurMB = LLVMSourceMgr.getMemoryBuffer(findBufferContainingLoc(Loc));
// Scan backward to find the start of the line.
const char *LineStart = Loc.Value.getPointer();
const char *BufStart = CurMB->getBufferStart();
while (LineStart != BufStart && LineStart[-1] != '\n' &&
LineStart[-1] != '\r')
// Get the end of the line.
const char *LineEnd = Loc.Value.getPointer();
const char *BufEnd = CurMB->getBufferEnd();
while (LineEnd != BufEnd && LineEnd[0] != '\n' && LineEnd[0] != '\r')
LineStr = std::string(LineStart, LineEnd);
// Convert any ranges to column ranges that only intersect the line of the
// location.
for (unsigned i = 0, e = Ranges.size(); i != e; ++i) {
llvm::SMRange R = Ranges[i];
if (!R.isValid()) continue;
// If the line doesn't contain any part of the range, then ignore it.
if (R.Start.getPointer() > LineEnd || R.End.getPointer() < LineStart)
// Ignore pieces of the range that go onto other lines.
if (R.Start.getPointer() < LineStart)
R.Start = llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(LineStart);
if (R.End.getPointer() > LineEnd)
R.End = llvm::SMLoc::getFromPointer(LineEnd);
// Translate from SMLoc ranges to column ranges.
// FIXME: Handle multibyte characters.
LineAndCol = getPresumedLineAndColumnForLoc(Loc);
return llvm::SMDiagnostic(LLVMSourceMgr, Loc.Value, BufferID,
LineAndCol.second-1, Kind, Msg.str(),
LineStr, ColRanges, FixIts);
// These must come after the declaration of AnnotatedSourceSnippet due to the
// `currentSnippet` member.
llvm::raw_ostream &stream)
: Stream(stream) {}
PrintingDiagnosticConsumer::~PrintingDiagnosticConsumer() = default;
// FIXME: This implementation is inefficient.
std::string SourceManager::getLineString(unsigned BufferID,
unsigned LineNumber) {
SourceLoc Loc = getLocForLineCol(BufferID, LineNumber, 1);
if (Loc.isInvalid())
return "";
auto CurMB = LLVMSourceMgr.getMemoryBuffer(findBufferContainingLoc(Loc));
const char *LineStart = Loc.Value.getPointer();
const char *BufStart = CurMB->getBufferStart();
while (LineStart != BufStart && LineStart[-1] != '\n' &&
LineStart[-1] != '\r')
// Get the end of the line.
const char *LineEnd = Loc.Value.getPointer();
const char *BufEnd = CurMB->getBufferEnd();
while (LineEnd != BufEnd && LineEnd[0] != '\n' && LineEnd[0] != '\r')
return std::string(LineStart, LineEnd);