blob: 50acac7b64273370536e76a09e28565228c044c8 [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- ImportName.h - Imported Swift names for Clang decls ----*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides class definitions for naming-related concerns in the
// ClangImporter.
#include "ImportEnumInfo.h"
#include "SwiftLookupTable.h"
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Version.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/ForeignAsyncConvention.h"
#include "swift/AST/ForeignErrorConvention.h"
#include "clang/Sema/Sema.h"
namespace swift {
namespace importer {
struct PlatformAvailability;
/// The kind of accessor that an entity will be imported as.
enum class ImportedAccessorKind : unsigned {
None = 0,
enum { NumImportedAccessorKindBits = 3 };
/// The name version
class ImportNameVersion : public RelationalOperationsBase<ImportNameVersion> {
unsigned rawValue : 31;
unsigned concurrency : 1;
friend llvm::DenseMapInfo<ImportNameVersion>;
enum AsConstExpr_t { AsConstExpr };
constexpr ImportNameVersion() : rawValue(0), concurrency(false) {}
constexpr ImportNameVersion(unsigned version, AsConstExpr_t)
: rawValue(version), concurrency(false) {}
explicit ImportNameVersion(unsigned version, bool concurrency = false)
: rawValue(version), concurrency(concurrency) {
assert(version >= 2 && "only Swift 2 and later are supported");
/// Map a language version into an import name version.
static ImportNameVersion fromOptions(const LangOptions &langOpts) {
// We encode the 'rawValue' as just major version numbers with the
// exception of '4.2', which is a special minor version that can impact
// importing of names. We treat that with a rawValue of 5, and treat
// all major values of 5 or higher as being rawValue = majorversion + 1.
const auto &version = langOpts.EffectiveLanguageVersion;
// If the effective version is 4.x, where x >= 2, the import version
// is 4.2.
if (version.size() > 1 && version[0] == 4 && version[1] >= 2) {
return ImportNameVersion::swift4_2();
unsigned major = version[0];
return ImportNameVersion(major >= 5 ? major + 1 : major, false);
unsigned majorVersionNumber() const {
assert(*this != ImportNameVersion::raw());
if (*this == ImportNameVersion::swift4_2())
return 4;
return rawValue < 5 ? rawValue : rawValue - 1;
unsigned minorVersionNumber() const {
assert(*this != ImportNameVersion::raw());
if (*this == ImportNameVersion::swift4_2())
return 2;
return 0;
llvm::VersionTuple asClangVersionTuple() const {
assert(*this != ImportNameVersion::raw());
return llvm::VersionTuple(majorVersionNumber(), minorVersionNumber());
/// Whether to consider importing functions as 'async'.
bool supportsConcurrency() const { return concurrency; }
ImportNameVersion withConcurrency(bool concurrency) const {
ImportNameVersion result = *this;
result.concurrency = concurrency;
return result;
bool operator==(ImportNameVersion other) const {
return rawValue == other.rawValue && concurrency == other.concurrency;
bool operator<(ImportNameVersion other) const {
return rawValue < other.rawValue ||
(rawValue == other.rawValue && concurrency < other.concurrency);
/// Calls \p action for each name version other than this one, first going
/// backwards until ImportNameVersion::raw(), and then going forwards to
/// ImportNameVersion::maxVersion().
/// This is the most useful order for importing compatibility stubs.
void forEachOtherImportNameVersion(
bool withConcurrency,
llvm::function_ref<void(ImportNameVersion)> action) const {
assert(*this >= ImportNameVersion::swift2());
ImportNameVersion nameVersion = *this;
// If we've been asked to also consider concurrency, do so for the
// primary version (only).
if (withConcurrency) {
while (nameVersion > ImportNameVersion::swift2()) {
nameVersion = *this;
while (nameVersion < ImportNameVersion::maxVersion()) {
/// Names as they appear in C/ObjC.
static constexpr inline ImportNameVersion raw() {
return ImportNameVersion{};
/// Names as they appeared in Swift 2 family.
static constexpr inline ImportNameVersion swift2() {
return ImportNameVersion{2, AsConstExpr};
/// Names as they appeared in Swift 4.2 family.
static constexpr inline ImportNameVersion swift4_2() {
return ImportNameVersion{5, AsConstExpr};
/// The latest supported version.
/// FIXME: All other version information is in Version.h. Can this go there
/// instead?
static constexpr inline ImportNameVersion maxVersion() {
return ImportNameVersion{6, AsConstExpr};
/// The version which should be used for importing types, which need to have
/// one canonical definition.
/// FIXME: Is this supposed to be the /newest/ version, or a canonical
/// version that lasts forever as part of the ABI?
static constexpr inline ImportNameVersion forTypes() {
return ImportNameVersion::maxVersion();
/// Describes a name that was imported from Clang.
class ImportedName {
friend class NameImporter;
/// The imported name.
DeclName declName;
/// The context into which this declaration will be imported.
/// When the context into which the declaration will be imported
/// matches a Clang declaration context (the common case), the
/// result will be expressed as a declaration context. Otherwise,
/// if the Clang type is not itself a declaration context (for
/// example, a typedef that comes into Swift as a strong type),
/// the type declaration will be provided.
EffectiveClangContext effectiveContext;
struct Info {
/// For names that map Objective-C error handling conventions into
/// throwing Swift methods, describes how the mapping is performed.
ForeignErrorConvention::Info errorInfo;
/// For names that map Objective-C completion handlers into async
/// Swift methods, describes how the mapping is performed.
ForeignAsyncConvention::Info asyncInfo;
/// For a declaration name that makes the declaration into an
/// instance member, the index of the "Self" parameter.
unsigned selfIndex;
/// For an initializer, the kind of initializer to import.
CtorInitializerKind initKind;
/// What kind of accessor this name refers to, if any.
ImportedAccessorKind accessorKind : NumImportedAccessorKindBits;
/// Whether this name was explicitly specified via a Clang
/// swift_name attribute.
unsigned hasCustomName : 1;
/// Whether this was one of a special class of Objective-C
/// initializers for which we drop the variadic argument rather
/// than refuse to import the initializer.
unsigned droppedVariadic : 1;
/// Whether this is a global being imported as a member
unsigned importAsMember : 1;
unsigned hasSelfIndex : 1;
unsigned hasErrorInfo : 1;
unsigned hasAsyncInfo : 1;
: errorInfo(), selfIndex(), initKind(CtorInitializerKind::Designated),
accessorKind(ImportedAccessorKind::None), hasCustomName(false),
droppedVariadic(false), importAsMember(false), hasSelfIndex(false),
hasErrorInfo(false), hasAsyncInfo(false) {}
} info;
ImportedName() = default;
/// Produce just the imported name, for clients that don't care
/// about the details.
DeclName getDeclName() const { return declName; }
operator DeclName() const { return getDeclName(); }
void setDeclName(DeclName name) { declName = name; }
/// The context into which this declaration will be imported.
EffectiveClangContext getEffectiveContext() const {
return effectiveContext;
void setEffectiveContext(EffectiveClangContext ctx) {
effectiveContext = ctx;
/// For an initializer, the kind of initializer to import.
CtorInitializerKind getInitKind() const { return info.initKind; }
/// What kind of accessor this name refers to, if any.
ImportedAccessorKind getAccessorKind() const { return info.accessorKind; }
/// For names that map Objective-C error handling conventions into
/// throwing Swift methods, describes how the mapping is performed.
Optional<ForeignErrorConvention::Info> getErrorInfo() const {
if (info.hasErrorInfo)
return info.errorInfo;
return None;
/// For names that map Objective-C methods with completion handlers into
/// async Swift methods, describes how the mapping is performed.
Optional<ForeignAsyncConvention::Info> getAsyncInfo() const {
if (info.hasAsyncInfo)
return info.asyncInfo;
return None;
/// For a declaration name that makes the declaration into an
/// instance member, the index of the "Self" parameter.
Optional<unsigned> getSelfIndex() const {
if (info.hasSelfIndex)
return info.selfIndex;
return None;
/// Whether this name was explicitly specified via a Clang
/// swift_name attribute.
bool hasCustomName() const { return info.hasCustomName; }
void setHasCustomName() { info.hasCustomName = true; }
/// Whether this was one of a special class of Objective-C
/// initializers for which we drop the variadic argument rather
/// than refuse to import the initializer.
bool droppedVariadic() const { return info.droppedVariadic; }
/// Whether this is a global being imported as a member
bool importAsMember() const { return info.importAsMember; }
/// Whether any name was imported.
explicit operator bool() const { return static_cast<bool>(declName); }
/// Whether this declaration is a property accessor (getter or setter).
bool isPropertyAccessor() const {
switch (getAccessorKind()) {
case ImportedAccessorKind::None:
case ImportedAccessorKind::SubscriptGetter:
case ImportedAccessorKind::SubscriptSetter:
return false;
case ImportedAccessorKind::PropertyGetter:
case ImportedAccessorKind::PropertySetter:
return true;
/// Whether this declaration is a subscript accessor (getter or setter).
bool isSubscriptAccessor() const {
switch (getAccessorKind()) {
case ImportedAccessorKind::None:
case ImportedAccessorKind::PropertyGetter:
case ImportedAccessorKind::PropertySetter:
return false;
case ImportedAccessorKind::SubscriptGetter:
case ImportedAccessorKind::SubscriptSetter:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Invalid ImportedAccessorKind.");
/// Strips a trailing "Notification", if present. Returns {} if name doesn't end
/// in "Notification", or it there would be nothing left.
StringRef stripNotification(StringRef name);
/// Describes how a custom name was provided for 'async' import.
enum class CustomAsyncName {
/// No custom name was provided.
/// A custom swift_name (but not swift_async_name) was provided.
/// A custom swift_async_name was provided, which won't have a completion
/// handler argument label.
/// Class to determine the Swift name of foreign entities. Currently fairly
/// stateless and borrows from the ClangImporter::Implementation, but in the
/// future will be more self-contained and encapsulated.
class NameImporter {
ASTContext &swiftCtx;
const PlatformAvailability &availability;
clang::Sema &clangSema;
EnumInfoCache enumInfos;
StringScratchSpace scratch;
const bool inferImportAsMember;
// TODO: remove when we drop the options (i.e. import all names)
using CacheKeyType =
std::pair<const clang::NamedDecl *, ImportNameVersion>;
/// Cache for repeated calls
llvm::DenseMap<CacheKeyType, ImportedName> importNameCache;
/// The set of property names that show up in the defining module of
/// an Objective-C class.
llvm::DenseMap<std::pair<const clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *, char>,
std::unique_ptr<InheritedNameSet>> allProperties;
NameImporter(ASTContext &ctx, const PlatformAvailability &avail,
clang::Sema &cSema, bool inferIAM)
: swiftCtx(ctx), availability(avail), clangSema(cSema),
inferImportAsMember(inferIAM) {}
/// Determine the Swift name for a Clang decl
ImportedName importName(const clang::NamedDecl *decl,
ImportNameVersion version,
clang::DeclarationName preferredName =
/// Attempts to import the name of \p decl with each possible
/// ImportNameVersion. \p action will be called with each unique name.
/// In this case, "unique" means either the full name is distinct or the
/// effective context is distinct. This method does not attempt to handle
/// "unresolved" contexts in any special way---if one name references a
/// particular Clang declaration and the other has an unresolved context that
/// will eventually reference that declaration, the contexts will still be
/// considered distinct.
/// If \p action returns false, the current name will \e not be added to the
/// set of seen names.
/// The active name for \p activeVerion is always first, followed by the
/// other names in the order of
/// ImportNameVersion::forEachOtherImportNameVersion.
/// Returns \c true if it fails to import name for the active version.
bool forEachDistinctImportName(
const clang::NamedDecl *decl, ImportNameVersion activeVersion,
llvm::function_ref<bool(ImportedName, ImportNameVersion)> action);
/// Imports the name of the given Clang macro into Swift.
Identifier importMacroName(const clang::IdentifierInfo *clangIdentifier,
const clang::MacroInfo *macro);
ASTContext &getContext() { return swiftCtx; }
const LangOptions &getLangOpts() const { return swiftCtx.LangOpts; }
Identifier getIdentifier(StringRef name) {
return swiftCtx.getIdentifier(name);
StringScratchSpace &getScratch() { return scratch; }
bool isInferImportAsMember() const { return inferImportAsMember; }
EnumInfo getEnumInfo(const clang::EnumDecl *decl) {
return enumInfos.getEnumInfo(decl);
EnumKind getEnumKind(const clang::EnumDecl *decl) {
return enumInfos.getEnumKind(decl);
clang::Sema &getClangSema() { return clangSema; }
clang::ASTContext &getClangContext() {
return getClangSema().getASTContext();
clang::Preprocessor &getClangPreprocessor() {
return getClangSema().getPreprocessor();
/// Retrieve the inherited name set for the given Objective-C class.
const InheritedNameSet *getAllPropertyNames(
clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl *classDecl,
bool forInstance);
bool enableObjCInterop() const { return swiftCtx.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop; }
/// Look for a method that will import to have the same name as the
/// given method after importing the Nth parameter as an elided error
/// parameter.
bool hasErrorMethodNameCollision(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *method,
unsigned paramIndex,
StringRef suffixToStrip);
/// Test to see if there is a value with the same name as 'proposedName' in
/// the same module as the decl
bool hasNamingConflict(const clang::NamedDecl *decl,
const clang::IdentifierInfo *proposedName,
const clang::TypedefNameDecl *cfTypedef);
considerErrorImport(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *clangDecl,
StringRef &baseName,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &paramNames,
ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params,
bool isInitializer, bool hasCustomName);
considerAsyncImport(const clang::ObjCMethodDecl *clangDecl,
StringRef baseName,
SmallVectorImpl<StringRef> &paramNames,
ArrayRef<const clang::ParmVarDecl *> params,
bool isInitializer,
Optional<unsigned> explicitCompletionHandlerParamIndex,
CustomAsyncName customName,
Optional<ForeignErrorConvention::Info> errorInfo);
EffectiveClangContext determineEffectiveContext(const clang::NamedDecl *,
const clang::DeclContext *,
ImportNameVersion version);
ImportedName importNameImpl(const clang::NamedDecl *,
ImportNameVersion version,
namespace llvm {
// Provide DenseMapInfo for ImportNameVersion.
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<swift::importer::ImportNameVersion> {
using ImportNameVersion = swift::importer::ImportNameVersion;
using DMIU = DenseMapInfo<unsigned>;
static inline ImportNameVersion getEmptyKey() {
return (ImportNameVersion)DMIU::getEmptyKey();
static inline ImportNameVersion getTombstoneKey() {
return (ImportNameVersion)DMIU::getTombstoneKey();
static unsigned getHashValue(const ImportNameVersion &Val) {
return DMIU::getHashValue(Val.rawValue);
static bool isEqual(const ImportNameVersion &LHS,
const ImportNameVersion &RHS) {
return LHS == RHS;