blob: bc3f9fe7371a0504ffb06b1e93eb6ee589dc71cb [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Expr.cpp - Swift Language Expression ASTs ------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the Expr class and subclasses.
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Unicode.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTVisitor.h"
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h" // FIXME: Bad dependency
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/AvailabilitySpec.h"
#include "swift/AST/PrettyStackTrace.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/APFloat.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SetVector.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Twine.h"
using namespace swift;
#define EXPR(Id, _) \
static_assert(IsTriviallyDestructible<Id##Expr>::value, \
"Exprs are BumpPtrAllocated; the destructor is never called");
#include "swift/AST/ExprNodes.def"
StringRef swift::getFunctionRefKindStr(FunctionRefKind refKind) {
switch (refKind) {
case FunctionRefKind::Unapplied:
return "unapplied";
case FunctionRefKind::SingleApply:
return "single";
case FunctionRefKind::DoubleApply:
return "double";
case FunctionRefKind::Compound:
return "compound";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled FunctionRefKind in switch.");
// Expr methods.
// Only allow allocation of Stmts using the allocator in ASTContext.
void *Expr::operator new(size_t Bytes, ASTContext &C,
unsigned Alignment) {
return C.Allocate(Bytes, Alignment);
StringRef Expr::getKindName(ExprKind K) {
switch (K) {
#define EXPR(Id, Parent) case ExprKind::Id: return #Id;
#include "swift/AST/ExprNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("bad ExprKind");
template <class T> static SourceLoc getStartLocImpl(const T *E);
template <class T> static SourceLoc getEndLocImpl(const T *E);
template <class T> static SourceLoc getLocImpl(const T *E);
// Helper functions to check statically whether a method has been
// overridden from its implementation in Expr. The sort of thing you
// need when you're avoiding v-tables.
namespace {
template <typename ReturnType, typename Class>
constexpr bool isOverriddenFromExpr(ReturnType (Class::*)() const) {
return true;
template <typename ReturnType>
constexpr bool isOverriddenFromExpr(ReturnType (Expr::*)() const) {
return false;
template <bool IsOverridden> struct Dispatch;
/// Dispatch down to a concrete override.
template <> struct Dispatch<true> {
template <class T> static SourceLoc getStartLoc(const T *E) {
return E->getStartLoc();
template <class T> static SourceLoc getEndLoc(const T *E) {
return E->getEndLoc();
template <class T> static SourceLoc getLoc(const T *E) {
return E->getLoc();
template <class T> static SourceRange getSourceRange(const T *E) {
return E->getSourceRange();
/// Default implementations for when a method isn't overridden.
template <> struct Dispatch<false> {
template <class T> static SourceLoc getStartLoc(const T *E) {
return E->getSourceRange().Start;
template <class T> static SourceLoc getEndLoc(const T *E) {
return E->getSourceRange().End;
template <class T> static SourceLoc getLoc(const T *E) {
return getStartLocImpl(E);
template <class T> static SourceRange getSourceRange(const T *E) {
if (E->getStartLoc().isInvalid() != E->getEndLoc().isInvalid())
return SourceRange();
return { E->getStartLoc(), E->getEndLoc() };
} // end anonymous namespace
void Expr::setType(Type T) {
assert(!T || !T->hasTypeVariable() || !T->hasHole());
Ty = T;
void Expr::setImplicit(bool Implicit) {
assert(!isa<TypeExpr>(this) || getType() &&
"Cannot make a TypeExpr implicit without a contextual type.");
Bits.Expr.Implicit = Implicit;
template <class T> static SourceRange getSourceRangeImpl(const T *E) {
static_assert(isOverriddenFromExpr(&T::getSourceRange) ||
(isOverriddenFromExpr(&T::getStartLoc) &&
"Expr subclass must implement either getSourceRange() "
"or getStartLoc()/getEndLoc()");
return Dispatch<isOverriddenFromExpr(&T::getSourceRange)>::getSourceRange(E);
SourceRange Expr::getSourceRange() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define EXPR(ID, PARENT) \
case ExprKind::ID: return getSourceRangeImpl(cast<ID##Expr>(this));
#include "swift/AST/ExprNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("expression type not handled!");
template <class T> static SourceLoc getStartLocImpl(const T *E) {
return Dispatch<isOverriddenFromExpr(&T::getStartLoc)>::getStartLoc(E);
SourceLoc Expr::getStartLoc() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define EXPR(ID, PARENT) \
case ExprKind::ID: return getStartLocImpl(cast<ID##Expr>(this));
#include "swift/AST/ExprNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("expression type not handled!");
template <class T> static SourceLoc getEndLocImpl(const T *E) {
return Dispatch<isOverriddenFromExpr(&T::getEndLoc)>::getEndLoc(E);
SourceLoc Expr::getEndLoc() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define EXPR(ID, PARENT) \
case ExprKind::ID: return getEndLocImpl(cast<ID##Expr>(this));
#include "swift/AST/ExprNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("expression type not handled!");
template <class T> static SourceLoc getLocImpl(const T *E) {
return Dispatch<isOverriddenFromExpr(&T::getLoc)>::getLoc(E);
SourceLoc Expr::getLoc() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define EXPR(ID, PARENT) \
case ExprKind::ID: return getLocImpl(cast<ID##Expr>(this));
#include "swift/AST/ExprNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("expression type not handled!");
Expr *Expr::getSemanticsProvidingExpr() {
if (auto *IE = dyn_cast<IdentityExpr>(this))
return IE->getSubExpr()->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto *TE = dyn_cast<TryExpr>(this))
return TE->getSubExpr()->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
return this;
Expr *Expr::getValueProvidingExpr() {
Expr *E = getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto TE = dyn_cast<ForceTryExpr>(E))
return TE->getSubExpr()->getValueProvidingExpr();
// TODO:
// - tuple literal projection, which may become interestingly idiomatic
return E;
DeclRefExpr *Expr::getMemberOperatorRef() {
auto expr = this;
if (!expr->isImplicit()) return nullptr;
auto dotSyntax = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxCallExpr>(expr);
if (!dotSyntax) return nullptr;
auto operatorRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(dotSyntax->getFn());
if (!operatorRef) return nullptr;
auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(operatorRef->getDecl());
if (!func) return nullptr;
if (!func->isOperator()) return nullptr;
return operatorRef;
ConcreteDeclRef Expr::getReferencedDecl(bool stopAtParenExpr) const {
switch (getKind()) {
// No declaration reference.
#define NO_REFERENCE(Id) case ExprKind::Id: return ConcreteDeclRef()
#define SIMPLE_REFERENCE(Id, Getter) \
case ExprKind::Id: \
return cast<Id##Expr>(this)->Getter()
#define PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(Id, GetSubExpr) \
case ExprKind::Id: \
return cast<Id##Expr>(this) \
SIMPLE_REFERENCE(DeclRef, getDeclRef);
SIMPLE_REFERENCE(SuperRef, getSelf);
SIMPLE_REFERENCE(OtherConstructorDeclRef, getDeclRef);
// FIXME: Return multiple results?
case ExprKind::OverloadedDeclRef:
return ConcreteDeclRef();
SIMPLE_REFERENCE(MemberRef, getMember);
SIMPLE_REFERENCE(DynamicMemberRef, getMember);
SIMPLE_REFERENCE(DynamicSubscript, getMember);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(UnresolvedSpecialize, getSubExpr);
case ExprKind::Paren:
if (stopAtParenExpr) return ConcreteDeclRef();
return cast<ParenExpr>(this)
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(UnresolvedMemberChainResult, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(OptionalTry, getSubExpr);
case ExprKind::Subscript: {
auto subscript = cast<SubscriptExpr>(this);
if (subscript->hasDecl()) return subscript->getDecl();
return ConcreteDeclRef();
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(AutoClosure, getSingleExpressionBody);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(RebindSelfInConstructor, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(BindOptional, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(OptionalEvaluation, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(OpenExistential, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(FunctionConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(CovariantFunctionConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(CovariantReturnConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ImplicitlyUnwrappedFunctionConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(MetatypeConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(CollectionUpcastConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(AnyHashableErasure, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(DerivedToBase, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ArchetypeToSuper, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(InjectIntoOptional, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ClassMetatypeToObject, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ExistentialMetatypeToObject, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ProtocolMetatypeToObject, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ArrayToPointer, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(StringToPointer, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(PointerToPointer, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ForeignObjectConversion, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(UnevaluatedInstance, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(DifferentiableFunction, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(LinearFunction, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(DifferentiableFunctionExtractOriginal, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(LinearFunctionExtractOriginal, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(LinearToDifferentiableFunction, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(ConditionalBridgeFromObjC, getSubExpr);
PASS_THROUGH_REFERENCE(UnderlyingToOpaque, getSubExpr);
return ConcreteDeclRef();
/// Enumerate each immediate child expression of this node, invoking the
/// specific functor on it. This ignores statements and other non-expression
/// children.
void Expr::
forEachImmediateChildExpr(llvm::function_ref<Expr *(Expr *)> callback) {
struct ChildWalker : ASTWalker {
llvm::function_ref<Expr *(Expr *)> callback;
Expr *ThisNode;
ChildWalker(llvm::function_ref<Expr *(Expr *)> callback, Expr *ThisNode)
: callback(callback), ThisNode(ThisNode) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
// When looking at the current node, of course we want to enter it. We
// also don't want to enumerate it.
if (E == ThisNode)
return { true, E };
// Otherwise we must be a child of our expression, enumerate it!
return { false, callback(E) };
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
return { false, S };
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
return { false, P };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override { return false; }
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override { return false; }
this->walk(ChildWalker(callback, this));
/// Enumerate each immediate child expression of this node, invoking the
/// specific functor on it. This ignores statements and other non-expression
/// children.
void Expr::forEachChildExpr(llvm::function_ref<Expr *(Expr *)> callback) {
struct ChildWalker : ASTWalker {
llvm::function_ref<Expr *(Expr *)> callback;
ChildWalker(llvm::function_ref<Expr *(Expr *)> callback)
: callback(callback) {}
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
// Enumerate the node!
return { true, callback(E) };
std::pair<bool, Stmt *> walkToStmtPre(Stmt *S) override {
return { false, S };
std::pair<bool, Pattern*> walkToPatternPre(Pattern *P) override {
return { false, P };
bool walkToDeclPre(Decl *D) override { return false; }
bool walkToTypeReprPre(TypeRepr *T) override { return false; }
bool Expr::isTypeReference(llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType,
llvm::function_ref<Decl *(Expr *)> getDecl) const {
Expr *expr = const_cast<Expr *>(this);
// If the result isn't a metatype, there's nothing else to do.
if (!getType(expr)->is<AnyMetatypeType>())
return false;
do {
// Skip syntax.
expr = expr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
// Direct reference to a type.
if (auto declRef = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr))
if (isa<TypeDecl>(declRef->getDecl()))
return true;
if (isa<TypeExpr>(expr))
return true;
// A "." expression that refers to a member.
if (auto memberRef = dyn_cast<MemberRefExpr>(expr))
return isa<TypeDecl>(memberRef->getMember().getDecl());
// Any other expressions which might be referencing
// a declaration e.g. not yet type-checked ones like
// `UnresolvedDotExpr`.
if (auto *decl = getDecl(expr))
return isa<TypeDecl>(decl);
// When the base of a "." expression is ignored, look at the member.
if (auto ignoredDot = dyn_cast<DotSyntaxBaseIgnoredExpr>(expr)) {
expr = ignoredDot->getRHS();
if (auto *USE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedSpecializeExpr>(expr)) {
expr = USE->getSubExpr();
// Anything else is not statically derived.
return false;
} while (true);
bool Expr::isStaticallyDerivedMetatype(
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType,
llvm::function_ref<bool(Expr *)> isTypeReference) const {
// The expression must first be a type reference.
if (!isTypeReference(const_cast<Expr *>(this)))
return false;
auto type = getType(const_cast<Expr *>(this))
// Archetypes are never statically derived.
if (type->is<ArchetypeType>())
return false;
// Dynamic Self is never statically derived.
if (type->is<DynamicSelfType>())
return false;
// Everything else is statically derived.
return true;
bool Expr::isSuperExpr() const {
const Expr *expr = this;
do {
expr = expr->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (isa<SuperRefExpr>(expr))
return true;
if (auto derivedToBase = dyn_cast<DerivedToBaseExpr>(expr)) {
expr = derivedToBase->getSubExpr();
if (auto metatypeConversion = dyn_cast<MetatypeConversionExpr>(expr)) {
expr = metatypeConversion->getSubExpr();
return false;
} while (true);
bool Expr::canAppendPostfixExpression(bool appendingPostfixOperator) const {
switch (getKind()) {
case ExprKind::Error:
case ExprKind::CodeCompletion:
case ExprKind::LazyInitializer:
case ExprKind::OneWay:
return false;
case ExprKind::NilLiteral:
case ExprKind::IntegerLiteral:
case ExprKind::FloatLiteral:
case ExprKind::BooleanLiteral:
case ExprKind::StringLiteral:
case ExprKind::InterpolatedStringLiteral:
case ExprKind::MagicIdentifierLiteral:
case ExprKind::ObjCSelector:
case ExprKind::KeyPath:
return true;
case ExprKind::ObjectLiteral:
return true;
case ExprKind::DiscardAssignment:
// Legal but pointless.
return true;
case ExprKind::DeclRef:
return !cast<DeclRefExpr>(this)->getDecl()->isOperator();
case ExprKind::SuperRef:
case ExprKind::OtherConstructorDeclRef:
case ExprKind::DotSyntaxBaseIgnored:
return true;
case ExprKind::Type:
return cast<TypeExpr>(this)->getTypeRepr()->isSimple();
case ExprKind::OverloadedDeclRef: {
auto *overloadedExpr = cast<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(this);
if (overloadedExpr->getDecls().empty())
return false;
return !overloadedExpr->getDecls().front()->isOperator();
case ExprKind::UnresolvedDeclRef:
return cast<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(this)->getName().isOperator();
case ExprKind::MemberRef:
case ExprKind::DynamicMemberRef:
case ExprKind::DynamicSubscript:
case ExprKind::UnresolvedSpecialize:
case ExprKind::UnresolvedMember:
case ExprKind::UnresolvedDot:
return true;
case ExprKind::Sequence:
return false;
case ExprKind::Paren:
case ExprKind::DotSelf:
case ExprKind::UnresolvedMemberChainResult:
case ExprKind::Tuple:
case ExprKind::Array:
case ExprKind::Dictionary:
case ExprKind::Subscript:
case ExprKind::KeyPathApplication:
case ExprKind::TupleElement:
return true;
case ExprKind::CaptureList:
case ExprKind::Closure:
case ExprKind::AutoClosure:
return false;
case ExprKind::DynamicType:
return true;
case ExprKind::Await:
case ExprKind::Try:
case ExprKind::ForceTry:
case ExprKind::OptionalTry:
case ExprKind::InOut:
return false;
case ExprKind::RebindSelfInConstructor:
case ExprKind::OpaqueValue:
case ExprKind::PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholder:
case ExprKind::DefaultArgument:
case ExprKind::BindOptional:
case ExprKind::OptionalEvaluation:
return false;
case ExprKind::ForceValue:
return true;
case ExprKind::OpenExistential:
case ExprKind::MakeTemporarilyEscapable:
case ExprKind::VarargExpansion:
return false;
case ExprKind::Call:
case ExprKind::DotSyntaxCall:
case ExprKind::ConstructorRefCall:
return true;
case ExprKind::PostfixUnary:
return !appendingPostfixOperator;
case ExprKind::PrefixUnary:
case ExprKind::Binary:
return false;
case ExprKind::Load:
case ExprKind::DestructureTuple:
case ExprKind::UnresolvedTypeConversion:
case ExprKind::FunctionConversion:
case ExprKind::CovariantFunctionConversion:
case ExprKind::CovariantReturnConversion:
case ExprKind::ImplicitlyUnwrappedFunctionConversion:
case ExprKind::MetatypeConversion:
case ExprKind::CollectionUpcastConversion:
case ExprKind::Erasure:
case ExprKind::AnyHashableErasure:
case ExprKind::DerivedToBase:
case ExprKind::ArchetypeToSuper:
case ExprKind::InjectIntoOptional:
case ExprKind::ClassMetatypeToObject:
case ExprKind::ExistentialMetatypeToObject:
case ExprKind::ProtocolMetatypeToObject:
case ExprKind::InOutToPointer:
case ExprKind::ArrayToPointer:
case ExprKind::StringToPointer:
case ExprKind::PointerToPointer:
case ExprKind::ForeignObjectConversion:
case ExprKind::UnevaluatedInstance:
case ExprKind::DifferentiableFunction:
case ExprKind::LinearFunction:
case ExprKind::DifferentiableFunctionExtractOriginal:
case ExprKind::LinearFunctionExtractOriginal:
case ExprKind::LinearToDifferentiableFunction:
case ExprKind::EnumIsCase:
case ExprKind::ConditionalBridgeFromObjC:
case ExprKind::BridgeFromObjC:
case ExprKind::BridgeToObjC:
case ExprKind::UnderlyingToOpaque:
// Implicit conversion nodes have no syntax of their own; defer to the
// subexpression.
return cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(this)->getSubExpr()
case ExprKind::ForcedCheckedCast:
case ExprKind::ConditionalCheckedCast:
case ExprKind::Is:
case ExprKind::Coerce:
return false;
case ExprKind::Arrow:
case ExprKind::If:
case ExprKind::Assign:
case ExprKind::UnresolvedPattern:
case ExprKind::EditorPlaceholder:
case ExprKind::KeyPathDot:
return false;
case ExprKind::Tap:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ExprKind in switch.");
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, Expr *> Expr::getParentMap() {
class RecordingTraversal : public ASTWalker {
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, Expr *> &ParentMap;
explicit RecordingTraversal(llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, Expr *> &parentMap)
: ParentMap(parentMap) { }
std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (auto parent = Parent.getAsExpr())
ParentMap[E] = parent;
return { true, E };
llvm::DenseMap<Expr *, Expr *> parentMap;
RecordingTraversal traversal(parentMap);
return parentMap;
// Support methods for Exprs.
IntegerLiteralExpr * IntegerLiteralExpr::createFromUnsigned(ASTContext &C, unsigned value) {
llvm::SmallString<8> Scratch;
llvm::APInt(sizeof(unsigned)*8, value).toString(Scratch, 10, /*signed*/ false);
auto Text = C.AllocateCopy(StringRef(Scratch));
return new (C) IntegerLiteralExpr(Text, SourceLoc(), /*implicit*/ true);
APInt IntegerLiteralExpr::getRawValue() const {
return BuiltinIntegerWidth::arbitrary().parse(getDigitsText(), /*radix*/0,
APInt IntegerLiteralExpr::getValue() const {
assert(!getType().isNull() && "Semantic analysis has not completed");
assert(!getType()->hasError() && "Should have a valid type");
if (!getType()->is<AnyBuiltinIntegerType>())
return getRawValue();
auto width = getType()->castTo<AnyBuiltinIntegerType>()->getWidth();
return width.parse(getDigitsText(), /*radix*/ 0, isNegative());
APInt BuiltinIntegerWidth::parse(StringRef text, unsigned radix, bool negate,
bool *hadError) const {
if (hadError) *hadError = false;
// Parse an unsigned value from the string.
APInt value;
// Swift doesn't treat a leading zero as signifying octal, but
// StringRef::getAsInteger does. Force decimal parsing in this case.
if (radix == 0 && text.size() >= 2 && text[0] == '0' && isdigit(text[1]))
radix = 10;
bool error = text.getAsInteger(radix, value);
if (error) {
if (hadError) *hadError = true;
return value;
// If we're producing an arbitrary-precision value, we don't need to do
// much additional processing.
if (isArbitraryWidth()) {
// The parser above always produces a non-negative value, so if the sign
// bit is set we need to give it some breathing room.
if (value.isNegative())
value = value.zext(value.getBitWidth() + 1);
// Now we can safely negate.
if (negate) {
value = -value;
assert(value.isNegative() || value.isNullValue());
// Truncate down to the minimum number of bits required to express
// this value exactly.
auto requiredBits = value.getMinSignedBits();
if (value.getBitWidth() > requiredBits)
value = value.trunc(requiredBits);
// If we have a fixed-width type (including abstract ones), we need to do
// fixed-width transformations, which can overflow.
} else {
unsigned width = getGreatestWidth();
// The overflow diagnostics in this case can't be fully correct because
// we don't know whether we're supposed to be producing a signed number
// or an unsigned one.
if (hadError && value.getActiveBits() > width)
*hadError = true;
value = value.zextOrTrunc(width);
if (negate) {
value = -value;
if (hadError && !value.isNegative())
*hadError = true;
assert(value.getBitWidth() == width);
return value;
static APFloat getFloatLiteralValue(bool IsNegative, StringRef Text,
const llvm::fltSemantics &Semantics) {
APFloat Val(Semantics);
auto Res =
Val.convertFromString(Text, llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven);
assert(Res && "Sema didn't reject invalid number");
if (IsNegative) {
auto NegVal = APFloat::getZero(Semantics, /*negative*/ true);
Res = NegVal.subtract(Val, llvm::APFloat::rmNearestTiesToEven);
assert(Res && "Sema didn't reject invalid number");
return NegVal;
return Val;
APFloat FloatLiteralExpr::getValue(StringRef Text,
const llvm::fltSemantics &Semantics,
bool Negative) {
return getFloatLiteralValue(Negative, Text, Semantics);
llvm::APFloat FloatLiteralExpr::getValue() const {
assert(!getType().isNull() && "Semantic analysis has not completed");
assert(!getType()->hasError() && "Should have a valid type");
Type ty = getType();
if (!ty->is<BuiltinFloatType>()) {
assert(!getBuiltinType().isNull() && "Semantic analysis has not completed");
assert(!getBuiltinType()->hasError() && "Should have a valid type");
ty = getBuiltinType();
return getFloatLiteralValue(
isNegative(), getDigitsText(),
StringLiteralExpr::StringLiteralExpr(StringRef Val, SourceRange Range,
bool Implicit)
: BuiltinLiteralExpr(ExprKind::StringLiteral, Implicit), Val(Val),
Range(Range) {
Bits.StringLiteralExpr.Encoding = static_cast<unsigned>(UTF8);
Bits.StringLiteralExpr.IsSingleUnicodeScalar =
Bits.StringLiteralExpr.IsSingleExtendedGraphemeCluster =
static ArrayRef<Identifier> getArgumentLabelsFromArgument(
Expr *arg, SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &scratch,
SmallVectorImpl<SourceLoc> *sourceLocs = nullptr,
bool *hasTrailingClosure = nullptr,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType = [](Expr *E) -> Type {
return E->getType();
}) {
if (sourceLocs) sourceLocs->clear();
if (hasTrailingClosure) *hasTrailingClosure = false;
// A parenthesized expression is a single, unlabeled argument.
if (auto paren = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg)) {
if (hasTrailingClosure) *hasTrailingClosure = paren->hasTrailingClosure();
return scratch;
// A tuple expression stores its element names, if they exist.
if (auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(arg)) {
if (sourceLocs && tuple->hasElementNameLocs()) {
if (hasTrailingClosure) *hasTrailingClosure = tuple->hasTrailingClosure();
if (tuple->hasElementNames()) {
assert(tuple->getElementNames().size() == tuple->getNumElements());
return tuple->getElementNames();
scratch.assign(tuple->getNumElements(), Identifier());
return scratch;
// Otherwise, use the type information.
auto type = getType(arg);
if (type->hasParenSugar()) {
return scratch;
// FIXME: Should be a dyn_cast.
if (auto tupleTy = type->getAs<TupleType>()) {
for (const auto &elt : tupleTy->getElements())
return scratch;
// FIXME: Shouldn't get here.
return scratch;
/// Compute the type of an argument to a call (or call-like) AST
static void
computeSingleArgumentType(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *arg, bool implicit,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
// Propagate 'implicit' to the argument.
if (implicit) {
// Handle parenthesized expressions.
if (auto paren = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(arg)) {
if (auto type = getType(paren->getSubExpr())) {
auto parenFlags = ParameterTypeFlags().withInOut(type->is<InOutType>());
arg->setType(ParenType::get(ctx, type->getInOutObjectType(), parenFlags));
// Handle tuples.
auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(arg);
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> typeElements;
for (unsigned i = 0, n = tuple->getNumElements(); i != n; ++i) {
auto type = getType(tuple->getElement(i));
if (!type) return;
bool isInOut = tuple->getElement(i)->isSemanticallyInOutExpr();
arg->setType(TupleType::get(typeElements, ctx));
Expr *swift::packSingleArgument(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc lParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> args,
ArrayRef<Identifier> &argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> &argLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rParenLoc,
ArrayRef<TrailingClosure> trailingClosures,
bool implicit,
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &argLabelsScratch,
SmallVectorImpl<SourceLoc> &argLabelLocsScratch,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
// Clear out our scratch space.
// Construct a TupleExpr or ParenExpr, as appropriate, for the argument.
if (trailingClosures.empty()) {
// Do we have a single, unlabeled argument?
if (args.size() == 1 && (argLabels.empty() || argLabels[0].empty())) {
auto arg = new (ctx) ParenExpr(lParenLoc, args[0], rParenLoc,
computeSingleArgumentType(ctx, arg, implicit, getType);
argLabels = argLabelsScratch;
argLabelLocs = { };
return arg;
// Make sure we have argument labels.
if (argLabels.empty()) {
argLabelsScratch.assign(args.size(), Identifier());
argLabels = argLabelsScratch;
// Construct the argument tuple.
if (argLabels.empty() && !args.empty()) {
argLabelsScratch.assign(args.size(), Identifier());
argLabels = argLabelsScratch;
auto arg = TupleExpr::create(ctx, lParenLoc, args, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
rParenLoc, /*HasTrailingClosure=*/false,
computeSingleArgumentType(ctx, arg, implicit, getType);
return arg;
// If we have no other arguments, represent the a single trailing closure as a
// parenthesized expression.
if (args.empty() && trailingClosures.size() == 1 &&
trailingClosures.front().LabelLoc.isInvalid()) {
auto &trailingClosure = trailingClosures.front();
auto arg =
new (ctx) ParenExpr(lParenLoc, trailingClosure.ClosureExpr, rParenLoc,
computeSingleArgumentType(ctx, arg, implicit, getType);
argLabels = argLabelsScratch;
argLabelLocs = { };
return arg;
assert(argLabels.empty() || args.size() == argLabels.size());
unsigned numRegularArgs = args.size();
// Form a tuple, including the trailing closure.
SmallVector<Expr *, 4> argsScratch;
argsScratch.reserve(numRegularArgs + trailingClosures.size());
argsScratch.append(args.begin(), args.end());
for (const auto &closure : trailingClosures)
args = argsScratch;
if (argLabels.empty()) {
} else {
argLabelsScratch.append(argLabels.begin(), argLabels.end());
for (const auto &closure : trailingClosures)
argLabels = argLabelsScratch;
if (argLabelLocs.empty()) {
} else {
argLabelLocsScratch.append(argLabelLocs.begin(), argLabelLocs.end());
for (const auto &closure : trailingClosures)
argLabelLocs = argLabelLocsScratch;
Optional<unsigned> unlabeledTrailingClosureIndex;
if (!trailingClosures.empty() && trailingClosures[0].Label.empty())
unlabeledTrailingClosureIndex = args.size() - trailingClosures.size();
auto arg = TupleExpr::create(ctx, lParenLoc, rParenLoc, args, argLabels,
computeSingleArgumentType(ctx, arg, implicit, getType);
return arg;
Expr::getUnlabeledTrailingClosureIndexOfPackedArgument() const {
if (auto PE = dyn_cast<ParenExpr>(this))
return PE->getUnlabeledTrailingClosureIndexOfPackedArgument();
if (auto TE = dyn_cast<TupleExpr>(this))
return TE->getUnlabeledTrailingClosureIndexOfPackedArgument();
return None;
ObjectLiteralExpr::ObjectLiteralExpr(SourceLoc PoundLoc, LiteralKind LitKind,
Expr *Arg,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
bool implicit)
: LiteralExpr(ExprKind::ObjectLiteral, implicit),
Arg(Arg), PoundLoc(PoundLoc) {
Bits.ObjectLiteralExpr.LitKind = static_cast<unsigned>(LitKind);
assert(getLiteralKind() == LitKind);
Bits.ObjectLiteralExpr.NumArgLabels = argLabels.size();
Bits.ObjectLiteralExpr.HasArgLabelLocs = !argLabelLocs.empty();
Bits.ObjectLiteralExpr.HasTrailingClosure = hasTrailingClosure;
initializeCallArguments(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
ObjectLiteralExpr *
ObjectLiteralExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc poundLoc, LiteralKind kind,
Expr *arg, bool implicit,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
// Inspect the argument to dig out the argument labels, their location, and
// whether there is a trailing closure.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocs;
bool hasTrailingClosure = false;
auto argLabels = getArgumentLabelsFromArgument(arg, argLabelsScratch,
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(ObjectLiteralExpr));
return new (memory) ObjectLiteralExpr(poundLoc, kind, arg, argLabels,
argLabelLocs, hasTrailingClosure,
ObjectLiteralExpr *ObjectLiteralExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc poundLoc,
LiteralKind kind,
SourceLoc lParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> args,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rParenLoc,
ArrayRef<TrailingClosure> trailingClosures,
bool implicit) {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocsScratch;
Expr *arg = packSingleArgument(ctx, lParenLoc, args, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
trailingClosures, implicit, argLabelsScratch,
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(ObjectLiteralExpr));
return new (memory) ObjectLiteralExpr(poundLoc, kind, arg, argLabels,
trailingClosures.size() == 1, implicit);
StringRef ObjectLiteralExpr::getLiteralKindRawName() const {
switch (getLiteralKind()) {
#define POUND_OBJECT_LITERAL(Name, Desc, Proto) case Name: return #Name;
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.def"
llvm_unreachable("unspecified literal");
StringRef ObjectLiteralExpr::getLiteralKindPlainName() const {
switch (getLiteralKind()) {
#define POUND_OBJECT_LITERAL(Name, Desc, Proto) case Name: return Desc;
#include "swift/Syntax/TokenKinds.def"
llvm_unreachable("unspecified literal");
ConstructorDecl *OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr::getDecl() const {
return cast_or_null<ConstructorDecl>(Ctor.getDecl());
MemberRefExpr::MemberRefExpr(Expr *base, SourceLoc dotLoc,
ConcreteDeclRef member, DeclNameLoc nameLoc,
bool Implicit, AccessSemantics semantics)
: LookupExpr(ExprKind::MemberRef, base, member, Implicit),
DotLoc(dotLoc), NameLoc(nameLoc) {
Bits.MemberRefExpr.Semantics = (unsigned) semantics;
Type OverloadSetRefExpr::getBaseType() const {
if (isa<OverloadedDeclRefExpr>(this))
return Type();
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled overloaded set reference expression");
bool OverloadSetRefExpr::hasBaseObject() const {
if (Type BaseTy = getBaseType())
return !BaseTy->is<AnyMetatypeType>();
return false;
InOutExpr::InOutExpr(SourceLoc operLoc, Expr *subExpr, Type baseType,
bool isImplicit)
: Expr(ExprKind::InOut, isImplicit,
baseType.isNull() ? baseType : InOutType::get(baseType)),
SubExpr(subExpr), OperLoc(operLoc) {}
SequenceExpr *SequenceExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, ArrayRef<Expr*> elements) {
assert(elements.size() & 1 && "even number of elements in sequence");
size_t bytes = totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *>(elements.size());
void *Buffer = ctx.Allocate(bytes, alignof(SequenceExpr));
return ::new(Buffer) SequenceExpr(elements);
ErasureExpr *ErasureExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *subExpr, Type type,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> conformances){
auto size = totalSizeToAlloc<ProtocolConformanceRef>(conformances.size());
auto mem = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(ErasureExpr));
return ::new(mem) ErasureExpr(subExpr, type, conformances);
UnresolvedSpecializeExpr *UnresolvedSpecializeExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
Expr *SubExpr, SourceLoc LAngleLoc,
ArrayRef<TypeRepr *> UnresolvedParams,
SourceLoc RAngleLoc) {
auto size = totalSizeToAlloc<TypeRepr *>(UnresolvedParams.size());
auto mem = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(UnresolvedSpecializeExpr));
return ::new(mem) UnresolvedSpecializeExpr(SubExpr, LAngleLoc,
UnresolvedParams, RAngleLoc);
bool CaptureListEntry::isSimpleSelfCapture() const {
auto &ctx = Var->getASTContext();
if (Var->getName() != ctx.Id_self)
return false;
if (auto *attr = Var->getAttrs().getAttribute<ReferenceOwnershipAttr>())
if (attr->get() == ReferenceOwnership::Weak)
return false;
if (Init->getPatternList().size() != 1)
return false;
auto *expr = Init->getInit(0);
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(expr)) {
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(DRE->getDecl())) {
return VD->getName() == ctx.Id_self;
if (auto *UDRE = dyn_cast<UnresolvedDeclRefExpr>(expr)) {
return UDRE->getName().isSimpleName(ctx.Id_self);
return false;
CaptureListExpr *CaptureListExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
ArrayRef<CaptureListEntry> captureList,
ClosureExpr *closureBody) {
auto size = totalSizeToAlloc<CaptureListEntry>(captureList.size());
auto mem = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(CaptureListExpr));
auto *expr = ::new(mem) CaptureListExpr(captureList, closureBody);
for (auto capture : captureList)
return expr;
DestructureTupleExpr *
DestructureTupleExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
ArrayRef<OpaqueValueExpr *> destructuredElements,
Expr *srcExpr, Expr *dstExpr, Type ty) {
auto size = totalSizeToAlloc<OpaqueValueExpr *>(destructuredElements.size());
auto mem = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(DestructureTupleExpr));
return ::new(mem) DestructureTupleExpr(destructuredElements,
srcExpr, dstExpr, ty);
SourceRange TupleExpr::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc start = SourceLoc();
SourceLoc end = SourceLoc();
if (LParenLoc.isValid()) {
start = LParenLoc;
} else if (getNumElements() == 0) {
return { SourceLoc(), SourceLoc() };
} else {
// Scan forward for the first valid source loc.
for (Expr *expr : getElements()) {
start = expr->getStartLoc();
if (start.isValid()) {
if (hasAnyTrailingClosures() || RParenLoc.isInvalid()) {
if (getNumElements() == 0) {
return { SourceLoc(), SourceLoc() };
} else {
// Scan backwards for a valid source loc.
bool hasSingleTrailingClosure = hasTrailingClosure();
for (Expr *expr : llvm::reverse(getElements())) {
// Default arguments are located at the start of their parent tuple, so
// skip over them.
if (isa<DefaultArgumentExpr>(expr))
SourceLoc newEnd = expr->getEndLoc();
if (newEnd.isInvalid())
// There is a quirk with the backward scan logic for trailing
// closures that can cause arguments to be flipped. If there is a
// single trailing closure, only stop when the "end" point we hit comes
// after the close parenthesis (if there is one).
if (end.isInvalid() ||
end.getOpaquePointerValue() < newEnd.getOpaquePointerValue()) {
end = newEnd;
if (!hasSingleTrailingClosure || RParenLoc.isInvalid() ||
RParenLoc.getOpaquePointerValue() < end.getOpaquePointerValue())
} else {
end = RParenLoc;
if (start.isValid() && end.isValid()) {
return { start, end };
} else {
return { SourceLoc(), SourceLoc() };
TupleExpr::TupleExpr(SourceLoc LParenLoc, SourceLoc RParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> SubExprs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> ElementNames,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> ElementNameLocs,
Optional<unsigned> FirstTrailingArgumentAt,
bool Implicit, Type Ty)
: Expr(ExprKind::Tuple, Implicit, Ty),
LParenLoc(LParenLoc), RParenLoc(RParenLoc),
FirstTrailingArgumentAt(FirstTrailingArgumentAt) {
Bits.TupleExpr.HasElementNames = !ElementNames.empty();
Bits.TupleExpr.HasElementNameLocations = !ElementNameLocs.empty();
Bits.TupleExpr.NumElements = SubExprs.size();
assert(LParenLoc.isValid() == RParenLoc.isValid() &&
"Mismatched parenthesis location information validity");
assert(ElementNames.empty() || ElementNames.size() == SubExprs.size());
assert(ElementNameLocs.empty() ||
ElementNames.size() == ElementNameLocs.size());
// Copy elements.
std::uninitialized_copy(SubExprs.begin(), SubExprs.end(),
getTrailingObjects<Expr *>());
// Copy element names, if provided.
if (hasElementNames()) {
std::uninitialized_copy(ElementNames.begin(), ElementNames.end(),
// Copy element name locations, if provided.
if (hasElementNameLocs()) {
std::uninitialized_copy(ElementNameLocs.begin(), ElementNameLocs.end(),
TupleExpr *TupleExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc LParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> SubExprs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> ElementNames,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> ElementNameLocs,
SourceLoc RParenLoc,
bool HasTrailingClosure,
bool Implicit, Type Ty) {
Optional<unsigned> FirstTrailingArgumentAt =
HasTrailingClosure ? SubExprs.size() - 1 : Optional<unsigned>();
return create(ctx, LParenLoc, RParenLoc, SubExprs, ElementNames,
ElementNameLocs, FirstTrailingArgumentAt, Implicit, Ty);
TupleExpr *TupleExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc LParenLoc,
SourceLoc RParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> SubExprs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> ElementNames,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> ElementNameLocs,
Optional<unsigned> FirstTrailingArgumentAt,
bool Implicit, Type Ty) {
assert(!Ty || isa<TupleType>(Ty.getPointer()));
auto hasNonEmptyIdentifier = [](ArrayRef<Identifier> Ids) -> bool {
for (auto ident : Ids) {
if (!ident.empty())
return true;
return false;
assert((Implicit || ElementNames.size() == ElementNameLocs.size() ||
(!hasNonEmptyIdentifier(ElementNames) && ElementNameLocs.empty())) &&
"trying to create non-implicit tuple-expr without name locations");
size_t size =
totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *, Identifier, SourceLoc>(SubExprs.size(),
void *mem = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(TupleExpr));
return new (mem) TupleExpr(LParenLoc, RParenLoc, SubExprs, ElementNames,
FirstTrailingArgumentAt, Implicit, Ty);
TupleExpr *TupleExpr::createEmpty(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc LParenLoc,
SourceLoc RParenLoc, bool Implicit) {
return create(ctx, LParenLoc, RParenLoc, {}, {}, {},
/*FirstTrailingArgumentAt=*/None, Implicit,
TupleExpr *TupleExpr::createImplicit(ASTContext &ctx, ArrayRef<Expr *> SubExprs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> ElementNames) {
return create(ctx, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), SubExprs, ElementNames, {},
/*FirstTrailingArgumentAt=*/None, /*Implicit=*/true, Type());
ArrayExpr *ArrayExpr::create(ASTContext &C, SourceLoc LBracketLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr*> Elements,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> CommaLocs,
SourceLoc RBracketLoc, Type Ty) {
auto Size = totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *, SourceLoc>(Elements.size(),
auto Mem = C.Allocate(Size, alignof(ArrayExpr));
return new (Mem) ArrayExpr(LBracketLoc, Elements, CommaLocs, RBracketLoc, Ty);
Type ArrayExpr::getElementType() {
auto init = getInitializer();
if (!init)
return Type();
auto *decl = cast<ConstructorDecl>(init.getDecl());
return decl->getMethodInterfaceType()
Type DictionaryExpr::getElementType() {
auto init = getInitializer();
if (!init)
return Type();
auto *decl = cast<ConstructorDecl>(init.getDecl());
return decl->getMethodInterfaceType()
DictionaryExpr *DictionaryExpr::create(ASTContext &C, SourceLoc LBracketLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr*> Elements,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> CommaLocs,
SourceLoc RBracketLoc,
Type Ty) {
auto Size = totalSizeToAlloc<Expr *, SourceLoc>(Elements.size(),
auto Mem = C.Allocate(Size, alignof(DictionaryExpr));
return new (Mem) DictionaryExpr(LBracketLoc, Elements, CommaLocs, RBracketLoc,
static ValueDecl *getCalledValue(Expr *E) {
if (auto *DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E))
return DRE->getDecl();
if (auto *OCRE = dyn_cast<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(E))
return OCRE->getDecl();
// Look through SelfApplyExpr.
if (auto *SAE = dyn_cast<SelfApplyExpr>(E))
return SAE->getCalledValue();
Expr *E2 = E->getValueProvidingExpr();
if (E != E2)
return getCalledValue(E2);
return nullptr;
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr *
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceRange range,
Type ty, Expr *wrappedValue,
bool isAutoClosure) {
auto *placeholder =
new (ctx) OpaqueValueExpr(range, ty, /*isPlaceholder=*/true);
return new (ctx) PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr(
range, ty, placeholder, wrappedValue, isAutoClosure);
const ParamDecl *DefaultArgumentExpr::getParamDecl() const {
return getParameterAt(DefaultArgsOwner.getDecl(), ParamIndex);
bool DefaultArgumentExpr::isCallerSide() const {
return getParamDecl()->hasCallerSideDefaultExpr();
Expr *DefaultArgumentExpr::getCallerSideDefaultExpr() const {
auto &ctx = DefaultArgsOwner.getDecl()->getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<DefaultArgumentExpr *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
new (ctx) ErrorExpr(getSourceRange(), getType()));
ValueDecl *ApplyExpr::getCalledValue() const {
return ::getCalledValue(Fn);
SubscriptExpr::SubscriptExpr(Expr *base, Expr *index,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
ConcreteDeclRef decl,
bool implicit, AccessSemantics semantics)
: LookupExpr(ExprKind::Subscript, base, decl, implicit),
Index(index) {
Bits.SubscriptExpr.Semantics = (unsigned) semantics;
Bits.SubscriptExpr.NumArgLabels = argLabels.size();
Bits.SubscriptExpr.HasArgLabelLocs = !argLabelLocs.empty();
Bits.SubscriptExpr.HasTrailingClosure = hasTrailingClosure;
initializeCallArguments(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
SubscriptExpr *SubscriptExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *base, Expr *index,
ConcreteDeclRef decl, bool implicit,
AccessSemantics semantics,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
// Inspect the argument to dig out the argument labels, their location, and
// whether there is a trailing closure.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocs;
bool hasTrailingClosure = false;
auto argLabels = getArgumentLabelsFromArgument(index, argLabelsScratch,
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(SubscriptExpr));
return new (memory) SubscriptExpr(base, index, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
hasTrailingClosure, decl, implicit,
SubscriptExpr *SubscriptExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *base,
SourceLoc lSquareLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> indexArgs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> indexArgLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> indexArgLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rSquareLoc,
ArrayRef<TrailingClosure> trailingClosures,
ConcreteDeclRef decl,
bool implicit,
AccessSemantics semantics) {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> indexArgLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> indexArgLabelLocsScratch;
Expr *index = packSingleArgument(ctx, lSquareLoc, indexArgs, indexArgLabels,
indexArgLabelLocs, rSquareLoc,
trailingClosures, implicit,
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(indexArgLabels, indexArgLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(SubscriptExpr));
return new (memory) SubscriptExpr(base, index, indexArgLabels,
trailingClosures.size() == 1,
decl, implicit, semantics);
DynamicSubscriptExpr::DynamicSubscriptExpr(Expr *base, Expr *index,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
ConcreteDeclRef member,
bool implicit)
: DynamicLookupExpr(ExprKind::DynamicSubscript, member, base),
Index(index) {
Bits.DynamicSubscriptExpr.NumArgLabels = argLabels.size();
Bits.DynamicSubscriptExpr.HasArgLabelLocs = !argLabelLocs.empty();
Bits.DynamicSubscriptExpr.HasTrailingClosure = hasTrailingClosure;
initializeCallArguments(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
if (implicit) setImplicit(implicit);
DynamicSubscriptExpr *
DynamicSubscriptExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *base, Expr *index,
ConcreteDeclRef decl, bool implicit,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
// Inspect the argument to dig out the argument labels, their location, and
// whether there is a trailing closure.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocs;
bool hasTrailingClosure = false;
auto argLabels = getArgumentLabelsFromArgument(index, argLabelsScratch,
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(DynamicSubscriptExpr));
return new (memory) DynamicSubscriptExpr(base, index, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
hasTrailingClosure, decl, implicit);
ArrayRef<Identifier> ApplyExpr::getArgumentLabels(
SmallVectorImpl<Identifier> &scratch) const {
// Unary operators and 'self' applications have a single, unlabeled argument.
if (isa<PrefixUnaryExpr>(this) || isa<PostfixUnaryExpr>(this) ||
isa<SelfApplyExpr>(this)) {
return scratch;
// Binary operators have two unlabeled arguments.
if (isa<BinaryExpr>(this)) {
return scratch;
// For calls, get the argument labels directly.
auto call = cast<CallExpr>(this);
return call->getArgumentLabels();
bool ApplyExpr::hasTrailingClosure() const {
if (auto call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(this))
return call->hasTrailingClosure();
return false;
Optional<unsigned> ApplyExpr::getUnlabeledTrailingClosureIndex() const {
if (auto call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(this))
return call->getUnlabeledTrailingClosureIndex();
return None;
CallExpr::CallExpr(Expr *fn, Expr *arg, bool Implicit,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
Type ty)
: ApplyExpr(ExprKind::Call, fn, arg, Implicit, ty)
Bits.CallExpr.NumArgLabels = argLabels.size();
Bits.CallExpr.HasArgLabelLocs = !argLabelLocs.empty();
Bits.CallExpr.HasTrailingClosure = hasTrailingClosure;
initializeCallArguments(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
#ifndef NDEBUG
Expr *calleeFn = fn->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto *calleeDRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(calleeFn))
CallExpr *CallExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *fn, Expr *arg,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
bool hasTrailingClosure,
bool implicit, Type type,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocsScratch;
if (argLabels.empty()) {
// Inspect the argument to dig out the argument labels, their location, and
// whether there is a trailing closure.
argLabels = getArgumentLabelsFromArgument(arg, argLabelsScratch,
argLabelLocs = argLabelLocsScratch;
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(CallExpr));
return new (memory) CallExpr(fn, arg, implicit, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
hasTrailingClosure, type);
CallExpr *CallExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *fn, SourceLoc lParenLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> args,
ArrayRef<Identifier> argLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> argLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rParenLoc,
ArrayRef<TrailingClosure> trailingClosures,
bool implicit,
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> argLabelLocsScratch;
Expr *arg = packSingleArgument(ctx, lParenLoc, args, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
rParenLoc, trailingClosures, implicit,
argLabelsScratch, argLabelLocsScratch,
size_t size = totalSizeToAlloc(argLabels, argLabelLocs);
void *memory = ctx.Allocate(size, alignof(CallExpr));
return new (memory) CallExpr(fn, arg, implicit, argLabels, argLabelLocs,
trailingClosures.size() == 1, Type());
Expr *CallExpr::getDirectCallee() const {
auto fn = getFn();
while (true) {
fn = fn->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto force = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(fn)) {
fn = force->getSubExpr();
if (auto bind = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(fn)) {
fn = bind->getSubExpr();
if (auto ctorCall = dyn_cast<ConstructorRefCallExpr>(fn)) {
fn = ctorCall->getFn();
return fn;
SourceLoc DotSyntaxCallExpr::getLoc() const {
if (isImplicit()) {
SourceLoc baseLoc = getBase()->getLoc();
return baseLoc.isValid() ? baseLoc : getFn()->getLoc();
return getFn()->getLoc();
SourceLoc DotSyntaxCallExpr::getStartLoc() const {
if (isImplicit()) {
SourceLoc baseLoc = getBase()->getStartLoc();
return baseLoc.isValid() ? baseLoc : getFn()->getStartLoc();
return getBase()->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc DotSyntaxCallExpr::getEndLoc() const {
if (isImplicit()) {
SourceLoc fnLoc = getFn()->getEndLoc();
return fnLoc.isValid() ? fnLoc : getBase()->getEndLoc();
return getFn()->getEndLoc();
void ExplicitCastExpr::setCastType(Type type) {
ForcedCheckedCastExpr *ForcedCheckedCastExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc asLoc,
SourceLoc exclaimLoc,
TypeRepr *tyRepr) {
return new (ctx) ForcedCheckedCastExpr(nullptr, asLoc, exclaimLoc,
new (ctx) TypeExpr(tyRepr));
ForcedCheckedCastExpr *
ForcedCheckedCastExpr::createImplicit(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *sub, Type castTy) {
auto *const expr = new (ctx) ForcedCheckedCastExpr(
sub, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), TypeExpr::createImplicit(castTy, ctx));
return expr;
ConditionalCheckedCastExpr *
ConditionalCheckedCastExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc asLoc,
SourceLoc questionLoc, TypeRepr *tyRepr) {
return new (ctx) ConditionalCheckedCastExpr(nullptr, asLoc, questionLoc,
new (ctx) TypeExpr(tyRepr));
ConditionalCheckedCastExpr *
ConditionalCheckedCastExpr::createImplicit(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *sub,
Type castTy) {
auto *const expr = new (ctx) ConditionalCheckedCastExpr(
sub, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), TypeExpr::createImplicit(castTy, ctx));
return expr;
IsExpr *IsExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc isLoc, TypeRepr *tyRepr) {
return new (ctx) IsExpr(nullptr, isLoc, new (ctx) TypeExpr(tyRepr));
CoerceExpr *CoerceExpr::create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc asLoc,
TypeRepr *tyRepr) {
return new (ctx) CoerceExpr(nullptr, asLoc, new (ctx) TypeExpr(tyRepr));
CoerceExpr *CoerceExpr::createImplicit(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *sub,
Type castTy) {
auto *const expr = new (ctx)
CoerceExpr(sub, SourceLoc(), TypeExpr::createImplicit(castTy, ctx));
return expr;
CoerceExpr *CoerceExpr::forLiteralInit(ASTContext &ctx, Expr *literal,
SourceRange range,
TypeRepr *literalTyRepr) {
auto *const expr =
new (ctx) CoerceExpr(range, literal, new (ctx) TypeExpr(literalTyRepr));
return expr;
RebindSelfInConstructorExpr::RebindSelfInConstructorExpr(Expr *SubExpr,
VarDecl *Self)
: Expr(ExprKind::RebindSelfInConstructor, /*Implicit=*/true,
SubExpr(SubExpr), Self(Self)
OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr *
RebindSelfInConstructorExpr::getCalledConstructor(bool &isChainToSuper) const {
// Dig out the OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr. Note that this is the reverse
// of what we do in pre-checking.
Expr *candidate = getSubExpr();
while (true) {
// Look through identity expressions.
if (auto identity = dyn_cast<IdentityExpr>(candidate)) {
candidate = identity->getSubExpr();
// Look through force-value expressions.
if (auto force = dyn_cast<ForceValueExpr>(candidate)) {
candidate = force->getSubExpr();
// Look through all try expressions.
if (auto tryExpr = dyn_cast<AnyTryExpr>(candidate)) {
candidate = tryExpr->getSubExpr();
// Look through covariant return expressions.
if (auto covariantExpr
= dyn_cast<CovariantReturnConversionExpr>(candidate)) {
candidate = covariantExpr->getSubExpr();
// Look through inject into optional expressions
if (auto injectIntoOptionalExpr
= dyn_cast<InjectIntoOptionalExpr>(candidate)) {
candidate = injectIntoOptionalExpr->getSubExpr();
// We hit an application, find the constructor reference.
OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr *otherCtorRef;
const ApplyExpr *apply;
do {
apply = cast<ApplyExpr>(candidate);
candidate = apply->getFn();
auto candidateUnwrapped = candidate->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
otherCtorRef = dyn_cast<OtherConstructorDeclRefExpr>(candidateUnwrapped);
} while (!otherCtorRef);
isChainToSuper = apply->getArg()->isSuperExpr();
return otherCtorRef;
void AbstractClosureExpr::setParameterList(ParameterList *P) {
parameterList = P;
// Change the DeclContext of any parameters to be this closure.
if (P)
Type AbstractClosureExpr::getResultType(
llvm::function_ref<Type(Expr *)> getType) const {
auto *E = const_cast<AbstractClosureExpr *>(this);
if (getType(E)->hasError())
return getType(E);
return getType(E)->castTo<FunctionType>()->getResult();
bool AbstractClosureExpr::isBodyThrowing() const {
if (getType()->hasError())
return false;
return getType()->castTo<FunctionType>()->getExtInfo().isThrowing();
bool AbstractClosureExpr::isBodyAsync() const {
if (getType()->hasError())
return false;
return getType()->castTo<FunctionType>()->getExtInfo().isAsync();
bool AbstractClosureExpr::hasSingleExpressionBody() const {
if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(this))
return closure->hasSingleExpressionBody();
return true;
Expr *AbstractClosureExpr::getSingleExpressionBody() const {
if (auto closure = dyn_cast<ClosureExpr>(this))
return closure->getSingleExpressionBody();
else if (auto autoclosure = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(this))
return autoclosure->getSingleExpressionBody();
return nullptr;
SourceRange CLASS::getSourceRange() const { \
return (NODE)->getSourceRange(); \
} \
SourceLoc CLASS::getStartLoc() const { \
return (NODE)->getStartLoc(); \
} \
SourceLoc CLASS::getEndLoc() const { \
return (NODE)->getEndLoc(); \
} \
SourceLoc CLASS::getLoc() const { \
return (NODE)->getStartLoc(); \
FORWARD_SOURCE_LOCS_TO(ClosureExpr, Body.getPointer())
Expr *ClosureExpr::getSingleExpressionBody() const {
assert(hasSingleExpressionBody() && "Not a single-expression body");
auto body = getBody()->getLastElement();
if (auto stmt = body.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
if (auto braceStmt = dyn_cast<BraceStmt>(stmt))
return braceStmt->getLastElement().get<Expr *>();
return cast<ReturnStmt>(stmt)->getResult();
return body.get<Expr *>();
bool ClosureExpr::hasEmptyBody() const {
return getBody()->empty();
void ClosureExpr::setExplicitResultType(Type ty) {
assert(ty && !ty->hasTypeVariable() && !ty->hasHole());
void AutoClosureExpr::setBody(Expr *E) {
auto &Context = getASTContext();
auto *RS = new (Context) ReturnStmt(SourceLoc(), E);
Body = BraceStmt::create(Context, E->getStartLoc(), { RS }, E->getEndLoc());
Expr *AutoClosureExpr::getSingleExpressionBody() const {
return cast<ReturnStmt>(Body->getLastElement().get<Stmt *>())->getResult();
Expr *AutoClosureExpr::getUnwrappedCurryThunkExpr() const {
auto maybeUnwrapOpenExistential = [](Expr *expr) {
if (auto *openExistential = dyn_cast<OpenExistentialExpr>(expr)) {
expr = openExistential->getSubExpr()->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto *ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(expr))
expr = ICE->getSyntacticSubExpr();
return expr;
auto maybeUnwrapOptionalEval = [](Expr *expr) {
if (auto optEval = dyn_cast<OptionalEvaluationExpr>(expr))
expr = optEval->getSubExpr();
if (auto inject = dyn_cast<InjectIntoOptionalExpr>(expr))
expr = inject->getSubExpr();
if (auto erasure = dyn_cast<ErasureExpr>(expr))
expr = erasure->getSubExpr();
if (auto bind = dyn_cast<BindOptionalExpr>(expr))
expr = bind->getSubExpr();
return expr;
switch (getThunkKind()) {
case AutoClosureExpr::Kind::None:
case AutoClosureExpr::Kind::AsyncLet:
case AutoClosureExpr::Kind::SingleCurryThunk: {
auto *body = getSingleExpressionBody();
body = body->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
body = maybeUnwrapOpenExistential(body);
body = maybeUnwrapOptionalEval(body);
if (auto *outerCall = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(body)) {
return outerCall->getFn();
assert(false && "Malformed curry thunk?");
case AutoClosureExpr::Kind::DoubleCurryThunk: {
auto *body = getSingleExpressionBody();
if (auto *innerClosure = dyn_cast<AutoClosureExpr>(body)) {
assert(innerClosure->getThunkKind() ==
auto *innerBody = innerClosure->getSingleExpressionBody();
innerBody = innerBody->getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
innerBody = maybeUnwrapOpenExistential(innerBody);
innerBody = maybeUnwrapOptionalEval(innerBody);
if (auto *outerCall = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(innerBody)) {
if (auto *innerCall = dyn_cast<ApplyExpr>(outerCall->getFn())) {
return innerCall->getFn();
assert(false && "Malformed curry thunk?");
return nullptr;
FORWARD_SOURCE_LOCS_TO(UnresolvedPatternExpr, subPattern)
TypeExpr::TypeExpr(TypeRepr *Repr)
: Expr(ExprKind::Type, /*implicit*/false), Repr(Repr) {}
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createImplicit(Type Ty, ASTContext &C) {
auto *result = new (C) TypeExpr(nullptr);
result->setType(MetatypeType::get(Ty, Ty->getASTContext()));
return result;
// The type of a TypeExpr is always a metatype type. Return the instance
// type or null if not set yet.
Type TypeExpr::getInstanceType() const {
auto ty = getType();
if (!ty)
return Type();
if (auto metaType = ty->getAs<MetatypeType>())
return metaType->getInstanceType();
return ErrorType::get(ty->getASTContext());
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createForDecl(DeclNameLoc Loc, TypeDecl *Decl,
DeclContext *DC) {
ASTContext &C = Decl->getASTContext();
auto *Repr = new (C) SimpleIdentTypeRepr(Loc, Decl->createNameRef());
Repr->setValue(Decl, DC);
return new (C) TypeExpr(Repr);
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createImplicitForDecl(DeclNameLoc Loc, TypeDecl *Decl,
DeclContext *DC, Type ty) {
ASTContext &C = Decl->getASTContext();
auto *Repr = new (C) SimpleIdentTypeRepr(Loc, Decl->createNameRef());
Repr->setValue(Decl, DC);
auto result = new (C) TypeExpr(Repr);
assert(ty && !ty->hasTypeParameter());
return result;
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createForMemberDecl(DeclNameLoc ParentNameLoc,
TypeDecl *Parent,
DeclNameLoc NameLoc,
TypeDecl *Decl) {
ASTContext &C = Decl->getASTContext();
// Create a new list of components.
SmallVector<ComponentIdentTypeRepr *, 2> Components;
// The first component is the parent type.
auto *ParentComp = new (C) SimpleIdentTypeRepr(ParentNameLoc,
ParentComp->setValue(Parent, nullptr);
// The second component is the member we just found.
auto *NewComp = new (C) SimpleIdentTypeRepr(NameLoc,
NewComp->setValue(Decl, nullptr);
auto *NewTypeRepr = IdentTypeRepr::create(C, Components);
return new (C) TypeExpr(NewTypeRepr);
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createForMemberDecl(IdentTypeRepr *ParentTR,
DeclNameLoc NameLoc,
TypeDecl *Decl) {
ASTContext &C = Decl->getASTContext();
// Create a new list of components.
SmallVector<ComponentIdentTypeRepr *, 2> Components;
for (auto *Component : ParentTR->getComponentRange())
// Add a new component for the member we just found.
auto *NewComp = new (C) SimpleIdentTypeRepr(NameLoc, Decl->createNameRef());
NewComp->setValue(Decl, nullptr);
auto *NewTypeRepr = IdentTypeRepr::create(C, Components);
return new (C) TypeExpr(NewTypeRepr);
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createForSpecializedDecl(IdentTypeRepr *ParentTR,
ArrayRef<TypeRepr*> Args,
SourceRange AngleLocs,
ASTContext &C) {
// Create a new list of components.
SmallVector<ComponentIdentTypeRepr *, 2> components;
for (auto *component : ParentTR->getComponentRange()) {
auto *last = components.back();
if (isa<SimpleIdentTypeRepr>(last) &&
last->getBoundDecl()) {
if (isa<TypeAliasDecl>(last->getBoundDecl())) {
// If any of our parent types are unbound, bail out and let
// the constraint solver can infer generic parameters for them.
// This is because a type like GenericClass.GenericAlias<Int>
// cannot be represented directly.
// This also means that [GenericClass.GenericAlias<Int>]()
// won't parse correctly, whereas if we fully specialize
// GenericClass, it does.
// FIXME: Once we can model generic typealiases properly, rip
// this out.
for (auto *component : components) {
auto *componentDecl = dyn_cast_or_null<GenericTypeDecl>(
if (isa<SimpleIdentTypeRepr>(component) &&
componentDecl &&
return nullptr;
auto *genericComp = GenericIdentTypeRepr::create(C,
last->getNameLoc(), last->getNameRef(),
Args, AngleLocs);
genericComp->setValue(last->getBoundDecl(), last->getDeclContext());
auto *genericRepr = IdentTypeRepr::create(C, components);
return new (C) TypeExpr(genericRepr);
return nullptr;
// Create an implicit TypeExpr, with location information even though it
// shouldn't have one. This is presently used to work around other location
// processing bugs. If you have an implicit location, use createImplicit.
TypeExpr *TypeExpr::createImplicitHack(SourceLoc Loc, Type Ty, ASTContext &C) {
// FIXME: This is horrible.
if (Loc.isInvalid()) return createImplicit(Ty, C);
auto *Repr = new (C) FixedTypeRepr(Ty, Loc);
auto *Res = new (C) TypeExpr(Repr);
Res->setType(MetatypeType::get(Ty, C));
return Res;
SourceRange TypeExpr::getSourceRange() const {
if (!getTypeRepr()) return SourceRange();
return getTypeRepr()->getSourceRange();
bool Expr::isSelfExprOf(const AbstractFunctionDecl *AFD, bool sameBase) const {
auto *E = getSemanticsProvidingExpr();
if (auto IOE = dyn_cast<InOutExpr>(E))
E = IOE->getSubExpr();
while (auto ICE = dyn_cast<ImplicitConversionExpr>(E)) {
if (sameBase && isa<DerivedToBaseExpr>(ICE))
return false;
E = ICE->getSubExpr();
if (auto DRE = dyn_cast<DeclRefExpr>(E))
return DRE->getDecl() == AFD->getImplicitSelfDecl();
return false;
OpenedArchetypeType *OpenExistentialExpr::getOpenedArchetype() const {
auto type = getOpaqueValue()->getType()->getRValueType();
while (auto metaTy = type->getAs<MetatypeType>())
type = metaTy->getInstanceType();
return type->castTo<OpenedArchetypeType>();
KeyPathExpr::KeyPathExpr(ASTContext &C, SourceLoc keywordLoc,
SourceLoc lParenLoc, ArrayRef<Component> components,
SourceLoc rParenLoc, bool isImplicit)
: Expr(ExprKind::KeyPath, isImplicit), StartLoc(keywordLoc),
LParenLoc(lParenLoc), EndLoc(rParenLoc),
Components(C.AllocateUninitialized<Component>(components.size())) {
// Copy components into the AST context.
std::uninitialized_copy(components.begin(), components.end(),
Bits.KeyPathExpr.IsObjC = true;
KeyPathExpr::resolveComponents(ASTContext &C,
ArrayRef<KeyPathExpr::Component> resolvedComponents) {
// Reallocate the components array if it needs to be.
if (Components.size() < resolvedComponents.size()) {
Components = C.Allocate<Component>(resolvedComponents.size());
for (unsigned i : indices(Components)) {
::new ((void*)&Components[i]) Component{};
for (unsigned i : indices(resolvedComponents)) {
Components[i] = resolvedComponents[i];
Components = Components.slice(0, resolvedComponents.size());
KeyPathExpr::Component::forSubscript(ASTContext &ctx,
ConcreteDeclRef subscript,
SourceLoc lSquareLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> indexArgs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> indexArgLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> indexArgLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rSquareLoc,
ArrayRef<TrailingClosure> trailingClosures,
Type elementType,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> indexHashables) {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> indexArgLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> indexArgLabelLocsScratch;
Expr *index = packSingleArgument(ctx, lSquareLoc, indexArgs, indexArgLabels,
indexArgLabelLocs, rSquareLoc,
trailingClosures, /*implicit*/ false,
return forSubscriptWithPrebuiltIndexExpr(subscript, index,
KeyPathExpr::Component::forUnresolvedSubscript(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc lSquareLoc,
ArrayRef<Expr *> indexArgs,
ArrayRef<Identifier> indexArgLabels,
ArrayRef<SourceLoc> indexArgLabelLocs,
SourceLoc rSquareLoc,
ArrayRef<TrailingClosure> trailingClosures) {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> indexArgLabelsScratch;
SmallVector<SourceLoc, 4> indexArgLabelLocsScratch;
Expr *index = packSingleArgument(
ctx, lSquareLoc, indexArgs, indexArgLabels, indexArgLabelLocs, rSquareLoc,
trailingClosures, /*implicit*/ false,
indexArgLabelsScratch, indexArgLabelLocsScratch);
return forUnresolvedSubscriptWithPrebuiltIndexExpr(ctx, index, indexArgLabels,
KeyPathExpr::Component::Component(ASTContext *ctxForCopyingLabels,
DeclNameOrRef decl,
Expr *indexExpr,
ArrayRef<Identifier> subscriptLabels,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> indexHashables,
Kind kind,
Type type,
SourceLoc loc)
: Decl(decl), SubscriptIndexExpr(indexExpr), KindValue(kind),
ComponentType(type), Loc(loc)
assert(kind != Kind::TupleElement || subscriptLabels.empty());
assert(subscriptLabels.size() == indexHashables.size()
|| indexHashables.empty());
SubscriptLabelsData =;
SubscriptHashableConformancesData = indexHashables.empty()
? nullptr :;
SubscriptSize = subscriptLabels.size();
ConcreteDeclRef subscript, Expr *index, ArrayRef<Identifier> labels,
Type elementType, SourceLoc loc,
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> indexHashables) {
return Component(&elementType->getASTContext(),
subscript, index, labels, indexHashables,
Kind::Subscript, elementType, loc);
void KeyPathExpr::Component::setSubscriptIndexHashableConformances(
ArrayRef<ProtocolConformanceRef> hashables) {
switch (getKind()) {
case Kind::Subscript:
assert(hashables.size() == SubscriptSize);
SubscriptHashableConformancesData = getComponentType()->getASTContext()
case Kind::UnresolvedSubscript:
case Kind::Invalid:
case Kind::OptionalChain:
case Kind::OptionalWrap:
case Kind::OptionalForce:
case Kind::UnresolvedProperty:
case Kind::Property:
case Kind::Identity:
case Kind::TupleElement:
case Kind::DictionaryKey:
llvm_unreachable("no hashable conformances for this kind");
void InterpolatedStringLiteralExpr::forEachSegment(ASTContext &Ctx,
llvm::function_ref<void(bool, CallExpr *)> callback) {
auto appendingExpr = getAppendingExpr();
for (auto stmt : appendingExpr->getBody()->getElements()) {
if (auto expr = stmt.dyn_cast<Expr*>()) {
if (auto call = dyn_cast<CallExpr>(expr)) {
DeclName name;
if (auto fn = call->getCalledValue()) {
name = fn->getName();
} else if (auto unresolvedDot =
dyn_cast<UnresolvedDotExpr>(call->getFn())) {
name = unresolvedDot->getName().getFullName();
bool isInterpolation = (name.getBaseName() ==
callback(isInterpolation, call);
TapExpr::TapExpr(Expr * SubExpr, BraceStmt *Body)
: Expr(ExprKind::Tap, /*Implicit=*/true),
SubExpr(SubExpr), Body(Body) {
if (Body) {
assert(!Body->empty() &&
Body->getFirstElement().isDecl(DeclKind::Var) &&
"First element of Body should be a variable to init with the subExpr");
VarDecl * TapExpr::getVar() const {
return dyn_cast<VarDecl>(Body->getFirstElement().dyn_cast<Decl *>());
SourceLoc TapExpr::getEndLoc() const {
// Include the body in the range, assuming the body follows the SubExpr.
// Also, be (perhaps overly) defensive about null pointers & invalid
// locations.
if (auto *const b = getBody()) {
const auto be = b->getEndLoc();
if (be.isValid())
return be;
if (auto *const se = getSubExpr())
return se->getEndLoc();
return SourceLoc();
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const ClosureExpr *CE) {
if (!CE) {
out << "(null)";
out << "closure";
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const DefaultArgumentExpr *expr) {
if (!expr) {
out << "(null)";
out << "default arg for param ";
out << "#" << expr->getParamIndex() + 1 << " ";
out << "of ";
simple_display(out, expr->getDefaultArgsOwner().getDecl());
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
const Expr *expr) {
out << "expression";
SourceLoc swift::extractNearestSourceLoc(const DefaultArgumentExpr *expr) {
return expr->getLoc();
// See swift/Basic/Statistic.h for declaration: this enables tracing Exprs, is
// defined here to avoid too much layering violation / circular linkage
// dependency.
struct ExprTraceFormatter : public UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter {
void traceName(const void *Entity, raw_ostream &OS) const override {
if (!Entity)
const Expr *E = static_cast<const Expr *>(Entity);
OS << Expr::getKindName(E->getKind());
void traceLoc(const void *Entity, SourceManager *SM,
clang::SourceManager *CSM, raw_ostream &OS) const override {
if (!Entity)
const Expr *E = static_cast<const Expr *>(Entity);
E->getSourceRange().print(OS, *SM, false);
static ExprTraceFormatter TF;
const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const Expr *>() {
return &TF;