blob: 736d6f8fc5e9d0d98e0d97fa9ed5473f55b2fc8e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- Decl.cpp - Swift Language Decl ASTs ------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file implements the Decl class and subclasses.
#include "swift/AST/Decl.h"
#include "swift/AST/AccessRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/AccessScope.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTContext.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTWalker.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticEngine.h"
#include "swift/AST/DiagnosticsSema.h"
#include "swift/AST/ExistentialLayout.h"
#include "swift/AST/Expr.h"
#include "swift/AST/ForeignAsyncConvention.h"
#include "swift/AST/ForeignErrorConvention.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericEnvironment.h"
#include "swift/AST/GenericSignature.h"
#include "swift/AST/Initializer.h"
#include "swift/AST/LazyResolver.h"
#include "swift/AST/ASTMangler.h"
#include "swift/AST/Module.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookup.h"
#include "swift/AST/NameLookupRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParameterList.h"
#include "swift/AST/ParseRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/Pattern.h"
#include "swift/AST/PropertyWrappers.h"
#include "swift/AST/ProtocolConformance.h"
#include "swift/AST/ResilienceExpansion.h"
#include "swift/AST/SourceFile.h"
#include "swift/AST/Stmt.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeCheckRequests.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeLoc.h"
#include "swift/AST/SwiftNameTranslation.h"
#include "swift/Parse/Lexer.h" // FIXME: Bad dependency
#include "clang/Lex/MacroInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallPtrSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallSet.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallString.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Statistic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Compiler.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Range.h"
#include "swift/Basic/StringExtras.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Statistic.h"
#include "swift/Basic/TypeID.h"
#include "swift/Demangling/ManglingMacros.h"
#include "clang/Basic/CharInfo.h"
#include "clang/Basic/Module.h"
#include "clang/AST/Attr.h"
#include "clang/AST/DeclObjC.h"
#include "InlinableText.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace swift;
#define DEBUG_TYPE "Serialization"
"# of lazily-deserialized requirement signatures known");
#define DECL(Id, _) \
static_assert((DeclKind::Id == DeclKind::Module) ^ \
IsTriviallyDestructible<Id##Decl>::value, \
"Decls are BumpPtrAllocated; the destructor is never called");
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
"ParameterLists are BumpPtrAllocated; the d'tor is never called");
"GenericParamLists are BumpPtrAllocated; the d'tor isn't called");
const clang::MacroInfo *ClangNode::getAsMacro() const {
if (auto MM = getAsModuleMacro())
return MM->getMacroInfo();
return getAsMacroInfo();
clang::SourceLocation ClangNode::getLocation() const {
if (auto D = getAsDecl())
return D->getLocation();
if (auto M = getAsMacro())
return M->getDefinitionLoc();
return clang::SourceLocation();
clang::SourceRange ClangNode::getSourceRange() const {
if (auto D = getAsDecl())
return D->getSourceRange();
if (auto M = getAsMacro())
return clang::SourceRange(M->getDefinitionLoc(), M->getDefinitionEndLoc());
return clang::SourceLocation();
const clang::Module *ClangNode::getClangModule() const {
if (auto *M = getAsModule())
return M;
if (auto *ID = dyn_cast_or_null<clang::ImportDecl>(getAsDecl()))
return ID->getImportedModule();
return nullptr;
void ClangNode::dump() const {
return; // not needed for the parser library.
if (auto D = getAsDecl())
else if (auto M = getAsMacro())
else if (auto M = getAsModule())
llvm::errs() << "ClangNode contains nullptr\n";
// Only allow allocation of Decls using the allocator in ASTContext.
void *Decl::operator new(size_t Bytes, const ASTContext &C,
unsigned Alignment) {
return C.Allocate(Bytes, Alignment);
// Only allow allocation of Modules using the allocator in ASTContext.
void *ModuleDecl::operator new(size_t Bytes, const ASTContext &C,
unsigned Alignment) {
return C.Allocate(Bytes, Alignment);
StringRef Decl::getKindName(DeclKind K) {
switch (K) {
#define DECL(Id, Parent) case DeclKind::Id: return #Id;
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("bad DeclKind");
DescriptiveDeclKind Decl::getDescriptiveKind() const {
#define TRIVIAL_KIND(Kind) \
case DeclKind::Kind: \
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Kind
switch (getKind()) {
case DeclKind::Enum:
return cast<EnumDecl>(this)->getGenericParams()
? DescriptiveDeclKind::GenericEnum
: DescriptiveDeclKind::Enum;
case DeclKind::Struct:
return cast<StructDecl>(this)->getGenericParams()
? DescriptiveDeclKind::GenericStruct
: DescriptiveDeclKind::Struct;
case DeclKind::Class:
return cast<ClassDecl>(this)->getGenericParams()
? DescriptiveDeclKind::GenericClass
: DescriptiveDeclKind::Class;
case DeclKind::Var: {
auto var = cast<VarDecl>(this);
switch (var->getCorrectStaticSpelling()) {
case StaticSpellingKind::None:
if (var->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext())
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Property;
return var->isLet() ? DescriptiveDeclKind::Let
: DescriptiveDeclKind::Var;
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordStatic:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::StaticProperty;
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordClass:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::ClassProperty;
case DeclKind::Subscript: {
auto subscript = cast<SubscriptDecl>(this);
switch (subscript->getCorrectStaticSpelling()) {
case StaticSpellingKind::None:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Subscript;
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordStatic:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::StaticSubscript;
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordClass:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::ClassSubscript;
case DeclKind::Accessor: {
auto accessor = cast<AccessorDecl>(this);
switch (accessor->getAccessorKind()) {
case AccessorKind::Get:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Getter;
case AccessorKind::Set:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Setter;
case AccessorKind::WillSet:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::WillSet;
case AccessorKind::DidSet:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::DidSet;
case AccessorKind::Address:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Addressor;
case AccessorKind::MutableAddress:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::MutableAddressor;
case AccessorKind::Read:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::ReadAccessor;
case AccessorKind::Modify:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::ModifyAccessor;
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
case DeclKind::Func: {
auto func = cast<FuncDecl>(this);
if (func->isOperator())
return DescriptiveDeclKind::OperatorFunction;
if (func->getDeclContext()->isLocalContext())
return DescriptiveDeclKind::LocalFunction;
if (func->getDeclContext()->isModuleScopeContext())
return DescriptiveDeclKind::GlobalFunction;
// We have a method.
switch (func->getCorrectStaticSpelling()) {
case StaticSpellingKind::None:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::Method;
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordStatic:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::StaticMethod;
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordClass:
return DescriptiveDeclKind::ClassMethod;
case DeclKind::OpaqueType: {
auto *opaqueTypeDecl = cast<OpaqueTypeDecl>(this);
if (dyn_cast_or_null<VarDecl>(opaqueTypeDecl->getNamingDecl()))
return DescriptiveDeclKind::OpaqueVarType;
return DescriptiveDeclKind::OpaqueResultType;
llvm_unreachable("bad DescriptiveDeclKind");
StringRef Decl::getDescriptiveKindName(DescriptiveDeclKind K) {
#define ENTRY(Kind, String) case DescriptiveDeclKind::Kind: return String
switch (K) {
ENTRY(Import, "import");
ENTRY(Extension, "extension");
ENTRY(EnumCase, "case");
ENTRY(TopLevelCode, "top-level code");
ENTRY(IfConfig, "conditional block");
ENTRY(PoundDiagnostic, "diagnostic");
ENTRY(PatternBinding, "pattern binding");
ENTRY(Var, "var");
ENTRY(Param, "parameter");
ENTRY(Let, "let");
ENTRY(Property, "property");
ENTRY(StaticProperty, "static property");
ENTRY(ClassProperty, "class property");
ENTRY(PrecedenceGroup, "precedence group");
ENTRY(InfixOperator, "infix operator");
ENTRY(PrefixOperator, "prefix operator");
ENTRY(PostfixOperator, "postfix operator");
ENTRY(TypeAlias, "type alias");
ENTRY(GenericTypeParam, "generic parameter");
ENTRY(AssociatedType, "associated type");
ENTRY(Type, "type");
ENTRY(Enum, "enum");
ENTRY(Struct, "struct");
ENTRY(Class, "class");
ENTRY(Protocol, "protocol");
ENTRY(GenericEnum, "generic enum");
ENTRY(GenericStruct, "generic struct");
ENTRY(GenericClass, "generic class");
ENTRY(GenericType, "generic type");
ENTRY(Subscript, "subscript");
ENTRY(StaticSubscript, "static subscript");
ENTRY(ClassSubscript, "class subscript");
ENTRY(Constructor, "initializer");
ENTRY(Destructor, "deinitializer");
ENTRY(LocalFunction, "local function");
ENTRY(GlobalFunction, "global function");
ENTRY(OperatorFunction, "operator function");
ENTRY(Method, "instance method");
ENTRY(StaticMethod, "static method");
ENTRY(ClassMethod, "class method");
ENTRY(Getter, "getter");
ENTRY(Setter, "setter");
ENTRY(WillSet, "willSet observer");
ENTRY(DidSet, "didSet observer");
ENTRY(Addressor, "address accessor");
ENTRY(MutableAddressor, "mutableAddress accessor");
ENTRY(ReadAccessor, "_read accessor");
ENTRY(ModifyAccessor, "_modify accessor");
ENTRY(EnumElement, "enum case");
ENTRY(Module, "module");
ENTRY(MissingMember, "missing member placeholder");
ENTRY(Requirement, "requirement");
ENTRY(OpaqueResultType, "result");
ENTRY(OpaqueVarType, "type");
#undef ENTRY
llvm_unreachable("bad DescriptiveDeclKind");
Decl::getIntroducedOSVersion(PlatformKind Kind) const {
for (auto *attr: getAttrs()) {
if (auto *ava = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(attr)) {
if (ava->Platform == Kind && ava->Introduced) {
return ava->Introduced;
return None;
llvm::raw_ostream &swift::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
StaticSpellingKind SSK) {
switch (SSK) {
case StaticSpellingKind::None:
return OS << "<none>";
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordStatic:
return OS << "'static'";
case StaticSpellingKind::KeywordClass:
return OS << "'class'";
llvm_unreachable("bad StaticSpellingKind");
llvm::raw_ostream &swift::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
ReferenceOwnership RO) {
if (RO == ReferenceOwnership::Strong)
return OS << "'strong'";
return OS << "'" << keywordOf(RO) << "'";
llvm::raw_ostream &swift::operator<<(llvm::raw_ostream &OS,
SelfAccessKind SAK) {
switch (SAK) {
case SelfAccessKind::NonMutating: return OS << "'nonmutating'";
case SelfAccessKind::Mutating: return OS << "'mutating'";
case SelfAccessKind::Consuming: return OS << "'__consuming'";
llvm_unreachable("Unknown SelfAccessKind");
DeclContext *Decl::getInnermostDeclContext() const {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(this))
return const_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl*>(func);
if (auto subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(this))
return const_cast<SubscriptDecl*>(subscript);
if (auto type = dyn_cast<GenericTypeDecl>(this))
return const_cast<GenericTypeDecl*>(type);
if (auto ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(this))
return const_cast<ExtensionDecl*>(ext);
if (auto topLevel = dyn_cast<TopLevelCodeDecl>(this))
return const_cast<TopLevelCodeDecl*>(topLevel);
return getDeclContext();
bool Decl::isInvalid() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define DECL(ID, PARENT) \
case DeclKind::ID:
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
return Bits.Decl.Invalid;
case DeclKind::Param: {
// Parameters are special because closure parameters may not have type
// annotations. In which case, the interface type request returns
// ErrorType. Therefore, consider parameters with implicit types to always
// be valid.
auto *PD = cast<ParamDecl>(this);
if (!PD->getTypeRepr() && !PD->hasInterfaceType())
return false;
case DeclKind::Enum:
case DeclKind::Struct:
case DeclKind::Class:
case DeclKind::Protocol:
case DeclKind::OpaqueType:
case DeclKind::TypeAlias:
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
case DeclKind::AssociatedType:
case DeclKind::Module:
case DeclKind::Var:
case DeclKind::Subscript:
case DeclKind::Constructor:
case DeclKind::Destructor:
case DeclKind::Func:
case DeclKind::EnumElement:
return cast<ValueDecl>(this)->getInterfaceType()->hasError();
case DeclKind::Accessor: {
auto *AD = cast<AccessorDecl>(this);
if (AD->hasInterfaceType() && AD->getInterfaceType()->hasError())
return true;
return AD->getStorage()->isInvalid();
llvm_unreachable("Unknown decl kind");
void Decl::setInvalid() {
switch (getKind()) {
#define DECL(ID, PARENT) \
case DeclKind::ID:
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
Bits.Decl.Invalid = true;
case DeclKind::Enum:
case DeclKind::Struct:
case DeclKind::Class:
case DeclKind::Protocol:
case DeclKind::OpaqueType:
case DeclKind::TypeAlias:
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
case DeclKind::AssociatedType:
case DeclKind::Module:
case DeclKind::Var:
case DeclKind::Param:
case DeclKind::Subscript:
case DeclKind::Constructor:
case DeclKind::Destructor:
case DeclKind::Func:
case DeclKind::Accessor:
case DeclKind::EnumElement:
llvm_unreachable("Unknown decl kind");
void Decl::setDeclContext(DeclContext *DC) {
Context = DC;
bool Decl::isUserAccessible() const {
if (auto VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(this)) {
return VD->isUserAccessible();
return true;
bool Decl::canHaveComment() const {
return !this->hasClangNode() &&
(isa<ValueDecl>(this) || isa<ExtensionDecl>(this)) &&
!isa<ParamDecl>(this) &&
(!isa<AbstractTypeParamDecl>(this) || isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(this));
ModuleDecl *Decl::getModuleContext() const {
return getDeclContext()->getParentModule();
/// Retrieve the diagnostic engine for diagnostics emission.
DiagnosticEngine &Decl::getDiags() const {
return getASTContext().Diags;
// Helper functions to verify statically whether source-location
// functions have been overridden.
typedef const char (&TwoChars)[2];
template<typename Class>
inline char checkSourceLocType(SourceLoc (Class::*)() const);
inline TwoChars checkSourceLocType(SourceLoc (Decl::*)() const);
template<typename Class>
inline char checkSourceLocType(SourceLoc (Class::*)(bool) const);
inline TwoChars checkSourceLocType(SourceLoc (Decl::*)(bool) const);
template<typename Class>
inline char checkSourceRangeType(SourceRange (Class::*)() const);
inline TwoChars checkSourceRangeType(SourceRange (Decl::*)() const);
SourceRange Decl::getSourceRange() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define DECL(ID, PARENT) \
static_assert(sizeof(checkSourceRangeType(&ID##Decl::getSourceRange)) == 1, \
#ID "Decl is missing getSourceRange()"); \
case DeclKind::ID: return cast<ID##Decl>(this)->getSourceRange();
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("Unknown decl kind");
SourceRange Decl::getSourceRangeIncludingAttrs() const {
auto Range = getSourceRange();
// Attributes on AccessorDecl may syntactically belong to PatternBindingDecl.
// e.g. 'override'.
if (auto *AD = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this)) {
// If this is implicit getter, accessor range should not include attributes.
if (AD->isImplicitGetter())
return Range;
// Otherwise, include attributes directly attached to the accessor.
SourceLoc VarLoc = AD->getStorage()->getStartLoc();
for (auto Attr : getAttrs()) {
if (!Attr->getRange().isValid())
SourceLoc AttrStartLoc = Attr->getRangeWithAt().Start;
if (getASTContext().SourceMgr.isBeforeInBuffer(VarLoc, AttrStartLoc))
return Range;
// Attributes on VarDecl syntactically belong to PatternBindingDecl.
if (isa<VarDecl>(this) && !isa<ParamDecl>(this))
return Range;
// Attributes on PatternBindingDecls are attached to VarDecls in AST.
if (auto *PBD = dyn_cast<PatternBindingDecl>(this)) {
for (auto i : range(PBD->getNumPatternEntries()))
PBD->getPattern(i)->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
for (auto Attr : VD->getAttrs())
if (Attr->getRange().isValid())
for (auto Attr : getAttrs()) {
if (Attr->getRange().isValid())
return Range;
SourceLoc Decl::getLocFromSource() const {
switch (getKind()) {
#define DECL(ID, X) \
static_assert(sizeof(checkSourceLocType(&ID##Decl::getLocFromSource)) == 1, \
#ID "Decl is missing getLocFromSource()"); \
case DeclKind::ID: return cast<ID##Decl>(this)->getLocFromSource();
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
llvm_unreachable("Unknown decl kind");
const Decl::CachedExternalSourceLocs *Decl::getSerializedLocs() const {
if (CachedSerializedLocs) {
return CachedSerializedLocs;
auto *File = cast<FileUnit>(getDeclContext()->getModuleScopeContext());
auto Locs = File->getBasicLocsForDecl(this);
if (!Locs.hasValue()) {
static const Decl::CachedExternalSourceLocs NullLocs{};
return &NullLocs;
auto *Result = getASTContext().Allocate<Decl::CachedExternalSourceLocs>();
auto &SM = getASTContext().SourceMgr;
#define CASE(X) \
Result->X = SM.getLocFromExternalSource(Locs->SourceFilePath, Locs->X.Line, \
#undef CASE
for (const auto &LineColumnAndLength : Locs->DocRanges) {
auto Start = SM.getLocFromExternalSource(Locs->SourceFilePath,
Result->DocRanges.push_back({ Start, LineColumnAndLength.second });
return Result;
StringRef Decl::getAlternateModuleName() const {
for (auto *Att: Attrs) {
if (auto *OD = dyn_cast<OriginallyDefinedInAttr>(Att)) {
if (OD->isActivePlatform(getASTContext())) {
return OD->OriginalModuleName;
for (auto *DC = getDeclContext(); DC; DC = DC->getParent()) {
if (auto decl = DC->getAsDecl()) {
if (decl == this)
auto AM = decl->getAlternateModuleName();
if (!AM.empty())
return AM;
return StringRef();
SourceLoc Decl::getLoc(bool SerializedOK) const {
#define DECL(ID, X) \
static_assert(sizeof(checkSourceLocType(&ID##Decl::getLoc)) == 2, \
#ID "Decl is re-defining getLoc()");
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
if (isa<ModuleDecl>(this))
return SourceLoc();
// When the decl is context-free, we should get loc from source buffer.
if (!getDeclContext())
return getLocFromSource();
FileUnit *File = dyn_cast<FileUnit>(getDeclContext()->getModuleScopeContext());
if (!File)
return getLocFromSource();
switch(File->getKind()) {
case FileUnitKind::Source:
return getLocFromSource();
case FileUnitKind::SerializedAST: {
if (!SerializedOK)
return SourceLoc();
return getSerializedLocs()->Loc;
case FileUnitKind::Builtin:
case FileUnitKind::Synthesized:
case FileUnitKind::ClangModule:
case FileUnitKind::DWARFModule:
return SourceLoc();
llvm_unreachable("invalid file kind");
Optional<CustomAttrNominalPair> Decl::getGlobalActorAttr() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<Decl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
Expr *AbstractFunctionDecl::getSingleExpressionBody() const {
assert(hasSingleExpressionBody() && "Not a single-expression body");
auto braceStmt = getBody();
assert(braceStmt != nullptr && "No body currently available.");
auto body = getBody()->getLastElement();
if (auto *stmt = body.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
if (auto *returnStmt = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(stmt)) {
return returnStmt->getResult();
} else if (isa<FailStmt>(stmt)) {
// We can only get to this point if we're a type-checked ConstructorDecl
// which was originally spelled init?(...) { nil }.
// There no longer is a single-expression to return, so ignore null.
return nullptr;
return body.get<Expr *>();
void AbstractFunctionDecl::setSingleExpressionBody(Expr *NewBody) {
assert(hasSingleExpressionBody() && "Not a single-expression body");
auto body = getBody()->getLastElement();
if (auto *stmt = body.dyn_cast<Stmt *>()) {
if (auto *returnStmt = dyn_cast<ReturnStmt>(stmt)) {
} else if (isa<FailStmt>(stmt)) {
// We can only get to this point if we're a type-checked ConstructorDecl
// which was originally spelled init?(...) { nil }.
// We can no longer write the single-expression which is being set on us
// into anything because a FailStmt does not have such a child. As a
// result we need to demand that the NewBody is null.
assert(NewBody == nullptr);
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isTransparent() const {
return getAttrs().hasAttribute<TransparentAttr>();
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::isTransparent() const {
// Check if the declaration had the attribute.
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<TransparentAttr>())
return true;
// If this is an accessor, the computation is a bit more involved, so we
// kick off a request.
if (const auto *AD = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this)) {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsAccessorTransparentRequest{const_cast<AccessorDecl *>(AD)},
return false;
bool ParameterList::hasInternalParameter(StringRef Prefix) const {
for (auto param : *this) {
if (param->hasName() && param->getNameStr().startswith(Prefix))
return true;
auto argName = param->getArgumentName();
if (!argName.empty() && argName.str().startswith(Prefix))
return true;
return false;
bool Decl::hasUnderscoredNaming() const {
const Decl *D = this;
// If it's a function or subscript with a parameter with leading
// underscore, it's a private function or subscript.
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(D) || isa<SubscriptDecl>(D)) {
const auto VD = cast<ValueDecl>(D);
if (getParameterList(const_cast<ValueDecl *>(VD))
->hasInternalParameter("_")) {
return true;
if (const auto PD = dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl>(D)) {
StringRef NameStr = PD->getNameStr();
if (NameStr.startswith("_Builtin")) {
return true;
if (NameStr.startswith("_ExpressibleBy")) {
return true;
if (const auto ImportD = dyn_cast<ImportDecl>(D)) {
if (const auto *Mod = ImportD->getModule()) {
if (Mod->isSwiftShimsModule()) {
return true;
const auto VD = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(D);
if (!VD || !VD->hasName()) {
return false;
if (!VD->getBaseName().isSpecial() &&
VD->getBaseIdentifier().str().startswith("_")) {
return true;
return false;
bool Decl::isPrivateStdlibDecl(bool treatNonBuiltinProtocolsAsPublic) const {
const Decl *D = this;
if (auto ExtD = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(D)) {
Type extTy = ExtD->getExtendedType();
return extTy.isPrivateStdlibType(treatNonBuiltinProtocolsAsPublic);
DeclContext *DC = D->getDeclContext()->getModuleScopeContext();
if (DC->getParentModule()->isBuiltinModule() ||
return true;
if (!DC->getParentModule()->isSystemModule())
return false;
auto FU = dyn_cast<FileUnit>(DC);
if (!FU)
return false;
// Check for Swift module and overlays.
if (!DC->getParentModule()->isStdlibModule() &&
FU->getKind() != FileUnitKind::SerializedAST)
return false;
if (isa<ProtocolDecl>(D)) {
if (treatNonBuiltinProtocolsAsPublic)
return false;
if (D->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ShowInInterfaceAttr>()) {
return false;
return hasUnderscoredNaming();
bool Decl::isStdlibDecl() const {
DeclContext *DC = getDeclContext();
return DC->isModuleScopeContext() &&
AvailabilityContext Decl::getAvailabilityForLinkage() const {
auto containingContext =
AvailabilityInference::annotatedAvailableRange(this, getASTContext());
if (containingContext.hasValue())
return *containingContext;
if (auto *accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this))
return accessor->getStorage()->getAvailabilityForLinkage();
if (auto *ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(this))
if (auto *nominal = ext->getExtendedNominal())
return nominal->getAvailabilityForLinkage();
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
if (auto *ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(dc))
return ext->getAvailabilityForLinkage();
else if (auto *nominal = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(dc))
return nominal->getAvailabilityForLinkage();
return AvailabilityContext::alwaysAvailable();
bool Decl::isAlwaysWeakImported() const {
// For a Clang declaration, trust Clang.
if (auto clangDecl = getClangDecl()) {
return clangDecl->isWeakImported();
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<WeakLinkedAttr>())
return true;
if (auto *accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this))
return accessor->getStorage()->isAlwaysWeakImported();
if (auto *ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(this))
if (auto *nominal = ext->getExtendedNominal())
return nominal->isAlwaysWeakImported();
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
if (auto *ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(dc))
return ext->isAlwaysWeakImported();
if (auto *nominal = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(dc))
return nominal->isAlwaysWeakImported();
return false;
bool Decl::isWeakImported(ModuleDecl *fromModule) const {
if (fromModule == nullptr) {
return (isAlwaysWeakImported() ||
if (getModuleContext() == fromModule)
return false;
if (isAlwaysWeakImported())
return true;
auto containingContext = getAvailabilityForLinkage();
if (containingContext.isAlwaysAvailable())
return false;
auto fromContext = AvailabilityContext::forDeploymentTarget(
return !fromContext.isContainedIn(containingContext);
GenericContext::GenericContext(DeclContextKind Kind, DeclContext *Parent,
GenericParamList *Params)
: _GenericContext(), DeclContext(Kind, Parent) {
if (Params) {
GenericParamsAndBit.setPointerAndInt(Params, false);
GenericContext::getInnermostGenericParamTypes() const {
if (auto sig = getGenericSignature())
return sig->getInnermostGenericParams();
return { };
/// Retrieve the generic requirements.
ArrayRef<Requirement> GenericContext::getGenericRequirements() const {
if (auto sig = getGenericSignature())
return sig->getRequirements();
return { };
GenericParamList *GenericContext::getGenericParams() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
const_cast<GenericContext *>(this)}, nullptr);
GenericParamList *GenericContext::getParsedGenericParams() const {
if (GenericParamsAndBit.getInt())
return nullptr;
return GenericParamsAndBit.getPointer();
bool GenericContext::hasComputedGenericSignature() const {
return GenericSigAndBit.getInt();
bool GenericContext::isComputingGenericSignature() const {
return getASTContext().evaluator.hasActiveRequest(
GenericSignature GenericContext::getGenericSignature() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(
GenericSignatureRequest{const_cast<GenericContext *>(this)}, nullptr);
GenericEnvironment *GenericContext::getGenericEnvironment() const {
if (auto genericSig = getGenericSignature())
return genericSig->getGenericEnvironment();
return nullptr;
void GenericContext::setGenericSignature(GenericSignature genericSig) {
assert(!GenericSigAndBit.getPointer() && "Generic signature cannot be changed");
SourceRange GenericContext::getGenericTrailingWhereClauseSourceRange() const {
if (const auto *where = getTrailingWhereClause())
return where->getSourceRange();
return SourceRange();
ImportDecl *ImportDecl::create(ASTContext &Ctx, DeclContext *DC,
SourceLoc ImportLoc, ImportKind Kind,
SourceLoc KindLoc,
ImportPath Path,
ClangNode ClangN) {
assert(Kind == ImportKind::Module || Path.size() > 1);
assert(ClangN.isNull() || ClangN.getAsModule() ||
size_t Size = totalSizeToAlloc<ImportPath::Element>(Path.size());
void *ptr = allocateMemoryForDecl<ImportDecl>(Ctx, Size, !ClangN.isNull());
auto D = new (ptr) ImportDecl(DC, ImportLoc, Kind, KindLoc, Path);
if (ClangN)
return D;
ImportDecl::ImportDecl(DeclContext *DC, SourceLoc ImportLoc, ImportKind K,
SourceLoc KindLoc, ImportPath Path)
: Decl(DeclKind::Import, DC), ImportLoc(ImportLoc), KindLoc(KindLoc) {
Bits.ImportDecl.NumPathElements = Path.size();
assert(Bits.ImportDecl.NumPathElements == Path.size() && "Truncation error");
Bits.ImportDecl.ImportKind = static_cast<unsigned>(K);
assert(getImportKind() == K && "not enough bits for ImportKind");
std::uninitialized_copy(Path.begin(), Path.end(),
ImportKind ImportDecl::getBestImportKind(const ValueDecl *VD) {
switch (VD->getKind()) {
case DeclKind::Import:
case DeclKind::Extension:
case DeclKind::PatternBinding:
case DeclKind::TopLevelCode:
case DeclKind::InfixOperator:
case DeclKind::PrefixOperator:
case DeclKind::PostfixOperator:
case DeclKind::EnumCase:
case DeclKind::IfConfig:
case DeclKind::PoundDiagnostic:
case DeclKind::PrecedenceGroup:
case DeclKind::MissingMember:
llvm_unreachable("not a ValueDecl");
case DeclKind::AssociatedType:
case DeclKind::Constructor:
case DeclKind::Destructor:
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
case DeclKind::Subscript:
case DeclKind::EnumElement:
case DeclKind::Param:
llvm_unreachable("not a top-level ValueDecl");
case DeclKind::Protocol:
return ImportKind::Protocol;
case DeclKind::Class:
return ImportKind::Class;
case DeclKind::Enum:
return ImportKind::Enum;
case DeclKind::Struct:
return ImportKind::Struct;
case DeclKind::OpaqueType:
return ImportKind::Type;
case DeclKind::TypeAlias: {
Type type = cast<TypeAliasDecl>(VD)->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
auto *nominal = type->getAnyNominal();
if (!nominal)
return ImportKind::Type;
return getBestImportKind(nominal);
case DeclKind::Accessor:
case DeclKind::Func:
return ImportKind::Func;
case DeclKind::Var:
return ImportKind::Var;
case DeclKind::Module:
return ImportKind::Module;
llvm_unreachable("bad DeclKind");
ImportDecl::findBestImportKind(ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> Decls) {
ImportKind FirstKind = ImportDecl::getBestImportKind(Decls.front());
// FIXME: Only functions can be overloaded.
if (Decls.size() == 1)
return FirstKind;
if (FirstKind != ImportKind::Func)
return None;
for (auto NextDecl : Decls.slice(1)) {
if (ImportDecl::getBestImportKind(NextDecl) != FirstKind)
return None;
return FirstKind;
ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> ImportDecl::getDecls() const {
// If this isn't a scoped import, there's nothing to do.
if (getImportKind() == ImportKind::Module)
return {};
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<ImportDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
ScopedImportLookupRequest{mutableThis}, {});
void NominalTypeDecl::setConformanceLoader(LazyMemberLoader *lazyLoader,
uint64_t contextData) {
assert(!Bits.NominalTypeDecl.HasLazyConformances &&
"Already have lazy conformances");
Bits.NominalTypeDecl.HasLazyConformances = true;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto contextInfo = ctx.getOrCreateLazyIterableContextData(this, lazyLoader);
contextInfo->allConformancesData = contextData;
std::pair<LazyMemberLoader *, uint64_t>
NominalTypeDecl::takeConformanceLoaderSlow() {
assert(Bits.NominalTypeDecl.HasLazyConformances && "not lazy conformances");
Bits.NominalTypeDecl.HasLazyConformances = false;
auto contextInfo =
getASTContext().getOrCreateLazyIterableContextData(this, nullptr);
return { contextInfo->loader, contextInfo->allConformancesData };
ExtensionDecl::ExtensionDecl(SourceLoc extensionLoc,
TypeRepr *extendedType,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> inherited,
DeclContext *parent,
TrailingWhereClause *trailingWhereClause)
: GenericContext(DeclContextKind::ExtensionDecl, parent, nullptr),
Decl(DeclKind::Extension, parent),
Bits.ExtensionDecl.DefaultAndMaxAccessLevel = 0;
Bits.ExtensionDecl.HasLazyConformances = false;
ExtensionDecl *ExtensionDecl::create(ASTContext &ctx, SourceLoc extensionLoc,
TypeRepr *extendedType,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> inherited,
DeclContext *parent,
TrailingWhereClause *trailingWhereClause,
ClangNode clangNode) {
unsigned size = sizeof(ExtensionDecl);
void *declPtr = allocateMemoryForDecl<ExtensionDecl>(ctx, size,
// Construct the extension.
auto result = ::new (declPtr) ExtensionDecl(extensionLoc, extendedType,
inherited, parent,
if (clangNode)
return result;
void ExtensionDecl::setConformanceLoader(LazyMemberLoader *lazyLoader,
uint64_t contextData) {
assert(!Bits.ExtensionDecl.HasLazyConformances &&
"Already have lazy conformances");
Bits.ExtensionDecl.HasLazyConformances = true;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto contextInfo = ctx.getOrCreateLazyIterableContextData(this, lazyLoader);
contextInfo->allConformancesData = contextData;
std::pair<LazyMemberLoader *, uint64_t>
ExtensionDecl::takeConformanceLoaderSlow() {
assert(Bits.ExtensionDecl.HasLazyConformances && "no conformance loader?");
Bits.ExtensionDecl.HasLazyConformances = false;
auto contextInfo =
getASTContext().getOrCreateLazyIterableContextData(this, nullptr);
return { contextInfo->loader, contextInfo->allConformancesData };
NominalTypeDecl *ExtensionDecl::getExtendedNominal() const {
assert((hasBeenBound() || canNeverBeBound()) &&
"Extension must have already been bound (by bindExtensions)");
return ExtendedNominal.getPointer();
NominalTypeDecl *ExtensionDecl::computeExtendedNominal() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, ExtendedNominalRequest{const_cast<ExtensionDecl *>(this)},
bool ExtensionDecl::canNeverBeBound() const {
// \c bindExtensions() only looks at valid parents for extensions.
return !hasValidParent();
bool ExtensionDecl::hasValidParent() const {
return getDeclContext()->canBeParentOfExtension();
bool ExtensionDecl::isConstrainedExtension() const {
auto nominal = getExtendedNominal();
if (!nominal)
return false;
auto typeSig = nominal->getGenericSignature();
if (!typeSig)
return false;
auto extSig = getGenericSignature();
if (!extSig)
return false;
// If the generic signature differs from that of the nominal type, it's a
// constrained extension.
return !typeSig->isEqual(extSig);
bool ExtensionDecl::isEquivalentToExtendedContext() const {
auto decl = getExtendedNominal();
bool extendDeclFromSameModule = false;
auto extensionAlterName = getAlternateModuleName();
auto typeAlterName = decl->getAlternateModuleName();
if (!extensionAlterName.empty()) {
if (!typeAlterName.empty()) {
// Case I: type and extension are both moved from somewhere else
extendDeclFromSameModule = typeAlterName == extensionAlterName;
} else {
// Case II: extension alone was moved from somewhere else
extendDeclFromSameModule = extensionAlterName ==
} else {
if (!typeAlterName.empty()) {
// Case III: extended type alone was moved from somewhere else
extendDeclFromSameModule = typeAlterName == getParentModule()->getNameStr();
} else {
// Case IV: neither of type and extension was moved from somewhere else
extendDeclFromSameModule = getParentModule() == decl->getParentModule();
return extendDeclFromSameModule
&& !isConstrainedExtension()
&& !getDeclaredInterfaceType()->isExistentialType();
AccessLevel ExtensionDecl::getDefaultAccessLevel() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
DefaultAndMaxAccessLevelRequest{const_cast<ExtensionDecl *>(this)},
{AccessLevel::Private, AccessLevel::Private}).first;
AccessLevel ExtensionDecl::getMaxAccessLevel() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
DefaultAndMaxAccessLevelRequest{const_cast<ExtensionDecl *>(this)},
{AccessLevel::Private, AccessLevel::Private}).second;
Type ExtensionDecl::getExtendedType() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
if (auto type = evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
ExtendedTypeRequest{const_cast<ExtensionDecl *>(this)},
return type;
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
PatternBindingDecl::PatternBindingDecl(SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
SourceLoc VarLoc,
unsigned NumPatternEntries,
DeclContext *Parent)
: Decl(DeclKind::PatternBinding, Parent),
StaticLoc(StaticLoc), VarLoc(VarLoc) {
Bits.PatternBindingDecl.IsStatic = StaticLoc.isValid();
Bits.PatternBindingDecl.StaticSpelling =
Bits.PatternBindingDecl.NumPatternEntries = NumPatternEntries;
PatternBindingDecl *
PatternBindingDecl::create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling, SourceLoc VarLoc,
Pattern *Pat, SourceLoc EqualLoc, Expr *E,
DeclContext *Parent) {
DeclContext *BindingInitContext = nullptr;
if (!Parent->isLocalContext())
BindingInitContext = new (Ctx) PatternBindingInitializer(Parent);
auto PBE = PatternBindingEntry(Pat, EqualLoc, E, BindingInitContext);
auto *Result = create(Ctx, StaticLoc, StaticSpelling, VarLoc, PBE, Parent);
if (BindingInitContext)
cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(BindingInitContext)->setBinding(Result, 0);
return Result;
PatternBindingDecl *PatternBindingDecl::createImplicit(
ASTContext &Ctx, StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling, Pattern *Pat, Expr *E,
DeclContext *Parent, SourceLoc VarLoc) {
auto *Result = create(Ctx, /*StaticLoc*/ SourceLoc(), StaticSpelling, VarLoc,
Pat, /*EqualLoc*/ SourceLoc(), nullptr, Parent);
Result->setInit(0, E);
return Result;
PatternBindingDecl *
PatternBindingDecl::create(ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
SourceLoc VarLoc,
ArrayRef<PatternBindingEntry> PatternList,
DeclContext *Parent) {
size_t Size = totalSizeToAlloc<PatternBindingEntry>(PatternList.size());
void *D = allocateMemoryForDecl<PatternBindingDecl>(Ctx, Size,
auto PBD = ::new (D) PatternBindingDecl(StaticLoc, StaticSpelling, VarLoc,
PatternList.size(), Parent);
// Set up the patterns.
auto entries = PBD->getMutablePatternList();
unsigned elt = 0U-1;
for (auto pe : PatternList) {
auto &newEntry = entries[elt];
newEntry = pe; // This should take care of initializer with flags
DeclContext *initContext = pe.getInitContext();
if (!initContext && !Parent->isLocalContext()) {
auto pbi = new (Ctx) PatternBindingInitializer(Parent);
pbi->setBinding(PBD, elt);
initContext = pbi;
PBD->setPattern(elt, pe.getPattern(), initContext);
return PBD;
PatternBindingDecl *PatternBindingDecl::createDeserialized(
ASTContext &Ctx, SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
SourceLoc VarLoc,
unsigned NumPatternEntries,
DeclContext *Parent) {
size_t Size = totalSizeToAlloc<PatternBindingEntry>(NumPatternEntries);
void *D = allocateMemoryForDecl<PatternBindingDecl>(Ctx, Size,
auto PBD = ::new (D) PatternBindingDecl(StaticLoc, StaticSpelling, VarLoc,
NumPatternEntries, Parent);
for (auto &entry : PBD->getMutablePatternList()) {
entry = PatternBindingEntry(/*Pattern*/ nullptr, /*EqualLoc*/ SourceLoc(),
/*Init*/ nullptr, /*InitContext*/ nullptr);
return PBD;
ParamDecl *PatternBindingInitializer::getImplicitSelfDecl() const {
if (SelfParam)
return SelfParam;
if (auto singleVar = getInitializedLazyVar()) {
auto DC = singleVar->getDeclContext();
if (DC->isTypeContext()) {
auto specifier = (DC->getDeclaredInterfaceType()->hasReferenceSemantics()
? ParamSpecifier::Default
: ParamSpecifier::InOut);
ASTContext &C = DC->getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<PatternBindingInitializer *>(this);
auto *LazySelfParam = new (C) ParamDecl(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(),
Identifier(), singleVar->getLoc(),
C.Id_self, mutableThis);
mutableThis->SelfParam = LazySelfParam;
return SelfParam;
VarDecl *PatternBindingInitializer::getInitializedLazyVar() const {
if (auto binding = getBinding()) {
if (auto var = binding->getSingleVar()) {
if (var->getAttrs().hasAttribute<LazyAttr>())
return var;
return nullptr;
unsigned PatternBindingDecl::getPatternEntryIndexForVarDecl(const VarDecl *VD) const {
assert(VD && "Cannot find a null VarDecl");
auto List = getPatternList();
if (List.size() == 1) {
assert(List[0].getPattern()->containsVarDecl(VD) &&
"Single entry PatternBindingDecl is set up wrong");
return 0;
unsigned Result = 0;
for (auto entry : List) {
if (entry.getPattern()->containsVarDecl(VD))
return Result;
assert(0 && "PatternBindingDecl doesn't bind the specified VarDecl!");
return ~0U;
Expr *PatternBindingEntry::getOriginalInit() const {
return InitContextAndFlags.getInt().contains(PatternFlags::IsText)
? nullptr
: InitExpr.originalInit;
SourceRange PatternBindingEntry::getOriginalInitRange() const {
if (auto *i = getOriginalInit())
return i->getSourceRange();
return SourceRange();
void PatternBindingEntry::setOriginalInit(Expr *E) {
InitExpr.originalInit = E;
InitContextAndFlags.setInt(InitContextAndFlags.getInt() -
bool PatternBindingEntry::isInitialized(bool onlyExplicit) const {
// Directly initialized.
if (getInit() && (!onlyExplicit || getEqualLoc().isValid()))
return true;
// Initialized via a property wrapper.
if (auto var = getPattern()->getSingleVar()) {
auto customAttrs = var->getAttachedPropertyWrappers();
if (customAttrs.size() > 0 && customAttrs[0]->getArg() != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void PatternBindingEntry::setInit(Expr *E) {
auto F = PatternAndFlags.getInt();
if (E) {
PatternAndFlags.setInt(F - Flags::Removed);
} else {
PatternAndFlags.setInt(F | Flags::Removed);
InitExpr.initAfterSynthesis = E;
InitContextAndFlags.setInt(InitContextAndFlags.getInt() -
VarDecl *PatternBindingEntry::getAnchoringVarDecl() const {
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 8> variables;
if (variables.empty())
return nullptr;
return variables[0];
SourceLoc PatternBindingEntry::getLastAccessorEndLoc() const {
SourceLoc lastAccessorEnd;
getPattern()->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *var) {
auto accessorsEndLoc = var->getBracesRange().End;
if (accessorsEndLoc.isValid())
lastAccessorEnd = accessorsEndLoc;
return lastAccessorEnd;
SourceLoc PatternBindingEntry::getStartLoc() const {
return getPattern()->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc PatternBindingEntry::getEndLoc(bool omitAccessors) const {
// Accessors are last
if (!omitAccessors) {
const auto lastAccessorEnd = getLastAccessorEndLoc();
if (lastAccessorEnd.isValid())
return lastAccessorEnd;
const auto initEnd = getOriginalInitRange().End;
if (initEnd.isValid())
return initEnd;
return getPattern()->getEndLoc();
SourceRange PatternBindingEntry::getSourceRange(bool omitAccessors) const {
const SourceLoc startLoc = getStartLoc();
if (startLoc.isInvalid())
return SourceRange();
const SourceLoc endLoc = getEndLoc(omitAccessors);
if (endLoc.isInvalid())
return SourceRange();
return SourceRange(startLoc, endLoc);
bool PatternBindingEntry::hasInitStringRepresentation() const {
if (InitContextAndFlags.getInt().contains(PatternFlags::IsText))
return !InitStringRepresentation.empty();
return getInit() && getInit()->getSourceRange().isValid();
StringRef PatternBindingEntry::getInitStringRepresentation(
SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch) const {
assert(hasInitStringRepresentation() &&
"must check if pattern has string representation");
if (InitContextAndFlags.getInt().contains(PatternFlags::IsText) &&
return InitStringRepresentation;
auto &sourceMgr = getAnchoringVarDecl()->getASTContext().SourceMgr;
auto init = getOriginalInit();
return extractInlinableText(sourceMgr, init, scratch);
SourceRange PatternBindingDecl::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc startLoc = getStartLoc();
SourceLoc endLoc = getPatternList().back().getSourceRange().End;
if (startLoc.isValid() != endLoc.isValid()) return SourceRange();
return { startLoc, endLoc };
static StaticSpellingKind getCorrectStaticSpellingForDecl(const Decl *D) {
if (!D->getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl())
return StaticSpellingKind::KeywordStatic;
return StaticSpellingKind::KeywordClass;
StaticSpellingKind PatternBindingDecl::getCorrectStaticSpelling() const {
if (!isStatic())
return StaticSpellingKind::None;
if (getStaticSpelling() != StaticSpellingKind::None)
return getStaticSpelling();
return getCorrectStaticSpellingForDecl(this);
bool PatternBindingDecl::isAsyncLet() const {
if (auto var = getAnchoringVarDecl(0))
return var->isAsyncLet();
return false;
bool PatternBindingDecl::hasStorage() const {
// Walk the pattern, to check to see if any of the VarDecls included in it
// have storage.
for (auto entry : getPatternList())
if (entry.getPattern()->hasStorage())
return true;
return false;
void PatternBindingDecl::setPattern(unsigned i, Pattern *P,
DeclContext *InitContext) {
auto PatternList = getMutablePatternList();
// Make sure that any VarDecl's contained within the pattern know about this
// PatternBindingDecl as their parent.
if (P)
P->forEachVariable([&](VarDecl *VD) {
if (!VD->isCaptureList())
VarDecl *PatternBindingDecl::getSingleVar() const {
if (getNumPatternEntries() == 1)
return getPatternList()[0].getPattern()->getSingleVar();
return nullptr;
VarDecl *PatternBindingDecl::getAnchoringVarDecl(unsigned i) const {
return getPatternList()[i].getAnchoringVarDecl();
bool VarDecl::isInitExposedToClients() const {
// 'lazy' initializers are emitted inside the getter, which is never
// @inlinable.
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<LazyAttr>())
return false;
return hasInitialValue() && isLayoutExposedToClients();
bool VarDecl::isLayoutExposedToClients() const {
auto parent = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(getDeclContext());
if (!parent) return false;
if (isStatic()) return false;
if (!hasStorage() &&
!getAttrs().hasAttribute<LazyAttr>() &&
!hasAttachedPropertyWrapper()) {
return false;
auto nominalAccess =
if (!nominalAccess.isPublic()) return false;
return (parent->getAttrs().hasAttribute<FrozenAttr>() ||
/// Check whether the given type representation will be
/// default-initializable.
static bool isDefaultInitializable(const TypeRepr *typeRepr, ASTContext &ctx) {
// Look through most attributes.
if (const auto attributed = dyn_cast<AttributedTypeRepr>(typeRepr)) {
// Ownership kinds have optionalness requirements.
if (optionalityOf(attributed->getAttrs().getOwnership()) ==
return true;
return isDefaultInitializable(attributed->getTypeRepr(), ctx);
// Optional types are default-initializable.
if (isa<OptionalTypeRepr>(typeRepr) ||
return true;
// Also support the desugared 'Optional<T>' spelling.
if (!ctx.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5)) {
if (auto *identRepr = dyn_cast<SimpleIdentTypeRepr>(typeRepr)) {
if (identRepr->getNameRef().getBaseIdentifier() == ctx.Id_Void)
return true;
if (auto *identRepr = dyn_cast<GenericIdentTypeRepr>(typeRepr)) {
if (identRepr->getNameRef().getBaseIdentifier() == ctx.Id_Optional &&
identRepr->getNumGenericArgs() == 1)
return true;
// Tuple types are default-initializable if all of their element
// types are.
if (const auto tuple = dyn_cast<TupleTypeRepr>(typeRepr)) {
// ... but not variadic ones.
if (tuple->hasEllipsis())
return false;
for (const auto &elt : tuple->getElements()) {
if (!isDefaultInitializable(elt.Type, ctx))
return false;
return true;
// Not default initializable.
return false;
// @NSManaged properties never get default initialized, nor do debugger
// variables and immutable properties.
bool Pattern::isNeverDefaultInitializable() const {
bool result = false;
forEachVariable([&](const VarDecl *var) {
if (var->getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSManagedAttr>())
if (var->isDebuggerVar() ||
result = true;
return result;
bool PatternBindingDecl::isDefaultInitializableViaPropertyWrapper(unsigned i) const {
if (auto singleVar = getSingleVar()) {
if (auto wrapperInfo = singleVar->getAttachedPropertyWrapperTypeInfo(0)) {
if (wrapperInfo.defaultInit)
return true;
return false;
bool PatternBindingDecl::isDefaultInitializable(unsigned i) const {
const auto entry = getPatternList()[i];
// If it has an initializer expression, this is trivially true.
if (entry.isInitialized())
return true;
// If the outermost attached property wrapper vends an `init()`, use that
// for default initialization.
if (isDefaultInitializableViaPropertyWrapper(i))
return true;
// If one of the attached wrappers is missing a wrappedValue
// initializer, cannot default-initialize.
if (auto singleVar = getSingleVar()) {
if (auto wrapperInfo = singleVar->getAttachedPropertyWrapperTypeInfo(0)) {
if (!singleVar->allAttachedPropertyWrappersHaveWrappedValueInit())
return false;
if (entry.getPattern()->isNeverDefaultInitializable())
return false;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
// If the pattern is typed as optional (or tuples thereof), it is
// default initializable.
if (const auto typedPattern = dyn_cast<TypedPattern>(entry.getPattern())) {
if (const auto typeRepr = typedPattern->getTypeRepr()) {
if (::isDefaultInitializable(typeRepr, ctx))
return true;
} else if (typedPattern->isImplicit()) {
// Lazy vars have implicit storage assigned to back them. Because the
// storage is implicit, the pattern is typed and has a TypeLoc, but not a
// TypeRepr.
// All lazy storage is implicitly default initializable, though, because
// lazy backing storage is optional.
if (const auto *varDecl = typedPattern->getSingleVar()) {
// Lazy storage is never user accessible.
if (!varDecl->isUserAccessible()) {
if (typedPattern->hasType() &&
typedPattern->getType()->getOptionalObjectType()) {
return true;
// Otherwise, we can't default initialize this binding.
return false;
bool PatternBindingDecl::isComputingPatternBindingEntry(
const VarDecl *vd) const {
unsigned i = getPatternEntryIndexForVarDecl(vd);
return getASTContext().evaluator.hasActiveRequest(
PatternBindingEntryRequest{const_cast<PatternBindingDecl *>(this), i});
bool PatternBindingDecl::isExplicitlyInitialized(unsigned i) const {
const auto &entry = getPatternList()[i];
return entry.isInitialized(/*onlyExplicit=*/true);
SourceLoc PatternBindingDecl::getEqualLoc(unsigned i) const {
const auto &entry = getPatternList()[i];
return entry.getEqualLoc();
SourceLoc TopLevelCodeDecl::getStartLoc() const {
return Body->getStartLoc();
SourceRange TopLevelCodeDecl::getSourceRange() const {
return Body->getSourceRange();
SourceRange IfConfigDecl::getSourceRange() const {
return SourceRange(getLoc(), EndLoc);
static bool isPolymorphic(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage) {
if (storage->shouldUseObjCDispatch())
return true;
// Imported declarations behave like they are dynamic, even if they're
// not marked as such explicitly.
if (storage->isObjC() && storage->hasClangNode())
return true;
if (auto *classDecl = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(storage->getDeclContext())) {
if (storage->isFinal() || classDecl->isFinal())
return false;
return true;
if (isa<ProtocolDecl>(storage->getDeclContext()))
return true;
return false;
static bool isDirectToStorageAccess(const DeclContext *UseDC,
const VarDecl *var, bool isAccessOnSelf) {
if (!var->hasStorage())
return false;
auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(UseDC);
if (AFD == nullptr)
return false;
// The property reference is for immediate class, not a derived class.
if (AFD->getParent()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl() !=
return false;
// If the storage is resilient, we cannot access it directly at all.
if (var->isResilient(UseDC->getParentModule(),
return false;
if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(AFD) || isa<DestructorDecl>(AFD)) {
// The access must also be a member access on 'self' in all language modes.
if (!isAccessOnSelf)
return false;
return true;
} else if (auto *accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(AFD)) {
// The accessor must be for the variable itself.
if (accessor->getStorage() != var)
return false;
// In Swift 5 and later, the access must also be a member access on 'self'.
if (!isAccessOnSelf &&
var->getDeclContext()->isTypeContext() &&
return false;
// As a special case, 'read' and 'modify' coroutines with forced static
// dispatch must use ordinary semantics, so that the 'modify' coroutine for a
// 'dynamic' property uses Objective-C message sends and not direct access to
// storage.
if (accessor->hasForcedStaticDispatch())
return false;
return true;
return false;
/// Determines the access semantics to use in a DeclRefExpr or
/// MemberRefExpr use of this value in the specified context.
ValueDecl::getAccessSemanticsFromContext(const DeclContext *UseDC,
bool isAccessOnSelf) const {
if (auto *var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this))
if (isDirectToStorageAccess(UseDC, var, isAccessOnSelf))
return AccessSemantics::DirectToStorage;
// Otherwise, it's a semantically normal access. The client should be
// able to figure out the most efficient way to do this access.
return AccessSemantics::Ordinary;
static AccessStrategy
getDirectReadAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage) {
switch (storage->getReadImpl()) {
case ReadImplKind::Stored:
return AccessStrategy::getStorage();
case ReadImplKind::Inherited:
// TODO: maybe add a specific strategy for this?
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Get,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case ReadImplKind::Get:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Get,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case ReadImplKind::Address:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Address,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case ReadImplKind::Read:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Read,
/*dispatch*/ false);
llvm_unreachable("bad impl kind");
static AccessStrategy
getDirectWriteAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage) {
switch (storage->getWriteImpl()) {
case WriteImplKind::Immutable:
assert(isa<VarDecl>(storage) && cast<VarDecl>(storage)->isLet() &&
"mutation of a immutable variable that isn't a let");
return AccessStrategy::getStorage();
case WriteImplKind::Stored:
return AccessStrategy::getStorage();
case WriteImplKind::StoredWithObservers:
// TODO: maybe add a specific strategy for this?
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Set,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case WriteImplKind::InheritedWithObservers:
// TODO: maybe add a specific strategy for this?
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Set,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case WriteImplKind::Set:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Set,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case WriteImplKind::MutableAddress:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::MutableAddress,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case WriteImplKind::Modify:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Modify,
/*dispatch*/ false);
llvm_unreachable("bad impl kind");
static AccessStrategy
getOpaqueReadAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage, bool dispatch);
static AccessStrategy
getOpaqueWriteAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage, bool dispatch);
static AccessStrategy
getDirectReadWriteAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage) {
switch (storage->getReadWriteImpl()) {
case ReadWriteImplKind::Immutable:
assert(isa<VarDecl>(storage) && cast<VarDecl>(storage)->isLet() &&
"mutation of a immutable variable that isn't a let");
return AccessStrategy::getStorage();
case ReadWriteImplKind::Stored: {
// If the storage isDynamic (and not @objc) use the accessors.
if (storage->shouldUseNativeDynamicDispatch())
return AccessStrategy::getMaterializeToTemporary(
getOpaqueReadAccessStrategy(storage, false),
getOpaqueWriteAccessStrategy(storage, false));
return AccessStrategy::getStorage();
case ReadWriteImplKind::MutableAddress:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::MutableAddress,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case ReadWriteImplKind::Modify:
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Modify,
/*dispatch*/ false);
case ReadWriteImplKind::StoredWithDidSet:
case ReadWriteImplKind::InheritedWithDidSet:
if (storage->requiresOpaqueModifyCoroutine() &&
storage->getParsedAccessor(AccessorKind::DidSet)->isSimpleDidSet()) {
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Modify,
/*dispatch*/ false);
} else {
return AccessStrategy::getMaterializeToTemporary(
case ReadWriteImplKind::MaterializeToTemporary:
return AccessStrategy::getMaterializeToTemporary(
llvm_unreachable("bad impl kind");
static AccessStrategy
getOpaqueReadAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage, bool dispatch) {
if (storage->requiresOpaqueReadCoroutine())
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Read, dispatch);
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Get, dispatch);
static AccessStrategy
getOpaqueWriteAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage, bool dispatch){
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Set, dispatch);
static AccessStrategy
getOpaqueReadWriteAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
bool dispatch) {
if (storage->requiresOpaqueModifyCoroutine())
return AccessStrategy::getAccessor(AccessorKind::Modify, dispatch);
return AccessStrategy::getMaterializeToTemporary(
getOpaqueReadAccessStrategy(storage, dispatch),
getOpaqueWriteAccessStrategy(storage, dispatch));
static AccessStrategy
getOpaqueAccessStrategy(const AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
AccessKind accessKind, bool dispatch) {
switch (accessKind) {
case AccessKind::Read:
return getOpaqueReadAccessStrategy(storage, dispatch);
case AccessKind::Write:
return getOpaqueWriteAccessStrategy(storage, dispatch);
case AccessKind::ReadWrite:
return getOpaqueReadWriteAccessStrategy(storage, dispatch);
llvm_unreachable("bad access kind");
AbstractStorageDecl::getAccessStrategy(AccessSemantics semantics,
AccessKind accessKind,
ModuleDecl *module,
ResilienceExpansion expansion) const {
switch (semantics) {
case AccessSemantics::DirectToStorage:
return AccessStrategy::getStorage();
case AccessSemantics::Ordinary:
// Skip these checks for local variables, both because they're unnecessary
// and because we won't necessarily have computed access.
if (!getDeclContext()->isLocalContext()) {
// If the property is defined in a non-final class or a protocol, the
// accessors are dynamically dispatched, and we cannot do direct access.
if (isPolymorphic(this))
return getOpaqueAccessStrategy(this, accessKind, /*dispatch*/ true);
if (shouldUseNativeDynamicDispatch())
return getOpaqueAccessStrategy(this, accessKind, /*dispatch*/ false);
// If the storage is resilient from the given module and resilience
// expansion, we cannot use direct access.
// If we end up here with a stored property of a type that's resilient
// from some resilience domain, we cannot do direct access.
// As an optimization, we do want to perform direct accesses of stored
// properties declared inside the same resilience domain as the access
// context.
// This is done by using DirectToStorage semantics above, with the
// understanding that the access semantics are with respect to the
// resilience domain of the accessor's caller.
bool resilient;
if (module)
resilient = isResilient(module, expansion);
resilient = isResilient();
if (resilient)
return getOpaqueAccessStrategy(this, accessKind, /*dispatch*/ false);
case AccessSemantics::DirectToImplementation:
switch (accessKind) {
case AccessKind::Read:
return getDirectReadAccessStrategy(this);
case AccessKind::Write:
return getDirectWriteAccessStrategy(this);
case AccessKind::ReadWrite:
return getDirectReadWriteAccessStrategy(this);
llvm_unreachable("bad access kind");
llvm_unreachable("bad access semantics");
bool AbstractStorageDecl::requiresOpaqueAccessors() const {
// Subscripts always require opaque accessors, so don't even kick off
// a request.
auto *var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this);
if (var == nullptr)
return true;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
RequiresOpaqueAccessorsRequest{const_cast<VarDecl *>(var)},
bool AbstractStorageDecl::requiresOpaqueAccessor(AccessorKind kind) const {
switch (kind) {
case AccessorKind::Get:
return requiresOpaqueGetter();
case AccessorKind::Set:
return requiresOpaqueSetter();
case AccessorKind::Read:
return requiresOpaqueReadCoroutine();
case AccessorKind::Modify:
return requiresOpaqueModifyCoroutine();
// Other accessors are never part of the opaque-accessors set.
#define ACCESSOR(ID) \
case AccessorKind::ID:
#include "swift/AST/AccessorKinds.def"
return false;
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
bool AbstractStorageDecl::requiresOpaqueModifyCoroutine() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
RequiresOpaqueModifyCoroutineRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)},
AccessorDecl *AbstractStorageDecl::getSynthesizedAccessor(AccessorKind kind) const {
if (auto *accessor = getAccessor(kind))
return accessor;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SynthesizeAccessorRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this), kind},
AccessorDecl *AbstractStorageDecl::getOpaqueAccessor(AccessorKind kind) const {
auto *accessor = getAccessor(kind);
if (accessor && !accessor->isImplicit())
return accessor;
if (!requiresOpaqueAccessors())
return nullptr;
if (!requiresOpaqueAccessor(kind))
return nullptr;
return getSynthesizedAccessor(kind);
ArrayRef<AccessorDecl*> AbstractStorageDecl::getOpaqueAccessors(
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<AccessorDecl*> &scratch) const {
visitOpaqueAccessors([&](AccessorDecl *D) { scratch.push_back(D); });
return scratch;
bool AbstractStorageDecl::hasParsedAccessors() const {
for (auto *accessor : getAllAccessors())
if (!accessor->isImplicit())
return true;
return false;
AccessorDecl *AbstractStorageDecl::getParsedAccessor(AccessorKind kind) const {
auto *accessor = getAccessor(kind);
if (accessor && !accessor->isImplicit())
return accessor;
return nullptr;
void AbstractStorageDecl::visitParsedAccessors(
llvm::function_ref<void (AccessorDecl*)> visit) const {
for (auto *accessor : getAllAccessors())
if (!accessor->isImplicit())
void AbstractStorageDecl::visitEmittedAccessors(
llvm::function_ref<void (AccessorDecl*)> visit) const {
visitOpaqueAccessors([&](AccessorDecl *accessor) {
if (accessor->isImplicit())
void AbstractStorageDecl::visitExpectedOpaqueAccessors(
llvm::function_ref<void (AccessorKind)> visit) const {
if (!requiresOpaqueAccessors())
if (requiresOpaqueGetter())
if (requiresOpaqueReadCoroutine())
// All mutable storage should have a setter.
if (requiresOpaqueSetter())
// Include the modify coroutine if it's required.
if (requiresOpaqueModifyCoroutine())
void AbstractStorageDecl::visitOpaqueAccessors(
llvm::function_ref<void (AccessorDecl*)> visit) const {
visitExpectedOpaqueAccessors([&](AccessorKind kind) {
auto accessor = getSynthesizedAccessor(kind);
assert(!accessor->hasForcedStaticDispatch() &&
"opaque accessor with forced static dispatch?");
static bool hasPrivateOrFilePrivateFormalAccess(const ValueDecl *D) {
return D->getFormalAccess() <= AccessLevel::FilePrivate;
/// Returns true if one of the ancestor DeclContexts of this ValueDecl is either
/// marked private or fileprivate or is a local context.
static bool isInPrivateOrLocalContext(const ValueDecl *D) {
const DeclContext *DC = D->getDeclContext();
if (!DC->isTypeContext()) {
assert((DC->isModuleScopeContext() || DC->isLocalContext()) &&
"unexpected context kind");
return DC->isLocalContext();
auto *nominal = DC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
if (nominal == nullptr)
return false;
if (hasPrivateOrFilePrivateFormalAccess(nominal))
return true;
return isInPrivateOrLocalContext(nominal);
bool ValueDecl::isOutermostPrivateOrFilePrivateScope() const {
return hasPrivateOrFilePrivateFormalAccess(this) &&
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isFormallyResilient() const {
// Check for an explicit @_fixed_layout attribute.
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<FixedLayoutAttr>())
return false;
// If we're an instance property of a nominal type, query the type.
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
if (!isStatic())
if (auto *nominalDecl = dc->getSelfNominalTypeDecl())
return nominalDecl->isResilient();
// Non-public global and static variables always have a
// fixed layout.
if (!getFormalAccessScope(/*useDC=*/nullptr,
return false;
return true;
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isResilient() const {
if (!isFormallyResilient())
return false;
return getModuleContext()->isResilient();
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isResilient(ModuleDecl *M,
ResilienceExpansion expansion) const {
switch (expansion) {
case ResilienceExpansion::Minimal:
return isResilient();
case ResilienceExpansion::Maximal:
return M != getModuleContext() && isResilient();
llvm_unreachable("bad resilience expansion");
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isValidKeyPathComponent() const {
// Check whether we're an ABI compatible override of another property. If we
// are, then the key path should refer to the base decl instead.
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto isABICompatibleOverride = evaluateOrDefault(
IsABICompatibleOverrideRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)},
return !isABICompatibleOverride;
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isGetterMutating() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsGetterMutatingRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)}, {});
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isSetterMutating() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsSetterMutatingRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)}, {});
OpaqueReadOwnership AbstractStorageDecl::getOpaqueReadOwnership() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
OpaqueReadOwnershipRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)}, {});
bool ValueDecl::isInstanceMember() const {
DeclContext *DC = getDeclContext();
if (!DC->isTypeContext())
return false;
switch (getKind()) {
case DeclKind::Import:
case DeclKind::Extension:
case DeclKind::PatternBinding:
case DeclKind::EnumCase:
case DeclKind::TopLevelCode:
case DeclKind::InfixOperator:
case DeclKind::PrefixOperator:
case DeclKind::PostfixOperator:
case DeclKind::IfConfig:
case DeclKind::PoundDiagnostic:
case DeclKind::PrecedenceGroup:
case DeclKind::MissingMember:
llvm_unreachable("Not a ValueDecl");
case DeclKind::Class:
case DeclKind::Enum:
case DeclKind::Protocol:
case DeclKind::Struct:
case DeclKind::TypeAlias:
case DeclKind::GenericTypeParam:
case DeclKind::AssociatedType:
case DeclKind::OpaqueType:
// Types are not instance members.
return false;
case DeclKind::Constructor:
// Constructors are not instance members.
return false;
case DeclKind::Destructor:
// Destructors are technically instance members, although they
// can't actually be referenced as such.
return true;
case DeclKind::Func:
case DeclKind::Accessor:
// Non-static methods are instance members.
return !cast<FuncDecl>(this)->isStatic();
case DeclKind::EnumElement:
case DeclKind::Param:
// enum elements and function parameters are not instance members.
return false;
case DeclKind::Subscript:
case DeclKind::Var:
// Non-static variables and subscripts are instance members.
return !cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(this)->isStatic();
case DeclKind::Module:
// Modules are never instance members.
return false;
llvm_unreachable("bad DeclKind");
unsigned ValueDecl::getLocalDiscriminator() const {
return LocalDiscriminator;
void ValueDecl::setLocalDiscriminator(unsigned index) {
assert(LocalDiscriminator == 0 && "LocalDiscriminator is set multiple times");
LocalDiscriminator = index;
ValueDecl *ValueDecl::getOverriddenDecl() const {
auto overridden = getOverriddenDecls();
if (overridden.empty()) return nullptr;
// FIXME: Arbitrarily pick the first overridden declaration.
return overridden.front();
bool ValueDecl::overriddenDeclsComputed() const {
return LazySemanticInfo.hasOverriddenComputed;
bool swift::conflicting(const OverloadSignature& sig1,
const OverloadSignature& sig2,
bool skipProtocolExtensionCheck) {
// A member of a protocol extension never conflicts with a member of a
// protocol.
if (!skipProtocolExtensionCheck &&
sig1.InProtocolExtension != sig2.InProtocolExtension)
return false;
// If the base names are different, they can't conflict.
if (sig1.Name.getBaseName() != sig2.Name.getBaseName())
return false;
// If one is an operator and the other is not, they can't conflict.
if (sig1.UnaryOperator != sig2.UnaryOperator)
return false;
// If one is an instance and the other is not, they can't conflict.
if (sig1.IsInstanceMember != sig2.IsInstanceMember)
return false;
// If one is a compound name and the other is not, they do not conflict
// if one is a property and the other is a non-nullary function.
if (sig1.Name.isCompoundName() != sig2.Name.isCompoundName()) {
return !((sig1.IsVariable && !sig2.Name.getArgumentNames().empty()) ||
(sig2.IsVariable && !sig1.Name.getArgumentNames().empty()));
// Note that we intentionally ignore the HasOpaqueReturnType bit here.
// For declarations that can't be overloaded by type, we want them to be
// considered conflicting independent of their type.
return sig1.Name == sig2.Name;
bool swift::conflicting(ASTContext &ctx,
const OverloadSignature& sig1, CanType sig1Type,
const OverloadSignature& sig2, CanType sig2Type,
bool *wouldConflictInSwift5,
bool skipProtocolExtensionCheck) {
// If the signatures don't conflict to begin with, we're done.
if (!conflicting(sig1, sig2, skipProtocolExtensionCheck))
return false;
// Functions and enum elements do not conflict with each other if their types
// are different.
if (((sig1.IsFunction && sig2.IsEnumElement) ||
(sig1.IsEnumElement && sig2.IsFunction)) &&
sig1Type != sig2Type) {
return false;
// Nominal types and enum elements always conflict with each other.
if ((sig1.IsNominal && sig2.IsEnumElement) ||
(sig1.IsEnumElement && sig2.IsNominal)) {
return true;
// Typealiases and enum elements always conflict with each other.
if ((sig1.IsTypeAlias && sig2.IsEnumElement) ||
(sig1.IsEnumElement && sig2.IsTypeAlias)) {
return true;
// Enum elements always conflict with each other. At this point, they
// have the same base name but different types.
if (sig1.IsEnumElement && sig2.IsEnumElement) {
return true;
// Functions always conflict with non-functions with the same signature.
// In practice, this only applies for zero argument functions.
if (sig1.IsFunction != sig2.IsFunction)
return true;
// Variables always conflict with non-variables with the same signature.
// (e.g variables with zero argument functions, variables with type
// declarations)
if (sig1.IsVariable != sig2.IsVariable) {
// Prior to Swift 5, we permitted redeclarations of variables as different
// declarations if the variable was declared in an extension of a generic
// type. Make sure we maintain this behaviour in versions < 5.
if (!ctx.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5)) {
if ((sig1.IsVariable && sig1.InExtensionOfGenericType) ||
(sig2.IsVariable && sig2.InExtensionOfGenericType)) {
if (wouldConflictInSwift5)
*wouldConflictInSwift5 = true;
return false;
return true;
// Otherwise, the declarations conflict if the overload types are the same.
if (sig1.HasOpaqueReturnType != sig2.HasOpaqueReturnType)
return false;
if (sig1Type != sig2Type)
return false;
// The Swift 5 overload types are the same, but similar to the above, prior to
// Swift 5, a variable not in an extension of a generic type got a null
// overload type instead of a function type as it does now, so we really
// follow that behaviour and warn if there's going to be a conflict in future.
if (!ctx.isSwiftVersionAtLeast(5)) {
auto swift4Sig1Type = sig1.IsVariable && !sig1.InExtensionOfGenericType
? CanType()
: sig1Type;
auto swift4Sig2Type = sig1.IsVariable && !sig2.InExtensionOfGenericType
? CanType()
: sig1Type;
if (swift4Sig1Type != swift4Sig2Type) {
// Old was different to the new behaviour!
if (wouldConflictInSwift5)
*wouldConflictInSwift5 = true;
return false;
return true;
static Type mapSignatureFunctionType(ASTContext &ctx, Type type,
bool topLevelFunction,
bool isMethod,
bool isInitializer,
unsigned curryLevels);
/// Map a type within the signature of a declaration.
static Type mapSignatureType(ASTContext &ctx, Type type) {
return type.transform([&](Type type) -> Type {
if (type->is<FunctionType>()) {
return mapSignatureFunctionType(ctx, type, false, false, false, 1);
return type;
/// Map a signature type for a parameter.
static Type mapSignatureParamType(ASTContext &ctx, Type type) {
return mapSignatureType(ctx, type);
/// Map an ExtInfo for a function type.
/// When checking if two signatures should be equivalent for overloading,
/// we may need to compare the extended information.
/// In the type of the function declaration, none of the extended information
/// is relevant. We cannot overload purely on 'throws' or the calling
/// convention of the declaration itself.
/// For function parameter types, we do want to be able to overload on
/// 'throws', since that is part of the mangled symbol name, but not
/// @noescape.
static AnyFunctionType::ExtInfo
mapSignatureExtInfo(AnyFunctionType::ExtInfo info,
bool topLevelFunction) {
if (topLevelFunction)
return AnyFunctionType::ExtInfo();
return AnyFunctionType::ExtInfoBuilder()
/// Map a function's type to the type used for computing signatures,
/// which involves stripping some attributes, stripping default arguments,
/// transforming implicitly unwrapped optionals into strict optionals,
/// stripping 'inout' on the 'self' parameter etc.
static Type mapSignatureFunctionType(ASTContext &ctx, Type type,
bool topLevelFunction,
bool isMethod,
bool isInitializer,
unsigned curryLevels) {
if (type->hasError()) {
return type;
if (curryLevels == 0) {
// In an initializer, ignore optionality.
if (isInitializer) {
if (auto objectType = type->getOptionalObjectType()) {
type = objectType;
// Functions and subscripts cannot overload differing only in opaque return
// types. Replace the opaque type with `Any`.
if (type->is<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>()) {
type = ProtocolCompositionType::get(ctx, {}, /*hasAnyObject*/ false);
return mapSignatureParamType(ctx, type);
auto funcTy = type->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
SmallVector<AnyFunctionType::Param, 4> newParams;
for (const auto &param : funcTy->getParams()) {
auto newParamType = mapSignatureParamType(ctx, param.getPlainType());
// Don't allow overloading by @_nonEphemeral.
auto newFlags = param.getParameterFlags().withNonEphemeral(false);
// For the 'self' of a method, strip off 'inout'.
if (isMethod) {
newFlags = newFlags.withInOut(false);
AnyFunctionType::Param newParam(newParamType, param.getLabel(), newFlags);
// Map the result type.
auto resultTy = mapSignatureFunctionType(
ctx, funcTy->getResult(), topLevelFunction, false, isInitializer,
curryLevels - 1);
// Map various attributes differently depending on if we're looking at
// the declaration, or a function parameter type.
AnyFunctionType::ExtInfo info = mapSignatureExtInfo(
funcTy->getExtInfo(), topLevelFunction);
// Rebuild the resulting function type.
if (auto genericFuncTy = dyn_cast<GenericFunctionType>(funcTy))
return GenericFunctionType::get(genericFuncTy->getGenericSignature(),
newParams, resultTy, info);
return FunctionType::get(newParams, resultTy, info);
OverloadSignature ValueDecl::getOverloadSignature() const {
OverloadSignature signature;
signature.Name = getName();
= static_cast<bool>(getDeclContext()->getExtendedProtocolDecl());
signature.IsInstanceMember = isInstanceMember();
signature.IsVariable = isa<VarDecl>(this);
signature.IsFunction = isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(this);
signature.IsEnumElement = isa<EnumElementDecl>(this);
signature.IsNominal = isa<NominalTypeDecl>(this);
signature.IsTypeAlias = isa<TypeAliasDecl>(this);
signature.HasOpaqueReturnType =
!signature.IsVariable && (bool)getOpaqueResultTypeDecl();
// Unary operators also include prefix/postfix.
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this)) {
if (func->isUnaryOperator()) {
signature.UnaryOperator = func->getAttrs().getUnaryOperatorKind();
if (auto *extension = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(getDeclContext()))
if (extension->isGeneric())
signature.InExtensionOfGenericType = true;
return signature;
CanType ValueDecl::getOverloadSignatureType() const {
if (auto *afd = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(this)) {
bool isMethod = afd->hasImplicitSelfDecl();
return mapSignatureFunctionType(
getASTContext(), getInterfaceType(),
if (isa<AbstractStorageDecl>(this)) {
// First, get the default overload signature type for the decl. For vars,
// this is the empty tuple type, as variables cannot be overloaded directly
// by type. For subscripts, it's their interface type.
CanType defaultSignatureType;
if (isa<VarDecl>(this)) {
defaultSignatureType = TupleType::getEmpty(getASTContext());
} else {
defaultSignatureType = mapSignatureFunctionType(
getASTContext(), getInterfaceType(),
// We want to curry the default signature type with the 'self' type of the
// given context (if any) in order to ensure the overload signature type
// is unique across different contexts, such as between a protocol extension
// and struct decl.
return defaultSignatureType->addCurriedSelfType(getDeclContext())
if (isa<EnumElementDecl>(this)) {
auto mappedType = mapSignatureFunctionType(
getASTContext(), getInterfaceType(), /*topLevelFunction=*/false,
/*isMethod=*/false, /*isInitializer=*/false, getNumCurryLevels());
return mappedType->getCanonicalType();
// Note: If you add more cases to this function, you should update the
// implementation of the swift::conflicting overload that deals with
// overload types, in order to account for cases where the overload types
// don't match, but the decls differ and therefore always conflict.
return CanType();
llvm::TinyPtrVector<ValueDecl *> ValueDecl::getOverriddenDecls() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
OverriddenDeclsRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)}, {});
void ValueDecl::setOverriddenDecls(ArrayRef<ValueDecl *> overridden) {
llvm::TinyPtrVector<ValueDecl *> overriddenVec(overridden);
OverriddenDeclsRequest request{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)};
OpaqueReturnTypeRepr *ValueDecl::getOpaqueResultTypeRepr() const {
TypeRepr *returnRepr = nullptr;
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this)) {
if (auto *P = VD->getParentPattern()) {
while (auto *PP = dyn_cast<ParenPattern>(P))
P = PP->getSubPattern();
if (auto *TP = dyn_cast<TypedPattern>(P)) {
P = P->getSemanticsProvidingPattern();
if (auto *NP = dyn_cast<NamedPattern>(P)) {
assert(NP->getDecl() == VD);
(void) NP;
returnRepr = TP->getTypeRepr();
} else {
returnRepr = VD->getTypeReprOrParentPatternTypeRepr();
} else if (auto *FD = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this)) {
returnRepr = FD->getResultTypeRepr();
} else if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(this)) {
returnRepr = SD->getElementTypeRepr();
return dyn_cast_or_null<OpaqueReturnTypeRepr>(returnRepr);
OpaqueTypeDecl *ValueDecl::getOpaqueResultTypeDecl() const {
if (getOpaqueResultTypeRepr() == nullptr) {
if (isa<ModuleDecl>(this))
return nullptr;
auto file = cast<FileUnit>(getDeclContext()->getModuleScopeContext());
// Don't look up when the decl is from source, otherwise a cycle will happen.
if (file->getKind() == FileUnitKind::SerializedAST) {
Mangle::ASTMangler mangler;
auto name = mangler.mangleOpaqueTypeDecl(this);
return file->lookupOpaqueResultType(name);
return nullptr;
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
OpaqueResultTypeRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)},
bool ValueDecl::isObjC() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsObjCRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)},
void ValueDecl::setIsObjC(bool value) {
assert(!LazySemanticInfo.isObjCComputed || LazySemanticInfo.isObjC == value);
if (LazySemanticInfo.isObjCComputed) {
assert(LazySemanticInfo.isObjC == value);
LazySemanticInfo.isObjCComputed = true;
LazySemanticInfo.isObjC = value;
bool ValueDecl::isFinal() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
IsFinalRequest { const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this) },
bool ValueDecl::isDynamic() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsDynamicRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)},
bool ValueDecl::isObjCDynamicInGenericClass() const {
if (!isObjCDynamic())
return false;
auto *DC = this->getDeclContext();
auto *classDecl = DC->getSelfClassDecl();
if (!classDecl)
return false;
return classDecl->isGenericContext() && !classDecl->usesObjCGenericsModel();
bool ValueDecl::shouldUseObjCMethodReplacement() const {
if (isNativeDynamic())
return false;
if (getModuleContext()->isImplicitDynamicEnabled() &&
return false;
return isObjCDynamic();
bool ValueDecl::shouldUseNativeMethodReplacement() const {
if (isNativeDynamic())
return true;
if (!isObjCDynamicInGenericClass())
return false;
auto *replacedDecl = getDynamicallyReplacedDecl();
if (replacedDecl)
return false;
return getModuleContext()->isImplicitDynamicEnabled();
bool ValueDecl::isNativeMethodReplacement() const {
// Is this a @_dynamicReplacement(for:) that use the native dynamic function
// replacement mechanism.
auto *replacedDecl = getDynamicallyReplacedDecl();
if (!replacedDecl)
return false;
if (isNativeDynamic())
return true;
if (isObjCDynamicInGenericClass())
return replacedDecl->getModuleContext()->isImplicitDynamicEnabled();
return false;
void ValueDecl::setIsDynamic(bool value) {
assert(!LazySemanticInfo.isDynamicComputed ||
LazySemanticInfo.isDynamic == value);
if (LazySemanticInfo.isDynamicComputed) {
assert(LazySemanticInfo.isDynamic == value);
LazySemanticInfo.isDynamicComputed = true;
LazySemanticInfo.isDynamic = value;
ValueDecl *ValueDecl::getDynamicallyReplacedDecl() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)},
bool ValueDecl::canBeAccessedByDynamicLookup() const {
if (!hasName())
return false;
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
if (!dc->mayContainMembersAccessedByDynamicLookup())
return false;
// Dynamic lookup can find functions, variables, and subscripts.
if (!isa<FuncDecl>(this) && !isa<VarDecl>(this) && !isa<SubscriptDecl>(this))
return false;
return true;
bool ValueDecl::isImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsImplicitlyUnwrappedOptionalRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)},
bool ValueDecl::isLocalCapture() const {
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
if (auto *fd = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this))
if (isa<SourceFile>(dc))
return fd->hasTopLevelLocalContextCaptures();
return dc->isLocalContext();
ArrayRef<ValueDecl *>
ValueDecl::getSatisfiedProtocolRequirements(bool Sorted) const {
// Dig out the nominal type.
NominalTypeDecl *NTD = getDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
if (!NTD || isa<ProtocolDecl>(NTD))
return {};
return NTD->getSatisfiedProtocolRequirementsForMember(this, Sorted);
bool ValueDecl::isProtocolRequirement() const {
if (isa<AccessorDecl>(this) ||
isa<TypeAliasDecl>(this) ||
return false;
return true;
bool ValueDecl::hasInterfaceType() const {
return !TypeAndAccess.getPointer().isNull();
static bool isComputingInterfaceType(const ValueDecl *VD) {
return VD->getASTContext().evaluator.hasActiveRequest(
InterfaceTypeRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(VD)});
bool ValueDecl::isRecursiveValidation() const {
if (isComputingInterfaceType(this) && !hasInterfaceType())
return true;
if (auto *vd = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this))
if (auto *pbd = vd->getParentPatternBinding())
if (pbd->isComputingPatternBindingEntry(vd))
return true;
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
while (isa<NominalTypeDecl>(dc))
dc = dc->getParent();
if (auto *ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(dc)) {
if (ext->isComputingGenericSignature())
return true;
return false;
Type ValueDecl::getInterfaceType() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (auto type =
InterfaceTypeRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)},
return type;
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
void ValueDecl::setInterfaceType(Type type) {
assert(!type.isNull() && "Resetting the interface type to null is forbidden");
Optional<ObjCSelector> ValueDecl::getObjCRuntimeName(
bool skipIsObjCResolution) const {
if (auto func = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(this))
return func->getObjCSelector(DeclName(), skipIsObjCResolution);
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto makeSelector = [&](Identifier name) -> ObjCSelector {
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, { name });
if (auto classDecl = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(this)) {
SmallString<32> scratch;
return makeSelector(
if (auto protocol = dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl>(this)) {
SmallString<32> scratch;
return makeSelector(
if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this))
return makeSelector(var->getObjCPropertyName());
return None;
bool ValueDecl::canInferObjCFromRequirement(ValueDecl *requirement) {
// Only makes sense for a requirement of an @objc protocol.
auto proto = cast<ProtocolDecl>(requirement->getDeclContext());
if (!proto->isObjC()) return false;
// Only makes sense when this declaration is within a nominal type
// or extension thereof.
auto nominal = getDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
if (!nominal) return false;
// If there is already an @objc attribute with an explicit name, we
// can't infer a name (it's already there).
if (auto objcAttr = getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCAttr>()) {
if (objcAttr->hasName() && !objcAttr->isNameImplicit())
return false;
// If the nominal type doesn't conform to the protocol at all, we
// cannot infer @objc no matter what we do.
SmallVector<ProtocolConformance *, 1> conformances;
if (!nominal->lookupConformance(getModuleContext(), proto, conformances))
return false;
// If any of the conformances is attributed to the context in which
// this declaration resides, we can infer @objc or the Objective-C
// name.
auto dc = getDeclContext();
for (auto conformance : conformances) {
if (conformance->getDeclContext() == dc)
return true;
// Nothing to infer from.
return false;
SourceLoc ValueDecl::getAttributeInsertionLoc(bool forModifier) const {
if (isImplicit())
return SourceLoc();
if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this)) {
// [attrs] var ...
// The attributes are part of the VarDecl, but the 'var' is part of the PBD.
SourceLoc resultLoc = var->getAttrs().getStartLoc(forModifier);
if (resultLoc.isValid()) {
return resultLoc;
} else if (auto pbd = var->getParentPatternBinding()) {
return pbd->getStartLoc();
} else {
return var->getStartLoc();
SourceLoc resultLoc = getAttrs().getStartLoc(forModifier);
return resultLoc.isValid() ? resultLoc : getStartLoc();
/// Returns true if \p VD needs to be treated as publicly-accessible
/// at the SIL, LLVM, and machine levels due to being @usableFromInline.
bool ValueDecl::isUsableFromInline() const {
assert(getFormalAccess() <= AccessLevel::Internal);
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>() ||
getAttrs().hasAttribute<AlwaysEmitIntoClientAttr>() ||
return true;
if (auto *accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this)) {
auto *storage = accessor->getStorage();
if (storage->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>() ||
storage->getAttrs().hasAttribute<AlwaysEmitIntoClientAttr>() ||
return true;
if (auto *EED = dyn_cast<EnumElementDecl>(this))
if (EED->getParentEnum()->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>())
return true;
if (auto *containingProto = dyn_cast<ProtocolDecl>(getDeclContext())) {
if (containingProto->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>())
return true;
if (auto *DD = dyn_cast<DestructorDecl>(this))
if (auto *CD = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(DD->getDeclContext()))
if (CD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>())
return true;
return false;
bool ValueDecl::shouldHideFromEditor() const {
// Hide private stdlib declarations.
if (isPrivateStdlibDecl(/*treatNonBuiltinProtocolsAsPublic*/ false) ||
// ShowInInterfaceAttr is for decls to show in interface as exception but
// they are not intended to be used directly.
return true;
if (AvailableAttr::isUnavailable(this))
return true;
if (auto *ClangD = getClangDecl()) {
if (ClangD->hasAttr<clang::SwiftPrivateAttr>())
return true;
if (!isUserAccessible())
return true;
// Hide editor placeholders.
if (getBaseName().isEditorPlaceholder())
return true;
// '$__' names are reserved by compiler internal.
if (!getBaseName().isSpecial() &&
return true;
return false;
/// Return maximally open access level which could be associated with the
/// given declaration accounting for @testable importers.
static AccessLevel getMaximallyOpenAccessFor(const ValueDecl *decl) {
// Non-final classes are considered open to @testable importers.
if (auto cls = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(decl)) {
if (!cls->isFinal())
return AccessLevel::Open;
// Non-final overridable class members are considered open to
// @testable importers.
} else if (decl->isPotentiallyOverridable()) {
if (!cast<ValueDecl>(decl)->isFinal())
return AccessLevel::Open;
// Everything else is considered public.
return AccessLevel::Public;
/// Adjust \p access based on whether \p VD is \@usableFromInline, has been
/// testably imported from \p useDC or \p VD is an imported SPI.
/// \p access isn't always just `VD->getFormalAccess()` because this adjustment
/// may be for a write, in which case the setter's access might be used instead.
static AccessLevel getAdjustedFormalAccess(const ValueDecl *VD,
AccessLevel access,
const DeclContext *useDC,
bool treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) {
// If access control is disabled in the current context, adjust
// access level of the current declaration to be as open as possible.
if (useDC && VD->getASTContext().isAccessControlDisabled())
return getMaximallyOpenAccessFor(VD);
if (treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic &&
access <= AccessLevel::Internal &&
VD->isUsableFromInline()) {
return AccessLevel::Public;
if (useDC) {
// Check whether we need to modify the access level based on
// @testable/@_private import attributes.
auto *useSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(useDC->getModuleScopeContext());
if (!useSF) return access;
if (useSF->hasTestableOrPrivateImport(access, VD))
return getMaximallyOpenAccessFor(VD);
return access;
/// Convenience overload that uses `VD->getFormalAccess()` as the access to
/// adjust.
static AccessLevel
getAdjustedFormalAccess(const ValueDecl *VD, const DeclContext *useDC,
bool treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) {
return getAdjustedFormalAccess(VD, VD->getFormalAccess(), useDC,
AccessLevel ValueDecl::getEffectiveAccess() const {
auto effectiveAccess =
getAdjustedFormalAccess(this, /*useDC=*/nullptr,
// Handle @testable/@_private(sourceFile:)
switch (effectiveAccess) {
case AccessLevel::Open:
case AccessLevel::Public:
case AccessLevel::Internal:
if (getModuleContext()->isTestingEnabled() ||
effectiveAccess = getMaximallyOpenAccessFor(this);
case AccessLevel::FilePrivate:
if (getModuleContext()->arePrivateImportsEnabled())
effectiveAccess = getMaximallyOpenAccessFor(this);
case AccessLevel::Private:
effectiveAccess = AccessLevel::FilePrivate;
if (getModuleContext()->arePrivateImportsEnabled())
effectiveAccess = getMaximallyOpenAccessFor(this);
auto restrictToEnclosing = [this](AccessLevel effectiveAccess,
AccessLevel enclosingAccess) -> AccessLevel{
if (effectiveAccess == AccessLevel::Open &&
enclosingAccess == AccessLevel::Public &&
isa<NominalTypeDecl>(this)) {
// Special case: an open class may be contained in a public
// class/struct/enum. Leave effectiveAccess as is.
return effectiveAccess;
return std::min(effectiveAccess, enclosingAccess);
if (auto enclosingNominal = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(getDeclContext())) {
effectiveAccess =
} else if (auto enclosingExt = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(getDeclContext())) {
// Just check the base type. If it's a constrained extension, Sema should
// have already enforced access more strictly.
if (auto nominal = enclosingExt->getExtendedNominal()) {
effectiveAccess =
restrictToEnclosing(effectiveAccess, nominal->getEffectiveAccess());
} else if (getDeclContext()->isLocalContext()) {
effectiveAccess = AccessLevel::FilePrivate;
return effectiveAccess;
AccessLevel ValueDecl::getFormalAccess() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
AccessLevelRequest{const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this)}, AccessLevel::Private);
bool ValueDecl::hasOpenAccess(const DeclContext *useDC) const {
assert(isa<ClassDecl>(this) || isa<ConstructorDecl>(this) ||
AccessLevel access =
getAdjustedFormalAccess(this, useDC,
return access == AccessLevel::Open;
/// Given the formal access level for using \p VD, compute the scope where
/// \p VD may be accessed, taking \@usableFromInline, \@testable imports,
/// \@_spi imports, and enclosing access levels into account.
/// \p access isn't always just `VD->getFormalAccess()` because this adjustment
/// may be for a write, in which case the setter's access might be used instead.
static AccessScope
getAccessScopeForFormalAccess(const ValueDecl *VD,
AccessLevel formalAccess,
const DeclContext *useDC,
bool treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) {
AccessLevel access = getAdjustedFormalAccess(VD, formalAccess, useDC,
const DeclContext *resultDC = VD->getDeclContext();
while (!resultDC->isModuleScopeContext()) {
if (isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(resultDC)) {
return AccessScope(resultDC->getModuleScopeContext(),
access == AccessLevel::Private);
if (resultDC->isLocalContext() || access == AccessLevel::Private)
return AccessScope(resultDC, /*private*/true);
if (auto enclosingNominal = dyn_cast<GenericTypeDecl>(resultDC)) {
auto enclosingAccess =
getAdjustedFormalAccess(enclosingNominal, useDC,
access = std::min(access, enclosingAccess);
} else if (auto enclosingExt = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(resultDC)) {
// Just check the base type. If it's a constrained extension, Sema should
// have already enforced access more strictly.
if (auto nominal = enclosingExt->getExtendedNominal()) {
if (nominal->getParentModule() == enclosingExt->getParentModule()) {
auto nominalAccess =
getAdjustedFormalAccess(nominal, useDC,
access = std::min(access, nominalAccess);
} else {
llvm_unreachable("unknown DeclContext kind");
resultDC = resultDC->getParent();
switch (access) {
case AccessLevel::Private:
case AccessLevel::FilePrivate:
return AccessScope(resultDC, access == AccessLevel::Private);
case AccessLevel::Internal:
return AccessScope(resultDC->getParentModule());
case AccessLevel::Public:
case AccessLevel::Open:
return AccessScope::getPublic(VD->isSPI());
llvm_unreachable("unknown access level");
ValueDecl::getFormalAccessScope(const DeclContext *useDC,
bool treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) const {
return getAccessScopeForFormalAccess(this, getFormalAccess(), useDC,
/// Checks if \p VD may be used from \p useDC, taking \@testable imports into
/// account.
/// Whenever the enclosing context of \p VD is usable from \p useDC, this
/// should compute the same result as checkAccess, below, but more slowly.
/// See ValueDecl::isAccessibleFrom for a description of \p forConformance.
static bool checkAccessUsingAccessScopes(const DeclContext *useDC,
const ValueDecl *VD,
AccessLevel access,
bool includeInlineable) {
if (VD->getASTContext().isAccessControlDisabled())
return true;
AccessScope accessScope = getAccessScopeForFormalAccess(
VD, access, useDC,
/*treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic*/ includeInlineable);
if (accessScope.getDeclContext() == useDC) return true;
if (!AccessScope(useDC).isChildOf(accessScope)) return false;
// Check SPI access
if (!useDC || !VD->isSPI()) return true;
auto useSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(useDC->getModuleScopeContext());
return !useSF || useSF->isImportedAsSPI(VD) ||
VD->getDeclContext()->getParentModule() == useDC->getParentModule();
/// Checks if \p VD may be used from \p useDC, taking \@testable and \@_spi
/// imports into account.
/// When \p access is the same as `VD->getFormalAccess()` and the enclosing
/// context of \p VD is usable from \p useDC, this ought to be the same as
/// getting the AccessScope for `VD` and checking if \p useDC is within it.
/// However, there's a source compatibility hack around protocol extensions
/// that makes it not quite the same.
/// See ValueDecl::isAccessibleFrom for a description of \p forConformance.
static bool checkAccess(const DeclContext *useDC, const ValueDecl *VD,
bool forConformance,
bool includeInlineable,
llvm::function_ref<AccessLevel()> getAccessLevel) {
if (VD->getASTContext().isAccessControlDisabled())
return true;
auto access = getAccessLevel();
auto *sourceDC = VD->getDeclContext();
// Preserve "fast path" behavior for everything inside
// protocol extensions and operators, otherwise allow access
// check declarations inside inaccessible members via slower
// access scope based check, which is helpful for diagnostics.
if (!(sourceDC->getSelfProtocolDecl() || VD->isOperator()))
return checkAccessUsingAccessScopes(useDC, VD, access, includeInlineable);
if (!forConformance) {
if (auto *proto = sourceDC->getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
// FIXME: Swift 4.1 allowed accessing protocol extension methods that were
// marked 'public' if the protocol was '@_versioned' (now
// '@usableFromInline'). Which works at the ABI level, so let's keep
// supporting that here by explicitly checking for it.
if (access == AccessLevel::Public &&
proto->getFormalAccess() == AccessLevel::Internal &&
proto->isUsableFromInline()) {
return true;
// Skip the fast path below and just compare access scopes.
return checkAccessUsingAccessScopes(useDC, VD, access, includeInlineable);
// Fast path: assume that the client context already has access to our parent
// DeclContext, and only check what might be different about this declaration.
if (!useDC)
return access >= AccessLevel::Public;
switch (access) {
case AccessLevel::Private:
if (useDC != sourceDC) {
auto *useSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(useDC->getModuleScopeContext());
if (useSF && useSF->hasTestableOrPrivateImport(access, VD))
return true;
return (useDC == sourceDC ||
AccessScope::allowsPrivateAccess(useDC, sourceDC));
case AccessLevel::FilePrivate:
if (useDC->getModuleScopeContext() != sourceDC->getModuleScopeContext()) {
auto *useSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(useDC->getModuleScopeContext());
return useSF && useSF->hasTestableOrPrivateImport(access, VD);
return true;
case AccessLevel::Internal: {
const ModuleDecl *sourceModule = sourceDC->getParentModule();
const DeclContext *useFile = useDC->getModuleScopeContext();
if (useFile->getParentModule() == sourceModule)
return true;
auto *useSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(useFile);
return useSF && useSF->hasTestableOrPrivateImport(access, sourceModule);
case AccessLevel::Public:
case AccessLevel::Open:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("bad access level");
bool ValueDecl::isAccessibleFrom(const DeclContext *useDC,
bool forConformance,
bool allowUsableFromInline) const {
return checkAccess(useDC, this, forConformance, allowUsableFromInline,
[&]() { return getFormalAccess(); });
bool AbstractStorageDecl::isSetterAccessibleFrom(const DeclContext *DC,
bool forConformance) const {
// If a stored property does not have a setter, it is still settable from the
// designated initializer constructor. In this case, don't check setter
// access; it is not set.
if (hasStorage() && !isSettable(nullptr))
return true;
if (isa<ParamDecl>(this))
return true;
return checkAccess(DC, this, forConformance, /*includeInlineable*/ false,
[&]() { return getSetterFormalAccess(); });
void ValueDecl::copyFormalAccessFrom(const ValueDecl *source,
bool sourceIsParentContext) {
AccessLevel access = source->getFormalAccess();
// To make something have the same access as a 'private' parent, it has to
// be 'fileprivate' or greater.
if (sourceIsParentContext && access == AccessLevel::Private)
access = AccessLevel::FilePrivate;
// Only certain declarations can be 'open'.
if (access == AccessLevel::Open && !isPotentiallyOverridable()) {
assert(!isa<ClassDecl>(this) &&
"copying 'open' onto a class has complications");
access = AccessLevel::Public;
// Inherit the @usableFromInline attribute.
if (source->getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>() &&
!getAttrs().hasAttribute<UsableFromInlineAttr>() &&
!getAttrs().hasAttribute<InlinableAttr>() &&
DeclAttribute::canAttributeAppearOnDecl(DAK_UsableFromInline, this)) {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *clonedAttr = new (ctx) UsableFromInlineAttr(/*implicit=*/true);
Type TypeDecl::getDeclaredInterfaceType() const {
if (auto *NTD = dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl>(this))
return NTD->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
if (auto *ATD = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(this)) {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto selfTy = getDeclContext()->getSelfInterfaceType();
if (!selfTy)
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
return DependentMemberType::get(
selfTy, const_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl *>(ATD));
return getInterfaceType()->getMetatypeInstanceType();
int TypeDecl::compare(const TypeDecl *type1, const TypeDecl *type2) {
// Order based on the enclosing declaration.
auto dc1 = type1->getDeclContext();
auto dc2 = type2->getDeclContext();
// Prefer lower depths.
auto depth1 = dc1->getSemanticDepth();
auto depth2 = dc2->getSemanticDepth();
if (depth1 != depth2)
return depth1 < depth2 ? -1 : +1;
// Prefer module names earlier in the alphabet.
if (dc1->isModuleScopeContext() && dc2->isModuleScopeContext()) {
auto module1 = dc1->getParentModule();
auto module2 = dc2->getParentModule();
if (int result = module1->getName().str().compare(module2->getName().str()))
return result;
auto nominal1 = dc1->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
auto nominal2 = dc2->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
if (static_cast<bool>(nominal1) != static_cast<bool>(nominal2)) {
return static_cast<bool>(nominal1) ? -1 : +1;
if (nominal1 && nominal2) {
if (int result = compare(nominal1, nominal2))
return result;
if (int result = type1->getBaseIdentifier().str().compare(
return result;
// Error case: two type declarations that cannot be distinguished.
if (type1 < type2)
return -1;
if (type1 > type2)
return +1;
return 0;
bool NominalTypeDecl::isFormallyResilient() const {
// Private and (unversioned) internal types always have a
// fixed layout.
if (!getFormalAccessScope(/*useDC=*/nullptr,
return false;
// Check for an explicit @_fixed_layout or @frozen attribute.
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<FixedLayoutAttr>() ||
getAttrs().hasAttribute<FrozenAttr>()) {
return false;
// Structs and enums imported from C *always* have a fixed layout.
// We know their size, and pass them as values in SIL and IRGen.
if (hasClangNode())
return false;
// @objc enums and protocols always have a fixed layout.
if ((isa<EnumDecl>(this) || isa<ProtocolDecl>(this)) && isObjC())
return false;
// Otherwise, the declaration behaves as if it was accessed via indirect
// "resilient" interfaces, even if the module is not built with resilience.
return true;
bool NominalTypeDecl::isResilient() const {
if (!isFormallyResilient())
return false;
return getModuleContext()->isResilient();
static bool isOriginallyDefinedIn(const Decl *D, const ModuleDecl* MD) {
if (!MD)
return false;
if (D->getAlternateModuleName().empty())
return false;
return D->getAlternateModuleName() == MD->getName().str();
bool NominalTypeDecl::isResilient(ModuleDecl *M,
ResilienceExpansion expansion) const {
switch (expansion) {
case ResilienceExpansion::Minimal:
return isResilient();
case ResilienceExpansion::Maximal:
// We consider this decl belongs to the module either it's currently
// defined in this module or it's originally defined in this module, which
// is specified by @_originallyDefinedIn
return M != getModuleContext() && !isOriginallyDefinedIn(this, M) &&
llvm_unreachable("bad resilience expansion");
enum class DeclTypeKind : unsigned {
static Type computeNominalType(NominalTypeDecl *decl, DeclTypeKind kind) {
ASTContext &ctx = decl->getASTContext();
// If `decl` is a nested type, find the parent type.
Type ParentTy;
DeclContext *dc = decl->getDeclContext();
if (!isa<ProtocolDecl>(decl) && dc->isTypeContext()) {
switch (kind) {
case DeclTypeKind::DeclaredType: {
if (auto *nominal = dc->getSelfNominalTypeDecl())
ParentTy = nominal->getDeclaredType();
case DeclTypeKind::DeclaredInterfaceType:
ParentTy = dc->getDeclaredInterfaceType();
if (ParentTy->is<ErrorType>())
ParentTy = Type();
if (!isa<ProtocolDecl>(decl) && decl->getGenericParams()) {
switch (kind) {
case DeclTypeKind::DeclaredType:
return UnboundGenericType::get(decl, ParentTy, ctx);
case DeclTypeKind::DeclaredInterfaceType: {
// Note that here, we need to be able to produce a type
// before the decl has been validated, so we rely on
// the generic parameter list directly instead of looking
// at the signature.
SmallVector<Type, 4> args;
for (auto param : decl->getGenericParams()->getParams())
return BoundGenericType::get(decl, ParentTy, args);
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled DeclTypeKind in switch.");
} else {
return NominalType::get(decl, ParentTy, ctx);
Type NominalTypeDecl::getDeclaredType() const {
if (DeclaredTy)
return DeclaredTy;
auto *decl = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
decl->DeclaredTy = computeNominalType(decl, DeclTypeKind::DeclaredType);
return DeclaredTy;
Type NominalTypeDecl::getDeclaredInterfaceType() const {
if (DeclaredInterfaceTy)
return DeclaredInterfaceTy;
auto *decl = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
decl->DeclaredInterfaceTy = computeNominalType(decl,
return DeclaredInterfaceTy;
void NominalTypeDecl::prepareExtensions() {
// Types in local contexts can't have extensions
if (getLocalContext() != nullptr) {
auto &context = Decl::getASTContext();
// If our list of extensions is out of date, update it now.
if (context.getCurrentGeneration() > ExtensionGeneration) {
unsigned previousGeneration = ExtensionGeneration;
ExtensionGeneration = context.getCurrentGeneration();
context.loadExtensions(this, previousGeneration);
ExtensionRange NominalTypeDecl::getExtensions() {
return ExtensionRange(ExtensionIterator(FirstExtension), ExtensionIterator());
void NominalTypeDecl::addExtension(ExtensionDecl *extension) {
assert(!extension->alreadyBoundToNominal() && "Already added extension");
// First extension; set both first and last.
if (!FirstExtension) {
FirstExtension = extension;
LastExtension = extension;
// Add to the end of the list.
LastExtension = extension;
ArrayRef<VarDecl *> NominalTypeDecl::getStoredProperties() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ArrayRef<Decl *>
NominalTypeDecl::getStoredPropertiesAndMissingMemberPlaceholders() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
bool NominalTypeDecl::isOptionalDecl() const {
return this == getASTContext().getOptionalDecl();
Optional<KeyPathTypeKind> NominalTypeDecl::getKeyPathTypeKind() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
#define CASE(NAME) if (this == ctx.get##NAME##Decl()) return KPTK_##NAME;
#undef CASE
return None;
PropertyWrapperTypeInfo NominalTypeDecl::getPropertyWrapperTypeInfo() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
GenericTypeDecl::GenericTypeDecl(DeclKind K, DeclContext *DC,
Identifier name, SourceLoc nameLoc,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> inherited,
GenericParamList *GenericParams) :
GenericContext(DeclContextKind::GenericTypeDecl, DC, GenericParams),
TypeDecl(K, DC, name, nameLoc, inherited) {}
TypeAliasDecl::TypeAliasDecl(SourceLoc TypeAliasLoc, SourceLoc EqualLoc,
Identifier Name, SourceLoc NameLoc,
GenericParamList *GenericParams, DeclContext *DC)
: GenericTypeDecl(DeclKind::TypeAlias, DC, Name, NameLoc, {}, GenericParams),
TypeAliasLoc(TypeAliasLoc), EqualLoc(EqualLoc) {
Bits.TypeAliasDecl.IsCompatibilityAlias = false;
Bits.TypeAliasDecl.IsDebuggerAlias = false;
SourceRange TypeAliasDecl::getSourceRange() const {
auto TrailingWhereClauseSourceRange = getGenericTrailingWhereClauseSourceRange();
if (TrailingWhereClauseSourceRange.isValid())
return { TypeAliasLoc, TrailingWhereClauseSourceRange.End };
if (UnderlyingTy.hasLocation())
return { TypeAliasLoc, UnderlyingTy.getSourceRange().End };
if (TypeEndLoc.isValid())
return { TypeAliasLoc, TypeEndLoc };
return { TypeAliasLoc, getNameLoc() };
Type TypeAliasDecl::getUnderlyingType() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (auto type = evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
UnderlyingTypeRequest{const_cast<TypeAliasDecl *>(this)},
return type;
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
void TypeAliasDecl::setUnderlyingType(Type underlying) {
// lldb creates global typealiases containing archetypes
// sometimes...
if (underlying->hasArchetype() && isGenericContext())
underlying = underlying->mapTypeOutOfContext();
StructuralTypeRequest{const_cast<TypeAliasDecl *>(this)},
UnderlyingTypeRequest{const_cast<TypeAliasDecl *>(this)},
UnboundGenericType *TypeAliasDecl::getUnboundGenericType() const {
Type parentTy;
auto parentDC = getDeclContext();
if (auto nominal = parentDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl())
parentTy = nominal->getDeclaredType();
return UnboundGenericType::get(
const_cast<TypeAliasDecl *>(this),
parentTy, getASTContext());
Type TypeAliasDecl::getStructuralType() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (auto type = evaluateOrDefault(
StructuralTypeRequest{const_cast<TypeAliasDecl *>(this)},
return type;
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
Type AbstractTypeParamDecl::getSuperclass() const {
auto *genericEnv = getDeclContext()->getGenericEnvironmentOfContext();
assert(genericEnv != nullptr && "Too much circularity");
auto contextTy = genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(getDeclaredInterfaceType());
if (auto *archetype = contextTy->getAs<ArchetypeType>())
return archetype->getSuperclass();
// FIXME: Assert that this is never queried.
return nullptr;
ArrayRef<ProtocolDecl *>
AbstractTypeParamDecl::getConformingProtocols() const {
auto *genericEnv = getDeclContext()->getGenericEnvironmentOfContext();
assert(genericEnv != nullptr && "Too much circularity");
auto contextTy = genericEnv->mapTypeIntoContext(getDeclaredInterfaceType());
if (auto *archetype = contextTy->getAs<ArchetypeType>())
return archetype->getConformsTo();
// FIXME: Assert that this is never queried.
return { };
GenericTypeParamDecl::GenericTypeParamDecl(DeclContext *dc, Identifier name,
SourceLoc nameLoc,
unsigned depth, unsigned index)
: AbstractTypeParamDecl(DeclKind::GenericTypeParam, dc, name, nameLoc) {
Bits.GenericTypeParamDecl.Depth = depth;
assert(Bits.GenericTypeParamDecl.Depth == depth && "Truncation");
Bits.GenericTypeParamDecl.Index = index;
assert(Bits.GenericTypeParamDecl.Index == index && "Truncation");
auto &ctx = dc->getASTContext();
auto type = new (ctx, AllocationArena::Permanent) GenericTypeParamType(this);
setInterfaceType(MetatypeType::get(type, ctx));
SourceRange GenericTypeParamDecl::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc endLoc = getNameLoc();
if (!getInherited().empty()) {
endLoc = getInherited().back().getSourceRange().End;
return SourceRange(getNameLoc(), endLoc);
AssociatedTypeDecl::AssociatedTypeDecl(DeclContext *dc, SourceLoc keywordLoc,
Identifier name, SourceLoc nameLoc,
TypeRepr *defaultDefinition,
TrailingWhereClause *trailingWhere)
: AbstractTypeParamDecl(DeclKind::AssociatedType, dc, name, nameLoc),
KeywordLoc(keywordLoc), DefaultDefinition(defaultDefinition),
TrailingWhere(trailingWhere) {
AssociatedTypeDecl::AssociatedTypeDecl(DeclContext *dc, SourceLoc keywordLoc,
Identifier name, SourceLoc nameLoc,
TrailingWhereClause *trailingWhere,
LazyMemberLoader *definitionResolver,
uint64_t resolverData)
: AbstractTypeParamDecl(DeclKind::AssociatedType, dc, name, nameLoc),
KeywordLoc(keywordLoc), DefaultDefinition(nullptr),
TrailingWhere(trailingWhere), Resolver(definitionResolver),
ResolverContextData(resolverData) {
assert(Resolver && "missing resolver");
Type AssociatedTypeDecl::getDefaultDefinitionType() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
DefaultDefinitionTypeRequest{const_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl *>(this)},
SourceRange AssociatedTypeDecl::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc endLoc;
if (auto TWC = getTrailingWhereClause()) {
endLoc = TWC->getSourceRange().End;
} else if (auto defaultDefinition = getDefaultDefinitionTypeRepr()) {
endLoc = defaultDefinition->getEndLoc();
} else if (!getInherited().empty()) {
endLoc = getInherited().back().getSourceRange().End;
} else {
endLoc = getNameLoc();
return SourceRange(KeywordLoc, endLoc);
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *>
AssociatedTypeDecl::getOverriddenDecls() const {
// FIXME: Performance hack because we end up looking at the overridden
// declarations of an associated type a *lot*.
OverriddenDeclsRequest request{const_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl *>(this)};
llvm::TinyPtrVector<ValueDecl *> overridden;
if (auto cached = request.getCachedResult())
overridden = std::move(*cached);
overridden = AbstractTypeParamDecl::getOverriddenDecls();
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *> assocTypes;
for (auto decl : overridden) {
return assocTypes;
namespace {
static AssociatedTypeDecl *getAssociatedTypeAnchor(
const AssociatedTypeDecl *ATD,
llvm::SmallSet<const AssociatedTypeDecl *, 8> &searched) {
auto overridden = ATD->getOverriddenDecls();
// If this declaration does not override any other declarations, it's
// the anchor.
if (overridden.empty()) return const_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl *>(ATD);
// Find the best anchor among the anchors of the overridden decls and avoid
// reentrancy when erroneous cyclic protocols exist.
AssociatedTypeDecl *bestAnchor = nullptr;
for (auto assocType : overridden) {
if (!searched.insert(assocType).second)
auto anchor = getAssociatedTypeAnchor(assocType, searched);
if (!anchor)
if (!bestAnchor || AbstractTypeParamDecl::compare(anchor, bestAnchor) < 0)
bestAnchor = anchor;
return bestAnchor;
AssociatedTypeDecl *AssociatedTypeDecl::getAssociatedTypeAnchor() const {
llvm::SmallSet<const AssociatedTypeDecl *, 8> searched;
return ::getAssociatedTypeAnchor(this, searched);
EnumDecl::EnumDecl(SourceLoc EnumLoc,
Identifier Name, SourceLoc NameLoc,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> Inherited,
GenericParamList *GenericParams, DeclContext *Parent)
: NominalTypeDecl(DeclKind::Enum, Parent, Name, NameLoc, Inherited,
= static_cast<unsigned>(AssociatedValueCheck::Unchecked);
= false;
Type EnumDecl::getRawType() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, EnumRawTypeRequest{const_cast<EnumDecl *>(this)}, Type());
void EnumDecl::setRawType(Type rawType) {
StructDecl::StructDecl(SourceLoc StructLoc, Identifier Name, SourceLoc NameLoc,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> Inherited,
GenericParamList *GenericParams, DeclContext *Parent)
: NominalTypeDecl(DeclKind::Struct, Parent, Name, NameLoc, Inherited,
Bits.StructDecl.HasUnreferenceableStorage = false;
Bits.StructDecl.IsCxxNonTrivial = false;
bool NominalTypeDecl::hasMemberwiseInitializer() const {
// Currently only structs can have memberwise initializers.
auto *sd = dyn_cast<StructDecl>(this);
if (!sd)
return false;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<StructDecl *>(sd);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator, HasMemberwiseInitRequest{mutableThis},
ConstructorDecl *NominalTypeDecl::getMemberwiseInitializer() const {
if (!hasMemberwiseInitializer())
return nullptr;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, SynthesizeMemberwiseInitRequest{mutableThis}, nullptr);
ConstructorDecl *NominalTypeDecl::getEffectiveMemberwiseInitializer() {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
bool NominalTypeDecl::hasDefaultInitializer() const {
// Currently only structs and classes can have default initializers.
if (!isa<StructDecl>(this) && !isa<ClassDecl>(this))
return false;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator, HasDefaultInitRequest{mutableThis},
bool NominalTypeDecl::isTypeErasedGenericClass() const {
// ObjC classes are type erased.
// TODO: Unless they have magic methods...
if (auto clas = dyn_cast<ClassDecl>(this))
return clas->hasClangNode() && clas->isGenericContext();
return false;
ConstructorDecl *NominalTypeDecl::getDefaultInitializer() const {
if (!hasDefaultInitializer())
return nullptr;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SynthesizeDefaultInitRequest{mutableThis}, nullptr);
void NominalTypeDecl::synthesizeSemanticMembersIfNeeded(DeclName member) {
// Silently break cycles here because we can't be sure when and where a
// request to synthesize will come from yet.
// FIXME: rdar://56844567
if (Bits.NominalTypeDecl.IsComputingSemanticMembers)
Bits.NominalTypeDecl.IsComputingSemanticMembers = true;
SWIFT_DEFER { Bits.NominalTypeDecl.IsComputingSemanticMembers = false; };
auto baseName = member.getBaseName();
auto &Context = getASTContext();
Optional<ImplicitMemberAction> action = None;
if (baseName == DeclBaseName::createConstructor())
if (member.isSimpleName() && !baseName.isSpecial()) {
if (baseName.getIdentifier() == getASTContext().Id_CodingKeys) {
} else {
auto argumentNames = member.getArgumentNames();
if (!member.isCompoundName() || argumentNames.size() == 1) {
if (baseName == DeclBaseName::createConstructor() &&
(member.isSimpleName() || argumentNames.front() == Context.Id_from)) {
} else if (!baseName.isSpecial() &&
baseName.getIdentifier() == Context.Id_encode &&
(member.isSimpleName() ||
argumentNames.front() == Context.Id_to)) {
if (auto actionToTake = action) {
ResolveImplicitMemberRequest{this, actionToTake.getValue()}, {});
VarDecl *NominalTypeDecl::getGlobalActorInstance() const {
auto mutableThis = const_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
ClassDecl::ClassDecl(SourceLoc ClassLoc, Identifier Name, SourceLoc NameLoc,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> Inherited,
GenericParamList *GenericParams, DeclContext *Parent)
: NominalTypeDecl(DeclKind::Class, Parent, Name, NameLoc, Inherited,
ClassLoc(ClassLoc) {
Bits.ClassDecl.InheritsSuperclassInits = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.ComputedInheritsSuperclassInits = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.RawForeignKind = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.HasMissingDesignatedInitializers = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.ComputedHasMissingDesignatedInitializers = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.HasMissingVTableEntries = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.ComputedHasMissingVTableEntries = 0;
Bits.ClassDecl.IsIncompatibleWithWeakReferences = 0;
bool ClassDecl::hasResilientMetadata() const {
// Imported classes don't have a vtable, etc, at all.
if (hasClangNode())
return false;
// If the module is not resilient, neither is the class metadata.
if (!getModuleContext()->isResilient())
return false;
// If the class is not public, we can't use it outside the module at all.
if (!getFormalAccessScope(/*useDC=*/nullptr,
return false;
// Otherwise we access metadata members, such as vtable entries, resiliently.
return true;
bool ClassDecl::hasResilientMetadata(ModuleDecl *M,
ResilienceExpansion expansion) const {
switch (expansion) {
case ResilienceExpansion::Minimal:
return hasResilientMetadata();
case ResilienceExpansion::Maximal:
return M != getModuleContext() && hasResilientMetadata();
llvm_unreachable("bad resilience expansion");
DestructorDecl *ClassDecl::getDestructor() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
GetDestructorRequest{const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this)},
/// Synthesizer callback for an empty implicit function body.
static std::pair<BraceStmt *, bool>
synthesizeEmptyFunctionBody(AbstractFunctionDecl *afd, void *context) {
ASTContext &ctx = afd->getASTContext();
return { BraceStmt::create(ctx, afd->getLoc(), { }, afd->getLoc(), true),
/*isTypeChecked=*/true };
DestructorDecl *
GetDestructorRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator, ClassDecl *CD) const {
auto &ctx = CD->getASTContext();
auto *DD = new (ctx) DestructorDecl(CD->getLoc(), CD);
// Synthesize an empty body for the destructor as needed.
// Propagate access control and versioned-ness.
DD->copyFormalAccessFrom(CD, /*sourceIsParentContext*/true);
// Mark DD as ObjC, as all dtors are.
if (ctx.LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop)
CD->recordObjCMethod(DD, DD->getObjCSelector());
// Mark it as synthesized to make its location in getEmittedMembers()
// deterministic.
return DD;
bool ClassDecl::isActor() const {
auto mutableThis = const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
bool ClassDecl::isDefaultActor() const {
auto mutableThis = const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
bool ClassDecl::hasMissingDesignatedInitializers() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(
HasMissingDesignatedInitializersRequest{const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this)},
bool ClassDecl::hasMissingVTableEntries() const {
if (!Bits.ClassDecl.ComputedHasMissingVTableEntries) {
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this);
mutableThis->Bits.ClassDecl.ComputedHasMissingVTableEntries = 1;
return Bits.ClassDecl.HasMissingVTableEntries;
bool ClassDecl::isIncompatibleWithWeakReferences() const {
if (Bits.ClassDecl.IsIncompatibleWithWeakReferences) {
return true;
if (auto superclass = getSuperclassDecl()) {
return superclass->isIncompatibleWithWeakReferences();
return false;
bool ClassDecl::inheritsSuperclassInitializers() const {
// If there's no superclass, there's nothing to inherit.
if (!getSuperclassDecl())
return false;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, InheritsSuperclassInitializersRequest{mutableThis}, false);
AncestryOptions ClassDecl::checkAncestry() const {
return AncestryOptions(evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
ClassAncestryFlagsRequest{const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this)},
ClassAncestryFlagsRequest::evaluate(Evaluator &evaluator,
ClassDecl *value) const {
AncestryOptions result;
const ClassDecl *CD = value;
const ClassDecl *PreviousCD = nullptr;
auto *M = value->getParentModule();
do {
if (CD->isGenericContext())
result |= AncestryFlags::Generic;
// Note: it's OK to check for @objc explicitly instead of calling isObjC()
// to infer it since we're going to visit every superclass.
if (CD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ObjCAttr>())
result |= AncestryFlags::ObjC;
if (CD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<ObjCMembersAttr>())
result |= AncestryFlags::ObjCMembers;
if (CD->hasClangNode()) {
result |= AncestryFlags::ClangImported;
// Inheriting from an ObjC-defined class generally forces the use
// of the ObjC object model, but certain classes that directly
// inherit from NSObject can change that.
if (!PreviousCD ||
!(CD->isNSObject() && PreviousCD->isNativeNSObjectSubclass()))
result |= AncestryFlags::ObjCObjectModel;
if (CD->hasResilientMetadata())
result |= AncestryFlags::Resilient;
if (CD->hasResilientMetadata(M, ResilienceExpansion::Maximal))
result |= AncestryFlags::ResilientOther;
if (CD->getAttrs().hasAttribute<RequiresStoredPropertyInitsAttr>())
result |= AncestryFlags::RequiresStoredPropertyInits;
PreviousCD = CD;
CD = CD->getSuperclassDecl();
} while (CD != nullptr);
return AncestryFlags(result.toRaw());
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, AncestryFlags value) {
AncestryOptions opts(value);
out << "{ ";
// If we have more than one bit set, we need to print the separator.
bool wantsSeparator = false;
auto printBit = [&wantsSeparator, &out](bool val, StringRef name) {
if (wantsSeparator) {
out << ", ";
if (!wantsSeparator) {
wantsSeparator = true;
out << name;
if (val) {
out << " = true";
} else {
out << " = false";
printBit(opts.contains(AncestryFlags::ObjC), "ObjC");
printBit(opts.contains(AncestryFlags::ObjCMembers), "ObjCMembers");
printBit(opts.contains(AncestryFlags::Generic), "Generic");
printBit(opts.contains(AncestryFlags::Resilient), "Resilient");
printBit(opts.contains(AncestryFlags::ResilientOther), "ResilientOther");
printBit(opts.contains(AncestryFlags::ClangImported), "ClangImported");
out << " }";
bool ClassDecl::isSuperclassOf(ClassDecl *other) const {
llvm::SmallPtrSet<const ClassDecl *, 8> visited;
do {
if (!visited.insert(other).second)
if (this == other)
return true;
other = other->getSuperclassDecl();
} while (other != nullptr);
return false;
ClassDecl::MetaclassKind ClassDecl::getMetaclassKind() const {
assert(getASTContext().LangOpts.EnableObjCInterop &&
"querying metaclass kind without objc interop");
auto objc = checkAncestry(AncestryFlags::ObjC);
return objc ? MetaclassKind::ObjC : MetaclassKind::SwiftStub;
/// Mangle the name of a protocol or class for use in the Objective-C
/// runtime.
static StringRef mangleObjCRuntimeName(const NominalTypeDecl *nominal,
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer) {
Mangle::ASTMangler Mangler;
std::string MangledName = Mangler.mangleObjCRuntimeName(nominal);
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(buffer);
os << MangledName;
assert(buffer.size() && "Invalid buffer size");
return StringRef(, buffer.size());
StringRef ClassDecl::getObjCRuntimeName(
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer) const {
// If there is a Clang declaration, use it's runtime name.
if (auto objcClass
= dyn_cast_or_null<clang::ObjCInterfaceDecl>(getClangDecl()))
return objcClass->getObjCRuntimeNameAsString();
// If there is an 'objc' attribute with a name, use that name.
if (auto attr = getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCRuntimeNameAttr>())
return attr->Name;
if (auto objc = getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCAttr>()) {
if (auto name = objc->getName())
return name->getString(buffer);
// Produce the mangled name for this class.
return mangleObjCRuntimeName(this, buffer);
ArtificialMainKind Decl::getArtificialMainKind() const {
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<UIApplicationMainAttr>())
return ArtificialMainKind::UIApplicationMain;
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<NSApplicationMainAttr>())
return ArtificialMainKind::NSApplicationMain;
if (isa<FuncDecl>(this))
return ArtificialMainKind::TypeMain;
llvm_unreachable("type has no @Main attr?!");
static bool isOverridingDecl(const ValueDecl *Derived,
const ValueDecl *Base) {
while (Derived) {
if (Derived == Base)
return true;
Derived = Derived->getOverriddenDecl();
return false;
static ValueDecl *findOverridingDecl(const ClassDecl *C,
const ValueDecl *Base) {
// FIXME: This is extremely inefficient. The SILOptimizer should build a
// reverse lookup table to answer these types of queries.
for (auto M : C->getMembers()) {
if (auto *Derived = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(M))
if (::isOverridingDecl(Derived, Base))
return Derived;
return nullptr;
AbstractFunctionDecl *
ClassDecl::findOverridingDecl(const AbstractFunctionDecl *Method) const {
if (auto *Accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(Method)) {
auto *Storage = Accessor->getStorage();
if (auto *Derived = ::findOverridingDecl(this, Storage)) {
auto *DerivedStorage = cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(Derived);
return DerivedStorage->getOpaqueAccessor(Accessor->getAccessorKind());
return nullptr;
return cast_or_null<AbstractFunctionDecl>(::findOverridingDecl(this, Method));
AbstractFunctionDecl *
ClassDecl::findImplementingMethod(const AbstractFunctionDecl *Method) const {
// FIXME: This is extremely inefficient. The SILOptimizer should build a
// reverse lookup table to answer these types of queries.
const ClassDecl *C = this;
while (C) {
if (C == Method->getDeclContext())
return const_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl *>(Method);
if (auto *Derived = C->findOverridingDecl(Method))
return Derived;
// Check the superclass
C = C->getSuperclassDecl();
return nullptr;
bool ClassDecl::walkSuperclasses(
llvm::function_ref<TypeWalker::Action(ClassDecl *)> fn) const {
auto *cls = const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this);
while (cls) {
switch (fn(cls)) {
case TypeWalker::Action::Stop:
return true;
case TypeWalker::Action::SkipChildren:
return false;
case TypeWalker::Action::Continue:
cls = cls->getSuperclassDecl();
return false;
EnumCaseDecl *EnumCaseDecl::create(SourceLoc CaseLoc,
ArrayRef<EnumElementDecl *> Elements,
DeclContext *DC) {
size_t bytes = totalSizeToAlloc<EnumElementDecl *>(Elements.size());
void *buf = DC->getASTContext().Allocate(bytes, alignof(EnumCaseDecl));
return ::new (buf) EnumCaseDecl(CaseLoc, Elements, DC);
bool EnumDecl::hasPotentiallyUnavailableCaseValue() const {
switch (static_cast<AssociatedValueCheck>(Bits.EnumDecl.HasAssociatedValues)) {
case AssociatedValueCheck::Unchecked:
// Compute below
return static_cast<bool>(Bits.EnumDecl.HasAnyUnavailableValues);
bool EnumDecl::hasOnlyCasesWithoutAssociatedValues() const {
// Check whether we already have a cached answer.
switch (static_cast<AssociatedValueCheck>(
Bits.EnumDecl.HasAssociatedValues)) {
case AssociatedValueCheck::Unchecked:
// Compute below.
case AssociatedValueCheck::NoAssociatedValues:
return true;
case AssociatedValueCheck::HasAssociatedValues:
return false;
for (auto elt : getAllElements()) {
for (auto Attr : elt->getAttrs()) {
if (auto AvAttr = dyn_cast<AvailableAttr>(Attr)) {
if (!AvAttr->isInvalid()) {
= true;
if (elt->hasAssociatedValues()) {
= static_cast<unsigned>(AssociatedValueCheck::HasAssociatedValues);
return false;
= static_cast<unsigned>(AssociatedValueCheck::NoAssociatedValues);
return true;
bool EnumDecl::isFormallyExhaustive(const DeclContext *useDC) const {
// Enums explicitly marked frozen are exhaustive.
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<FrozenAttr>())
return true;
// Objective-C enums /not/ marked frozen are /not/ exhaustive.
// Note: This implicitly holds @objc enums defined in Swift to a higher
// standard!
if (hasClangNode())
return false;
// Non-imported enums in non-resilient modules are exhaustive.
const ModuleDecl *containingModule = getModuleContext();
if (!containingModule->isResilient())
return true;
// Non-public, non-versioned enums are always exhaustive.
AccessScope accessScope = getFormalAccessScope(/*useDC*/nullptr,
if (!accessScope.isPublic())
return true;
// All other checks are use-site specific; with no further information, the
// enum must be treated non-exhaustively.
if (!useDC)
return false;
// Enums in the same module as the use site are exhaustive /unless/ the use
// site is inlinable.
if (useDC->getParentModule() == containingModule)
if (useDC->getResilienceExpansion() == ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)
return true;
// Testably imported enums are exhaustive, on the grounds that only the author
// of the original library can import it testably.
if (auto *useSF = dyn_cast<SourceFile>(useDC->getModuleScopeContext()))
if (useSF->hasTestableOrPrivateImport(AccessLevel::Internal,
return true;
// Otherwise, the enum is non-exhaustive.
return false;
bool EnumDecl::isEffectivelyExhaustive(ModuleDecl *M,
ResilienceExpansion expansion) const {
// Generated Swift code commits to handling garbage values of @objc enums,
// whether imported or not, to deal with C's loose rules around enums.
// This covers both frozen and non-frozen @objc enums.
if (isObjC())
return false;
// Otherwise, the only non-exhaustive cases are those that don't have a fixed
// layout.
assert(isFormallyExhaustive(M) == !isResilient(M,ResilienceExpansion::Maximal)
&& "ignoring the effects of @inlinable, @testable, and @objc, "
"these should match up");
return !isResilient(M, expansion);
void EnumDecl::setHasFixedRawValues() {
SemanticFlags |= OptionSet<EnumDecl::SemanticInfoFlags>{EnumDecl::HasFixedRawValues};
bool EnumDecl::hasCircularRawValue() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<EnumDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
HasCircularRawValueRequest{mutableThis}, true);
ProtocolDecl::ProtocolDecl(DeclContext *DC, SourceLoc ProtocolLoc,
SourceLoc NameLoc, Identifier Name,
ArrayRef<TypeLoc> Inherited,
TrailingWhereClause *TrailingWhere)
: NominalTypeDecl(DeclKind::Protocol, DC, Name, NameLoc, Inherited,
ProtocolLoc(ProtocolLoc) {
Bits.ProtocolDecl.RequiresClassValid = false;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.RequiresClass = false;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.ExistentialConformsToSelfValid = false;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.ExistentialConformsToSelf = false;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.InheritedProtocolsValid = 0;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.NumRequirementsInSignature = 0;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.HasMissingRequirements = false;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.KnownProtocol = 0;
ArrayRef<ProtocolDecl *> ProtocolDecl::getInheritedProtocols() const {
auto *mutThis = const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *>
ProtocolDecl::getAssociatedTypeMembers() const {
llvm::TinyPtrVector<AssociatedTypeDecl *> result;
// Clang-imported protocols never have associated types.
if (hasClangNode())
return result;
// Deserialized @objc protocols never have associated types.
if (!getParentSourceFile() && isObjC())
return result;
// Find the associated type declarations.
for (auto member : getMembers()) {
if (auto ATD = dyn_cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(member)) {
return result;
ValueDecl *ProtocolDecl::getSingleRequirement(DeclName name) const {
auto results = const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)->lookupDirect(name);
ValueDecl *result = nullptr;
for (auto candidate : results) {
if (candidate->getDeclContext() != this ||
if (result) {
// Multiple results.
return nullptr;
result = candidate;
return result;
AssociatedTypeDecl *ProtocolDecl::getAssociatedType(Identifier name) const {
const auto flags = NominalTypeDecl::LookupDirectFlags::IgnoreNewExtensions;
auto results = const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)->lookupDirect(name, flags);
for (auto candidate : results) {
if (candidate->getDeclContext() == this &&
isa<AssociatedTypeDecl>(candidate)) {
return cast<AssociatedTypeDecl>(candidate);
return nullptr;
Type ProtocolDecl::getSuperclass() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SuperclassTypeRequest{const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this),
ClassDecl *ProtocolDecl::getSuperclassDecl() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SuperclassDeclRequest{const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)}, nullptr);
void ProtocolDecl::setSuperclass(Type superclass) {
assert((!superclass || !superclass->hasArchetype())
&& "superclass must be interface type");
LazySemanticInfo.SuperclassType.setPointerAndInt(superclass, true);
superclass ? superclass->getClassOrBoundGenericClass() : nullptr,
bool ProtocolDecl::walkInheritedProtocols(
llvm::function_ref<TypeWalker::Action(ProtocolDecl *)> fn) const {
auto self = const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this);
// Visit all of the inherited protocols.
SmallPtrSet<ProtocolDecl *, 8> visited;
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 4> stack;
while (!stack.empty()) {
// Pull the next protocol off the stack.
auto proto = stack.back();
switch (fn(proto)) {
case TypeWalker::Action::Stop:
return true;
case TypeWalker::Action::Continue:
// Add inherited protocols to the stack.
for (auto inherited : proto->getInheritedProtocols()) {
if (visited.insert(inherited).second)
case TypeWalker::Action::SkipChildren:
return false;
bool ProtocolDecl::inheritsFrom(const ProtocolDecl *super) const {
if (this == super)
return false;
return walkInheritedProtocols([super](ProtocolDecl *inherited) {
if (inherited == super)
return TypeWalker::Action::Stop;
return TypeWalker::Action::Continue;
bool ProtocolDecl::requiresClass() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
ProtocolRequiresClassRequest{const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)}, false);
bool ProtocolDecl::requiresSelfConformanceWitnessTable() const {
return isSpecificProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Error);
bool ProtocolDecl::existentialConformsToSelf() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
ExistentialConformsToSelfRequest{const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)}, true);
/// Classify usages of Self in the given type.
/// \param position The position we are currently at, in terms of variance.
static SelfReferenceInfo
findProtocolSelfReferences(const ProtocolDecl *proto, Type type,
SelfReferencePosition position) {
// If there are no type parameters, we're done.
if (!type->hasTypeParameter())
return SelfReferenceInfo();
// Tuples preserve variance.
if (auto tuple = type->getAs<TupleType>()) {
auto info = SelfReferenceInfo();
for (auto &elt : tuple->getElements()) {
info |= findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, elt.getType(), position);
// A covariant Self result inside a tuple will not be bona fide.
info.hasCovariantSelfResult = false;
return info;
// Function preserve variance in the result type, and flip variance in
// the parameter type.
if (auto funcTy = type->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
auto inputInfo = SelfReferenceInfo();
for (auto param : funcTy->getParams()) {
// inout parameters are invariant.
if (param.isInOut()) {
inputInfo |= findProtocolSelfReferences(
proto, param.getPlainType(), SelfReferencePosition::Invariant);
inputInfo |= findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, param.getParameterType(),
// A covariant Self result inside a parameter will not be bona fide.
inputInfo.hasCovariantSelfResult = false;
auto resultInfo =
findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, funcTy->getResult(), position);
if (resultInfo.selfRef == SelfReferencePosition::Covariant) {
resultInfo.hasCovariantSelfResult = true;
return inputInfo |= resultInfo;
// Metatypes preserve variance.
if (auto metaTy = type->getAs<MetatypeType>()) {
return findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, metaTy->getInstanceType(),
// Optionals preserve variance.
if (auto optType = type->getOptionalObjectType()) {
return findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, optType, position);
// DynamicSelfType preserves variance.
// FIXME: This shouldn't ever appear in protocol requirement
// signatures.
if (auto selfType = type->getAs<DynamicSelfType>()) {
return findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, selfType->getSelfType(), position);
// Bound generic types are invariant.
if (auto boundGenericType = type->getAs<BoundGenericType>()) {
auto info = SelfReferenceInfo();
for (auto paramType : boundGenericType->getGenericArgs()) {
info |= findProtocolSelfReferences(proto, paramType,
return info;
// Opaque result types of protocol extension members contain an invariant
// reference to 'Self'.
if (type->is<OpaqueTypeArchetypeType>())
return SelfReferenceInfo::forSelfRef(SelfReferencePosition::Invariant);
// A direct reference to 'Self'.
if (proto->getSelfInterfaceType()->isEqual(type))
return SelfReferenceInfo::forSelfRef(position);
// A reference to an associated type rooted on 'Self'.
if (type->is<DependentMemberType>()) {
type = type->getRootGenericParam();
if (proto->getSelfInterfaceType()->isEqual(type))
return SelfReferenceInfo::forAssocTypeRef(position);
return SelfReferenceInfo();
/// Find Self references within the given requirement.
SelfReferenceInfo ProtocolDecl::findProtocolSelfReferences(
const ValueDecl *value, bool treatNonResultCovariantSelfAsInvariant) const {
// Types never refer to 'Self'.
if (isa<TypeDecl>(value))
return SelfReferenceInfo();
auto type = value->getInterfaceType();
// Skip invalid declarations.
if (type->hasError())
return SelfReferenceInfo();
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value) || isa<SubscriptDecl>(value)) {
// For a method, skip the 'self' parameter.
if (isa<AbstractFunctionDecl>(value))
type = type->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult();
auto inputInfo = SelfReferenceInfo();
for (auto param : type->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getParams()) {
// inout parameters are invariant.
if (param.isInOut()) {
inputInfo |= ::findProtocolSelfReferences(
this, param.getPlainType(), SelfReferencePosition::Invariant);
inputInfo |= ::findProtocolSelfReferences(
this, param.getParameterType(), SelfReferencePosition::Contravariant);
// A covariant Self result inside a parameter will not be bona fide.
inputInfo.hasCovariantSelfResult = false;
// FIXME: Rather than having a special flag for the is-inheritable check,
// ensure non-result covariant Self is always diagnosed during type
// resolution.
// Methods of non-final classes can only contain a covariant 'Self'
// as their result type.
if (treatNonResultCovariantSelfAsInvariant &&
inputInfo.selfRef == SelfReferencePosition::Covariant) {
inputInfo.selfRef = SelfReferencePosition::Invariant;
auto resultInfo = ::findProtocolSelfReferences(
this, type->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult(),
if (resultInfo.selfRef == SelfReferencePosition::Covariant) {
resultInfo.hasCovariantSelfResult = true;
return inputInfo |= resultInfo;
} else {
auto info = ::findProtocolSelfReferences(this, type,
if (info.selfRef == SelfReferencePosition::Covariant) {
info.hasCovariantSelfResult = true;
return info;
return SelfReferenceInfo();
bool ProtocolDecl::isAvailableInExistential(const ValueDecl *decl) const {
// If the member type references 'Self' in non-covariant position, or an
// associated type in any position, we cannot use the existential type.
const auto info = findProtocolSelfReferences(
decl, /*treatNonResultCovariantSelfAsInvariant=*/false);
if (info.selfRef > SelfReferencePosition::Covariant || info.assocTypeRef) {
return false;
// FIXME: Appropriately diagnose assignments instead.
if (auto *const storageDecl = dyn_cast<AbstractStorageDecl>(decl)) {
if (info.hasCovariantSelfResult && storageDecl->supportsMutation())
return false;
return true;
bool ProtocolDecl::existentialTypeSupported() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
ExistentialTypeSupportedRequest{const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)}, true);
StringRef ProtocolDecl::getObjCRuntimeName(
llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &buffer) const {
// If there is an 'objc' attribute with a name, use that name.
if (auto objc = getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCAttr>()) {
if (auto name = objc->getName())
return name->getString(buffer);
// Produce the mangled name for this protocol.
return mangleObjCRuntimeName(this, buffer);
ArrayRef<Requirement> ProtocolDecl::getRequirementSignature() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
RequirementSignatureRequest { const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this) },
bool ProtocolDecl::isComputingRequirementSignature() const {
return getASTContext().evaluator.hasActiveRequest(
void ProtocolDecl::setRequirementSignature(ArrayRef<Requirement> requirements) {
assert(!RequirementSignature && "requirement signature already set");
if (requirements.empty()) {
RequirementSignature = reinterpret_cast<Requirement *>(this + 1);
Bits.ProtocolDecl.NumRequirementsInSignature = 0;
} else {
RequirementSignature =;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.NumRequirementsInSignature = requirements.size();
ProtocolDecl::setLazyRequirementSignature(LazyMemberLoader *lazyLoader,
uint64_t requirementSignatureData) {
assert(!RequirementSignature && "requirement signature already set");
auto contextData = static_cast<LazyProtocolData *>(
getASTContext().getOrCreateLazyContextData(this, lazyLoader));
contextData->requirementSignatureData = requirementSignatureData;
Bits.ProtocolDecl.HasLazyRequirementSignature = true;
// FIXME: (transitional) increment the redundant "always-on" counter.
if (auto *Stats = getASTContext().Stats)
ArrayRef<Requirement> ProtocolDecl::getCachedRequirementSignature() const {
assert(RequirementSignature &&
"getting requirement signature before computing it");
return llvm::makeArrayRef(RequirementSignature,
void ProtocolDecl::computeKnownProtocolKind() const {
auto module = getModuleContext();
if (module != module->getASTContext().getStdlibModule() &&
!module->getName().is("Foundation") &&
!module->getName().is("_Differentiation") &&
!module->getName().is("_Concurrency")) {
const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)->Bits.ProtocolDecl.KnownProtocol = 1;
unsigned value =
#define PROTOCOL_WITH_NAME(Id, Name) \
.Case(Name, static_cast<unsigned>(KnownProtocolKind::Id) + 2)
#include "swift/AST/KnownProtocols.def"
const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this)->Bits.ProtocolDecl.KnownProtocol = value;
ProtocolDecl::getKnownDerivableProtocolKind() const {
const auto knownKind = getKnownProtocolKind();
if (!knownKind)
return None;
switch (*knownKind) {
case KnownProtocolKind::RawRepresentable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::RawRepresentable;
case KnownProtocolKind::OptionSet:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::OptionSet;
case KnownProtocolKind::CaseIterable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::CaseIterable;
case KnownProtocolKind::Comparable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Comparable;
case KnownProtocolKind::Equatable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Equatable;
case KnownProtocolKind::Hashable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Hashable;
case KnownProtocolKind::BridgedNSError:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::BridgedNSError;
case KnownProtocolKind::CodingKey:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::CodingKey;
case KnownProtocolKind::Encodable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Encodable;
case KnownProtocolKind::Decodable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Decodable;
case KnownProtocolKind::AdditiveArithmetic:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::AdditiveArithmetic;
case KnownProtocolKind::Differentiable:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Differentiable;
case KnownProtocolKind::Actor:
return KnownDerivableProtocolKind::Actor;
default: return None;
bool ProtocolDecl::hasCircularInheritedProtocols() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<ProtocolDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, HasCircularInheritedProtocolsRequest{mutableThis}, true);
StorageImplInfo AbstractStorageDecl::getImplInfo() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
StorageImplInfoRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)},
bool AbstractStorageDecl::hasPrivateAccessor() const {
for (auto accessor : getAllAccessors()) {
if (hasPrivateOrFilePrivateFormalAccess(accessor))
return true;
return false;
bool AbstractStorageDecl::hasDidSetOrWillSetDynamicReplacement() const {
if (auto *func = getParsedAccessor(AccessorKind::DidSet))
return (bool)func->getDynamicallyReplacedDecl();
if (auto *func = getParsedAccessor(AccessorKind::WillSet))
return (bool)func->getDynamicallyReplacedDecl();
return false;
bool AbstractStorageDecl::hasAnyNativeDynamicAccessors() const {
for (auto accessor : getAllAccessors()) {
if (accessor->shouldUseNativeDynamicDispatch())
return true;
return false;
void AbstractStorageDecl::setAccessors(SourceLoc lbraceLoc,
ArrayRef<AccessorDecl *> accessors,
SourceLoc rbraceLoc) {
// This method is called after we've already recorded an accessors clause
// only on recovery paths and only when that clause was empty.
auto record = Accessors.getPointer();
if (record) {
for (auto accessor : accessors) {
(void) record->addOpaqueAccessor(accessor);
} else {
record = AccessorRecord::create(getASTContext(),
SourceRange(lbraceLoc, rbraceLoc),
// Compute the number of opaque accessors.
const size_t NumOpaqueAccessors =
#define ACCESSOR(ID)
+ 1
#include "swift/AST/AccessorKinds.def"
AbstractStorageDecl::AccessorRecord *
AbstractStorageDecl::AccessorRecord::create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceRange braces,
ArrayRef<AccessorDecl*> accessors) {
// Silently cap the number of accessors we store at a number that should
// be easily sufficient for all the valid cases, including space for adding
// implicit opaque accessors later.
// We should have already emitted a diagnostic in the parser if we have
// this many accessors, because most of them will necessarily be redundant.
if (accessors.size() + NumOpaqueAccessors > MaxNumAccessors) {
accessors = accessors.slice(0, MaxNumAccessors - NumOpaqueAccessors);
// Make sure that we have enough space to add implicit opaque accessors later.
size_t numMissingOpaque = NumOpaqueAccessors;
#define ACCESSOR(ID)
bool has##ID = false;
#include "swift/AST/AccessorKinds.def"
for (auto accessor : accessors) {
switch (accessor->getAccessorKind()) {
#define ACCESSOR(ID) \
case AccessorKind::ID: \
case AccessorKind::ID: \
if (!has##ID) { \
has##ID = true; \
--numMissingOpaque; \
} \
#include "swift/AST/AccessorKinds.def"
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
auto accessorsCapacity = AccessorIndex(accessors.size() + numMissingOpaque);
void *mem = ctx.Allocate(totalSizeToAlloc<AccessorDecl*>(accessorsCapacity),
return new (mem) AccessorRecord(braces, accessors, accessorsCapacity);
AbstractStorageDecl::AccessorRecord::AccessorRecord(SourceRange braces,
ArrayRef<AccessorDecl *> accessors,
AccessorIndex accessorsCapacity)
: Braces(braces), NumAccessors(accessors.size()),
AccessorsCapacity(accessorsCapacity), AccessorIndices{} {
// Copy the complete accessors list into place.
accessors.size() * sizeof(AccessorDecl*));
// Register all the accessors.
for (auto index : indices(accessors)) {
(void) registerAccessor(accessors[index], index);
void AbstractStorageDecl::AccessorRecord::addOpaqueAccessor(AccessorDecl *decl){
// Add the accessor to the array.
assert(NumAccessors < AccessorsCapacity);
AccessorIndex index = NumAccessors++;
getAccessorsBuffer()[index] = decl;
// Register it.
bool isUnique = registerAccessor(decl, index);
assert(isUnique && "adding opaque accessor that's already present");
(void) isUnique;
/// Register that we have an accessor of the given kind.
bool AbstractStorageDecl::AccessorRecord::registerAccessor(AccessorDecl *decl,
AccessorIndex index){
// Remember that we have at least one accessor of this kind.
auto &indexSlot = AccessorIndices[unsigned(decl->getAccessorKind())];
if (indexSlot) {
return false;
} else {
indexSlot = index + 1;
assert(getAccessor(decl->getAccessorKind()) == decl);
return true;
AbstractStorageDecl::getSetterFormalAccess() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SetterAccessLevelRequest{const_cast<AbstractStorageDecl *>(this)},
AbstractStorageDecl::getSetterFormalAccessScope(const DeclContext *useDC,
bool treatUsableFromInlineAsPublic) const {
return getAccessScopeForFormalAccess(this, getSetterFormalAccess(), useDC,
void AbstractStorageDecl::setComputedSetter(AccessorDecl *setter) {
assert(getImplInfo().getReadImpl() == ReadImplKind::Get);
assert(getAccessor(AccessorKind::Get) && "invariant check: missing getter");
assert(!getAccessor(AccessorKind::Set) && "already has a setter");
assert(hasClangNode() && "should only be used for ObjC properties");
assert(setter && "should not be called for readonly properties");
assert(setter->getAccessorKind() == AccessorKind::Set);
AbstractStorageDecl::setSynthesizedAccessor(AccessorKind kind,
AccessorDecl *accessor) {
assert(!getAccessor(kind) && "accessor already exists");
assert(accessor->getAccessorKind() == kind);
auto accessors = Accessors.getPointer();
if (!accessors) {
accessors = AccessorRecord::create(getASTContext(), SourceRange(), {});
static Optional<ObjCSelector>
getNameFromObjcAttribute(const ObjCAttr *attr, DeclName preferredName) {
if (!attr)
return None;
if (auto name = attr->getName()) {
if (attr->isNameImplicit()) {
// preferredName > implicit name, because implicit name is just cached
// actual name.
if (!preferredName)
return *name;
} else {
// explicit name > preferred name.
return *name;
return None;
AbstractStorageDecl::getObjCGetterSelector(Identifier preferredName) const {
// If the getter has an @objc attribute with a name, use that.
if (auto getter = getOpaqueAccessor(AccessorKind::Get)) {
if (auto name = getNameFromObjcAttribute(getter->getAttrs().
getAttribute<ObjCAttr>(), preferredName))
return *name;
// Subscripts use a specific selector.
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(this)) {
switch (SD->getObjCSubscriptKind()) {
case ObjCSubscriptKind::Indexed:
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 1, ctx.Id_objectAtIndexedSubscript);
case ObjCSubscriptKind::Keyed:
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 1, ctx.Id_objectForKeyedSubscript);
// The getter selector is the property name itself.
auto var = cast<VarDecl>(this);
auto name = var->getObjCPropertyName();
// Use preferred name is specified.
if (!preferredName.empty())
name = preferredName;
return VarDecl::getDefaultObjCGetterSelector(ctx, name);
AbstractStorageDecl::getObjCSetterSelector(Identifier preferredName) const {
// If the setter has an @objc attribute with a name, use that.
auto setter = getOpaqueAccessor(AccessorKind::Set);
auto objcAttr = setter ? setter->getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCAttr>()
: nullptr;
if (auto name = getNameFromObjcAttribute(objcAttr, DeclName(preferredName))) {
return *name;
// Subscripts use a specific selector.
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(this)) {
switch (SD->getObjCSubscriptKind()) {
case ObjCSubscriptKind::Indexed:
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 2,
{ ctx.Id_setObject, ctx.Id_atIndexedSubscript });
case ObjCSubscriptKind::Keyed:
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 2,
{ ctx.Id_setObject, ctx.Id_forKeyedSubscript });
// The setter selector for, e.g., 'fooBar' is 'setFooBar:', with the
// property name capitalized and preceded by 'set'.
auto var = cast<VarDecl>(this);
Identifier Name = var->getObjCPropertyName();
if (!preferredName.empty())
Name = preferredName;
auto result = VarDecl::getDefaultObjCSetterSelector(ctx, Name);
// Cache the result, so we don't perform string manipulation again.
if (objcAttr && preferredName.empty())
const_cast<ObjCAttr *>(objcAttr)->setName(result, /*implicit=*/true);
return result;
SourceLoc AbstractStorageDecl::getOverrideLoc() const {
if (auto *Override = getAttrs().getAttribute<OverrideAttr>())
return Override->getLocation();
return SourceLoc();
Type AbstractStorageDecl::getValueInterfaceType() const {
if (auto var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this))
return var->getInterfaceType()->getReferenceStorageReferent();
return cast<SubscriptDecl>(this)->getElementInterfaceType();
VarDecl::VarDecl(DeclKind kind, bool isStatic, VarDecl::Introducer introducer,
SourceLoc nameLoc, Identifier name,
DeclContext *dc, StorageIsMutable_t supportsMutation)
: AbstractStorageDecl(kind, isStatic, dc, name, nameLoc, supportsMutation)
Bits.VarDecl.Introducer = unsigned(introducer);
Bits.VarDecl.IsSelfParamCapture = false;
Bits.VarDecl.IsDebuggerVar = false;
Bits.VarDecl.IsLazyStorageProperty = false;
Bits.VarDecl.IsPropertyWrapperBackingProperty = false;
Bits.VarDecl.IsTopLevelGlobal = false;
Type VarDecl::getType() const {
return getDeclContext()->mapTypeIntoContext(getInterfaceType());
/// Returns whether the var is settable in the specified context: this
/// is either because it is a stored var, because it has a custom setter, or
/// is a let member in an initializer.
bool VarDecl::isSettable(const DeclContext *UseDC,
const DeclRefExpr *base) const {
// Only inout parameters are settable.
if (auto *PD = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(this))
return PD->isInOut();
// If this is a 'var' decl, then we're settable if we have storage or a
// setter.
if (!isLet())
return supportsMutation();
// All the remaining logic handles the special cases where you can
// assign a 'let'.
// Debugger expression 'let's are initialized through a side-channel.
if (isDebuggerVar())
return false;
// 'let's are only ever settable from a specific DeclContext.
if (UseDC == nullptr)
return false;
// 'let' properties in structs/classes are only ever settable in their
// designated initializer(s).
if (isInstanceMember()) {
auto *CD = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(UseDC);
if (!CD) return false;
auto *CDC = CD->getDeclContext();
// 'let' properties are not valid inside protocols.
if (CDC->getExtendedProtocolDecl())
return false;
// If this init is defined inside of the same type (or in an extension
// thereof) as the let property, then it is mutable.
if (CDC->getSelfNominalTypeDecl() !=
return false;
if (base && CD->getImplicitSelfDecl() != base->getDecl())
return false;
// If this is a convenience initializer (i.e. one that calls
// self.init), then let properties are never mutable in it. They are
// only mutable in designated initializers.
auto initKindAndExpr = CD->getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind();
if (initKindAndExpr.initKind == BodyInitKind::Delegating)
return false;
return true;
// If the 'let' has a value bound to it but has no PBD, then it is
// already initializedand not settable.
if (getParentPatternBinding() == nullptr)
return false;
// If the 'let' has an explicitly written initializer with a pattern binding,
// then it isn't settable.
if (isParentInitialized())
return false;
// Normal lets (e.g. globals) are only mutable in the context of the
// declaration. To handle top-level code properly, we look through
// the TopLevelCode decl on the use (if present) since the vardecl may be
// one level up.
if (getDeclContext() == UseDC)
return true;
if (isa<TopLevelCodeDecl>(UseDC) &&
getDeclContext() == UseDC->getParent())
return true;
return false;
bool VarDecl::isLazilyInitializedGlobal() const {
assert(!getDeclContext()->isLocalContext() &&
"not a global variable!");
assert(hasStorage() && "not a stored global variable!");
// Imports from C are never lazily initialized.
if (hasClangNode())
return false;
if (isDebuggerVar())
return false;
// Top-level global variables in the main source file and in the REPL are not
// lazily initialized.
return !isTopLevelGlobal();
SourceRange VarDecl::getSourceRange() const {
if (auto Param = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(this))
return Param->getSourceRange();
return getNameLoc();
SourceRange VarDecl::getTypeSourceRangeForDiagnostics() const {
// For a parameter, map back to its parameter to get the TypeLoc.
if (auto *PD = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(this)) {
if (auto typeRepr = PD->getTypeRepr())
return typeRepr->getSourceRange();
Pattern *Pat = getParentPattern();
if (!Pat || Pat->isImplicit())
return SourceRange();
if (auto *VP = dyn_cast<BindingPattern>(Pat))
Pat = VP->getSubPattern();
if (auto *TP = dyn_cast<TypedPattern>(Pat))
if (auto typeRepr = TP->getTypeRepr())
return typeRepr->getSourceRange();
return SourceRange();
static Optional<std::pair<CaseStmt *, Pattern *>>
findParentPatternCaseStmtAndPattern(const VarDecl *inputVD) {
auto getMatchingPattern = [&](CaseStmt *cs) -> Pattern * {
// Check if inputVD is in our case body var decls if we have any. If we do,
// treat its pattern as our first case label item pattern.
for (auto *vd : cs->getCaseBodyVariablesOrEmptyArray()) {
if (vd == inputVD) {
return cs->getMutableCaseLabelItems().front().getPattern();
// Then check the rest of our case label items.
for (auto &item : cs->getMutableCaseLabelItems()) {
if (item.getPattern()->containsVarDecl(inputVD)) {
return item.getPattern();
// Otherwise return false if we do not find anything.
return nullptr;
// First find our canonical var decl. This is the VarDecl corresponding to the
// first case label item of the first case block in the fallthrough chain that
// our case block is within. Grab the case stmt associated with that var decl
// and start traveling down the fallthrough chain looking for the case
// statement that the input VD belongs to by using getMatchingPattern().
auto *canonicalVD = inputVD->getCanonicalVarDecl();
auto *caseStmt =
if (!caseStmt)
return None;
if (auto *p = getMatchingPattern(caseStmt))
return std::make_pair(caseStmt, p);
while ((caseStmt = caseStmt->getFallthroughDest().getPtrOrNull())) {
if (auto *p = getMatchingPattern(caseStmt))
return std::make_pair(caseStmt, p);
return None;
VarDecl *VarDecl::getCanonicalVarDecl() const {
// Any var decl without a parent var decl is canonical. This means that before
// type checking, all var decls are canonical.
auto *cur = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
auto *vd = cur->getParentVarDecl();
if (!vd)
return cur;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Make sure that we don't get into an infinite loop.
SmallPtrSet<VarDecl *, 8> visitedDecls;
while (vd) {
cur = vd;
vd = vd->getParentVarDecl();
assert((!vd || visitedDecls.insert(vd).second) && "Infinite loop ?!");
return cur;
Stmt *VarDecl::getRecursiveParentPatternStmt() const {
// If our parent is already a pattern stmt, just return that.
if (auto *stmt = getParentPatternStmt())
return stmt;
// Otherwise, see if we have a parent var decl. If we do not, then return
// nullptr. Otherwise, return the case stmt that we found.
auto result = findParentPatternCaseStmtAndPattern(this);
if (!result.hasValue())
return nullptr;
return result->first;
/// Return the Pattern involved in initializing this VarDecl. Recall that the
/// Pattern may be involved in initializing more than just this one vardecl
/// though. For example, if this is a VarDecl for "x", the pattern may be
/// "(x, y)" and the initializer on the PatternBindingDecl may be "(1,2)" or
/// "foo()".
/// If this has no parent pattern binding decl or statement associated, it
/// returns null.
Pattern *VarDecl::getParentPattern() const {
// If this has a PatternBindingDecl parent, use its pattern.
if (auto *PBD = getParentPatternBinding()) {
const auto i = PBD->getPatternEntryIndexForVarDecl(this);
return PBD->getPattern(i);
// If this is a statement parent, dig the pattern out of it.
if (auto *stmt = getParentPatternStmt()) {
if (auto *FES = dyn_cast<ForEachStmt>(stmt))
return FES->getPattern();
if (auto *cs = dyn_cast<CaseStmt>(stmt)) {
// In a case statement, search for the pattern that contains it. This is
// a bit silly, because you can't have something like "case x, y:" anyway.
for (auto items : cs->getCaseLabelItems()) {
if (items.getPattern()->containsVarDecl(this))
return items.getPattern();
if (auto *LCS = dyn_cast<LabeledConditionalStmt>(stmt)) {
for (auto &elt : LCS->getCond())
if (auto pat = elt.getPatternOrNull())
if (pat->containsVarDecl(this))
return pat;
// Otherwise, check if we have to walk our case stmt's var decl list to find
// the pattern.
if (auto caseStmtPatternPair = findParentPatternCaseStmtAndPattern(this)) {
return caseStmtPatternPair->second;
// Otherwise, this is a case we do not know or understand. Return nullptr to
// signal we do not have any information.
return nullptr;
NamedPattern *VarDecl::getNamingPattern() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
NamingPatternRequest{const_cast<VarDecl *>(this)},
void VarDecl::setNamingPattern(NamedPattern *Pat) {
TypeRepr *VarDecl::getTypeReprOrParentPatternTypeRepr() const {
if (auto *param = dyn_cast<ParamDecl>(this))
return param->getTypeRepr();
if (auto *parentPattern = dyn_cast_or_null<TypedPattern>(getParentPattern()))
return parentPattern->getTypeRepr();
return nullptr;
VarDecl::getCorrespondingFirstCaseLabelItemVarDecl() const {
if (!hasName())
return nullptr;
auto *caseStmt = dyn_cast_or_null<CaseStmt>(getRecursiveParentPatternStmt());
if (!caseStmt)
return nullptr;
auto *pattern = caseStmt->getCaseLabelItems().front().getPattern();
SmallVector<VarDecl *, 8> vars;
for (auto *vd : vars) {
if (vd->hasName() && vd->getName() == getName())
return vd;
return nullptr;
bool VarDecl::isCaseBodyVariable() const {
auto *caseStmt = dyn_cast_or_null<CaseStmt>(getRecursiveParentPatternStmt());
if (!caseStmt)
return false;
return llvm::any_of(caseStmt->getCaseBodyVariablesOrEmptyArray(),
[&](VarDecl *vd) { return vd == this; });
NullablePtr<VarDecl> VarDecl::getCorrespondingCaseBodyVariable() const {
// Only var decls associated with case statements can have child var decls.
auto *caseStmt = dyn_cast_or_null<CaseStmt>(getRecursiveParentPatternStmt());
if (!caseStmt)
return nullptr;
// If this var decl doesn't have a name, it can not have a corresponding case
// body variable.
if (!hasName())
return nullptr;
auto name = getName();
// A var decl associated with a case stmt implies that the case stmt has body
// var decls. So we can access the optional value here without worry.
auto caseBodyVars = caseStmt->getCaseBodyVariables();
auto result = llvm::find_if(caseBodyVars, [&](VarDecl *caseBodyVar) {
return caseBodyVar->getName() == name;
return (result != caseBodyVars.end()) ? *result : nullptr;
bool VarDecl::isSelfParameter() const {
if (isa<ParamDecl>(this)) {
if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(getDeclContext()))
return AFD->getImplicitSelfDecl(/*createIfNeeded=*/false) == this;
if (auto *PBI = dyn_cast<PatternBindingInitializer>(getDeclContext()))
return PBI->getImplicitSelfDecl() == this;
return false;
/// Whether the given variable is the backing storage property for
/// a declared property that is either `lazy` or has an attached
/// property wrapper.
static bool isBackingStorageForDeclaredProperty(const VarDecl *var) {
if (var->isLazyStorageProperty())
return true;
if (var->getOriginalWrappedProperty())
return true;
return false;
/// Whether the given variable is a delcared property that has separate backing storage.
static bool isDeclaredPropertyWithBackingStorage(const VarDecl *var) {
if (var->getAttrs().hasAttribute<LazyAttr>())
return true;
if (var->hasAttachedPropertyWrapper())
return true;
return false;
bool VarDecl::isMemberwiseInitialized(bool preferDeclaredProperties) const {
// Only non-static properties in type context can be part of a memberwise
// initializer.
if (!getDeclContext()->isTypeContext() || isStatic())
return false;
// If this is a stored property, and not a backing property in a case where
// we only want to see the declared properties, it can be memberwise
// initialized.
if (hasStorage() && preferDeclaredProperties &&
return false;
// If this is a computed property, it's not memberwise initialized unless
// the caller has asked for the declared properties and it is either a
// `lazy` property or a property with an attached wrapper.
if (!hasStorage() &&
!(preferDeclaredProperties &&
return false;
// Initialized 'let' properties have storage, but don't get an argument
// to the memberwise initializer since they already have an initial
// value that cannot be overridden.
if (isLet() && isParentInitialized())
return false;
// Properties with attached wrappers that have an access level < internal
// but do have an initializer don't participate in the memberwise
// initializer, because they would arbitrarily lower the access of the
// memberwise initializer.
auto origVar = this;
if (auto origWrapped = getOriginalWrappedProperty())
origVar = origWrapped;
if (origVar->getFormalAccess() < AccessLevel::Internal &&
origVar->hasAttachedPropertyWrapper() &&
(origVar->isParentInitialized() ||
(origVar->getParentPatternBinding() &&
return false;
return true;
bool VarDecl::isAsyncLet() const {
return getAttrs().hasAttribute<AsyncAttr>();
void ParamDecl::setSpecifier(Specifier specifier) {
// FIXME: Revisit this; in particular shouldn't __owned parameters be
// ::Let also?
setIntroducer(specifier == ParamSpecifier::Default
? VarDecl::Introducer::Let
: VarDecl::Introducer::Var);
Bits.ParamDecl.Specifier = static_cast<unsigned>(specifier);
Bits.ParamDecl.SpecifierComputed = true;
bool ParamDecl::isAnonClosureParam() const {
auto name = getName();
if (name.empty())
return false;
auto nameStr = name.str();
if (nameStr.empty())
return false;
return nameStr[0] == '$';
ParamDecl::Specifier ParamDecl::getSpecifier() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<ParamDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
StaticSpellingKind AbstractStorageDecl::getCorrectStaticSpelling() const {
if (!isStatic())
return StaticSpellingKind::None;
if (auto *VD = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(this)) {
if (auto *PBD = VD->getParentPatternBinding()) {
if (PBD->getStaticSpelling() != StaticSpellingKind::None)
return PBD->getStaticSpelling();
} else if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(this)) {
return SD->getStaticSpelling();
return getCorrectStaticSpellingForDecl(this);
llvm::TinyPtrVector<CustomAttr *> VarDecl::getAttachedPropertyWrappers() const {
auto mutableThis = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
{ });
/// Whether this property has any attached property wrappers.
bool VarDecl::hasAttachedPropertyWrapper() const {
return !getAttachedPropertyWrappers().empty();
/// Whether all of the attached property wrappers have an init(wrappedValue:)
/// initializer.
bool VarDecl::allAttachedPropertyWrappersHaveWrappedValueInit() const {
for (unsigned i : indices(getAttachedPropertyWrappers())) {
if (!getAttachedPropertyWrapperTypeInfo(i).wrappedValueInit)
return false;
return true;
VarDecl::getAttachedPropertyWrapperTypeInfo(unsigned i) const {
auto attrs = getAttachedPropertyWrappers();
if (i >= attrs.size())
return PropertyWrapperTypeInfo();
auto attr = attrs[i];
auto dc = getDeclContext();
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto nominal = evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, CustomAttrNominalRequest{attr, dc}, nullptr);
if (!nominal)
return PropertyWrapperTypeInfo();
return nominal->getPropertyWrapperTypeInfo();
Type VarDecl::getAttachedPropertyWrapperType(unsigned index) const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
AttachedPropertyWrapperTypeRequest{mutableThis, index},
Type VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyType() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, PropertyWrapperBackingPropertyTypeRequest{mutableThis},
VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperMutability() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperSynthesizedPropertyKind() const {
if (getOriginalWrappedProperty(
return PropertyWrapperSynthesizedPropertyKind::Backing;
if (getOriginalWrappedProperty(
return PropertyWrapperSynthesizedPropertyKind::Projection;
return None;
VarDecl *VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperBackingProperty() const {
return getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo().backingVar;
VarDecl *VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperProjectionVar() const {
return getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo().projectionVar;
void VarDecl::visitAuxiliaryDecls(llvm::function_ref<void(VarDecl *)> visit) const {
if (getDeclContext()->isTypeContext())
if (auto *backingVar = getPropertyWrapperBackingProperty())
if (auto *projectionVar = getPropertyWrapperProjectionVar())
VarDecl *VarDecl::getLazyStorageProperty() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<VarDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
bool VarDecl::isPropertyMemberwiseInitializedWithWrappedType() const {
auto customAttrs = getAttachedPropertyWrappers();
if (customAttrs.empty())
return false;
auto *PBD = getParentPatternBinding();
if (!PBD)
return false;
// If there was an initializer on the original property, initialize
// via the initial value.
if (PBD->getEqualLoc(0).isValid())
return true;
// If there was an initializer on the outermost wrapper, initialize
// via the full wrapper.
if (customAttrs[0]->getArg() != nullptr)
return false;
// Default initialization does not use a value.
if (getAttachedPropertyWrapperTypeInfo(0).defaultInit)
return false;
// If all property wrappers have a wrappedValue initializer, the property
// wrapper will be initialized that way.
return allAttachedPropertyWrappersHaveWrappedValueInit();
Type VarDecl::getPropertyWrapperInitValueInterfaceType() const {
auto wrapperInfo = getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyInfo();
if (!wrapperInfo || !wrapperInfo.wrappedValuePlaceholder)
return Type();
Type valueInterfaceTy = wrapperInfo.wrappedValuePlaceholder->getType();
if (valueInterfaceTy->hasArchetype())
valueInterfaceTy = valueInterfaceTy->mapTypeOutOfContext();
return valueInterfaceTy;
Identifier VarDecl::getObjCPropertyName() const {
if (auto attr = getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCAttr>()) {
if (auto name = attr->getName())
return name->getSelectorPieces()[0];
return getName();
ObjCSelector VarDecl::getDefaultObjCGetterSelector(ASTContext &ctx,
Identifier propertyName) {
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, propertyName);
ObjCSelector VarDecl::getDefaultObjCSetterSelector(ASTContext &ctx,
Identifier propertyName) {
llvm::SmallString<16> scratch;
scratch += "set";
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, propertyName.str());
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 1, ctx.getIdentifier(scratch));
/// If this is a simple 'let' constant, emit a note with a fixit indicating
/// that it can be rewritten to a 'var'. This is used in situations where the
/// compiler detects obvious attempts to mutate a constant.
void VarDecl::emitLetToVarNoteIfSimple(DeclContext *UseDC) const {
// If it isn't a 'let', don't touch it.
if (!isLet()) return;
// If this is the 'self' argument of a non-mutating method in a value type,
// suggest adding 'mutating' to the method.
if (isSelfParameter() && UseDC) {
// If the problematic decl is 'self', then we might be trying to mutate
// a property in a non-mutating method.
auto FD = dyn_cast_or_null<FuncDecl>(UseDC->getInnermostMethodContext());
if (FD && !FD->isMutating() && !FD->isImplicit() && FD->isInstanceMember()&&
->hasReferenceSemantics()) {
// Do not suggest the fix-it in implicit getters
if (auto AD = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(FD)) {
if (AD->isImplicitGetter())
auto &d = getASTContext().Diags;
auto diags = d.diagnose(FD->getFuncLoc(), diag::change_to_mutating,
if (auto nonmutatingAttr =
FD->getAttrs().getAttribute<NonMutatingAttr>()) {
diags.fixItReplace(nonmutatingAttr->getLocation(), "mutating");
} else {
diags.fixItInsert(FD->getFuncLoc(), "mutating ");
// Besides self, don't suggest mutability for explicit function parameters.
if (isa<ParamDecl>(this)) return;
// Don't suggest any fixes for capture list elements.
if (isCaptureList()) return;
// If this is a normal variable definition, then we can change 'let' to 'var'.
// We even are willing to suggest this for multi-variable binding, like
// "let (a,b) = "
// since the user has to choose to apply this anyway.
if (auto *PBD = getParentPatternBinding()) {
// Don't touch generated or invalid code.
if (PBD->getLoc().isInvalid() || PBD->isImplicit())
auto &d = getASTContext().Diags;
d.diagnose(PBD->getLoc(), diag::convert_let_to_var)
.fixItReplace(PBD->getLoc(), "var");
ParamDecl::ParamDecl(SourceLoc specifierLoc,
SourceLoc argumentNameLoc, Identifier argumentName,
SourceLoc parameterNameLoc, Identifier parameterName,
DeclContext *dc)
: VarDecl(DeclKind::Param,
/*IsStatic*/ false,
VarDecl::Introducer::Let, parameterNameLoc, parameterName, dc,
ArgumentNameAndDestructured(argumentName, false),
ArgumentNameLoc(argumentNameLoc), SpecifierLoc(specifierLoc) {
Bits.ParamDecl.SpecifierComputed = false;
Bits.ParamDecl.defaultArgumentKind =
ParamDecl *ParamDecl::cloneWithoutType(const ASTContext &Ctx, ParamDecl *PD) {
auto *Clone = new (Ctx) ParamDecl(
SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), PD->getArgumentName(),
SourceLoc(), PD->getParameterName(), PD->getDeclContext());
nullptr, PD->DefaultValueAndFlags.getInt());
Clone->Bits.ParamDecl.defaultArgumentKind =
return Clone;
/// Retrieve the type of 'self' for the given context.
Type DeclContext::getSelfTypeInContext() const {
// For a protocol or extension thereof, the type is 'Self'.
if (getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
auto selfType = getProtocolSelfType();
if (!selfType)
return ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return mapTypeIntoContext(selfType);
return getDeclaredTypeInContext();
/// Retrieve the interface type of 'self' for the given context.
Type DeclContext::getSelfInterfaceType() const {
// For a protocol or extension thereof, the type is 'Self'.
if (getSelfProtocolDecl()) {
auto selfType = getProtocolSelfType();
if (!selfType)
return ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return selfType;
return getDeclaredInterfaceType();
/// Return the full source range of this parameter.
SourceRange ParamDecl::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc APINameLoc = getArgumentNameLoc();
SourceLoc nameLoc = getNameLoc();
SourceLoc startLoc;
if (APINameLoc.isValid())
startLoc = APINameLoc;
else if (nameLoc.isValid())
startLoc = nameLoc;
else if (auto *repr = getTypeRepr())
startLoc = repr->getStartLoc();
if (startLoc.isInvalid())
return SourceRange();
// It would be nice to extend the front of the range to show where inout is,
// but we don't have that location info. Extend the back of the range to the
// location of the default argument, or the typeloc if they are valid.
if (auto expr = getStructuralDefaultExpr()) {
auto endLoc = expr->getEndLoc();
if (endLoc.isValid())
return SourceRange(startLoc, endLoc);
// If the typeloc has a valid location, use it to end the range.
if (auto typeRepr = getTypeRepr()) {
auto endLoc = typeRepr->getEndLoc();
if (endLoc.isValid())
return SourceRange(startLoc, endLoc);
// The name has a location we can use.
if (nameLoc.isValid())
return SourceRange(startLoc, nameLoc);
return startLoc;
bool ParamDecl::isNonEphemeral() const {
if (getAttrs().hasAttribute<NonEphemeralAttr>())
return true;
// Only enum element parameters are non-ephemeral without '@_nonEphemeral'.
auto *parentDecl = getDeclContext()->getAsDecl();
if (!parentDecl || !isa<EnumElementDecl>(parentDecl))
return false;
// Only pointer parameters can be non-ephemeral.
auto ty = getInterfaceType();
if (!ty->lookThroughSingleOptionalType()->getAnyPointerElementType())
return false;
return true;
void ParamDecl::setNonEphemeralIfPossible() {
assert(hasInterfaceType() && "Must be pre-typechecked.");
// Don't apply the attribute if this isn't a pointer param.
auto type = getInterfaceType();
if (!type->lookThroughSingleOptionalType()->getAnyPointerElementType())
if (!getAttrs().hasAttribute<NonEphemeralAttr>()) {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
getAttrs().add(new (ctx) NonEphemeralAttr(/*IsImplicit*/ true));
Type ParamDecl::getVarargBaseTy(Type VarArgT) {
TypeBase *T = VarArgT.getPointer();
if (auto *AT = dyn_cast<ArraySliceType>(T))
return AT->getBaseType();
if (auto *BGT = dyn_cast<BoundGenericType>(T)) {
// It's the stdlib Array<T>.
return BGT->getGenericArgs()[0];
return T;
AnyFunctionType::Param ParamDecl::toFunctionParam(Type type) const {
if (!type)
type = getInterfaceType();
if (isVariadic())
type = ParamDecl::getVarargBaseTy(type);
auto label = getArgumentName();
auto flags = ParameterTypeFlags::fromParameterType(
type, isVariadic(), isAutoClosure(), isNonEphemeral(),
/*isNoDerivative*/ false);
return AnyFunctionType::Param(type, label, flags);
Optional<Initializer *> ParamDecl::getCachedDefaultArgumentInitContext() const {
if (auto *defaultInfo = DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer())
if (auto *init = defaultInfo->InitContextAndIsTypeChecked.getPointer())
return init;
return None;
Initializer *ParamDecl::getDefaultArgumentInitContext() const {
// If this param doesn't need a context, don't bother kicking off a request.
if (!hasDefaultExpr() && !getStoredProperty())
return nullptr;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<ParamDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, DefaultArgumentInitContextRequest{mutableThis}, nullptr);
bool ParamDecl::hasDefaultExpr() const {
switch (getDefaultArgumentKind()) {
case DefaultArgumentKind::None:
case DefaultArgumentKind::Inherited:
case DefaultArgumentKind::StoredProperty:
return false;
case DefaultArgumentKind::Normal:
case DefaultArgumentKind::NAME:
#include "swift/AST/MagicIdentifierKinds.def"
case DefaultArgumentKind::NilLiteral:
case DefaultArgumentKind::EmptyArray:
case DefaultArgumentKind::EmptyDictionary:
// Check if we have a structural default expr. This ensures we return false
// for deserialized decls.
return getStructuralDefaultExpr();
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled case in switch");
bool ParamDecl::hasCallerSideDefaultExpr() const {
switch (getDefaultArgumentKind()) {
case DefaultArgumentKind::None:
case DefaultArgumentKind::Inherited:
case DefaultArgumentKind::StoredProperty:
case DefaultArgumentKind::Normal:
return false;
case DefaultArgumentKind::NAME:
#include "swift/AST/MagicIdentifierKinds.def"
case DefaultArgumentKind::NilLiteral:
case DefaultArgumentKind::EmptyArray:
case DefaultArgumentKind::EmptyDictionary:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("invalid default argument kind");
Expr *ParamDecl::getTypeCheckedDefaultExpr() const {
// Don't kick off a request if we know there's no default expr. The only
// exception is for inherited default args which we need to perform a couple
// of semantic checks for.
if (!hasDefaultExpr() &&
getDefaultArgumentKind() != DefaultArgumentKind::Inherited) {
return nullptr;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, DefaultArgumentExprRequest{const_cast<ParamDecl *>(this)},
new (ctx) ErrorExpr(getSourceRange(), ErrorType::get(ctx)));
void ParamDecl::setDefaultExpr(Expr *E, bool isTypeChecked) {
if (!DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()) {
if (!E) return;
auto *defaultInfo = DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer();
assert(defaultInfo->DefaultArg.isNull() ||
defaultInfo-><Expr *>());
if (!isTypeChecked) {
assert(!defaultInfo->InitContextAndIsTypeChecked.getInt() &&
"Can't overwrite type-checked default with un-type-checked default");
defaultInfo->DefaultArg = E;
void ParamDecl::setStoredProperty(VarDecl *var) {
if (!DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()) {
if (!var) return;
auto *defaultInfo = DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer();
assert(defaultInfo->DefaultArg.isNull() ||
defaultInfo-><VarDecl *>());
defaultInfo->DefaultArg = var;
Type ValueDecl::getResultBuilderType() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
CustomAttr *ValueDecl::getAttachedResultBuilder() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<ValueDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
void ParamDecl::setDefaultArgumentInitContext(Initializer *initContext) {
auto oldContext = getCachedDefaultArgumentInitContext();
assert((!oldContext || oldContext == initContext) &&
"Cannot change init context after setting");
auto *defaultInfo = DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer();
void ParamDecl::setDefaultArgumentCaptureInfo(CaptureInfo captures) {
DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()->Captures = captures;
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr *
swift::findWrappedValuePlaceholder(Expr *init) {
class Walker : public ASTWalker {
PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr *placeholder = nullptr;
virtual std::pair<bool, Expr *> walkToExprPre(Expr *E) override {
if (placeholder)
return { false, E };
if (auto *value = dyn_cast<PropertyWrapperValuePlaceholderExpr>(E)) {
placeholder = value;
return { false, value };
return { true, E };
} walker;
return walker.placeholder;
/// Writes a tuple expression where each element is either `nil` or another such
/// tuple of nils.
/// This comes up when printing default arguments for memberwise initializers
/// that were created implicitly.
/// For example, this var:
/// ```
/// var x: (Int?, (Int?, Int?, ()))
/// ```
/// will produce `(nil, (nil, nil, ()))`
static void writeTupleOfNils(TupleType *type, llvm::raw_ostream &os) {
os << '(';
for (unsigned i = 0; i < type->getNumElements(); ++i) {
auto &elt = type->getElement(i);
if (elt.hasName()) {
os << elt.getName().str() << ": ";
if (elt.getType()->getOptionalObjectType()) {
os << "nil";
} else {
writeTupleOfNils(elt.getType()->castTo<TupleType>(), os);
if (i < type->getNumElements() - 1) {
os << ", ";
os << ')';
/// Determines if the given type is a potentially nested tuple of optional
/// types.
static bool isTupleOfOptionals(Type type) {
auto tuple = type->getAs<TupleType>();
if (!tuple) return false;
for (auto elt : tuple->getElementTypes())
if (!elt->getOptionalObjectType() && !isTupleOfOptionals(elt))
return false;
return true;
SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch) const {
switch (getDefaultArgumentKind()) {
case DefaultArgumentKind::None:
llvm_unreachable("called on a ParamDecl with no default value");
case DefaultArgumentKind::Normal: {
assert(DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer() &&
"default value not provided yet");
auto existing = DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()->StringRepresentation;
if (!existing.empty())
return existing;
&& "Normal default argument with no default expression?!");
return extractInlinableText(getASTContext().SourceMgr,
getStructuralDefaultExpr(), scratch);
case DefaultArgumentKind::StoredProperty: {
assert(DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer() &&
"default value not provided yet");
auto existing = DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()->StringRepresentation;
if (!existing.empty())
return existing;
auto var = getStoredProperty();
if (auto original = var->getOriginalWrappedProperty()) {
auto wrapperAttrs = original->getAttachedPropertyWrappers();
if (wrapperAttrs.size() > 0) {
auto attr = wrapperAttrs.front();
if (auto arg = attr->getArg()) {
SourceRange fullRange(attr->getTypeRepr()->getSourceRange().Start,
auto charRange = Lexer::getCharSourceRangeFromSourceRange(
getASTContext().SourceMgr, fullRange);
return getASTContext().SourceMgr.extractText(charRange);
// If there is no initial wrapped value, we used the default initializer.
Expr *wrappedValue = nullptr;
if (auto *parentInit = original->getParentInitializer())
if (auto *placeholder = findWrappedValuePlaceholder(parentInit))
wrappedValue = placeholder->getOriginalWrappedValue();
if (!wrappedValue) {
if (auto type = original->getPropertyWrapperBackingPropertyType()) {
if (auto nominal = type->getAnyNominal()) {
auto typeName = nominal->getName().str();
scratch.append(typeName.begin(), typeName.end());
return {, scratch.size()};
return ".init()";
auto &sourceMgr = getASTContext().SourceMgr;
return extractInlinableText(sourceMgr, wrappedValue, scratch);
auto init = var->getParentInitializer();
if (!init || !init->getSourceRange().isValid()) {
// Special case: There are two possible times where we will synthesize a
// default initial value for a stored property: if the type
// is Optional, or if it's a (potentially nested) tuple of
// all Optional elements. If it's Optional, we'll set
// the DefaultArgumentKind to NilLiteral, but if we're still
// handling a StoredProperty, then we know it's a tuple.
if (isTupleOfOptionals(getInterfaceType())) {
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(scratch);
writeTupleOfNils(getInterfaceType()->castTo<TupleType>(), os);
return os.str();
return "<<empty>>";
return extractInlinableText(getASTContext().SourceMgr,
case DefaultArgumentKind::Inherited: return "super";
case DefaultArgumentKind::NAME: return STRING;
#include "swift/AST/MagicIdentifierKinds.def"
case DefaultArgumentKind::NilLiteral: return "nil";
case DefaultArgumentKind::EmptyArray: return "[]";
case DefaultArgumentKind::EmptyDictionary: return "[:]";
llvm_unreachable("unhandled kind");
ParamDecl::setDefaultValueStringRepresentation(StringRef stringRepresentation) {
assert(getDefaultArgumentKind() == DefaultArgumentKind::Normal ||
getDefaultArgumentKind() == DefaultArgumentKind::StoredProperty);
if (!DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()) {
DefaultValueAndFlags.getPointer()->StringRepresentation =
void DefaultArgumentInitializer::changeFunction(
DeclContext *parent, ParameterList *paramList) {
if (parent->isLocalContext()) {
auto param = paramList->get(getIndex());
if (param->hasDefaultExpr() || param->getStoredProperty())
/// Determine whether the given Swift type is an integral type, i.e.,
/// a type that wraps a builtin integer.
static bool isIntegralType(Type type) {
// Consider structs in the standard library module that wrap a builtin
// integer type to be integral types.
if (auto structTy = type->getAs<StructType>()) {
auto structDecl = structTy->getDecl();
const DeclContext *DC = structDecl->getDeclContext();
if (!DC->isModuleScopeContext() || !DC->getParentModule()->isStdlibModule())
return false;
// Find the single ivar.
VarDecl *singleVar = nullptr;
for (auto member : structDecl->getStoredProperties()) {
if (singleVar)
return false;
singleVar = member;
if (!singleVar)
return false;
// Check whether it has integer type.
return singleVar->getInterfaceType()->is<BuiltinIntegerType>();
return false;
void SubscriptDecl::setIndices(ParameterList *p) {
Indices = p;
if (Indices)
Type SubscriptDecl::getElementInterfaceType() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<SubscriptDecl *>(this);
if (auto type = evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
return type;
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
ObjCSubscriptKind SubscriptDecl::getObjCSubscriptKind() const {
// If the index type is an integral type, we have an indexed
// subscript.
if (auto funcTy = getInterfaceType()->getAs<AnyFunctionType>()) {
auto params = funcTy->getParams();
if (params.size() == 1)
if (isIntegralType(params[0].getPlainType()))
return ObjCSubscriptKind::Indexed;
// If the index type is an object type in Objective-C, we have a
// keyed subscript.
return ObjCSubscriptKind::Keyed;
void SubscriptDecl::setElementInterfaceType(Type type) {
SubscriptDecl *
SubscriptDecl::createDeserialized(ASTContext &Context, DeclName Name,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
Type ElementTy, DeclContext *Parent,
GenericParamList *GenericParams) {
assert(ElementTy && "Deserialized element type must not be null");
auto *const SD = new (Context)
SubscriptDecl(Name, SourceLoc(), StaticSpelling, SourceLoc(), nullptr,
SourceLoc(), /*ElementTyR=*/nullptr, Parent, GenericParams);
return SD;
SubscriptDecl *SubscriptDecl::create(ASTContext &Context, DeclName Name,
SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
SourceLoc SubscriptLoc,
ParameterList *Indices, SourceLoc ArrowLoc,
TypeRepr *ElementTyR, DeclContext *Parent,
GenericParamList *GenericParams) {
auto *const SD = new (Context)
SubscriptDecl(Name, StaticLoc, StaticSpelling, SubscriptLoc, Indices,
ArrowLoc, ElementTyR, Parent, GenericParams);
return SD;
SubscriptDecl *SubscriptDecl::createImported(ASTContext &Context, DeclName Name,
SourceLoc SubscriptLoc,
ParameterList *Indices,
SourceLoc ArrowLoc, Type ElementTy,
DeclContext *Parent,
ClangNode ClangN) {
assert(ClangN && ElementTy);
auto *DeclPtr = allocateMemoryForDecl<SubscriptDecl>(
Context, sizeof(SubscriptDecl), /*includeSpaceForClangNode=*/true);
auto *const SD = ::new (DeclPtr)
SubscriptDecl(Name, SourceLoc(), StaticSpellingKind::None, SubscriptLoc,
Indices, ArrowLoc, /*ElementTyR=*/nullptr, Parent,
return SD;
SourceRange SubscriptDecl::getSourceRange() const {
return {getSubscriptLoc(), getEndLoc()};
SourceRange SubscriptDecl::getSignatureSourceRange() const {
if (isImplicit())
return SourceRange();
if (auto Indices = getIndices()) {
auto End = Indices->getEndLoc();
if (End.isValid()) {
return SourceRange(getSubscriptLoc(), End);
return getSubscriptLoc();
DeclName AbstractFunctionDecl::getEffectiveFullName() const {
if (getName())
return getName();
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this)) {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto storage = accessor->getStorage();
auto subscript = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(storage);
switch (accessor->getAccessorKind()) {
// These don't have any extra implicit parameters.
case AccessorKind::Address:
case AccessorKind::MutableAddress:
case AccessorKind::Get:
case AccessorKind::Read:
case AccessorKind::Modify:
return subscript ? subscript->getName()
: DeclName(ctx, storage->getBaseName(),
case AccessorKind::Set:
case AccessorKind::DidSet:
case AccessorKind::WillSet: {
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> argNames;
// The implicit value/buffer parameter.
// The subscript index parameters.
if (subscript) {
return DeclName(ctx, storage->getBaseName(), argNames);
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
return DeclName();
ParameterList *swift::getParameterList(ValueDecl *source) {
if (auto *AFD = dyn_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl>(source)) {
return AFD->getParameters();
} else if (auto *EED = dyn_cast<EnumElementDecl>(source)) {
return EED->getParameterList();
} else if (auto *SD = dyn_cast<SubscriptDecl>(source)) {
return SD->getIndices();
return nullptr;
const ParamDecl *swift::getParameterAt(const ValueDecl *source,
unsigned index) {
if (auto *params = getParameterList(const_cast<ValueDecl *>(source))) {
return params->get(index);
return nullptr;
Type AbstractFunctionDecl::getMethodInterfaceType() const {
auto Ty = getInterfaceType();
if (Ty->hasError())
return ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return Ty->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult();
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::hasDynamicSelfResult() const {
if (auto *funcDecl = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this))
return funcDecl->getResultInterfaceType()->hasDynamicSelfType();
return isa<ConstructorDecl>(this);
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::argumentNameIsAPIByDefault() const {
// Initializers have argument labels.
if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(this))
return true;
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this)) {
// Operators do not have argument labels.
if (func->isOperator())
return false;
// Other functions have argument labels for all arguments
return true;
return false;
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::isAsyncHandler() const {
auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this);
if (!func)
return false;
auto mutableFunc = const_cast<FuncDecl *>(func);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::canBeAsyncHandler() const {
auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this);
if (!func)
return false;
auto mutableFunc = const_cast<FuncDecl *>(func);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
BraceStmt *AbstractFunctionDecl::getBody(bool canSynthesize) const {
if ((getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Synthesize ||
getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Unparsed) &&
return nullptr;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
// Don't allow getBody() to trigger parsing of an unparsed body containing the
// code completion location.
if (getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Unparsed &&
ctx.SourceMgr.rangeContainsCodeCompletionLoc(getBodySourceRange())) {
return nullptr;
auto mutableThis = const_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
BraceStmt *AbstractFunctionDecl::getTypecheckedBody() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto *mutableThis = const_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(
ctx.evaluator, TypeCheckFunctionBodyRequest{mutableThis}, nullptr);
void AbstractFunctionDecl::setBody(BraceStmt *S, BodyKind NewBodyKind) {
assert(getBodyKind() != BodyKind::Skipped &&
"cannot set a body if it was skipped");
Body = S;
// Need to recompute init body kind.
if (NewBodyKind < BodyKind::TypeChecked) {
if (auto *ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(this))
void AbstractFunctionDecl::setBodyToBeReparsed(SourceRange bodyRange) {
assert(getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Unparsed ||
getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Parsed ||
getBodyKind() == BodyKind::TypeChecked);
bodyRange, getASTContext().SourceMgr.getCodeCompletionLoc()) &&
"This function is only intended to be used for code completion");
BodyRange = bodyRange;
SourceRange AbstractFunctionDecl::getBodySourceRange() const {
switch (getBodyKind()) {
case BodyKind::None:
case BodyKind::MemberwiseInitializer:
case BodyKind::Deserialized:
case BodyKind::Synthesize:
return SourceRange();
case BodyKind::Parsed:
case BodyKind::TypeChecked:
if (auto body = getBody(/*canSynthesize=*/false))
return body->getSourceRange();
return SourceRange();
case BodyKind::Skipped:
case BodyKind::Unparsed:
return BodyRange;
llvm_unreachable("bad BodyKind");
SourceRange AbstractFunctionDecl::getSignatureSourceRange() const {
if (isImplicit())
return SourceRange();
auto paramList = getParameters();
auto endLoc = paramList->getSourceRange().End;
if (endLoc.isValid())
return SourceRange(getNameLoc(), endLoc);
return getNameLoc();
AbstractFunctionDecl::getObjCSelector(DeclName preferredName,
bool skipIsObjCResolution) const {
// FIXME: Forces computation of the Objective-C selector.
if (!skipIsObjCResolution)
// If there is an @objc attribute with a name, use that name.
auto *objc = getAttrs().getAttribute<ObjCAttr>();
if (auto name = getNameFromObjcAttribute(objc, preferredName)) {
return *name;
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
StringRef baseNameStr;
if (auto destructor = dyn_cast<DestructorDecl>(this)) {
return destructor->getObjCSelector();
} else if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(this)) {
// Otherwise cast this to be able to access getName()
baseNameStr = func->getBaseIdentifier().str();
} else if (isa<ConstructorDecl>(this)) {
baseNameStr = "init";
} else {
llvm_unreachable("Unknown subclass of AbstractFunctionDecl");
auto argNames = getName().getArgumentNames();
// Use the preferred name if specified
if (preferredName) {
// Return invalid selector if argument count doesn't match.
if (argNames.size() != preferredName.getArgumentNames().size()) {
return ObjCSelector();
baseNameStr = preferredName.getBaseName().userFacingName();
argNames = preferredName.getArgumentNames();
auto baseName = ctx.getIdentifier(baseNameStr);
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this)) {
// For a getter or setter, go through the variable or subscript decl.
auto asd = accessor->getStorage();
if (accessor->isGetter())
return asd->getObjCGetterSelector(baseName);
if (accessor->isSetter())
return asd->getObjCSetterSelector(baseName);
// If this is a zero-parameter initializer with a long selector
// name, form that selector.
auto ctor = dyn_cast<ConstructorDecl>(this);
if (ctor && ctor->isObjCZeroParameterWithLongSelector()) {
Identifier firstName = argNames[0];
llvm::SmallString<16> scratch;
scratch += "init";
// If the first argument name doesn't start with a preposition, add "with".
if (!isPreposition(camel_case::getFirstWord(firstName.str()))) {
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, "With");
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, firstName.str());
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, ctx.getIdentifier(scratch));
// The number of selector pieces we'll have.
Optional<ForeignAsyncConvention> asyncConvention
= getForeignAsyncConvention();
Optional<ForeignErrorConvention> errorConvention
= getForeignErrorConvention();
unsigned numSelectorPieces
= argNames.size() + (asyncConvention.hasValue() ? 1 : 0)
+ (errorConvention.hasValue() ? 1 : 0);
// If we have no arguments, it's a nullary selector.
if (numSelectorPieces == 0) {
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, baseName);
// If it's a unary selector with no name for the first argument, we're done.
if (numSelectorPieces == 1 && argNames.size() == 1 && argNames[0].empty()) {
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 1, baseName);
/// Collect the selector pieces.
SmallVector<Identifier, 4> selectorPieces;
bool didStringManipulation = false;
unsigned argIndex = 0;
for (unsigned piece = 0; piece != numSelectorPieces; ++piece) {
if (piece > 0) {
// If we have an async convention that inserts a completion handler
// parameter here, add "completionHandler".
if (asyncConvention &&
piece == asyncConvention->completionHandlerParamIndex()) {
// If we have an error convention that inserts an error parameter
// here, add "error".
if (errorConvention &&
piece == errorConvention->getErrorParameterIndex()) {
// Selector pieces beyond the first are simple.
// For the first selector piece, attach either the first parameter,
// "withCompletionHandker", or "AndReturnError" to the base name,
// if appropriate.
auto firstPiece = baseName;
llvm::SmallString<32> scratch;
scratch += firstPiece.str();
if (asyncConvention &&
piece == asyncConvention->completionHandlerParamIndex()) {
// The completion handler is first; append "WithCompletionHandler".
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, "WithCompletionHandler");
firstPiece = ctx.getIdentifier(scratch);
didStringManipulation = true;
} else if (errorConvention &&
piece == errorConvention->getErrorParameterIndex()) {
// The error is first; append "AndReturnError".
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, "AndReturnError");
firstPiece = ctx.getIdentifier(scratch);
didStringManipulation = true;
} else if (!argNames[argIndex].empty()) {
// If the first argument name doesn't start with a preposition, and the
// method name doesn't end with a preposition, add "with".
auto firstName = argNames[argIndex++];
if (!isPreposition(camel_case::getFirstWord(firstName.str())) &&
!isPreposition(camel_case::getLastWord(firstPiece.str()))) {
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, "With");
camel_case::appendSentenceCase(scratch, firstName.str());
firstPiece = ctx.getIdentifier(scratch);
didStringManipulation = true;
} else {
assert(argIndex == argNames.size());
// Form the result.
auto result = ObjCSelector(ctx, selectorPieces.size(), selectorPieces);
// If we did any string manipulation, cache the result. We don't want to
// do that again.
if (didStringManipulation && objc && !preferredName)
const_cast<ObjCAttr *>(objc)->setName(result, /*implicit=*/true);
return result;
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::isObjCInstanceMethod() const {
return isInstanceMember() || isa<ConstructorDecl>(this);
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::needsNewVTableEntry() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(
NeedsNewVTableEntryRequest{const_cast<AbstractFunctionDecl *>(this)},
ParamDecl *AbstractFunctionDecl::getImplicitSelfDecl(bool createIfNeeded) {
auto **selfDecl = getImplicitSelfDeclStorage();
// If this is not a method, return nullptr.
if (selfDecl == nullptr)
return nullptr;
// If we've already created a 'self' parameter, just return it.
if (*selfDecl != nullptr)
return *selfDecl;
// If we're not allowed to create one, return nullptr.
if (!createIfNeeded)
return nullptr;
// Create and save our 'self' parameter.
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
*selfDecl = new (ctx) ParamDecl(SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), Identifier(),
getLoc(), ctx.Id_self, this);
return *selfDecl;
void AbstractFunctionDecl::setParameters(ParameterList *BodyParams) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
const auto Name = getName();
if (!isa<DestructorDecl>(this))
assert((!Name || !Name.isSimpleName()) && "Must have a compound name");
assert(!Name || (Name.getArgumentNames().size() == BodyParams->size()));
Params = BodyParams;
OpaqueTypeDecl::OpaqueTypeDecl(ValueDecl *NamingDecl,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
DeclContext *DC,
GenericSignature OpaqueInterfaceGenericSignature,
GenericTypeParamType *UnderlyingInterfaceType)
: GenericTypeDecl(DeclKind::OpaqueType, DC, Identifier(), SourceLoc(), {},
// Always implicit.
bool OpaqueTypeDecl::isOpaqueReturnTypeOfFunction(
const AbstractFunctionDecl *func) const {
// Either the function is declared with its own opaque return type...
if (getNamingDecl() == func)
return true;
// ...or the function is a getter for a property or subscript with an
// opaque return type.
if (auto accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(func)) {
return accessor->isGetter() && getNamingDecl() == accessor->getStorage();
return false;
Identifier OpaqueTypeDecl::getOpaqueReturnTypeIdentifier() const {
assert(getNamingDecl() && "not an opaque return type");
if (!OpaqueReturnTypeIdentifier.empty())
return OpaqueReturnTypeIdentifier;
SmallString<64> mangleBuf;
llvm::raw_svector_ostream os(mangleBuf);
Mangle::ASTMangler mangler;
os << mangler.mangleOpaqueTypeDecl(this);
OpaqueReturnTypeIdentifier = getASTContext().getIdentifier(mangleBuf);
return OpaqueReturnTypeIdentifier;
bool AbstractFunctionDecl::hasInlinableBodyText() const {
switch (getBodyKind()) {
case BodyKind::Deserialized:
return true;
case BodyKind::Unparsed:
case BodyKind::Parsed:
case BodyKind::TypeChecked:
if (auto body = getBody())
return !body->isImplicit();
return false;
case BodyKind::None:
case BodyKind::Synthesize:
case BodyKind::Skipped:
case BodyKind::MemberwiseInitializer:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("covered switch");
StringRef AbstractFunctionDecl::getInlinableBodyText(
SmallVectorImpl<char> &scratch) const {
assert(hasInlinableBodyText() &&
"can't get string representation of function with no text");
if (getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Deserialized)
return BodyStringRepresentation;
auto body = getBody();
return extractInlinableText(getASTContext().SourceMgr, body, scratch);
/// A uniqued list of derivative function configurations.
struct AbstractFunctionDecl::DerivativeFunctionConfigurationList
: public llvm::SetVector<AutoDiffConfig> {
// Necessary for `ASTContext` allocation.
void *operator new(
size_t bytes, ASTContext &ctx,
unsigned alignment = alignof(DerivativeFunctionConfigurationList)) {
return ctx.Allocate(bytes, alignment);
void AbstractFunctionDecl::prepareDerivativeFunctionConfigurations() {
if (DerivativeFunctionConfigs)
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
DerivativeFunctionConfigs = new (ctx) DerivativeFunctionConfigurationList();
// Register an `ASTContext` cleanup calling the list destructor.
ctx.addCleanup([this]() {
AbstractFunctionDecl::getDerivativeFunctionConfigurations() {
// Resolve derivative function configurations from `@differentiable`
// attributes by type-checking them.
for (auto *diffAttr : getAttrs().getAttributes<DifferentiableAttr>())
// For accessors: resolve derivative function configurations from storage
// `@differentiable` attributes by type-checking them.
if (auto *accessor = dyn_cast<AccessorDecl>(this)) {
auto *storage = accessor->getStorage();
for (auto *diffAttr : storage->getAttrs().getAttributes<DifferentiableAttr>())
// Load derivative configurations from imported modules.
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
if (ctx.getCurrentGeneration() > DerivativeFunctionConfigGeneration) {
unsigned previousGeneration = DerivativeFunctionConfigGeneration;
DerivativeFunctionConfigGeneration = ctx.getCurrentGeneration();
ctx.loadDerivativeFunctionConfigurations(this, previousGeneration,
return DerivativeFunctionConfigs->getArrayRef();
void AbstractFunctionDecl::addDerivativeFunctionConfiguration(
AutoDiffConfig config) {
void FuncDecl::setResultInterfaceType(Type type) {
FuncDecl *FuncDecl::createImpl(ASTContext &Context,
SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
SourceLoc FuncLoc,
DeclName Name, SourceLoc NameLoc,
bool Async, SourceLoc AsyncLoc,
bool Throws, SourceLoc ThrowsLoc,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
DeclContext *Parent,
ClangNode ClangN) {
bool HasImplicitSelfDecl = Parent->isTypeContext();
size_t Size = sizeof(FuncDecl) + (HasImplicitSelfDecl
? sizeof(ParamDecl *)
: 0);
void *DeclPtr = allocateMemoryForDecl<FuncDecl>(Context, Size,
auto D = ::new (DeclPtr)
FuncDecl(DeclKind::Func, StaticLoc, StaticSpelling, FuncLoc,
Name, NameLoc, Async, AsyncLoc, Throws, ThrowsLoc,
HasImplicitSelfDecl, GenericParams, Parent);
if (ClangN)
if (HasImplicitSelfDecl)
*D->getImplicitSelfDeclStorage() = nullptr;
return D;
FuncDecl *FuncDecl::createDeserialized(ASTContext &Context,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
DeclName Name, bool Async, bool Throws,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
Type FnRetType, DeclContext *Parent) {
assert(FnRetType && "Deserialized result type must not be null");
auto *const FD =
FuncDecl::createImpl(Context, SourceLoc(), StaticSpelling, SourceLoc(),
Name, SourceLoc(), Async, SourceLoc(), Throws,
SourceLoc(), GenericParams, Parent, ClangNode());
return FD;
FuncDecl *FuncDecl::create(ASTContext &Context, SourceLoc StaticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling, SourceLoc FuncLoc,
DeclName Name, SourceLoc NameLoc, bool Async,
SourceLoc AsyncLoc, bool Throws, SourceLoc ThrowsLoc,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
ParameterList *BodyParams, TypeRepr *ResultTyR,
DeclContext *Parent) {
auto *const FD = FuncDecl::createImpl(
Context, StaticLoc, StaticSpelling, FuncLoc, Name, NameLoc, Async,
AsyncLoc, Throws, ThrowsLoc, GenericParams, Parent, ClangNode());
FD->FnRetType = TypeLoc(ResultTyR);
return FD;
FuncDecl *FuncDecl::createImplicit(ASTContext &Context,
StaticSpellingKind StaticSpelling,
DeclName Name, SourceLoc NameLoc, bool Async,
bool Throws, GenericParamList *GenericParams,
ParameterList *BodyParams, Type FnRetType,
DeclContext *Parent) {
auto *const FD = FuncDecl::createImpl(
Context, SourceLoc(), StaticSpelling, SourceLoc(), Name, NameLoc, Async,
SourceLoc(), Throws, SourceLoc(), GenericParams, Parent, ClangNode());
return FD;
FuncDecl *FuncDecl::createImported(ASTContext &Context, SourceLoc FuncLoc,
DeclName Name, SourceLoc NameLoc, bool Async,
bool Throws, ParameterList *BodyParams,
Type FnRetType,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
DeclContext *Parent, ClangNode ClangN) {
assert(ClangN && FnRetType);
auto *const FD = FuncDecl::createImpl(
Context, SourceLoc(), StaticSpellingKind::None, FuncLoc, Name, NameLoc,
Async, SourceLoc(), Throws, SourceLoc(), GenericParams, Parent, ClangN);
return FD;
OperatorDecl *FuncDecl::getOperatorDecl() const {
// Fast-path: Most functions are not operators.
if (!isOperator()) {
return nullptr;
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
const_cast<FuncDecl *>(this)
bool FuncDecl::isStatic() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
IsStaticRequest{const_cast<FuncDecl *>(this)},
AccessorDecl *AccessorDecl::createImpl(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc declLoc,
SourceLoc accessorKeywordLoc,
AccessorKind accessorKind,
AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
SourceLoc staticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind staticSpelling,
bool throws, SourceLoc throwsLoc,
GenericParamList *genericParams,
DeclContext *parent,
ClangNode clangNode) {
bool hasImplicitSelfDecl = parent->isTypeContext();
size_t size = sizeof(AccessorDecl) + (hasImplicitSelfDecl
? sizeof(ParamDecl *)
: 0);
void *buffer = allocateMemoryForDecl<AccessorDecl>(ctx, size,
auto D = ::new (buffer)
AccessorDecl(declLoc, accessorKeywordLoc, accessorKind,
storage, staticLoc, staticSpelling, throws, throwsLoc,
hasImplicitSelfDecl, genericParams, parent);
if (clangNode)
if (hasImplicitSelfDecl)
*D->getImplicitSelfDeclStorage() = nullptr;
return D;
AccessorDecl *
AccessorDecl::createDeserialized(ASTContext &ctx, AccessorKind accessorKind,
AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
StaticSpellingKind staticSpelling,
bool throws, GenericParamList *genericParams,
Type fnRetType, DeclContext *parent) {
assert(fnRetType && "Deserialized result type must not be null");
auto *const D = AccessorDecl::createImpl(
ctx, SourceLoc(), SourceLoc(), accessorKind, storage, SourceLoc(),
staticSpelling, throws, SourceLoc(), genericParams, parent, ClangNode());
return D;
AccessorDecl *AccessorDecl::create(ASTContext &ctx,
SourceLoc declLoc,
SourceLoc accessorKeywordLoc,
AccessorKind accessorKind,
AbstractStorageDecl *storage,
SourceLoc staticLoc,
StaticSpellingKind staticSpelling,
bool throws, SourceLoc throwsLoc,
GenericParamList *genericParams,
ParameterList * bodyParams,
Type fnRetType,
DeclContext *parent,
ClangNode clangNode) {
auto *D = AccessorDecl::createImpl(
ctx, declLoc, accessorKeywordLoc, accessorKind, storage,
staticLoc, staticSpelling, throws, throwsLoc,
genericParams, parent, clangNode);
return D;
bool AccessorDecl::isAssumedNonMutating() const {
switch (getAccessorKind()) {
case AccessorKind::Get:
case AccessorKind::Address:
case AccessorKind::Read:
return true;
case AccessorKind::Set:
case AccessorKind::WillSet:
case AccessorKind::DidSet:
case AccessorKind::MutableAddress:
case AccessorKind::Modify:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
bool AccessorDecl::isExplicitNonMutating() const {
return !isMutating() &&
!isAssumedNonMutating() &&
isInstanceMember() &&
bool AccessorDecl::isSimpleDidSet() const {
auto mutableThis = const_cast<AccessorDecl *>(this);
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
SimpleDidSetRequest{mutableThis}, false);
StaticSpellingKind FuncDecl::getCorrectStaticSpelling() const {
if (!isStatic())
return StaticSpellingKind::None;
if (getStaticSpelling() != StaticSpellingKind::None)
return getStaticSpelling();
return getCorrectStaticSpellingForDecl(this);
Type FuncDecl::getResultInterfaceType() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
auto mutableThis = const_cast<FuncDecl *>(this);
if (auto type = evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
return type;
return ErrorType::get(ctx);
bool FuncDecl::isUnaryOperator() const {
if (!isOperator())
return false;
auto *params = getParameters();
return params->size() == 1 && !params->get(0)->isVariadic();
bool FuncDecl::isBinaryOperator() const {
if (!isOperator())
return false;
auto *params = getParameters();
return params->size() == 2 &&
!params->get(0)->isVariadic() &&
SelfAccessKind FuncDecl::getSelfAccessKind() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SelfAccessKindRequest{const_cast<FuncDecl *>(this)},
bool FuncDecl::isCallAsFunctionMethod() const {
return getBaseIdentifier() == getASTContext().Id_callAsFunction &&
bool FuncDecl::isMainTypeMainMethod() const {
return (getBaseIdentifier() == getASTContext().Id_main) &&
!isInstanceMember() && getResultInterfaceType()->isVoid() &&
getParameters()->size() == 0;
bool FuncDecl::isEnqueuePartialTaskName(ASTContext &ctx, DeclName name) {
if (name.isCompoundName() && name.getBaseName() == ctx.Id_enqueue) {
auto argumentNames = name.getArgumentNames();
return argumentNames.size() == 1 && argumentNames[0] == ctx.Id_partialTask;
return false;
bool FuncDecl::isActorEnqueuePartialTaskWitness() const {
if (!isEnqueuePartialTaskName(getASTContext(), getName()))
return false;
auto classDecl = getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl();
if (!classDecl)
return false;
if (!classDecl->isActor())
return false;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
auto actorProto = ctx.getProtocol(KnownProtocolKind::Actor);
if (!actorProto)
return false;
FuncDecl *requirement = nullptr;
for (auto protoMember : actorProto->getParsedMembers()) {
if (auto protoFunc = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(protoMember)) {
if (isEnqueuePartialTaskName(ctx, protoFunc->getName())) {
requirement = protoFunc;
if (!requirement)
return false;
SmallVector<ProtocolConformance *, 1> conformances;
classDecl->getModuleContext(), actorProto, conformances);
for (auto conformance : conformances) {
auto witness = conformance->getWitnessDecl(requirement);
if (witness == this)
return true;
return false;
ConstructorDecl::ConstructorDecl(DeclName Name, SourceLoc ConstructorLoc,
bool Failable, SourceLoc FailabilityLoc,
bool Throws,
SourceLoc ThrowsLoc,
ParameterList *BodyParams,
GenericParamList *GenericParams,
DeclContext *Parent)
: AbstractFunctionDecl(DeclKind::Constructor, Parent, Name, ConstructorLoc,
/*Async=*/false, SourceLoc(), Throws, ThrowsLoc,
if (BodyParams)
Bits.ConstructorDecl.HasStubImplementation = 0;
Bits.ConstructorDecl.Failable = Failable;
assert(Name.getBaseName() == DeclBaseName::createConstructor());
ConstructorDecl *ConstructorDecl::createImported(
ASTContext &ctx, ClangNode clangNode, DeclName name,
SourceLoc constructorLoc, bool failable, SourceLoc failabilityLoc,
bool throws, SourceLoc throwsLoc, ParameterList *bodyParams,
GenericParamList *genericParams, DeclContext *parent) {
void *declPtr = allocateMemoryForDecl<ConstructorDecl>(
ctx, sizeof(ConstructorDecl), true);
auto ctor = ::new (declPtr)
ConstructorDecl(name, constructorLoc, failable, failabilityLoc, throws,
throwsLoc, bodyParams, genericParams, parent);
return ctor;
bool ConstructorDecl::isObjCZeroParameterWithLongSelector() const {
// The initializer must have a single, non-empty argument name.
if (getName().getArgumentNames().size() != 1 ||
return false;
auto *params = getParameters();
if (params->size() != 1)
return false;
return params->get(0)->getInterfaceType()->isVoid();
DestructorDecl::DestructorDecl(SourceLoc DestructorLoc, DeclContext *Parent)
: AbstractFunctionDecl(DeclKind::Destructor, Parent,
DeclBaseName::createDestructor(), DestructorLoc,
/*Async=*/false, /*AsyncLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
/*Throws=*/false, /*ThrowsLoc=*/SourceLoc(),
SelfDecl(nullptr) {
ObjCSelector DestructorDecl::getObjCSelector() const {
// Deinitializers are always called "dealloc".
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
return ObjCSelector(ctx, 0, ctx.Id_dealloc);
SourceRange FuncDecl::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc StartLoc = getStartLoc();
if (StartLoc.isInvalid())
return SourceRange();
if (getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Unparsed ||
getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Skipped)
return { StartLoc, BodyRange.End };
SourceLoc RBraceLoc = getOriginalBodySourceRange().End;
if (RBraceLoc.isValid()) {
return { StartLoc, RBraceLoc };
if (isa<AccessorDecl>(this))
return StartLoc;
if (getBodyKind() == BodyKind::Synthesize)
return SourceRange();
auto TrailingWhereClauseSourceRange = getGenericTrailingWhereClauseSourceRange();
if (TrailingWhereClauseSourceRange.isValid())
return { StartLoc, TrailingWhereClauseSourceRange.End };
const auto ResultTyEndLoc = getResultTypeSourceRange().End;
if (ResultTyEndLoc.isValid())
return { StartLoc, ResultTyEndLoc };
if (hasThrows())
return { StartLoc, getThrowsLoc() };
if (hasAsync())
return { StartLoc, getAsyncLoc() };
auto LastParamListEndLoc = getParameters()->getSourceRange().End;
if (LastParamListEndLoc.isValid())
return { StartLoc, LastParamListEndLoc };
return StartLoc;
EnumElementDecl::EnumElementDecl(SourceLoc IdentifierLoc, DeclName Name,
ParameterList *Params,
SourceLoc EqualsLoc,
LiteralExpr *RawValueExpr,
DeclContext *DC)
: DeclContext(DeclContextKind::EnumElementDecl, DC),
ValueDecl(DeclKind::EnumElement, DC, Name, IdentifierLoc),
RawValueExpr(RawValueExpr) {
SourceRange EnumElementDecl::getSourceRange() const {
if (RawValueExpr && !RawValueExpr->isImplicit())
return {getStartLoc(), RawValueExpr->getEndLoc()};
if (auto *PL = getParameterList())
return {getStartLoc(), PL->getSourceRange().End};
return {getStartLoc(), getNameLoc()};
Type EnumElementDecl::getArgumentInterfaceType() const {
if (!hasAssociatedValues())
return nullptr;
auto interfaceType = getInterfaceType();
if (interfaceType->is<ErrorType>()) {
return interfaceType;
auto funcTy = interfaceType->castTo<AnyFunctionType>();
funcTy = funcTy->getResult()->castTo<FunctionType>();
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
SmallVector<TupleTypeElt, 4> elements;
for (const auto &param : funcTy->getParams()) {
Type eltType = param.getParameterType(/*canonicalVararg=*/false, &ctx);
elements.emplace_back(eltType, param.getLabel());
return TupleType::get(elements, ctx);
void EnumElementDecl::setParameterList(ParameterList *params) {
Params = params;
if (params)
EnumCaseDecl *EnumElementDecl::getParentCase() const {
for (EnumCaseDecl *EC : getParentEnum()->getAllCases()) {
ArrayRef<EnumElementDecl *> CaseElements = EC->getElements();
if (std::find(CaseElements.begin(), CaseElements.end(), this) !=
CaseElements.end()) {
return EC;
llvm_unreachable("enum element not in case of parent enum");
LiteralExpr *EnumElementDecl::getRawValueExpr() const {
// The return value of this request is irrelevant - it exists as
// a cache-warmer.
EnumRawValuesRequest{getParentEnum(), TypeResolutionStage::Interface},
return RawValueExpr;
LiteralExpr *EnumElementDecl::getStructuralRawValueExpr() const {
// The return value of this request is irrelevant - it exists as
// a cache-warmer.
EnumRawValuesRequest{getParentEnum(), TypeResolutionStage::Structural},
return RawValueExpr;
void EnumElementDecl::setRawValueExpr(LiteralExpr *e) {
assert((!RawValueExpr || e == RawValueExpr || e->getType()) &&
"Illegal mutation of raw value expr");
RawValueExpr = e;
SourceRange ConstructorDecl::getSourceRange() const {
if (isImplicit())
return getConstructorLoc();
SourceLoc End = getOriginalBodySourceRange().End;
if (End.isInvalid())
End = getGenericTrailingWhereClauseSourceRange().End;
if (End.isInvalid())
End = getThrowsLoc();
if (End.isInvalid())
End = getSignatureSourceRange().End;
return { getConstructorLoc(), End };
Type ConstructorDecl::getResultInterfaceType() const {
Type resultTy;
auto *dc = getDeclContext();
if (!dc->isTypeContext())
resultTy = ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
resultTy = dc->getSelfInterfaceType();
// Adjust result type for failability.
if (isFailable())
return OptionalType::get(resultTy);
return resultTy;
Type ConstructorDecl::getInitializerInterfaceType() {
if (InitializerInterfaceType)
return InitializerInterfaceType;
// Lazily calculate initializer type.
auto allocatorTy = getInterfaceType();
if (!allocatorTy->is<AnyFunctionType>()) {
InitializerInterfaceType = ErrorType::get(getASTContext());
return InitializerInterfaceType;
auto funcTy = allocatorTy->castTo<AnyFunctionType>()->getResult();
// Constructors have an initializer type that takes an instance
// instead of a metatype.
auto initSelfParam = computeSelfParam(this, /*isInitializingCtor=*/true);
Type initFuncTy;
if (auto sig = getGenericSignature())
initFuncTy = GenericFunctionType::get(sig, {initSelfParam}, funcTy);
initFuncTy = FunctionType::get({initSelfParam}, funcTy);
InitializerInterfaceType = initFuncTy;
return InitializerInterfaceType;
CtorInitializerKind ConstructorDecl::getInitKind() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
InitKindRequest{const_cast<ConstructorDecl *>(this)},
ConstructorDecl::getDelegatingOrChainedInitKind() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(getASTContext().evaluator,
BodyInitKindRequest{const_cast<ConstructorDecl *>(this)},
assert(hasBody() && "Constructor does not have a definition");
void ConstructorDecl::clearCachedDelegatingOrChainedInitKind() {
BodyInitKindRequest{const_cast<ConstructorDecl *>(this)});
SourceRange DestructorDecl::getSourceRange() const {
SourceLoc End = getOriginalBodySourceRange().End;
if (End.isInvalid()) {
End = getDestructorLoc();
return { getDestructorLoc(), End };
StringRef swift::getAssociativitySpelling(Associativity value) {
switch (value) {
case Associativity::None: return "none";
case Associativity::Left: return "left";
case Associativity::Right: return "right";
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled Associativity in switch.");
PrecedenceGroupDecl *
PrecedenceGroupDecl::create(DeclContext *dc,
SourceLoc precedenceGroupLoc,
SourceLoc nameLoc,
Identifier name,
SourceLoc lbraceLoc,
SourceLoc associativityKeywordLoc,
SourceLoc associativityValueLoc,
Associativity associativity,
SourceLoc assignmentKeywordLoc,
SourceLoc assignmentValueLoc,
bool isAssignment,
SourceLoc higherThanLoc,
ArrayRef<Relation> higherThan,
SourceLoc lowerThanLoc,
ArrayRef<Relation> lowerThan,
SourceLoc rbraceLoc) {
void *memory = dc->getASTContext().Allocate(sizeof(PrecedenceGroupDecl) +
(higherThan.size() + lowerThan.size()) * sizeof(Relation),
return new (memory) PrecedenceGroupDecl(dc, precedenceGroupLoc, nameLoc, name,
lbraceLoc, associativityKeywordLoc,
associativityValueLoc, associativity,
assignmentValueLoc, isAssignment,
higherThanLoc, higherThan,
lowerThanLoc, lowerThan, rbraceLoc);
PrecedenceGroupDecl::PrecedenceGroupDecl(DeclContext *dc,
SourceLoc precedenceGroupLoc,
SourceLoc nameLoc,
Identifier name,
SourceLoc lbraceLoc,
SourceLoc associativityKeywordLoc,
SourceLoc associativityValueLoc,
Associativity associativity,
SourceLoc assignmentKeywordLoc,
SourceLoc assignmentValueLoc,
bool isAssignment,
SourceLoc higherThanLoc,
ArrayRef<Relation> higherThan,
SourceLoc lowerThanLoc,
ArrayRef<Relation> lowerThan,
SourceLoc rbraceLoc)
: Decl(DeclKind::PrecedenceGroup, dc),
PrecedenceGroupLoc(precedenceGroupLoc), NameLoc(nameLoc),
LBraceLoc(lbraceLoc), RBraceLoc(rbraceLoc),
HigherThanLoc(higherThanLoc), LowerThanLoc(lowerThanLoc), Name(name),
NumHigherThan(higherThan.size()), NumLowerThan(lowerThan.size()) {
Bits.PrecedenceGroupDecl.Associativity = unsigned(associativity);
Bits.PrecedenceGroupDecl.IsAssignment = isAssignment;
higherThan.size() * sizeof(Relation));
lowerThan.size() * sizeof(Relation));
PrecedenceGroupDecl *InfixOperatorDecl::getPrecedenceGroup() const {
return evaluateOrDefault(
OperatorPrecedenceGroupRequest{const_cast<InfixOperatorDecl *>(this)},
bool FuncDecl::isDeferBody() const {
return getBaseIdentifier() == getASTContext().getIdentifier("$defer");
bool FuncDecl::isPotentialIBActionTarget() const {
return isInstanceMember() &&
getDeclContext()->getSelfClassDecl() &&
void FuncDecl::setHasTopLevelLocalContextCaptures(bool hasCaptures) {
assert(!hasCaptures || isa<SourceFile>(getDeclContext()));
Bits.FuncDecl.HasTopLevelLocalContextCaptures = hasCaptures;
Type TypeBase::getSwiftNewtypeUnderlyingType() {
auto structDecl = getStructOrBoundGenericStruct();
if (!structDecl)
return {};
// Make sure the clang node has swift_newtype attribute
auto clangNode = structDecl->getClangDecl();
if (!clangNode || !clangNode->hasAttr<clang::SwiftNewtypeAttr>())
return {};
// Underlying type is the type of rawValue
for (auto member : structDecl->getMembers())
if (auto varDecl = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(member))
if (varDecl->getName() == getASTContext().Id_rawValue)
return varDecl->getType();
return {};
bool ClassDecl::hasExplicitCustomActorMethods() const {
auto &ctx = getASTContext();
for (auto member: getMembers()) {
if (member->isImplicit()) continue;
// Methods called enqueue(partialTask:)
if (auto func = dyn_cast<FuncDecl>(member)) {
if (FuncDecl::isEnqueuePartialTaskName(ctx, func->getName()))
return true;
return false;
bool ClassDecl::isRootDefaultActor() const {
if (!isDefaultActor()) return false;
auto superclass = getSuperclassDecl();
return (!superclass || superclass->isNSObject());
bool ClassDecl::isNativeNSObjectSubclass() const {
// Only if we inherit from NSObject.
auto superclass = getSuperclassDecl();
if (!superclass || !superclass->isNSObject())
return false;
// For now, only actors (regardless of whether they're default actors).
// Eventually we should roll this out to more classes, but we have to
// do it with ABI compatibility.
return isActor();
bool ClassDecl::isNSObject() const {
if (!getName().is("NSObject")) return false;
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return (getModuleContext()->getName() == ctx.Id_Foundation ||
getModuleContext()->getName() == ctx.Id_ObjectiveC);
Type ClassDecl::getSuperclass() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SuperclassTypeRequest{const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this),
ClassDecl *ClassDecl::getSuperclassDecl() const {
ASTContext &ctx = getASTContext();
return evaluateOrDefault(ctx.evaluator,
SuperclassDeclRequest{const_cast<ClassDecl *>(this)}, nullptr);
void ClassDecl::setSuperclass(Type superclass) {
assert((!superclass || !superclass->hasArchetype())
&& "superclass must be interface type");
LazySemanticInfo.SuperclassType.setPointerAndInt(superclass, true);
superclass ? superclass->getClassOrBoundGenericClass() : nullptr,
ClangNode Decl::getClangNodeImpl() const {
void * const *ptr = nullptr;
switch (getKind()) {
#define DECL(Id, Parent) \
case DeclKind::Id: \
ptr = reinterpret_cast<void * const*>(static_cast<const Id##Decl*>(this)); \
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
return ClangNode::getFromOpaqueValue(*(ptr - 1));
void Decl::setClangNode(ClangNode Node) {
Bits.Decl.FromClang = true;
// The extra/preface memory is allocated by the importer.
void **ptr = nullptr;
switch (getKind()) {
#define DECL(Id, Parent) \
case DeclKind::Id: \
ptr = reinterpret_cast<void **>(static_cast<Id##Decl*>(this)); \
#include "swift/AST/DeclNodes.def"
*(ptr - 1) = Node.getOpaqueValue();
// See swift/Basic/Statistic.h for declaration: this enables tracing Decls, is
// defined here to avoid too much layering violation / circular linkage
// dependency.
struct DeclTraceFormatter : public UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter {
void traceName(const void *Entity, raw_ostream &OS) const override {
if (!Entity)
const Decl *D = static_cast<const Decl *>(Entity);
if (auto const *VD = dyn_cast<const ValueDecl>(D)) {
VD->getName().print(OS, false);
} else {
OS << "<"
<< Decl::getDescriptiveKindName(D->getDescriptiveKind())
<< ">";
void traceLoc(const void *Entity, SourceManager *SM,
clang::SourceManager *CSM, raw_ostream &OS) const override {
if (!Entity)
const Decl *D = static_cast<const Decl *>(Entity);
D->getSourceRange().print(OS, *SM, false);
static DeclTraceFormatter TF;
const UnifiedStatsReporter::TraceFormatter*
FrontendStatsTracer::getTraceFormatter<const Decl *>() {
return &TF;
TypeOrExtensionDecl::TypeOrExtensionDecl(NominalTypeDecl *D) : Decl(D) {}
TypeOrExtensionDecl::TypeOrExtensionDecl(ExtensionDecl *D) : Decl(D) {}
Decl *TypeOrExtensionDecl::getAsDecl() const {
if (auto NTD = Decl.dyn_cast<NominalTypeDecl *>())
return NTD;
return Decl.get<ExtensionDecl *>();
DeclContext *TypeOrExtensionDecl::getAsDeclContext() const {
return getAsDecl()->getInnermostDeclContext();
NominalTypeDecl *TypeOrExtensionDecl::getBaseNominal() const {
return getAsDeclContext()->getSelfNominalTypeDecl();
bool TypeOrExtensionDecl::isNull() const { return Decl.isNull(); }
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const Decl *decl) {
if (!decl) {
out << "(null)";
if (auto value = dyn_cast<ValueDecl>(decl)) {
simple_display(out, value);
} else if (auto ext = dyn_cast<ExtensionDecl>(decl)) {
out << "extension of ";
if (auto typeRepr = ext->getExtendedTypeRepr())
} else {
out << "(unknown decl)";
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out,
OptionSet<NominalTypeDecl::LookupDirectFlags> opts) {
out << "{ ";
using LookupFlags = NominalTypeDecl::LookupDirectFlags;
if (opts.contains(LookupFlags::IncludeAttrImplements))
out << "IncludeAttrImplements";
out << " }";
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const ValueDecl *decl) {
if (decl) decl->dumpRef(out);
else out << "(null)";
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const GenericParamList *GPL) {
if (GPL) GPL->print(out);
else out << "(null)";
StringRef swift::getAccessorLabel(AccessorKind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case AccessorKind::ID: return #KEYWORD;
#define ACCESSOR(ID)
#include "swift/AST/AccessorKinds.def"
llvm_unreachable("bad accessor kind");
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, AccessorKind kind) {
out << getAccessorLabel(kind);
SourceLoc swift::extractNearestSourceLoc(const Decl *decl) {
auto loc = decl->getLoc();
if (loc.isValid())
return loc;
return extractNearestSourceLoc(decl->getDeclContext());
Optional<BraceStmt *>
ParseAbstractFunctionBodyRequest::getCachedResult() const {
using BodyKind = AbstractFunctionDecl::BodyKind;
auto afd = std::get<0>(getStorage());
switch (afd->getBodyKind()) {
case BodyKind::Deserialized:
case BodyKind::MemberwiseInitializer:
case BodyKind::None:
case BodyKind::Skipped:
return nullptr;
case BodyKind::TypeChecked:
case BodyKind::Parsed:
return afd->Body;
case BodyKind::Synthesize:
case BodyKind::Unparsed:
return None;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled BodyKing in switch");
void ParseAbstractFunctionBodyRequest::cacheResult(BraceStmt *value) const {
using BodyKind = AbstractFunctionDecl::BodyKind;
auto afd = std::get<0>(getStorage());
switch (afd->getBodyKind()) {
case BodyKind::Deserialized:
case BodyKind::MemberwiseInitializer:
case BodyKind::None:
case BodyKind::Skipped:
// The body is always empty, so don't cache anything.
assert(value == nullptr);
case BodyKind::Parsed:
case BodyKind::TypeChecked:
afd->Body = value;
case BodyKind::Synthesize:
case BodyKind::Unparsed:
llvm_unreachable("evaluate() did not set the body kind");
void swift::simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, AnyFunctionRef fn) {
if (auto func = fn.getAbstractFunctionDecl())
simple_display(out, func);
out << "closure";