blob: 95945b3c0cb61851aa10b89a019cc84b64a026d4 [file] [log] [blame]
//===- SILFunctionConventions.h - Defines SIL func. conventions -*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// This file defines the SILModuleConventions and SILFunctionConventions
/// classes. These interfaces are used to determine when SIL can represent
/// values of a given lowered type by value and when they must be represented by
/// address. This is influenced by a SILModule-wide "lowered address" convention,
/// which reflects whether the current SIL stage requires lowered addresses.
/// The primary purpose of this API is mapping the formal SIL parameter and
/// result conventions onto the SIL argument types. The "formal" conventions are
/// immutably associated with a SILFunctionType--a SIL function's type
/// information never changes. The SIL conventions determine how those formal
/// conventions will be represented in the body of SIL functions and at call
/// sites.
#include "swift/AST/Types.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgumentConvention.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILType.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
namespace swift {
template<bool _, template<typename...> class T, typename...Args>
struct delay_template_expansion {
using type = T<Args...>;
/// Transient wrapper for SILParameterInfo and SILResultInfo conventions. This
/// abstraction helps handle the transition from canonical SIL conventions to
/// lowered SIL conventions.
class SILModuleConventions {
friend SILParameterInfo;
friend SILResultInfo;
friend SILFunctionConventions;
static bool isIndirectSILParam(SILParameterInfo param,
bool loweredAddresses);
static bool isIndirectSILYield(SILYieldInfo yield,
bool loweredAddresses);
static bool isIndirectSILResult(SILResultInfo result,
bool loweredAddresses);
static SILType getSILParamInterfaceType(
SILParameterInfo yield,
bool loweredAddresses);
static SILType getSILYieldInterfaceType(
SILYieldInfo yield,
bool loweredAddresses);
static SILType getSILResultInterfaceType(
SILResultInfo param,
bool loweredAddresses);
static bool isPassedIndirectlyInSIL(SILType type, SILModule &M);
static bool isReturnedIndirectlyInSIL(SILType type, SILModule &M);
static SILModuleConventions getLoweredAddressConventions(SILModule &M) {
return SILModuleConventions(M, true);
SILModule *M;
bool loweredAddresses;
SILModuleConventions(SILModule &M, bool loweredAddresses)
: M(&M), loweredAddresses(loweredAddresses)
SILModuleConventions(SILModule &M);
SILFunctionConventions getFunctionConventions(CanSILFunctionType funcTy);
SILModule &getModule() const { return *M; }
bool useLoweredAddresses() const { return loweredAddresses; }
bool isSILIndirect(SILParameterInfo param) const {
return isIndirectSILParam(param, loweredAddresses);
bool isSILIndirect(SILYieldInfo yield) const {
return isIndirectSILYield(yield, loweredAddresses);
bool isSILIndirect(SILResultInfo result) const {
return isIndirectSILResult(result, loweredAddresses);
SILType getSILType(SILParameterInfo param, CanSILFunctionType funcTy,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
auto interfaceTy = getSILParamInterfaceType(param, loweredAddresses);
// TODO: Always require a function type
if (funcTy)
return funcTy->substInterfaceType(*M, interfaceTy, context);
return interfaceTy;
SILType getSILType(SILYieldInfo yield, CanSILFunctionType funcTy,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
auto interfaceTy = getSILYieldInterfaceType(yield, loweredAddresses);
// TODO: Always require a function type
if (funcTy)
return funcTy->substInterfaceType(*M, interfaceTy, context);
return interfaceTy;
SILType getSILType(SILResultInfo result, CanSILFunctionType funcTy,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
auto interfaceTy = getSILResultInterfaceType(result, loweredAddresses);
// TODO: Always require a function type
if (funcTy)
return funcTy->substInterfaceType(*M, interfaceTy, context);
return interfaceTy;
/// Transient wrapper for SIL-level argument conventions. This abstraction helps
/// handle the transition from canonical SIL conventions to lowered SIL
/// conventions.
class SILFunctionConventions {
SILModuleConventions silConv;
CanSILFunctionType funcTy;
SILFunctionConventions(CanSILFunctionType funcTy, SILModule &M)
: silConv(M), funcTy(funcTy) {}
SILFunctionConventions(CanSILFunctionType funcTy,
SILModuleConventions silConv)
: silConv(silConv), funcTy(funcTy) {}
// SILModuleConventions API for convenience.
bool useLoweredAddresses() const { return silConv.useLoweredAddresses(); }
bool isSILIndirect(SILParameterInfo param) const {
return silConv.isSILIndirect(param);
bool isSILIndirect(SILYieldInfo yield) const {
return silConv.isSILIndirect(yield);
bool isSILIndirect(SILResultInfo result) const {
return silConv.isSILIndirect(result);
SILType getSILType(SILParameterInfo param,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return silConv.getSILType(param, funcTy, context);
SILType getSILType(SILYieldInfo yield, TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return silConv.getSILType(yield, funcTy, context);
SILType getSILType(SILResultInfo result, TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return silConv.getSILType(result, funcTy, context);
// SIL results.
/// Get the normal result type of an apply that calls this function.
/// This does not include indirect SIL results.
SILType getSILResultType(TypeExpansionContext context) {
if (silConv.loweredAddresses)
return funcTy->getDirectFormalResultsType(silConv.getModule(), context);
return funcTy->getAllResultsSubstType(silConv.getModule(), context);
/// Get the SIL type for the single result which may be direct or indirect.
SILType getSingleSILResultType(TypeExpansionContext context) {
return getSILType(funcTy->getSingleResult(), context);
/// Get the error result type.
SILType getSILErrorType(TypeExpansionContext context) {
return getSILType(funcTy->getErrorResult(), context);
/// Returns an array of result info.
/// Provides convenient access to the underlying SILFunctionType.
ArrayRef<SILResultInfo> getResults() const {
return funcTy->getResults();
/// Get the number of SIL results passed as address-typed arguments.
unsigned getNumIndirectSILResults() const {
return silConv.loweredAddresses ? funcTy->getNumIndirectFormalResults() : 0;
/// Are any SIL results passed as address-typed arguments?
bool hasIndirectSILResults() const { return getNumIndirectSILResults() != 0; }
using IndirectSILResultIter = SILFunctionType::IndirectFormalResultIter;
using IndirectSILResultRange = SILFunctionType::IndirectFormalResultRange;
/// Return a range of indirect result information for results passed as
/// address-typed SIL arguments.
IndirectSILResultRange getIndirectSILResults() const {
if (silConv.loweredAddresses)
return funcTy->getIndirectFormalResults();
return llvm::make_filter_range(
llvm::make_range((const SILResultInfo *)0, (const SILResultInfo *)0),
struct SILResultTypeFunc;
// Gratuitous template parameter is to delay instantiating `mapped_iterator`
// on the incomplete type SILParameterTypeFunc.
template<bool _ = false>
using IndirectSILResultTypeIter = typename delay_template_expansion<_,
llvm::mapped_iterator, IndirectSILResultIter, SILResultTypeFunc>::type;
template<bool _ = false>
using IndirectSILResultTypeRange = iterator_range<IndirectSILResultTypeIter<_>>;
/// Return a range of SILTypes for each result passed as an address-typed SIL
/// argument.
template <bool _ = false>
getIndirectSILResultTypes(TypeExpansionContext context) const;
/// Get the number of SIL results directly returned by SIL value.
unsigned getNumDirectSILResults() const {
return silConv.loweredAddresses ? funcTy->getNumDirectFormalResults()
: funcTy->getNumResults();
struct DirectSILResultFilter {
bool loweredAddresses;
DirectSILResultFilter(bool loweredAddresses)
: loweredAddresses(loweredAddresses) {}
bool operator()(SILResultInfo result) const {
return !(loweredAddresses && result.isFormalIndirect());
using DirectSILResultIter =
llvm::filter_iterator<const SILResultInfo *, DirectSILResultFilter>;
using DirectSILResultRange = iterator_range<DirectSILResultIter>;
/// Return a range of direct result information for results directly returned
/// by SIL value.
DirectSILResultRange getDirectSILResults() const {
return llvm::make_filter_range(
funcTy->getResults(), DirectSILResultFilter(silConv.loweredAddresses));
template<bool _ = false>
using DirectSILResultTypeIter = typename delay_template_expansion<_,
llvm::mapped_iterator, DirectSILResultIter, SILResultTypeFunc>::type;
template<bool _ = false>
using DirectSILResultTypeRange = iterator_range<DirectSILResultTypeIter<_>>;
/// Return a range of SILTypes for each result directly returned
/// by SIL value.
template <bool _ = false>
getDirectSILResultTypes(TypeExpansionContext context) const;
// SIL parameters types.
/// Returns the number of function parameters, not including any formally
/// indirect results. Provides convenient access to the underlying
/// SILFunctionType.
unsigned getNumParameters() const { return funcTy->getNumParameters(); }
/// Returns an array of parameter info, not including indirect
/// results. Provides convenient access to the underlying SILFunctionType.
ArrayRef<SILParameterInfo> getParameters() const {
return funcTy->getParameters();
struct SILParameterTypeFunc;
// Gratuitous template parameter is to delay instantiating `mapped_iterator`
// on the incomplete type SILParameterTypeFunc.
template<bool _ = false>
using SILParameterTypeIter = typename
delay_template_expansion<_, llvm::mapped_iterator,
const SILParameterInfo *, SILParameterTypeFunc>::type;
template<bool _ = false>
using SILParameterTypeRange = iterator_range<SILParameterTypeIter<_>>;
/// Return a range of SILTypes for each function parameter, not including
/// indirect results.
template <bool _ = false>
getParameterSILTypes(TypeExpansionContext context) const;
// SIL yield types.
unsigned getNumYields() const { return funcTy->getNumYields(); }
ArrayRef<SILYieldInfo> getYields() const {
return funcTy->getYields();
template<bool _ = false>
using SILYieldTypeIter = typename
delay_template_expansion<_, llvm::mapped_iterator,
const SILYieldInfo *, SILParameterTypeFunc>::type;
template<bool _ = false>
using SILYieldTypeRange = iterator_range<SILYieldTypeIter<_>>;
template<bool _ = false>
SILYieldTypeRange<_> getYieldSILTypes(TypeExpansionContext context) const;
SILYieldInfo getYieldInfoForOperandIndex(unsigned opIndex) const {
return getYields()[opIndex];
// SILArgument API, including indirect results and parameters.
// The argument indices below relate to full applies in which the caller and
// callee indices match. Partial apply indices are shifted on the caller
// side. See ApplySite::getCalleeArgIndexOfFirstAppliedArg().
unsigned getSILArgIndexOfFirstIndirectResult() const { return 0; }
unsigned getSILArgIndexOfFirstParam() const {
return getNumIndirectSILResults();
/// Get the index into formal indirect results corresponding to the given SIL
/// indirect result argument index.
unsigned getIndirectFormalResultIndexForSILArg(unsigned argIdx) const {
assert(argIdx <= getNumIndirectSILResults());
unsigned curArgIdx = 0;
unsigned formalIdx = 0;
for (auto formalResult : funcTy->getIndirectFormalResults()) {
if (isSILIndirect(formalResult)) {
if (curArgIdx == argIdx)
return formalIdx;
llvm_unreachable("missing indirect formal result for SIL argument.");
/// Get the total number of arguments for a full apply in SIL of
/// this function type. This is also the total number of SILArguments
/// in the entry block.
unsigned getNumSILArguments() const {
return getNumIndirectSILResults() + funcTy->getNumParameters();
SILParameterInfo getParamInfoForSILArg(unsigned index) const {
assert(index >= getNumIndirectSILResults()
&& index <= getNumSILArguments());
return funcTy->getParameters()[index - getNumIndirectSILResults()];
/// Return the SIL argument convention of apply/entry argument at
/// the given argument index.
SILArgumentConvention getSILArgumentConvention(unsigned index) const;
// See SILArgument.h.
/// Return the SIL type of the apply/entry argument at the given index.
SILType getSILArgumentType(unsigned index,
TypeExpansionContext context) const;
/// Returns true if this function does not return to the caller.
bool isNoReturn(TypeExpansionContext context) const;
struct SILFunctionConventions::SILResultTypeFunc {
SILFunctionConventions silConv;
TypeExpansionContext context;
SILResultTypeFunc(const SILFunctionConventions &silConv,
TypeExpansionContext context)
: silConv(silConv), context(context) {}
SILType operator()(SILResultInfo result) const {
return silConv.getSILType(result, context);
template <bool _>
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return llvm::map_range(getIndirectSILResults(),
SILResultTypeFunc(*this, context));
template <bool _>
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return llvm::map_range(getDirectSILResults(),
SILResultTypeFunc(*this, context));
struct SILFunctionConventions::SILParameterTypeFunc {
SILFunctionConventions silConv;
TypeExpansionContext context;
SILParameterTypeFunc(const SILFunctionConventions &silConv,
TypeExpansionContext context)
: silConv(silConv), context(context) {}
SILType operator()(SILParameterInfo param) const {
return silConv.getSILType(param, context);
template <bool _>
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return llvm::map_range(funcTy->getParameters(),
SILParameterTypeFunc(*this, context));
template <bool _>
SILFunctionConventions::getYieldSILTypes(TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return llvm::map_range(funcTy->getYields(),
SILParameterTypeFunc(*this, context));
inline SILType
SILFunctionConventions::getSILArgumentType(unsigned index,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
assert(index <= getNumSILArguments());
if (index < getNumIndirectSILResults()) {
return *std::next(getIndirectSILResultTypes(context).begin(), index);
return getSILType(
funcTy->getParameters()[index - getNumIndirectSILResults()], context);
inline bool
SILFunctionConventions::isNoReturn(TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return funcTy->isNoReturnFunction(silConv.getModule(), context);
inline SILFunctionConventions
SILModuleConventions::getFunctionConventions(CanSILFunctionType funcTy) {
return SILFunctionConventions(funcTy, *this);
inline bool SILModuleConventions::isIndirectSILParam(SILParameterInfo param,
bool loweredAddresses) {
switch (param.getConvention()) {
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Unowned:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Guaranteed:
case ParameterConvention::Direct_Owned:
return false;
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Constant:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_In_Guaranteed:
return (loweredAddresses ||
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_Inout:
case ParameterConvention::Indirect_InoutAliasable:
return true;
llvm_unreachable("covered switch isn't covered?!");
inline bool SILModuleConventions::isIndirectSILYield(SILYieldInfo yield,
bool loweredAddresses) {
return isIndirectSILParam(yield, loweredAddresses);
inline bool SILModuleConventions::isIndirectSILResult(SILResultInfo result,
bool loweredAddresses) {
switch (result.getConvention()) {
case ResultConvention::Indirect:
return (loweredAddresses ||
case ResultConvention::Owned:
case ResultConvention::Unowned:
case ResultConvention::UnownedInnerPointer:
case ResultConvention::Autoreleased:
return false;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled ResultConvention in switch.");
inline SILType SILModuleConventions::getSILParamInterfaceType(
SILParameterInfo param,
bool loweredAddresses) {
return SILModuleConventions::isIndirectSILParam(param,loweredAddresses)
? SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(param.getInterfaceType())
: SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(param.getInterfaceType());
inline SILType SILModuleConventions::getSILYieldInterfaceType(
SILYieldInfo yield,
bool loweredAddresses) {
return getSILParamInterfaceType(yield, loweredAddresses);
inline SILType SILModuleConventions::getSILResultInterfaceType(
SILResultInfo result,
bool loweredAddresses) {
return SILModuleConventions::isIndirectSILResult(result, loweredAddresses)
? SILType::getPrimitiveAddressType(result.getInterfaceType())
: SILType::getPrimitiveObjectType(result.getInterfaceType());
inline SILType
SILParameterInfo::getSILStorageInterfaceType() const {
return SILModuleConventions::getSILParamInterfaceType(*this, true);
inline SILType
SILResultInfo::getSILStorageInterfaceType() const {
return SILModuleConventions::getSILResultInterfaceType(*this, true);
inline SILType
SILParameterInfo::getSILStorageType(SILModule &M,
const SILFunctionType *funcTy,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return funcTy->substInterfaceType(M, getSILStorageInterfaceType(),
inline SILType
SILResultInfo::getSILStorageType(SILModule &M, const SILFunctionType *funcTy,
TypeExpansionContext context) const {
return funcTy->substInterfaceType(M, getSILStorageInterfaceType(),
} // end swift namespace