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//===--- PatternMatch.h - SIL Pattern Matching Infrastructure ---*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file provides a simple and efficient mechanism for performing general
// tree-based pattern matches on SIL. The power of these routines is that it
// allows you to write concise patterns that are expressive and easy to
// understand. The other major advantage of this is that it allows you to
// trivially capture/bind elements in the pattern to variables.
#include "swift/SIL/SILArgument.h"
#include "swift/SIL/SILUndef.h"
namespace swift {
class SILInstruction;
namespace PatternMatch {
// Basic Matching Infrastructure
/// Applies the given pattern to V.
template<typename Val, typename Pattern>
bool match(Val *V, const Pattern &P) {
return const_cast<Pattern &>(P).match(V);
/// Explicit template instantiation for SILValue so we can access the value
/// inside.
template<typename Pattern>
bool match(SILValue V, const Pattern &P) {
return const_cast<Pattern &>(P).match(&*V);
template<typename SubPatternTy>
struct OneUse_match {
SubPatternTy SubPattern;
OneUse_match(const SubPatternTy &SP) : SubPattern(SP) {}
template<typename OpTy>
bool match(OpTy *V) {
return V->hasOneUse() && SubPattern.match(V);
/// Match if the input has one use and satisfies the given subpattern.
template<typename SubPatternTy>
inline OneUse_match<SubPatternTy> m_OneUse(const SubPatternTy &SubPattern) {
return SubPattern;
template<typename Class>
struct class_match {
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) { return isa<Class>(V); }
bool match(SILValue v) { return isa<Class>(&*v); }
template<typename Class>
struct bind_ty {
Class *&VR;
bind_ty(Class *&V) : VR(V) {}
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
if (auto *CV = dyn_cast<Class>(V)) {
VR = CV;
return true;
return false;
bool match(SILValue v) { return match(&*v); }
// Matching Combinators
template<typename LTy, typename RTy>
struct match_combine_or {
LTy L;
RTy R;
match_combine_or(const LTy &Left, const RTy &Right) : L(Left), R(Right) { }
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
if (L.match(V))
return true;
if (R.match(V))
return true;
return false;
bool match(SILValue v) { return match(&*v); }
template<typename LTy, typename RTy>
struct match_combine_and {
LTy L;
RTy R;
match_combine_and(const LTy &Left, const RTy &Right) : L(Left), R(Right) { }
bool match(SILValue v) { return match(&*v); }
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
if (L.match(V))
if (R.match(V))
return true;
return false;
/// Combine two pattern matchers matching L || R
template<typename LTy, typename RTy>
inline match_combine_or<LTy, RTy> m_CombineOr(const LTy &L, const RTy &R) {
return match_combine_or<LTy, RTy>(L, R);
/// Combine two pattern matchers matching L && R
template<typename LTy, typename RTy>
inline match_combine_and<LTy, RTy> m_CombineAnd(const LTy &L, const RTy &R) {
return match_combine_and<LTy, RTy>(L, R);
/// Helper class to track the return type of vararg m_CombineOr matcher.
template <typename ...Arguments>
struct OneOf_match;
template <typename T0>
struct OneOf_match<T0> {
using Ty = T0;
template <typename T0, typename T1>
struct OneOf_match<T0, T1> {
using Ty = match_combine_or<T0, T1>;
template <typename T0, typename T1, typename ...Arguments>
struct OneOf_match<T0, T1, Arguments ...> {
using Ty = typename OneOf_match<match_combine_or<T0, T1>, Arguments...>::Ty;
/// This is a vararg version of m_CombineOr. It is a boolean "or" of
/// matchers provided as its parameters.
template<typename LTy, typename RTy, typename ...RTys>
inline typename OneOf_match<LTy, RTy, RTys...>::Ty
m_CombineOr(const LTy &L, const RTy &R, const RTys &...Args) {
return m_CombineOr(m_CombineOr(L, R), Args...);
/// boolean or operator for combining matchers using
/// a conventional || syntax.
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
inline typename OneOf_match<match_combine_and<T1, T2>,
match_combine_and<T3, T4>>::Ty
operator || (const match_combine_and<T1, T2> &Op1,
const match_combine_and<T3, T4> &Op2) {
return m_CombineOr(Op1, Op2);
template<typename T1, typename T2, typename T3, typename T4>
inline typename OneOf_match<match_combine_or<T1, T2>,
match_combine_and<T3, T4>>::Ty
operator || (const match_combine_or<T1, T2> &Op1,
const match_combine_and<T3, T4> &Op2) {
return m_CombineOr(Op1, Op2);
// Base Matchers
/// Match an arbitrary ValueBase, and if the match was successful do not
/// capture.
inline class_match<ValueBase> m_ValueBase() {
return class_match<ValueBase>();
/// Match an arbitrary ValueBase, capturing the ValueBase if the match succeeds.
inline bind_ty<ValueBase> m_ValueBase(ValueBase *&V) {
return V;
struct silvalue_bind {
SILValue &Value;
silvalue_bind(SILValue &V) : Value(V) { }
template <typename ITy>
bool match(ITy V) {
return false;
bool match(SILValue V) {
Value = V;
return true;
/// Match an arbitrary SILValue, capturing the SILValue if the match succeeds.
inline silvalue_bind m_SILValue(SILValue &V) {
return V;
struct specificval_ty {
const ValueBase *Val;
specificval_ty(const ValueBase *V) : Val(V) {}
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
return V == Val;
/// Return a matcher which only matches on inputs that satisfy pointer equality
/// with V.
inline specificval_ty m_Specific(const ValueBase *V) { return V; }
/// Define class_match and bind_ty matchers for all VALUE SILNodes.
/// class_match matchers match arbitrary Class * and do not capture on success.
/// bind_ty matchers match arbitrary Class * and do capture on success.
#define VALUE(Class, Parent) \
inline class_match<Class> m_##Class() { return class_match<Class>(); } \
inline bind_ty<Class> m_##Class(Class *&V) { return V; }
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
static inline APInt extendAPInt(const APInt &A, unsigned bitWidth,
bool isSigned) {
if (isSigned)
return A.sext(bitWidth);
return A.zext(bitWidth);
static inline bool isSameAPIntValue(const APInt &I1, const APInt &I2,
bool isSigned) {
if (I1.getBitWidth() == I2.getBitWidth())
return I1 == I2;
if (I1.getBitWidth() > I2.getBitWidth())
return I1 == extendAPInt(I2, I1.getBitWidth(), isSigned);
return extendAPInt(I1, I2.getBitWidth(), isSigned) == I2;
// Builtin Integer Matcher
struct specificintegerliteral_ty {
APInt Value;
bool isSigned;
specificintegerliteral_ty(APInt V, bool S) : Value(V), isSigned(S) {}
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
auto *Literal = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(V);
if (!Literal)
return false;
// This should eventually be refactored into APInt::isSameValue by giving it
// a signed flag.
return isSameAPIntValue(Value, Literal->getValue(), isSigned);
static inline specificintegerliteral_ty
m_SpecificIntegerLiteral(APInt V, bool isSigned) {
return {V, isSigned};
template <uint64_t value>
struct match_integer {
template<typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
auto *Literal = dyn_cast<IntegerLiteralInst>(V);
if (!Literal)
return false;
return Literal->getValue() == value;
using m_Zero = match_integer<0>;
using m_One = match_integer<1>;
// Instruction Operand Matchers
namespace detail {
struct GetOperandsFunctor {
template <size_t... Idx>
std::array<SILValue, sizeof...(Idx)>
operator()(SILInstruction *i, std::index_sequence<Idx...> seq) const {
return {i->getOperand(Idx)...};
template <typename... MatcherTys> struct MatcherFunctor {
std::tuple<MatcherTys...> matchers;
MatcherFunctor(const MatcherTys &... matchers) : matchers(matchers...) {}
template <typename MatcherTy> bool individual(MatcherTy matcher, SILValue v) {
return matcher.match(v);
template <size_t... Idx>
std::array<bool, sizeof...(MatcherTys)>
matchHelper(const std::array<SILValue, sizeof...(MatcherTys)> &operands,
std::index_sequence<Idx...> seq) {
return {individual(std::get<Idx>(matchers), std::get<Idx>(operands))...};
bool match(SILInstruction *i) {
std::array<SILValue, sizeof...(MatcherTys)> operands =
GetOperandsFunctor{}(i, std::index_sequence_for<MatcherTys...>{});
auto tmpResult =
matchHelper(operands, std::index_sequence_for<MatcherTys...>{});
for (unsigned i : indices(tmpResult)) {
if (!tmpResult[i])
return false;
return true;
} // namespace detail
// NOTE: These matchers only can accept compound, non-fundamental
// types. This prevents by mistake passing in int, float, etc to these
// matchers.
template <SILInstructionKind Kind, typename... MatcherTys>
struct InstructionOperand_match {
// This just makes sure that we catch common mistakes passing
// fundamental types (i.e. int, float, etc) to this API.
"Expected all matcher tys to be non-fundamental compound types?!");
detail::MatcherFunctor<MatcherTys...> matcherFunctor;
static constexpr unsigned NumMatchers = sizeof...(MatcherTys);
// Only allow for these to be constructed from non-fundamental types.
InstructionOperand_match(const MatcherTys &... matchers)
: matcherFunctor(matchers...) {}
bool match(SILNode *node) {
if (node->getKind() != SILNodeKind(Kind))
return false;
return match(cast<SILInstruction>(node));
bool match(SILInstruction *i) {
if (i->getKind() != Kind || !(i->getNumOperands() <= NumMatchers))
return false;
return matcherFunctor.match(i);
template <typename... MatcherTys> \
InstructionOperand_match<SILInstructionKind::ID, MatcherTys...> m_##ID( \
const MatcherTys &... matchers) { \
return {matchers...}; \
#include "swift/SIL/SILNodes.def"
// Address/Struct Projections
/// Match either a tuple_extract that the index field from a tuple or the
/// indexth destructure_tuple result.
template <typename LTy> struct tupleextractoperation_ty {
LTy L;
unsigned index;
tupleextractoperation_ty(const LTy &Left, unsigned i) : L(Left), index(i) {}
bool match(SILValue v) {
auto *inst = v->getDefiningInstruction();
if (!inst)
return false;
return match(inst);
template <typename ITy> bool match(ITy *V) {
if (auto *TEI = dyn_cast<TupleExtractInst>(V)) {
return TEI->getFieldIndex() == index &&
L.match((ValueBase *)TEI->getOperand());
if (auto *DTR = dyn_cast<DestructureTupleResult>(V)) {
return DTR->getIndex() == index &&
L.match((ValueBase *)DTR->getParent()->getOperand());
return false;
template <typename LTy>
tupleextractoperation_ty<LTy> m_TupleExtractOperation(const LTy &Left,
unsigned Index) {
return tupleextractoperation_ty<LTy>(Left, Index);
// Function/Builtin/Intrinsic Application Matchers
// Callee matcher.
template <typename CalleeTy>
struct Callee_match;
struct Callee_match<SILFunction &> {
const SILFunction &Fun;
Callee_match(const SILFunction &F) : Fun(F) {}
template <typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
auto *AI = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(V);
if (!AI)
return false;
return AI->getReferencedFunctionOrNull() == &Fun;
struct Callee_match<BuiltinValueKind> {
BuiltinValueKind Kind;
Callee_match(BuiltinValueKind K) : Kind(K) { }
template <typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(V);
if (!BI)
return false;
return BI->getBuiltinInfo().ID == Kind;
struct Callee_match<llvm::Intrinsic::ID> {
llvm::Intrinsic::ID IntrinsicID;
Callee_match(const llvm::Intrinsic::ID ID) : IntrinsicID(ID) { }
template <typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
auto *BI = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(V);
if (!BI)
return false;
return BI->getIntrinsicInfo().ID == IntrinsicID;
/// Match a callee argument.
/// We use explicit specialization of Callee_match to handle SILFunctions,
/// Builtins, and Intrinsics all with this one function.
template<typename CalleeTy>
inline Callee_match<CalleeTy> m_Callee(CalleeTy Callee) {
return Callee;
// Argument matcher
template <typename SubPatternTy>
struct Argument_match {
unsigned OpI;
SubPatternTy Val;
Argument_match(unsigned OpIdx, const SubPatternTy &V) : OpI(OpIdx), Val(V) { }
template <typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
if (auto *Apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(V)) {
return Val.match((ValueBase *)Apply->getArgument(OpI));
if (auto *Builtin = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(V)) {
return Val.match((ValueBase *)Builtin->getArguments()[OpI]);
return false;
// Explicit specialization for silvalue.
template <>
struct Argument_match<silvalue_bind> {
unsigned OpI;
silvalue_bind Val;
Argument_match(unsigned OpIdx, const silvalue_bind &V) : OpI(OpIdx), Val(V) { }
template <typename ITy>
bool match(ITy *V) {
if (auto *Apply = dyn_cast<ApplyInst>(V)) {
return Val.match(Apply->getArgument(OpI));
if (auto *Builtin = dyn_cast<BuiltinInst>(V)) {
return Val.match(Builtin->getArguments()[OpI]);
return false;
/// Match the Ith argument with SubPatternTy.
template<unsigned OpI, typename SubPatternTy>
inline Argument_match<SubPatternTy> m_Argument(const SubPatternTy &Op) {
return Argument_match<SubPatternTy>(OpI, Op);
// ApplyInst
// ApplyInst matchers are a boolean and of a Callee_matcher and a list of
// argument matchers.
template <typename CalleeTy, typename ...Arguments>
struct Apply_match;
template <typename CalleeTy>
struct Apply_match<CalleeTy> {
using Ty = Callee_match<CalleeTy>;
template <typename CalleeTy, typename T0>
struct Apply_match<CalleeTy, T0> {
using Ty = match_combine_and<Callee_match<CalleeTy>, Argument_match<T0>>;
template <typename CalleeTy, typename T0, typename ...Arguments>
struct Apply_match<CalleeTy, T0, Arguments ...> {
using Ty = match_combine_and<typename Apply_match<CalleeTy, Arguments...>::Ty,
/// Match only an ApplyInst's Callee.
template <typename CalleeTy>
inline typename Apply_match<CalleeTy>::Ty
m_ApplyInst(CalleeTy Callee) {
return Callee;
/// Match an ApplyInst's Callee and first argument.
template <unsigned Index=0, typename CalleeTy, typename T0>
inline typename Apply_match<CalleeTy, T0>::Ty
m_ApplyInst(CalleeTy Callee, const T0 &Op0) {
return m_CombineAnd(m_Callee(Callee), m_Argument<Index>(Op0));
/// Match an ApplyInst's Callee and up to the ApplyInsts Nth argument, where N
/// is sizeof...(Arguments) + 1.
template <unsigned Index=0, typename CalleeTy, typename T0,
typename ...Arguments>
inline typename Apply_match<CalleeTy, T0, Arguments ...>::Ty
m_ApplyInst(CalleeTy Callee, const T0 &Op0, const Arguments &...Args) {
return m_CombineAnd(m_ApplyInst<Index+1>(Callee, Args...),
/// Match only a BuiltinInst's callee.
inline typename Apply_match<BuiltinValueKind>::Ty
m_BuiltinInst(BuiltinValueKind Callee) {
return Callee;
/// Match a BuiltinInst's Callee and first argument.
template <unsigned Index=0, typename T0>
inline typename Apply_match<BuiltinValueKind, T0>::Ty
m_BuiltinInst(BuiltinValueKind Callee, const T0 &Op0) {
return m_CombineAnd(m_Callee(Callee), m_Argument<Index>(Op0));
/// Match an ApplyInst's Callee and up to the ApplyInsts Nth argument, where N
/// is sizeof...(Arguments) + 1.
template <unsigned Index=0, typename T0,
typename ...Arguments>
inline typename Apply_match<BuiltinValueKind, T0, Arguments ...>::Ty
m_BuiltinInst(BuiltinValueKind Callee, const T0 &Op0, const Arguments &...Args) {
return m_CombineAnd(m_BuiltinInst<Index+1>(Callee, Args...),
// Builtin Instructions
/// Return type of builtin instruction matchers.
template <typename ...Tys>
using BuiltinApplyTy = typename Apply_match<BuiltinValueKind, Tys...>::Ty;
/// XMacro for generating a matcher for unary builtin instructions that can
/// apply further matchers to the operands of the builtin operation.
template <typename Ty> \
BuiltinApplyTy<Ty> \
m_##PatternName(const Ty &T) { \
return m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::Kind, T); \
/// XMacro for generating a matcher for binary builtin instructions that can
/// apply further matchers to the operands of the builtin operation.
template <typename Ty1, typename Ty2> \
BuiltinApplyTy<Ty1, Ty2> \
m_##PatternName(const Ty1 &T1, const Ty2 &T2) { \
return m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::Kind, T1, T2); \
/// XMacro for generating a matcher for varargs builtin instructions that can
/// apply further matchers to the operands of the builtin operation.
template <typename ...Tys> \
BuiltinApplyTy<Tys...> \
m_##PatternName(const Tys& ...Args) { \
return m_ApplyInst(BuiltinValueKind::Kind, Args...); \
#define BUILTIN_CAST_OPERATION(Id, Name, Attrs) BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs) \
#define BUILTIN_BINARY_OPERATION_ALL(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
#define BUILTIN_BINARY_PREDICATE(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
#define BUILTIN_MISC_OPERATION(Id, Name, Attrs, Overload) \
#define BUILTIN(Id, Name, Attrs)
// Define matchers for most of builtin instructions.
#include "swift/AST/Builtins.def"
#undef BUILTIN
// Convenience compound builtin instructions matchers that succeed
// if any of the sub-matchers succeed.
/// Matcher for any of the builtin ExtOrBitCast instructions.
template <typename T0>
inline typename OneOf_match<BuiltinApplyTy<T0>, BuiltinApplyTy<T0>>::Ty
m_ExtOrBitCast(const T0 &Op0) {
return m_ZExtOrBitCast(Op0) || m_SExtOrBitCast(Op0);
/// Matcher for any of the builtin [SZ]Ext instructions.
template <typename T0>
inline typename OneOf_match<BuiltinApplyTy<T0>, BuiltinApplyTy<T0>>::Ty
m_Ext(const T0 &Op0) {
return m_ZExt(Op0) || m_SExt(Op0);
/// Matcher for any of the builtin CheckedTrunc instructions.
template <typename T0>
inline typename OneOf_match<BuiltinApplyTy<T0>, BuiltinApplyTy<T0>,
BuiltinApplyTy<T0>, BuiltinApplyTy<T0>>::Ty
m_CheckedTrunc(const T0 &Op0) {
return m_UToSCheckedTrunc(Op0) || m_SToUCheckedTrunc(Op0) ||
m_UToUCheckedTrunc(Op0) || m_SToSCheckedTrunc(Op0);
} // end namespace PatternMatch
} // end namespace swift