blob: 223bfcf0b9d523c7be87aa3f46fc6abfa0110c18 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------------------------------ SourceComparator.h -----------*- C++-*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// Declares the code needed to essentially "diff" the previously-compiled and
// possibly-about-to-be-compiled versions of a source file.
// Unlike Unix diff, it can go down to the granularity of characters within a
// line.
#include "swift/AST/IncrementalRanges.h"
#include "llvm/Support/MemoryBuffer.h"
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
namespace incremental_ranges {
class SourceComparator {
// MARK: Packaging indices for both sides
/// It is useful to have structures that hold both the left- and
/// right-hand-sides of a "diff" input Describes a side:
enum class Side : size_t { L = 0, R = 1 };
/// A general class to hold something that exists on both sides:
template <typename T> struct LR {
T contents[2];
/// Get the contents on a particular side
T &operator[](const Side side) { return contents[size_t(side)]; }
const T &operator[](const Side side) const {
return contents[size_t(side)];
/// Get a side by name:
// TODO: Could get ride of these and just use the subscripting above
T &lhs() { return contents[size_t(Side::L)]; }
T &rhs() { return contents[size_t(Side::R)]; }
const T &lhs() const { return contents[size_t(Side::L)]; }
const T &rhs() const { return contents[size_t(Side::R)]; }
LR(T lhs, T rhs) {
contents[0] = lhs;
contents[1] = rhs;
bool operator==(const LR &other) {
return lhs() == other.lhs() && rhs() == other.rhs();
/// A structure holding size_t's on both sides.
/// Zero-origin
template <typename Derived> struct Indices : public LR<size_t> {
Indices(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) : LR(lhs, rhs) {}
Derived operator+(size_t x) const { return Derived(lhs() + x, rhs() + x); }
Derived operator-(size_t x) const { return Derived(lhs() - x, rhs() - x); }
size_t min() const { return std::min(lhs(), rhs()); }
bool operator<(const Derived &other) const {
return lhs() < other.lhs() && rhs() < other.rhs();
bool operator<=(const Derived &other) const {
return lhs() <= other.lhs() && rhs() <= other.rhs();
/// Character indices into a line.
/// Zero-origin
struct CharIndices : public Indices<CharIndices> {
CharIndices(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) : Indices(lhs, rhs) {}
CharIndices &operator++() {
++lhs(), ++rhs();
return *this;
CharIndices &operator--() {
--lhs(), --rhs();
return *this;
bool bothNonZero() const { return lhs() != 0 && rhs() != 0; }
/// Indices into a collection of lines.
/// Zero-origin
struct LineIndices : public Indices<LineIndices> {
LineIndices() : Indices(~0, ~0) {}
LineIndices(size_t lhs, size_t rhs) : Indices(lhs, rhs) {}
LineIndices &operator=(const LineIndices &) = default;
LineIndices &operator++() {
++lhs(), ++rhs();
return *this;
LineIndices &operator--() {
--lhs(), --rhs();
return *this;
/// Strings on both sides.
struct StringRefs : LR<StringRef> {
StringRefs(StringRef lhs, StringRef rhs) : LR(lhs, rhs) {}
CharIndices size() const { return CharIndices(lhs().size(), rhs().size()); }
/// Do the strings match at the provided character indices?
bool matchAt(const CharIndices &indices) const {
return lhs()[indices.lhs()] == rhs()[indices.rhs()];
/// Optional strings on both sides
struct OptStringRefs : LR<Optional<StringRef>> {
OptStringRefs(Optional<StringRef> lhs, Optional<StringRef> rhs)
: LR(lhs, rhs) {}
/// A half-open span of lines on both sides, from start up to but not
/// including end.
struct LineSpan {
/// [start, end)
LineIndices start, end;
LineSpan(LineIndices start, LineIndices end) : start(start), end(end) {}
bool operator==(const LineSpan &rhs) {
return start == rhs.start && end == rhs.end;
bool bothNonEmpty() const {
return start.lhs() < end.lhs() && start.rhs() < end.rhs();
bool eitherNonEmpty() const {
return start.lhs() < end.lhs() || start.rhs() < end.rhs();
bool bothEmpty() const { return !eitherNonEmpty(); }
LineIndices size() const {
return LineIndices(end.lhs() - start.lhs(), end.rhs() - start.rhs());
/// A pair of collections of lines, one on each side
struct Lines : LR<std::vector<StringRef>> {
Lines(std::vector<StringRef> lhs, std::vector<StringRef> rhs)
: LR(lhs, rhs) {}
bool matchAt(LineIndices where) const {
return lhs()[where.lhs()] == rhs()[where.rhs()];
StringRefs operator[](const LineIndices &indices) const {
return StringRefs(lhs()[indices.lhs()], rhs()[indices.rhs()]);
/// Cannot use subscripting to get a particular side here because used it
/// above for something else. So use a named function.
const std::vector<StringRef> &side(Side s) const {
return s == Side::L ? lhs() : rhs();
LineIndices size() const { return LineIndices(lhs().size(), rhs().size()); }
CharIndices sizeOfLastLines() const {
return CharIndices(lhs().empty() ? 0 : lhs().back().size(),
rhs().empty() ? 0 : rhs().back().size());
/// A pair of SerializableSourceRanges, one per side.
/// (SerializableSourceRanges are 1-origin, and semi-open.)
struct LRSerializableRange : LR<SerializableSourceRange> {
LRSerializableRange(const SerializableSourceRange &lhs,
const SerializableSourceRange &rhs)
: LR(lhs, rhs) {}
/// A pair of vectors of SerializableSourceRanges, one per side.
struct LRRanges : LR<Ranges> {
LRRanges() : LRRanges({}, {}) {}
LRRanges(Ranges &&lhs, Ranges &&rhs) : LR(std::move(lhs), std::move(rhs)) {}
static LRRanges wholeFile() {
return {SerializableSourceRange::RangesForWholeFile(),
void push_back(const LRSerializableRange &range) {
bool empty() const {
assert(lhs().empty() == rhs().empty() && "diff should produce at least "
"empty ranges for an addition "
"to the other side");
return lhs().empty();
/// The inputs, separated into lines
Lines linesToCompare;
/// The trimmed input regions to compare, after cutting away identical
/// beginnings and endings.
LineSpan regionsToCompare;
/// If line i on the left matches line j on the right, match[i] == j.
/// If line i on the left has no match, match[i] == None.
std::vector<Optional<size_t>> matches;
/// Chains matching lines together (I think)
struct PRLink {
LineIndices lines;
Optional<size_t> next;
PRLink(LineIndices lines, const Optional<size_t> next)
: lines(lines), next(next) {}
PRLink() : PRLink(LineIndices(), None) {}
// MARK: SortedSequence
class SortedSequence {
typedef size_t Elem;
std::vector<Elem> contents;
/// Find the place at which x would normally be inserted into the sequence,
/// and replace that element with x, returning the index.
/// If x is already in the sequence, do nothing and return None.
/// Append to the end if necessary.
/// Preserve sort order.
Optional<size_t> replaceNextLargerWith(const Elem x);
bool empty() const { return contents.empty(); }
Elem back() const { return contents.back(); }
size_t size() const { return contents.size(); }
/// Return index of first greater element or the end index if there is none.
size_t locationOfFirstGreaterOrEqualElement(const Elem x) const;
// MARK: initialization
SourceComparator(StringRef s1, StringRef s2);
static std::vector<StringRef> splitIntoLines(StringRef s);
// MARK: Comparing
/// Run the actual diff algorithm
void compare();
void trimStart();
void trimEnd();
/// Return a map from a line in rhs to indices of all identical lines in
/// rhs
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<size_t>>
std::pair<std::vector<PRLink>, SortedSequence> buildDAGOfSubsequences(
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::vector<size_t>> rhsMap);
void scanMatchedLines(
std::pair<std::vector<PRLink>, SortedSequence> &&linksAndThres);
// MARK: summarizing
std::vector<LineSpan> getMatchingRegions() const;
std::vector<LineSpan> getMismatchingRegions() const;
void forEachMatch(function_ref<void(const LineSpan)>) const;
void forEachMismatch(function_ref<void(const LineSpan)>) const;
/// A region is zero-origin, semi-open. An SerializableRange is 1-origin,
/// closed.
/// This function resolves changed regions to within lines. It's a bit tricky.
LRSerializableRange convertAMismatch(LineSpan mismatch) const;
LRRanges convertAllMismatches() const;
bool areEitherInRange(LineIndices lines) const;
LineIndices getFirstMatch() const;
LineIndices getFirstMismatch() const;
LineIndices getNextMismatchAfter(const LineIndices nextMatch) const;
LineIndices getNextMatchAfter(const LineIndices nextMismatch) const;
// MARK: converting mismatches
CharIndices computeFirstMismatchInLine(LineSpan mismatchLines) const;
computeFirstMismatchInLinesOnBothSides(LineSpan mismatchLines) const;
CharIndices computeFirstMismatchInLineOnOneSide(LineSpan mismatchLines,
Side) const;
CharIndices computeEndMismatchInLine(LineSpan mismatchLines,
CharIndices firstMismatchInLine) const;
CharIndices computeEndMismatchInLineOnBothSides(
LineSpan mismatchLines, const CharIndices firstMismatchInLine) const;
computeEndMismatchInLineOnOneSide(LineSpan mismatchLines,
const CharIndices firstMismatchInLine,
const Side) const;
size_t computeEndLinesToGoWithChars(LineSpan mismatchLines,
CharIndices endMismatchInLine,
const Side) const;
// MARK: printing
void dump() const { print(llvm::errs()); }
void print(raw_ostream &) const;
void reportMismatch(const LineSpan mismatch, raw_ostream &) const;
// MARK: testing
static bool test();
} // namespace incremental_ranges
} // namespace swift