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//===--- SuccessorMap.h - Find the first mapped successor -------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// A data structure which maps from a discrete ordered domain (e.g.
// 'unsigned') to an arbitrary value type. It provides two core
// operations:
// - setting a value for an unmapped key
// - find the value for the smallest mapped key that is larger than a
// given unmapped key
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/Optional.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
namespace swift {
/// Traits for a key type. The default implementation is suitable for
/// a fundamental discrete type like 'unsigned'.
template <class T> struct SuccessorMapTraits {
static bool equals(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) { return lhs == rhs; }
static bool precedes(const T &lhs, const T &rhs) { return lhs < rhs; }
static T getSuccessor(const T &value) { return value + 1; }
/// A successor map. Not a STL-style map.
template <class K, class V, class Traits = SuccessorMapTraits<K> >
class SuccessorMap {
struct Node {
Node(K &&key, V &&value)
: Begin(std::move(key)),
Value(std::move(value)) {}
Node(const K &key, const V &value)
: Begin(key),
Value(value) {}
Node *Left = nullptr;
Node *Right = nullptr;
/// A half-open range.
K Begin, End;
V Value;
// The entire tree is uniquely owned by the map object.
Node *Root = nullptr;
SuccessorMap() {}
SuccessorMap(SuccessorMap &&other) : Root(other.Root) {
other.Root = nullptr;
SuccessorMap &operator=(SuccessorMap &&other) {
Root = other.Root;
other.Root = nullptr;
SuccessorMap(const SuccessorMap &other) : Root(copyTree(other.Root)) {}
SuccessorMap &operator=(const SuccessorMap &other) {
// TODO: this is clearly optimizable to re-use nodes.
Root = copyTree(other.Root);
~SuccessorMap() {
void clear() {
Root = nullptr;
template <class KeyTy, class ValueTy>
void insert(KeyTy &&key, ValueTy &&value) {
// Splay to find the greatest lower and least upper bounds.
bool haveUpperBound = splay(key);
Node *upperBound = (haveUpperBound ? Root : nullptr);
Node *lowerBound = (haveUpperBound ? Root->Left : Root);
assert(haveUpperBound == (upperBound != nullptr));
assert(!lowerBound || !lowerBound->Right);
// Try to add this key to the end of the lower bound.
assert(!upperBound || Traits::precedes(key, upperBound->Begin));
assert(!lowerBound || !Traits::precedes(key, lowerBound->End));
// If the key is the end of the left child, append to it,
// dropping the inserted value on the floor.
if (lowerBound && Traits::equals(lowerBound->End, key)) {
lowerBound->End = Traits::getSuccessor(lowerBound->End);
// If the end of the lower bound is now the same as the
// beginning of the upper bound, combine the nodes.
if (upperBound && Traits::equals(lowerBound->End, upperBound->Begin)) {
lowerBound->End = std::move(upperBound->End);
lowerBound->Right = upperBound->Right;
assert(upperBound->Left == lowerBound);
Root = lowerBound;
delete upperBound;
// Otherwise, if the key immediately precedes the beginning of the
// upper bound, prepend to it.
auto keySuccessor = Traits::getSuccessor(key);
if (upperBound && Traits::equals(keySuccessor, upperBound->Begin)) {
upperBound->Begin = std::move(keySuccessor);
upperBound->Value = std::forward<ValueTy>(value);
// Otherwise, create a new node.
Root = new Node(std::forward<KeyTy>(key), std::forward<ValueTy>(value));
Root->Left = lowerBound;
Root->Right = upperBound;
if (upperBound) upperBound->Left = nullptr;
/// Find the address of the stored value corresponding to the
/// smallest key larger than the given one, or return a null pointer
/// if the key is larger than anything in the map.
V *findLeastUpperBound(const K &key) {
if (splay(key)) {
return &Root->Value;
} else {
return nullptr;
/// Validate the well-formedness of this data structure.
void validate() const {
#ifndef NDEBUG
if (Root) validateNode(Root, None, None);
if (Root) dumpNode(Root);
else llvm::errs() << "(empty)\n";
/// Perform a top-down splay operation, attempting to set things up
/// so that Root is the least upper bound and its left child is the
/// greatest lower bound. The only time that's not satisfiable is
/// if the key is larger than anything in the map.
/// We assume that the key is not mapped.
/// \return true if the root is now the least upper bound and its
/// left child (if present) is the greatest lower bound
bool splay(const K &key) {
if (!Root) return false;
// The root of the current subtree.
Node *cur = Root;
// The root of the tree of nodes that are larger than the current
// subtree, and the address of the empty slot on its far left arm.
Node *upperTree = nullptr;
Node **upperLeftmost = &upperTree;
// The root of the tree of nodes that are smaller than the current
// subtrees, and the address of the empty slot on its far right arm.
// As an invariant, this tree is always either empty or has no right
// subtree.
Node *lowerTree = nullptr;
Node **lowerRightmost = &lowerTree;
// Rotate a node in to become the new root of the lower tree.
// Its right child must be clear.
auto rotateAsLowerRoot = [&](Node *node) {
assert(*lowerRightmost == nullptr);
// The left child goes in the rightmost position of the old lower tree.
// The right child gets dropped, and its position is the new rightmost
// position.
*lowerRightmost = node->Left;
lowerRightmost = &node->Right;
node->Left = lowerTree;
node->Right = nullptr;
lowerTree = node;
// Put a node in the leftmost position of the upper tree.
auto placeInUpperLeftmost = [&](Node *node) {
assert(*upperLeftmost == nullptr);
assert(node->Left == nullptr);
*upperLeftmost = node;
upperLeftmost = &node->Left;
// A helper function to re-assemble the root node. Tail-called on
// all exit paths from splay().
auto reassemble = [&](bool foundUpperBound) {
assert(*lowerRightmost == nullptr);
assert(*upperLeftmost == nullptr);
*lowerRightmost = cur->Left;
cur->Left = lowerTree;
*upperLeftmost = cur->Right;
cur->Right = upperTree;
Root = cur;
assert(!foundUpperBound ||
Root->Left == nullptr ||
Root->Left->Right == nullptr);
return foundUpperBound;
// A helper to finish the operation, given that 'cur' is an upper bound.
auto finishWithUpperBound = [&] {
assert(cur->Left == nullptr);
return reassemble(true);
// A helper to finish the operation, given that there is no upper
// bound in the 'cur' subtree.
auto finishWithoutUpperBound = [&] {
assert(cur->Right == nullptr);
// If the upper tree is empty, we really don't have an upper bound.
if (!upperTree) return reassemble(false);
// Otherwise, pull the leftmost leaf off the upper tree to
// become the new root.
Node **leafPosition = &upperTree;
while ((*leafPosition)->Left) {
leafPosition = &(*leafPosition)->Left;
Node *newRoot = *leafPosition;
*leafPosition = newRoot->Right;
newRoot->Right = nullptr;
// Adjust upperLeftmost.
while (*leafPosition) leafPosition = &(*leafPosition)->Left;
upperLeftmost = leafPosition;
cur = newRoot;
return finishWithUpperBound();
while (true) {
assert(lowerTree != nullptr || lowerRightmost == &lowerTree);
assert(lowerTree == nullptr || lowerRightmost == &lowerTree->Right);
assert(*lowerRightmost == nullptr);
assert(*upperLeftmost == nullptr);
// Check if we should recurse into the left subtree.
if (Traits::precedes(key, cur->Begin)) {
// We should. If the left subtree is empty, then 'cur' is our
// least upper bound.
auto left = cur->Left;
if (!left) return finishWithUpperBound();
// Otherwise, check if we should recurse into the left-left subtree.
if (Traits::precedes(key, left->Begin)) {
// We should. If the left-left subtree is empty, then 'left'
// is our least upper bound. Zig left.
auto leftLeft = left->Left;
if (!leftLeft) {
cur->Left = nullptr;
cur = left;
return finishWithUpperBound();
// Otherwise, zig-zig left.
cur->Left = left->Right;
left->Right = cur;
left->Left = nullptr;
cur = leftLeft;
assert(!Traits::precedes(key, left->End) && "key already mapped!");
// We should recurse into the left-right subtree. In either
// case, break off 'left' as the new root of the lower-bound tree.
auto leftRight = left->Right;
cur->Left = nullptr;
// If the left-right subtree is empty, then 'cur' is our least
// upper bound.
if (!leftRight) return finishWithUpperBound();
// Otherwise, complete the zig-zag left and continue.
cur = leftRight;
assert(!Traits::precedes(key, cur->End) && "key already mapped!");
// We should recurse into the right subtree. If that's empty,
// we're done, and the subtree has no upper bound for the key.
auto right = cur->Right;
if (!right) return finishWithoutUpperBound();
// Check whether we should recurse into the right-left subtree.
if (Traits::precedes(key, right->Begin)) {
// We should. In either case, we need to rotate 'cur' to
// become the new root of the lower tree.
// If the right-left subtree is empty, then 'right' is the
// least upper bound. Zig right.
auto rightLeft = right->Left;
if (!rightLeft) {
cur = right;
return finishWithUpperBound();
// Otherwise, complete the zig-zag right and continue.
right->Left = nullptr;
cur = rightLeft;
assert(!Traits::precedes(key, right->End) && "key already mapped!");
// We should recurse into the right-right subtree. If that's
// empty, we're done, and the subtree has no upper bound for the
// key. Zig right.
auto rightRight = right->Right;
if (!rightRight) {
cur = right;
return finishWithoutUpperBound();
// Otherwise, zig-zig right and continue.
cur->Right = right->Left;
right->Left = cur;
cur = rightRight;
#ifndef NDEBUG
/// Validate that the node is well-formed and that all of its keys
/// (and those of its children) fall (non-inclusively) between
/// lowerBound and upperBound-1.
static void validateNode(Node *node,
Optional<K> lowerBound,
Optional<K> upperBound) {
// The node cannot have an empty key range.
assert(Traits::precedes(node->Begin, node->End));
// The first key must be strictly higher than the lower bound.
if (lowerBound.hasValue())
assert(Traits::precedes(lowerBound.getValue(), node->Begin));
// The last key (i.e. End-1) must be strictly lower than
// upperBound-1, or in other words, End must precede upperBound.
if (upperBound.hasValue())
assert(Traits::precedes(node->End, upperBound.getValue()));
// The keys in the left sub-tree must all be strictly less than
// Begin-1, because if any key equals Begin-1, that node should
// have been merged into this one.
if (node->Left)
validateNode(node->Left, lowerBound, node->Begin);
// The keys in the right sub-tree must all be strictly greater
// than End, because if any key equals End, that node should have
// been merged into this one.
if (node->Right)
validateNode(node->Right, node->End, upperBound);
static void dumpNode(const Node *node) {
dumpNode(node, 0);
static void dumpNode(const Node *node, unsigned indent) {
if (!node) {
llvm::errs() << "(null)\n";
llvm::errs() << node->Begin << ".." << node->End
<< ": " << node->Value << "\n";
dumpNode(node->Left, indent + 2);
dumpNode(node->Right, indent + 2);
/// Delete all the nodes in the given sub-tree.
static void deleteTree(Node *root) {
llvm::SmallVector<Node*, 16> queue; // actually a stack
auto enqueue = [&](Node *n) {
if (n) queue.push_back(n);
while (!queue.empty()) {
auto cur = queue.pop_back_val();
delete cur;
static Node *copyTree(Node *oldRoot) {
// A list of nodes which have been cloned, but whose children
// haven't yet been cloned.
llvm::SmallVector<Node*, 16> worklist;
auto cloneAtPosition = [&](Node *&position) {
Node *oldNode = position;
if (!oldNode) return;
Node *newNode = new Node(*oldNode);
position = newNode;
Node *newRoot = oldRoot;
while (!worklist.empty()) {
auto node = worklist.pop_back_val();
return newRoot;
} // end namespace swift