blob: 540c138a4d9f51423fb8092eee8aeaac17efdfff [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- FrozenMultiMap.h ----------------------------------*- C++ --------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
/// \file
/// A 2 stage multi-map for use in contexts where one is iterating over an IR in
/// a read only way and then wants to use a multi-map for post-processing that
/// can support iteration in insertion order.
/// In the first stage, the multi-map can be initialized with new elements in a
/// purely additive fashion, but methods that rely on the map being frozen
/// (find, getRange(), erase, etc) assert.
/// Once the user has finished iterating over the IR, the map is frozen and then
/// can only be used for map operations (find), erasing operations (erase), and
/// deterministic range iteration.
/// This is accomplished by the internal implementation of the frozen multi map
/// just being an array of (key, value) pairs that when we freeze, we sort using
/// a stable sort on the key. Since we use a stable sort on the key, we know
/// that all of the individual multimap value arrays are still in insertion
/// order helping us avoid non-determinism like one must deal with when using
/// other maps.
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
#include <vector>
namespace swift {
template <typename Key, typename Value,
typename VectorStorage = std::vector<std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>>>>
class FrozenMultiMap {
VectorStorage storage;
bool frozen = false;
struct PairToSecondElt;
struct PairWithTypeErasedOptionalSecondElt;
using PairToSecondEltRange =
TransformRange<ArrayRef<std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>>>,
FrozenMultiMap() = default;
void insert(const Key &key, const Value &value) {
assert(!isFrozen() && "Can not insert new keys once map is frozen");
storage.emplace_back(key, value);
Optional<PairToSecondEltRange> find(const Key &key) const {
assert(isFrozen() &&
"Can not perform a find operation until the map is frozen");
// Since our array is sorted, we need to first find the first pair with our
// inst as the first element.
auto start = std::lower_bound(
storage.begin(), storage.end(), std::make_pair(key, Value()),
[&](const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &p1,
const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &p2) {
return p1.first < p2.first;
// If we did not find that first element or that key has a .none value
// (signaling that we erased it), return None.
if (start == storage.end() || start->first != key ||
!start->second.hasValue()) {
return None;
// Ok, we found our first element. Now scan forward until we find a pair
// whose instruction is not our own instruction.
auto end = find_if_not(start, storage.end(),
[&](const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &pair) {
return pair.first == key;
unsigned count = std::distance(start, end);
ArrayRef<std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>>> slice(&*start, count);
return PairToSecondEltRange(slice, PairToSecondElt());
bool erase(const Key &key) {
assert(isFrozen() &&
"Can not perform an erase operation until the map is frozen");
// Since our array is sorted, we need to first find the first pair with our
// inst as the first element.
auto start = std::lower_bound(
storage.begin(), storage.end(), std::make_pair(key, Value()),
[&](const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &p1,
const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &p2) {
return p1.first < p2.first;
// If we did not find that first element or that key has a .none value
// (signaling that we erased it), return false.
if (start == storage.end() || start->first != key ||
!start->second.hasValue()) {
return false;
// Ok, we found our element. Just set its value to .none to signal it was
// destroyed and then return true.
start->second = None;
return true;
bool isFrozen() const { return frozen; }
/// Set this map into its frozen state when we
void setFrozen() {
std::stable_sort(storage.begin(), storage.end(),
[&](const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &lhs,
const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &rhs) {
// Only compare the first entry so that we preserve
// insertion order.
return lhs.first < rhs.first;
frozen = true;
/// Reset the frozen multimap in an unfrozen state with its storage cleared.
void reset() {
frozen = false;
unsigned size() const { return storage.size(); }
bool empty() const { return storage.empty(); }
struct iterator
: std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag,
std::pair<Key, Optional<PairToSecondEltRange>>> {
using base_iterator = typename decltype(storage)::iterator;
FrozenMultiMap &map;
base_iterator baseIter;
Optional<std::pair<Key, Optional<PairToSecondEltRange>>> currentValue;
iterator(FrozenMultiMap &map, base_iterator iter)
: map(map), baseIter(iter), currentValue() {
void updateCurrentValue() {
base_iterator end =;
// If we are end, set currentValue to be None.
if (baseIter == end) {
currentValue = None;
// Otherwise, determine the next range that we are visiting.
auto rangeEnd =
std::find_if_not(std::next(baseIter), end,
[&](const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &elt) {
return elt.first == baseIter->first;
Optional<PairToSecondEltRange> resultRange;
if (baseIter->second.hasValue()) {
unsigned count = std::distance(baseIter, rangeEnd);
ArrayRef<std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>>> slice(&*baseIter, count);
resultRange.emplace(slice, PairToSecondElt());
currentValue = {baseIter->first, resultRange};
iterator &operator++() {
baseIter =
[&](const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &elt) {
return elt.first == baseIter->first;
return *this;
iterator operator++(int) {
auto tmp = *this;
baseIter = std::find_if_not(std::next(baseIter),,
[&](const std::pair<Key, Value> &elt) {
return elt.first == baseIter->first;
return tmp;
std::pair<Key, Optional<PairToSecondEltRange>> operator*() const {
return *currentValue;
bool operator==(const iterator &RHS) const {
return baseIter == RHS.baseIter;
bool operator!=(const iterator &RHS) const {
return baseIter != RHS.baseIter;
struct ToNonErasedValues {
Optional<std::pair<Key, Optional<PairToSecondEltRange>>>
operator()(std::pair<Key, Optional<PairToSecondEltRange>> pair) const {
if (!pair.second.hasValue())
return None;
return pair;
using IgnoringErasedValueRangeType =
OptionalTransformRange<llvm::iterator_range<iterator>, ToNonErasedValues>;
using RangeType = TransformRange<IgnoringErasedValueRangeType,
/// Return a range of (key, ArrayRef<Value>) pairs. The keys are guaranteed to
/// be in key sorted order and the ArrayRef<Value> are in insertion order.
/// The range skips all erased (key, ArrayRef<Value>) entries.
RangeType getRange() const {
assert(isFrozen() &&
"Can not create range until data structure is frozen?!");
auto *self = const_cast<FrozenMultiMap *>(this);
iterator iter1 = iterator(*self, self->storage.begin());
iterator iter2 = iterator(*self, self->storage.end());
auto baseRange = llvm::make_range(iter1, iter2);
auto optRange = makeOptionalTransformRange(baseRange, ToNonErasedValues());
return makeTransformRange(optRange, PairWithTypeErasedOptionalSecondElt());
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Storage>
struct FrozenMultiMap<Key, Value, Storage>::PairToSecondElt {
PairToSecondElt() {}
Value operator()(const std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>> &pair) const {
return *pair.second;
template <typename Key, typename Value, typename Storage>
struct FrozenMultiMap<Key, Value,
Storage>::PairWithTypeErasedOptionalSecondElt {
PairWithTypeErasedOptionalSecondElt() {}
std::pair<Key, PairToSecondEltRange>
operator()(const std::pair<Key, Optional<PairToSecondEltRange>> &pair) const {
return std::make_pair(pair.first, *pair.second);
template <typename Key, typename Value, unsigned SmallSize>
using SmallFrozenMultiMap =
FrozenMultiMap<Key, Value,
SmallVector<std::pair<Key, Optional<Value>>, SmallSize>>;
} // namespace swift