blob: 01afd42a6110ef04d19537b970f478e974d02b6e [file] [log] [blame]
//===--- DeclContext.h - Swift Language Context ASTs ------------*- C++ -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the DeclContext class. A DeclContext is the semantic
// construct that a declaration belongs to, such as the enclosing
// AbstractClosureExpr or declaration.
#include "swift/AST/Identifier.h"
#include "swift/AST/LookupKinds.h"
#include "swift/AST/ResilienceExpansion.h"
#include "swift/AST/TypeAlignments.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Debug.h"
#include "swift/Basic/Fingerprint.h"
#include "swift/Basic/LLVM.h"
#include "swift/Basic/STLExtras.h"
#include "swift/Basic/SourceLoc.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerEmbeddedInt.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerIntPair.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/PointerUnion.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
class raw_ostream;
namespace swift {
class AbstractFunctionDecl;
class GenericEnvironment;
class ASTContext;
class ASTWalker;
class CanType;
class Decl;
class DeclContext;
class EnumDecl;
class ExtensionDecl;
class Expr;
class GenericParamList;
class LazyMemberLoader;
class GenericContext;
class GenericSignature;
class GenericTypeParamDecl;
class GenericTypeParamType;
class InfixOperatorDecl;
class InfixOperatorLookupResult;
enum class PlatformKind: uint8_t;
class PrecedenceGroupDecl;
class ProtocolDecl;
class Requirement;
class SourceFile;
class Type;
class ModuleDecl;
class GenericTypeDecl;
class NominalTypeDecl;
class PrecedenceGroupLookupResult;
class PostfixOperatorDecl;
class PrefixOperatorDecl;
class ProtocolConformance;
class ValueDecl;
class Initializer;
class ClassDecl;
class SerializedAbstractClosureExpr;
class SerializedPatternBindingInitializer;
class SerializedDefaultArgumentInitializer;
class SerializedTopLevelCodeDecl;
class StructDecl;
namespace serialization {
using DeclID = llvm::PointerEmbeddedInt<unsigned, 31>;
enum class DeclContextKind : unsigned {
Last_LocalDeclContextKind = SerializedLocal,
Last_DeclContextKind = ExtensionDecl
/// Kinds of DeclContexts after deserialization.
/// \see SerializedLocalDeclContext.
enum class LocalDeclContextKind : uint8_t {
/// Describes the kind of a particular conformance.
/// The following code involves conformances of the three different kinds:
/// \code
/// protocol P { }
/// protocol P2 : P { }
/// class Super : P2 { }
/// class Sub : Super { }
/// \endcode
/// \c Super conforms to \c P2 via an explicit conformance,
/// specified on the class declaration itself.
/// \c Super conforms to \c P via an implied conformance, whose
/// origin is the explicit conformance to \c P2.
/// \c Sub conforms to \c P2 and \c P via inherited conformances,
/// which link back to the conformances described above.
/// The enumerators are ordered in terms of decreasing preference:
/// an inherited conformance is best, followed by explicit
/// conformances, then synthesized and implied conformances. Earlier
/// conformance kinds supersede later conformance kinds, possibly with a
/// diagnostic (e.g., if an inherited conformance supersedes an
/// explicit conformance).
enum class ConformanceEntryKind : unsigned {
/// Inherited from a superclass conformance.
/// Explicitly specified.
/// Implicitly synthesized.
/// Implied by an explicitly-specified conformance.
/// Describes the kind of conformance lookup desired.
enum class ConformanceLookupKind : unsigned {
/// All conformances.
/// Only the explicit conformance.
/// All conformances except for inherited ones.
/// Describes a diagnostic for a conflict between two protocol
/// conformances.
struct ConformanceDiagnostic {
/// The protocol with conflicting conformances.
ProtocolDecl *Protocol;
/// The location at which the diagnostic should occur.
SourceLoc Loc;
/// The kind of conformance that was superseded.
ConformanceEntryKind Kind;
/// The explicitly-specified protocol whose conformance implied the
/// conflicting conformance.
ProtocolDecl *ExplicitProtocol;
/// The declaration context that declares the existing conformance.
DeclContext *ExistingDC;
/// The kind of existing conformance.
ConformanceEntryKind ExistingKind;
/// The explicitly-specified protocol whose conformance implied the
/// existing conflicting conformance.
ProtocolDecl *ExistingExplicitProtocol;
/// Used in diagnostic %selects.
struct FragileFunctionKind {
enum Kind : unsigned {
Kind kind = None;
bool allowUsableFromInline = false;
friend bool operator==(FragileFunctionKind lhs, FragileFunctionKind rhs) {
return (lhs.kind == rhs.kind &&
lhs.allowUsableFromInline == rhs.allowUsableFromInline);
/// A DeclContext is an AST object which acts as a semantic container
/// for declarations. As a policy matter, we currently define
/// contexts broadly: a lambda expression in a function is a new
/// DeclContext, but a new brace statement is not. There's no
/// particular mandate for this, though.
/// Please note that DeclContext assumes that it prefaces AST type hierarchies
/// and therefore can safely access trailing memory. If you need to create a
/// macro context, please see GenericContext for how to minimize new entries in
/// the ASTHierarchy enum below.
class alignas(1 << DeclContextAlignInBits) DeclContext {
enum class ASTHierarchy : unsigned {
// If you add a new AST hierarchies, then update the static_assert() below.
static_assert(unsigned(ASTHierarchy::SerializedLocal) <
(1 << DeclContextAlignInBits),
"ASTHierarchy exceeds bits available");
llvm::PointerIntPair<DeclContext*, 3, ASTHierarchy> ParentAndKind;
/// Change the parent of this context. This should only be used
/// very carefully.
void setParent(DeclContext *parent) { ParentAndKind.setPointer(parent); }
friend class Initializer; // uses setParent
friend class AutoClosureExpr; // uses setParent
friend class AbstractClosureExpr; // uses setParent
template<class A, class B, class C>
friend struct ::llvm::cast_convert_val;
// See swift/AST/Decl.h
static DeclContext *castDeclToDeclContext(const Decl *D);
/// If this DeclContext is a GenericType declaration or an
/// extension thereof, return the GenericTypeDecl.
GenericTypeDecl *getSelfTypeDecl() const;
static ASTHierarchy getASTHierarchyFromKind(DeclContextKind Kind) {
switch (Kind) {
case DeclContextKind::AbstractClosureExpr:
return ASTHierarchy::Expr;
case DeclContextKind::Initializer:
return ASTHierarchy::Initializer;
case DeclContextKind::SerializedLocal:
return ASTHierarchy::SerializedLocal;
case DeclContextKind::FileUnit:
return ASTHierarchy::FileUnit;
case DeclContextKind::Module:
case DeclContextKind::TopLevelCodeDecl:
case DeclContextKind::AbstractFunctionDecl:
case DeclContextKind::SubscriptDecl:
case DeclContextKind::EnumElementDecl:
case DeclContextKind::GenericTypeDecl:
case DeclContextKind::ExtensionDecl:
return ASTHierarchy::Decl;
llvm_unreachable("Unhandled DeclContextKind");
Decl *getAsDecl() {
return ParentAndKind.getInt() == ASTHierarchy::Decl ?
reinterpret_cast<Decl*>(this + 1) : nullptr;
const Decl *getAsDecl() const {
return const_cast<DeclContext*>(this)->getAsDecl();
DeclContext(DeclContextKind Kind, DeclContext *Parent)
: ParentAndKind(Parent, getASTHierarchyFromKind(Kind)) {
if (Kind != DeclContextKind::Module)
assert(Parent != nullptr && "DeclContext must have a parent context");
/// Returns the kind of context this is.
DeclContextKind getContextKind() const;
/// Returns whether this context has value semantics.
bool hasValueSemantics() const;
/// Returns whether this context is an extension constrained to a class type.
bool isClassConstrainedProtocolExtension() const;
/// Determines whether this context is itself a local scope in a
/// code block. A context that appears in such a scope, like a
/// local type declaration, does not itself become a local context.
bool isLocalContext() const {
return getContextKind() <= DeclContextKind::Last_LocalDeclContextKind;
/// isModuleContext - Return true if this is a subclass of Module.
bool isModuleContext() const; // see swift/AST/Module.h
/// \returns true if this is a context with module-wide scope, e.g. a module
/// or a source file.
bool isModuleScopeContext() const; // see swift/AST/Module.h
/// \returns true if this is a type context, e.g., a struct, a class, an
/// enum, a protocol, or an extension.
bool isTypeContext() const;
/// If this DeclContext is a NominalType declaration or an
/// extension thereof, return the NominalTypeDecl.
NominalTypeDecl *getSelfNominalTypeDecl() const;
/// If this DeclContext is a class, or an extension on a class, return the
/// ClassDecl, otherwise return null.
ClassDecl *getSelfClassDecl() const;
/// If this DeclContext is an enum, or an extension on an enum, return the
/// EnumDecl, otherwise return null.
EnumDecl *getSelfEnumDecl() const;
/// If this DeclContext is a struct, or an extension on a struct, return the
/// StructDecl, otherwise return null.
StructDecl *getSelfStructDecl() const;
/// If this DeclContext is a protocol, or an extension on a
/// protocol, return the ProtocolDecl, otherwise return null.
ProtocolDecl *getSelfProtocolDecl() const;
/// If this DeclContext is a protocol extension, return the extended protocol.
ProtocolDecl *getExtendedProtocolDecl() const;
/// Retrieve the generic parameter 'Self' from a protocol or
/// protocol extension.
/// Only valid if \c getSelfProtocolDecl().
GenericTypeParamType *getProtocolSelfType() const;
/// Gets the type being declared by this context.
/// - Generic types return a bound generic type using archetypes.
/// - Non-type contexts return a null type.
Type getDeclaredTypeInContext() const;
/// Gets the type being declared by this context.
/// - Generic types return a bound generic type using interface types.
/// - Non-type contexts return a null type.
Type getDeclaredInterfaceType() const;
/// Get the type of `self` in this context.
/// - Protocol types return the `Self` archetype.
/// - Everything else falls back on getDeclaredTypeInContext().
Type getSelfTypeInContext() const;
/// Get the type of `self` in this context.
/// - Protocol types return the `Self` interface type.
/// - Everything else falls back on getDeclaredInterfaceType().
Type getSelfInterfaceType() const;
/// Visit the generic parameter list of every outer context, innermost first.
void forEachGenericContext(
llvm::function_ref<void (GenericParamList *)> fn) const;
/// Returns the depth of this generic context, or in other words,
/// the number of nested generic contexts minus one.
/// This is (unsigned)-1 if none of the outer contexts are generic.
unsigned getGenericContextDepth() const;
/// Retrieve the innermost generic signature of this context or any
/// of its parents.
GenericSignature getGenericSignatureOfContext() const;
/// Retrieve the innermost archetypes of this context or any
/// of its parents.
GenericEnvironment *getGenericEnvironmentOfContext() const;
/// Map an interface type to a contextual type within this context.
Type mapTypeIntoContext(Type type) const;
/// Returns this or the first local parent context, or nullptr if it is not
/// contained in one.
DeclContext *getLocalContext();
const DeclContext *getLocalContext() const {
return const_cast<DeclContext*>(this)->getLocalContext();
/// Returns the innermost method context.
/// This routine looks through closure, initializer, and local function
/// contexts to find the innermost method (including constructors and
/// destructors).
/// \returns the innermost method, or null if there is no such method.
AbstractFunctionDecl *getInnermostMethodContext();
const AbstractFunctionDecl *getInnermostMethodContext() const {
return const_cast<DeclContext*>(this)->getInnermostMethodContext();
/// Returns the innermost type context.
/// This routine looks through closure, initializer, and local function
/// contexts to find the innermost type context -- nominal type or
/// extension.
DeclContext *getInnermostTypeContext();
const DeclContext *getInnermostTypeContext() const {
return const_cast<DeclContext *>(this)->getInnermostTypeContext();
/// Returns the innermost context that is a declaration.
/// This routine looks through contexts to find the innermost
/// declaration context that is itself a declaration.
Decl *getInnermostDeclarationDeclContext();
const Decl *getInnermostDeclarationDeclContext() const {
const_cast<DeclContext *>(this)->getInnermostDeclarationDeclContext();
/// Returns the innermost context that is an AbstractFunctionDecl whose
/// body has been skipped.
DeclContext *getInnermostSkippedFunctionContext();
const DeclContext *getInnermostSkippedFunctionContext() const {
const_cast<DeclContext *>(this)->getInnermostSkippedFunctionContext();
/// Returns the semantic parent of this context. A context has a
/// parent if and only if it is not a module context.
DeclContext *getParent() const {
return ParentAndKind.getPointer();
/// Returns the semantic parent for purposes of name lookup.
DeclContext *getParentForLookup() const;
/// Return true if this is a child of the specified other decl context.
bool isChildContextOf(const DeclContext *Other) const {
if (this == Other) return false;
for (const DeclContext *CurContext = this; CurContext;
CurContext = CurContext->getParent())
if (CurContext == Other)
return true;
return false;
/// Returns the module context that contains this context.
ModuleDecl *getParentModule() const;
/// Returns the module scope context that contains this context.
/// This is either a \c Module or a \c FileUnit.
DeclContext *getModuleScopeContext() const;
/// Returns the source file that contains this context, or null if this
/// is not within a source file.
SourceFile *getParentSourceFile() const;
/// Determine whether this declaration context is generic, meaning that it or
/// any of its parents have generic parameters.
bool isGenericContext() const;
/// Determine whether the innermost context is generic.
bool isInnermostContextGeneric() const;
/// Determine whether this or any parent context is a `@_specialize` extension
/// context.
bool isInSpecializeExtensionContext() const;
/// Get the most optimal resilience expansion for code in this context.
/// If the body is able to be inlined into functions in other resilience
/// domains, this ensures that only sufficiently-conservative access patterns
/// are used.
ResilienceExpansion getResilienceExpansion() const;
/// Get the fragile function kind for the code in this context, which
/// is used for diagnostics.
FragileFunctionKind getFragileFunctionKind() const;
/// Returns true if this context may possibly contain members visible to
/// AnyObject dynamic lookup.
bool mayContainMembersAccessedByDynamicLookup() const;
/// Extensions are only allowed at the level in a file
/// FIXME: do this for Protocols, too someday
bool canBeParentOfExtension() const;
/// Look for the set of declarations with the given name within a type,
/// its extensions and, optionally, its supertypes.
/// This routine performs name lookup within a given type, its extensions
/// and, optionally, its supertypes and their extensions, from the perspective
/// of the current DeclContext. It can eliminate non-visible, hidden, and
/// overridden declarations from the result set. It does not, however, perform
/// any filtering based on the semantic usefulness of the results.
/// \param type The type to look into.
/// \param member The member to search for.
/// \param options Options that control name lookup, based on the
/// \c NL_* constants in \c NameLookupOptions.
/// \param[out] decls Will be populated with the declarations found by name
/// lookup.
/// \returns true if anything was found.
bool lookupQualified(Type type, DeclNameRef member, NLOptions options,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &decls) const;
/// Look for the set of declarations with the given name within the
/// given set of nominal type declarations.
/// \param types The type declarations to look into.
/// \param member The member to search for.
/// \param options Options that control name lookup, based on the
/// \c NL_* constants in \c NameLookupOptions.
/// \param[out] decls Will be populated with the declarations found by name
/// lookup.
/// \returns true if anything was found.
bool lookupQualified(ArrayRef<NominalTypeDecl *> types, DeclNameRef member,
NLOptions options,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &decls) const;
/// Perform qualified lookup for the given member in the given module.
bool lookupQualified(ModuleDecl *module, DeclNameRef member,
NLOptions options,
SmallVectorImpl<ValueDecl *> &decls) const;
/// Look up all Objective-C methods with the given selector visible
/// in the enclosing module.
void lookupAllObjCMethods(
ObjCSelector selector,
SmallVectorImpl<AbstractFunctionDecl *> &results) const;
/// Looks up an infix operator with a given \p name.
/// This returns a vector of results, as it's possible to find multiple infix
/// operators with different precedence groups.
InfixOperatorLookupResult lookupInfixOperator(Identifier name) const;
/// Looks up an prefix operator with a given \p name.
/// If multiple results are found, one is chosen in a stable manner, as
/// prefix operator decls cannot differ other than in name. If no results are
/// found, returns \c nullptr.
PrefixOperatorDecl *lookupPrefixOperator(Identifier name) const;
/// Looks up an postfix operator with a given \p name.
/// If multiple results are found, one is chosen in a stable manner, as
/// postfix operator decls cannot differ other than in name. If no results are
/// found, returns \c nullptr.
PostfixOperatorDecl *lookupPostfixOperator(Identifier name) const;
/// Looks up a precedence group with a given \p name.
PrecedenceGroupLookupResult lookupPrecedenceGroup(Identifier name) const;
/// Return the ASTContext for a specified DeclContext by
/// walking up to the enclosing module and returning its ASTContext.
ASTContext &getASTContext() const;
/// Retrieves a list of separately imported overlays which are shadowing
/// \p declaring. If any \p overlays are returned, qualified lookups into
/// \p declaring should be performed into \p overlays instead; since they
/// are overlays, they will re-export \p declaring, but will also augment it
/// with additional symbols.
void getSeparatelyImportedOverlays(
ModuleDecl *declaring, SmallVectorImpl<ModuleDecl *> &overlays) const;
/// Retrieve the syntactic depth of this declaration context, i.e.,
/// the number of non-module-scoped contexts.
/// For an extension of a nested type, the extension is depth 1.
unsigned getSyntacticDepth() const;
/// Retrieve the semantic depth of this declaration context, i.e.,
/// the number of non-module-scoped contexts.
/// For an extension of a nested type, the depth of the nested type itself
/// is also included.
unsigned getSemanticDepth() const;
/// \returns true if traversal was aborted, false otherwise.
bool walkContext(ASTWalker &Walker);
unsigned printContext(llvm::raw_ostream &OS, unsigned indent = 0,
bool onlyAPartialLine = false) const;
// Only allow allocation of DeclContext using the allocator in ASTContext.
void *operator new(size_t Bytes, ASTContext &C,
unsigned Alignment = alignof(DeclContext));
// Some Decls are DeclContexts, but not all. See swift/AST/Decl.h
static bool classof(const Decl *D);
/// SerializedLocalDeclContext - the base class for DeclContexts that were
/// serialized to preserve AST structure and accurate mangling after
/// deserialization.
class SerializedLocalDeclContext : public DeclContext {
unsigned LocalKind : 3;
unsigned SpareBits : 29;
SerializedLocalDeclContext(LocalDeclContextKind LocalKind,
DeclContext *Parent)
: DeclContext(DeclContextKind::SerializedLocal, Parent),
LocalKind(static_cast<unsigned>(LocalKind)) {}
LocalDeclContextKind getLocalDeclContextKind() const {
return static_cast<LocalDeclContextKind>(LocalKind);
static bool classof(const DeclContext *DC) {
return DC->getContextKind() == DeclContextKind::SerializedLocal;
/// An iterator that walks through a list of declarations stored
/// within some iterable declaration context.
class DeclIterator {
Decl *Current;
typedef std::forward_iterator_tag iterator_category;
typedef Decl *value_type;
typedef Decl *reference;
typedef Decl *pointer; // Non-standard but convenient
typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
DeclIterator(Decl *current = nullptr) : Current(current) { }
reference operator*() const { return Current; }
pointer operator->() const { return Current; }
DeclIterator &operator++();
DeclIterator operator++(int) {
DeclIterator old = *this;
return old;
friend bool operator==(DeclIterator lhs, DeclIterator rhs) {
return lhs.Current == rhs.Current;
friend bool operator!=(DeclIterator lhs, DeclIterator rhs) {
return !(lhs == rhs);
/// The range of declarations stored within an iterable declaration
/// context.
using DeclRange = iterator_range<DeclIterator>;
/// The kind of an \c IterableDeclContext.
enum class IterableDeclContextKind : uint8_t {
NominalTypeDecl = 0,
/// A declaration context that tracks the declarations it (directly)
/// owns and permits iteration over them.
/// Note that an iterable declaration context must inherit from both
/// \c IterableDeclContext and \c DeclContext.
class IterableDeclContext {
/// The first declaration in this context along with a bit indicating whether
/// the members of this context will be lazily produced.
mutable llvm::PointerIntPair<Decl *, 1, bool> FirstDeclAndLazyMembers;
/// The last declaration in this context, used for efficient insertion,
/// along with the kind of iterable declaration context.
mutable llvm::PointerIntPair<Decl *, 1, IterableDeclContextKind>
/// The DeclID this IDC was deserialized from, if any. Used for named lazy
/// member loading, as a key when doing lookup in this IDC.
serialization::DeclID SerialID;
/// Whether we have already added the parsed members into the context.
unsigned AddedParsedMembers : 1;
/// Whether delayed parsing detected a possible operator definition
/// while skipping the body of this context.
unsigned HasOperatorDeclarations : 1;
/// Whether delayed parsing detect a possible nested class definition
/// while skipping the body of this context.
unsigned HasNestedClassDeclarations : 1;
template<class A, class B, class C>
friend struct ::llvm::cast_convert_val;
static IterableDeclContext *castDeclToIterableDeclContext(const Decl *D);
/// Retrieve the \c ASTContext in which this iterable context occurs.
ASTContext &getASTContext() const;
IterableDeclContext(IterableDeclContextKind kind)
: LastDeclAndKind(nullptr, kind) {
AddedParsedMembers = 0;
HasOperatorDeclarations = 0;
HasNestedClassDeclarations = 0;
/// Determine the kind of iterable context we have.
IterableDeclContextKind getIterableContextKind() const {
return LastDeclAndKind.getInt();
bool hasUnparsedMembers() const;
bool maybeHasOperatorDeclarations() const {
return HasOperatorDeclarations;
void setMaybeHasOperatorDeclarations() {
HasOperatorDeclarations = 1;
bool maybeHasNestedClassDeclarations() const {
return HasNestedClassDeclarations;
void setMaybeHasNestedClassDeclarations() {
HasNestedClassDeclarations = 1;
/// Retrieve the set of members in this context.
DeclRange getMembers() const;
/// Get the members that were syntactically present in the source code,
/// and will not contain any members that are implicitly synthesized by
/// the implementation.
ArrayRef<Decl *> getParsedMembers() const;
/// Get all the members that are semantically within this context,
/// including any implicitly-synthesized members.
/// The resulting list of members will be stable across translation units.
ArrayRef<Decl *> getSemanticMembers() const;
/// Retrieve the set of members in this context without loading any from the
/// associated lazy loader; this should only be used as part of implementing
/// abstractions on top of member loading, such as a name lookup table.
DeclRange getCurrentMembersWithoutLoading() const;
/// Add a member to this context.
/// If the hint decl is specified, the new decl is inserted immediately
/// after the hint.
/// If insertAtHead is set, the new decl is inserted at the beginning of
/// the list.
/// Otherwise, it is inserted at the end.
void addMember(Decl *member, Decl *hint = nullptr, bool insertAtHead = false);
/// Add a member in the right place to preserve source order. This should
/// only be called from the code completion delayed parsing path.
void addMemberPreservingSourceOrder(Decl *member);
/// Check whether there are lazily-loaded members.
bool hasLazyMembers() const {
return FirstDeclAndLazyMembers.getInt();
/// Setup the loader for lazily-loaded members.
void setMemberLoader(LazyMemberLoader *loader, uint64_t contextData);
/// Load all of the members of this context.
void loadAllMembers() const;
/// Determine whether this was deserialized (and thus SerialID is
/// valid).
bool wasDeserialized() const;
/// Retrieve the set of protocols whose conformances will be
/// associated with this declaration context.
/// This function differs from \c getLocalConformances() in that it
/// returns protocol declarations, not protocol conformances, and
/// therefore does not require the protocol conformances to be
/// formed.
/// \param lookupKind The kind of lookup to perform.
SmallVector<ProtocolDecl *, 2>
getLocalProtocols(ConformanceLookupKind lookupKind
= ConformanceLookupKind::All) const;
/// Retrieve the set of protocol conformances associated with this
/// declaration context.
/// \param lookupKind The kind of lookup to perform.
SmallVector<ProtocolConformance *, 2>
getLocalConformances(ConformanceLookupKind lookupKind
= ConformanceLookupKind::All) const;
/// Retrieve diagnostics discovered while expanding conformances for this
/// declaration context. This operation then removes those diagnostics from
/// consideration, so subsequent calls to this function with the same
/// declaration context that have not had any new extensions bound
/// will see an empty array.
SmallVector<ConformanceDiagnostic, 4> takeConformanceDiagnostics() const;
/// Return 'this' as a \c Decl.
const Decl *getDecl() const;
/// Return 'this' as a \c GenericContext.
GenericContext *getAsGenericContext();
const GenericContext *getAsGenericContext() const {
return const_cast<IterableDeclContext *>(this)->getAsGenericContext();
/// Get the DeclID this Decl was deserialized from.
serialization::DeclID getDeclID() const {
return SerialID;
/// Set the DeclID this Decl was deserialized from.
void setDeclID(serialization::DeclID d) {
SerialID = d;
// Some Decls are IterableDeclContexts, but not all.
static bool classof(const Decl *D);
/// Return a hash of all tokens in the body for dependency analysis, if
/// available.
Optional<Fingerprint> getBodyFingerprint() const;
/// Add a member to the list for iteration purposes, but do not notify the
/// subclass that we have done so.
void addMemberSilently(Decl *member, Decl *hint, bool insertAtHead) const;
/// Define simple_display for DeclContexts but not for subclasses in order to
/// avoid ambiguities with Decl* arguments.
template <typename ParamT, typename = typename std::enable_if<
std::is_same<ParamT, DeclContext>::value>::type>
void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const ParamT *dc) {
if (dc)
dc->printContext(out, 0, true);
out << "(null)";
void simple_display(llvm::raw_ostream &out, const IterableDeclContext *idc);
/// Extract the source location from the given declaration context.
SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLoc(const DeclContext *dc);
/// Extract the source location from the given declaration context.
SourceLoc extractNearestSourceLoc(const IterableDeclContext *idc);
} // end namespace swift
namespace llvm {
template<class FromTy>
struct cast_convert_val< ::swift::DeclContext, FromTy, FromTy> {
static ::swift::DeclContext *doit(const FromTy &Val) {
return ::swift::DeclContext::castDeclToDeclContext(Val);
template<class FromTy>
struct cast_convert_val< ::swift::IterableDeclContext, FromTy, FromTy> {
static ::swift::IterableDeclContext *doit(const FromTy &Val) {
return ::swift::IterableDeclContext::castDeclToIterableDeclContext(Val);