blob: a89d38f3ce6e657a0c0a5344c7b227acbfce6386 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -solver-expression-time-threshold=1
// REQUIRES: tools-release,no_asan
precedencegroup ExponentiationPrecedence {
associativity: right
higherThan: BitwiseShiftPrecedence
infix operator ** : ExponentiationPrecedence
func ** (num: Float, power: Float) -> Float {
func test(f: Float) {
let v1: Float = 1.1
let v2 = 2.2
let v3 = 3.3
// NOTE: This is using mixed types, and would result in a type checking error if it completed.
let _ = v2*7.1**(1.97276*(1-v1/f)-7.02202*v3+1.70373*1e-3*(1.0-10**(-2.29692*(f/v1-1.0)))+0.32273*1e-3*(10**(3.76977*(1.0-v1/f))-1)-2.2195923)
// expected-error@-1 {{the compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions}}