blob: 32c39811aa06fb730ca609db768b38da8aa402b5 [file] [log] [blame]
# swift_build_support/ ----------------------------------*- python -*-
# This source file is part of the open source project
# Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
# Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
# See for license information
# See for the list of Swift project authors
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Centralized command line and file system interface for the build script.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import pipes
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
DEVNULL = getattr(subprocess, 'DEVNULL', subprocess.PIPE)
dry_run = False
def _fatal_error(message):
"""Raises a SystemExit error with the given message.
raise SystemExit('ERROR: {}\n'.format(message))
def _quote(arg):
return pipes.quote(str(arg))
def quote_command(args):
quote_command(args) -> str
Quote the command for passing to a shell.
return ' '.join([_quote(a) for a in args])
def _coerce_dry_run(dry_run_override):
if dry_run_override is None:
return dry_run
return dry_run_override
def _echo_command(dry_run, command, env=None, prompt="+ "):
output = []
if env is not None:
output += ['env'] + [_quote("%s=%s" % (k, v))
for (k, v) in sorted(env.items())]
output += [_quote(arg) for arg in command]
file = sys.stderr
if dry_run:
file = sys.stdout
print(prompt + ' '.join(output), file=file)
def call(command, stderr=None, env=None, dry_run=None, echo=True):
call(command, ...) -> str
Execute the given command.
This function will raise an exception on any command failure.
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, command, env=env)
if dry_run:
_env = None
if env is not None:
_env = dict(os.environ)
subprocess.check_call(command, env=_env, stderr=stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
"command terminated with a non-zero exit status " +
str(e.returncode) + ", aborting")
except OSError as e:
"could not execute '" + quote_command(command) +
"': " + e.strerror)
def call_without_sleeping(command, env=None, dry_run=False, echo=False):
Execute a command during which system sleep is disabled.
By default, this ignores the state of the `shell.dry_run` flag.
# Disable system sleep, if possible.
if platform.system() == 'Darwin':
# Don't mutate the caller's copy of the arguments.
command = ["caffeinate"] + list(command)
call(command, env=env, dry_run=dry_run, echo=echo)
def capture(command, stderr=None, env=None, dry_run=None, echo=True,
optional=False, allow_non_zero_exit=False):
capture(command, ...) -> str
Execute the given command and return the standard output.
This function will raise an exception on any command failure.
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, command, env=env)
if dry_run:
_env = None
if env is not None:
_env = dict(os.environ)
out = subprocess.check_output(command, env=_env, stderr=stderr)
# Coerce to `str` hack. not py3 `byte`, not py2 `unicode`.
return str(out.decode())
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
if allow_non_zero_exit:
return str(e.output.decode())
if optional:
return None
"command terminated with a non-zero exit status " +
str(e.returncode) + ", aborting")
except OSError as e:
if optional:
return None
"could not execute '" + quote_command(command) +
"': " + e.strerror)
def pushd(path, dry_run=None, echo=True):
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
old_dir = os.getcwd()
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, ["pushd", path])
if not dry_run:
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, ["popd"])
if not dry_run:
def makedirs(path, dry_run=None, echo=True):
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, ['mkdir', '-p', path])
if dry_run:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
def rmtree(path, dry_run=None, echo=True):
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, ['rm', '-rf', path])
if dry_run:
if os.path.exists(path):
def copytree(src, dest, dry_run=None, echo=True):
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, ['cp', '-r', src, dest])
if dry_run:
shutil.copytree(src, dest)
def symlink(source, dest, dry_run=None, echo=True):
dry_run = _coerce_dry_run(dry_run)
if dry_run or echo:
_echo_command(dry_run, ['ln', '-s', source, dest])
if dry_run:
os.symlink(source, dest)
# Initialized later
lock = None
def run(*args, **kwargs):
repo_path = os.getcwd()
echo_output = kwargs.pop('echo', False)
dry_run = kwargs.pop('dry_run', False)
env = kwargs.pop('env', None)
if dry_run:
_echo_command(dry_run, *args, env=env)
return(None, 0, args)
my_pipe = subprocess.Popen(
*args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs)
(stdout, stderr) = my_pipe.communicate()
ret = my_pipe.wait()
if lock:
if echo_output:
_echo_command(dry_run, *args, env=env)
if stdout:
print(stdout, end="")
if stderr:
print(stderr, end="")
if lock:
if ret != 0:
eout = Exception()
eout.ret = ret
eout.args = args
eout.repo_path = repo_path
eout.stderr = stderr
raise eout
return (stdout, 0, args)