blob: 882d9d7cd3200d9470911442b6e87797532bd993 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -o %t/test_runtime_function_counters
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/test_runtime_function_counters
// RUN: %target-run %t/test_runtime_function_counters 2>&1 | %FileCheck %s
// REQUIRES: runtime_function_counters
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: rdar48995133
/// Test functionality related to the runtime function counters.
class C {
var next: C? = nil
func test(_ c: C) {
struct MyStruct {
var ref1: AnyObject? = C()
var ref2: AnyObject = C()
var str: String = ""
public final class List<T> {
var value: T
var next: List<T>?
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value = nil
init(_ value: T, _ tail: List<T>) {
self.value = value = tail
public func length<T>(_ l: List<T>) -> Int {
var ll: List<T>? = l
var len = 0
while ll != nil {
len = len + 1
ll = ll?.next
return len
/// CHECK-LABEL: TEST: Collect references inside objects
// Constant strings don't really have a reference, but BridgeObject
// still counts as one.
// FIXME(TODO: JIRA): On 32-bit, we use AnyObject? instead of BridgeObject. If
// we get back onto a real reference (or if 64-bit gets off of a real
// reference), then drop adjust the optionality of the following check.
/// CHECK: Constant string: [{{([0-9a-fA-Fx]+)?}}]
/// An array has one reference
/// CHECK: Array<Int>: [{{[0-9a-fA-Fx]+}}]
/// MyStruct has two references plus a String with a third
// FIXME(TODO: JIRA): On 32-bit, we use AnyObject? instead of BridgeObject. If
// we get back onto a real reference (or if 64-bit gets off of a real
// reference), then drop adjust the optionality of the following check.
/// CHECK: MyStruct: [{{[0-9a-fA-Fx]+}}, {{[0-9a-fA-Fx]+}}{{(, [0-9a-fA-Fx]+)?}}]
/// Dictionary has one reference
/// CHECK: Dictionary<Int, Int>: [{{[0-9a-fA-Fx]+}}]
/// Set has one reference
/// CHECK: Set<Int>: [{{[0-9a-fA-Fx]+}}]
/// Test collection of references inside different types of objects.
func testCollectReferencesInsideObject() {
print("TEST: Collect references inside objects")
let s = "MyString"
let aint = [1,2,3,4]
let dint = [1:1, 2:2]
let sint: Set<Int> = [1,2,3,4]
print("Constant string: \(_collectReferencesInsideObject(s))")
print("Array<Int>: \(_collectReferencesInsideObject(aint))")
print("MyStruct: \(_collectReferencesInsideObject(MyStruct()))")
print("Dictionary<Int, Int>: \(_collectReferencesInsideObject(dint))")
print("Set<Int>: \(_collectReferencesInsideObject(sint))")
var mystring = "MyString"
/// CHECK-LABEL: TEST: APIs from _RuntimeFunctionCounters
/// CHECK: Number of runtime function pointers:
/// Test some APIs from _RuntimeFunctionCounters
func testRuntimeCounters() {
print("TEST: APIs from _RuntimeFunctionCounters")
let numRuntimeFunctionPointer =
print("Number of runtime function pointers: \(numRuntimeFunctionPointer)")
let names = _RuntimeFunctionCounters.getRuntimeFunctionNames()
let offsets = _RuntimeFunctionCounters.getRuntimeFunctionCountersOffsets()
for i in 0..<numRuntimeFunctionPointer {
print("Runtime function \(i) : \(names[i]) at offset: \(offsets[i])")
var d: [Int : Int] = [:]
let globalCounters1 = _GlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersState()
for i in 0..<50 {
let k = i
let v = i*i
d[k] = v
let globalCounters2 = _GlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersState()
globalCounters1.dumpDiff(globalCounters2, skipUnchanged: true)
/// Test finding references inside a String object.
func testString(_ s: String) {
print("TEST: Collect references for strings")
let refs = _collectReferencesInsideObject(s)
print("References are: \(refs)")
let objectCounters1 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
let _ = [String](repeating: s, count: 4)
let objectCounters2 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
objectCounters1.dumpDiff(objectCounters2, skipUnchanged: true)
/// Test finding references inside a Dictionary object.
func testDict(_ _dint: [Int : Int]) {
print("TEST: Collect references for dictionaries")
var dint = _dint
dint[3] = 3
let refs = _collectReferencesInsideObject(dint)
print("References are: \(refs)")
let objectCounters1 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
dint[222] = 222
dint[2222] = 2222
let objectCounters2 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
objectCounters1.dumpDiff(objectCounters2, skipUnchanged: true)
/// Test finding references inside an object graph with a cycle.
/// It should not result in a stack overflow.
func testObjectCycle() {
print("TEST: Collect references on object graph with cycles")
let c1 = C()
let c2 = C() = c1 = c1
let refs = _collectReferencesInsideObject(c1)
print("References are: \(refs)")
let objectCounters1 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0]) = nil = nil
let objectCounters2 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
objectCounters1.dumpDiff(objectCounters2, skipUnchanged: true)
/// Test runtime function counters for a List object.
func testLists() {
print("TEST: Runtime function counters for Lists")
let globalCounters1 = _GlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersState()
var l: List<Int>? = List(1, List(2, List(3, List(4, List(5)))))
let refs = _collectReferencesInsideObject(l!)
let globalCounters11 = _GlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersState()
let _ = _collectReferencesInsideObject(l!)
let globalCounters111 = _GlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersState()
print("Global counters diff for 11")
globalCounters1.dumpDiff(globalCounters11, skipUnchanged: true)
print("Global counters diff for 111")
globalCounters1.dumpDiff(globalCounters111, skipUnchanged: true)
let len = length(l!)
let globalCounters2 = _GlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersState()
print("Length of the list is \(len)")
print("Global counters diff after constructing a list and computing its length")
globalCounters1.dumpDiff(globalCounters2, skipUnchanged: true)
let objectCounters1 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
l = nil
let objectCounters2 = _ObjectRuntimeFunctionCountersState(refs[0])
print("List head counters after list becomes unreferenced")
objectCounters1.dumpDiff(objectCounters2, skipUnchanged: true)
/// Test the _measureRuntimeFunctionCountersDiffs API.
func testMeasureRuntimeFunctionCountersDiffs() {
print("TEST: Measure runtime function counters diff")
let l: List<Int>? = List(1, List(2, List(3, List(4, List(5)))))
let refs = _collectReferencesInsideObject(l!)
var len = 0
let (globalCounters, objectsCountersDiffs) =
_measureRuntimeFunctionCountersDiffs(objects: [refs[0]]) {
len = length(l!)
print("List length is: \(len)")
print("Global counters changes")
globalCounters.dump(skipUnchanged: true)
print("Objects counters changes")
for (i, objectCounters) in objectsCountersDiffs.enumerated() {
print("Object counters diff for \(refs[i])")
objectCounters.dump(skipUnchanged: true)
/// This is a handler that is invoked on each runtime functions counters update.
func updatesHandler(object: UnsafeRawPointer, functionId: Int64) {
let savedMode = _RuntimeFunctionCounters.disableRuntimeFunctionCountersUpdates()
print("Start handler")
let functionName = _RuntimeFunctionCounters.runtimeFunctionNames[Int(functionId)]
print("Function \(functionName) was invoked on object \(object)")
print("End handler")
_RuntimeFunctionCounters.enableRuntimeFunctionCountersUpdates(mode: savedMode)
/// Check that it is possible to set your own runtime functions counters
/// updates handler and this handler is invoked at runtime.
/// CHECK-LABEL: TEST: Provide runtime function counters update handler
/// CHECK: Start handler
/// Check that allocations and deallocations are intercepted too.
/// CHECK: swift_allocObject
/// CHECK: swift_deallocObject
/// CHECK: End handler
/// Test that you can provide custom handlers for runtime functions counters
/// updates.
var globalC: C? = nil
func testFunctionRuntimeCountersUpdateHandler() {
print("TEST: Provide runtime function counters update handler")
let l: List<Int>? = List(1, List(2, List(3, List(4, List(5)))))
let oldHandler =
handler: updatesHandler)
globalC = C()
globalC = nil
let len = length(l!)
_ = _RuntimeFunctionCounters.setGlobalRuntimeFunctionCountersUpdateHandler(
handler: oldHandler)
print("Restored old handler")
/// Enable runtime function counters stats collection.
/// Test collection of references inside different types of objects.
/// Test some APIs from _RuntimeFunctionCounters.
/// Test dumping of counters for all objects.
/// Test runtime function counters for a List object.
/// Test the _measureRuntimeFunctionCountersDiffs API.
/// Test that you can provide custom handlers for runtime functions counters updates.