blob: e80375fafbd8b40b984399cb4864f964fc41637f [file] [log] [blame]
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2020 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
@_spi(Reflection) import Swift
import StdlibUnittest
struct TestStruct {
var int = 0
var double = 0.0
var bool = false
struct GenericStruct<T> {
var int = 0
var first: T
var second: T
enum TestEnum {
case one
case two
case three(TestStruct)
class BaseClass {
var superInt = 0
init() {}
class TestClass: BaseClass {
var int = 0
var double = 0.0
var bool = false
override init() {}
class TestSubclass: TestClass {
var strings: [String] = []
override init() {}
class GenericClass<T, U>: BaseClass {
var first: T
var second: U
init(_ t: T, _ u: U) {
self.first = t
self.second = u
class GenericSubclass<V, W>: GenericClass<V, Bool> {
var third: W
init(_ v: V, _ w: W) {
self.third = w
super.init(v, false)
class OwnershipTestClass: BaseClass {
weak var test1: TestClass?
unowned var test2: TestClass
unowned(unsafe) var test3: TestClass
init(_ t: TestClass) {
self.test1 = t
self.test2 = t
self.test3 = t
struct SimilarToNSPoint {
var x: Double
var y: Double
struct SimilarToNSSize {
var width: Double
var height: Double
struct SimilarToNSRect {
var origin: SimilarToNSPoint
var size: SimilarToNSSize
struct ContainsObject {
var obj: TestClass
struct LetKeyPaths {
let int : Int
let double: Double
protocol TestExisential {}
struct KeyPathTypes {
weak var weakObj: TestClass?
unowned var unownedObj: TestClass
var obj: TestClass
var tuple: (Int, Int, Int)
var structField: Int
var function: (Int) -> (Int)
var optionalFunction: (Int) -> (Int)?
var enumField: TestEnum
var existential: TestExisential
var existentialMetatype: Any.Type
var metatype: Int.Type
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
import Foundation
class NSObjectSubclass: NSObject {
var point: (Double, Double)
init(x: Double, y: Double) {
self.point = (x, y)
class EmptyNSObject: NSObject {}
@available(macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, tvOS 13.4, watchOS 6.2, *)
func checkFields<T>(
of type: T.Type,
options: _EachFieldOptions = [],
fields: [String: (Int, Any.Type)]
) {
var count = 0
_forEachField(of: T.self, options: options) {
charPtr, offset, type, kind in
count += 1
let fieldName = String(cString: charPtr)
guard let (checkOffset, checkType) = fields[fieldName] else {
expectTrue(false, "Unexpected field '\(fieldName)'")
return true
expectEqual(checkOffset, offset)
expectEqual(checkType, type)
return true
expectEqual(fields.count, count)
@available(macOS 9999, iOS 9999, tvOS 9999, watchOS 9999, *)
func checkFieldsWithKeyPath<T>(
of type: T.Type,
options: _EachFieldOptions = [],
fields: [String: PartialKeyPath<T>]
) {
var count = 0
_forEachFieldWithKeyPath(of: T.self, options: options) {
charPtr, keyPath in
count += 1
let fieldName = String(cString: charPtr)
guard let checkKeyPath = fields[fieldName] else {
expectTrue(false, "Unexpected field '\(fieldName)'")
return true
expectTrue(checkKeyPath == keyPath)
return true
expectEqual(fields.count, count)
protocol ExistentialProtocol {}
extension TestStruct: ExistentialProtocol {}
extension GenericStruct: ExistentialProtocol {}
extension GenericSubclass: ExistentialProtocol {}
@available(macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, tvOS 13.4, watchOS 6.2, *)
extension ExistentialProtocol {
static func doCheckFields(
options: _EachFieldOptions = [],
fields: [String: (Int, Any.Type)]
) {
checkFields(of: Self.self, options: options, fields: fields)
@available(macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, tvOS 13.4, watchOS 6.2, *)
func checkFieldsAsExistential(
of type: ExistentialProtocol.Type,
options: _EachFieldOptions = [],
fields: [String: (Int, Any.Type)]
) {
type.doCheckFields(options: options, fields: fields)
@available(macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, tvOS 13.4, watchOS 6.2, *)
func _withTypeEncodingCallback(encoding: inout String, name: UnsafePointer<CChar>, offset: Int, type: Any.Type, kind: _MetadataKind) -> Bool {
if type == Bool.self {
encoding += "B"
return true
} else if type == Int.self {
if MemoryLayout<Int>.size == MemoryLayout<Int64>.size {
encoding += "q"
} else if MemoryLayout<Int>.size == MemoryLayout<Int32>.size {
encoding += "l"
} else {
return false
return true
} else if type == Double.self {
encoding += "d"
return true
switch kind {
case .struct:
encoding += "{"
defer { encoding += "}" }
_forEachField(of: type) { name, offset, type, kind in
_withTypeEncodingCallback(encoding: &encoding, name: name, offset: offset, type: type, kind: kind)
case .class:
encoding += "@"
return true
@available(macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, tvOS 13.4, watchOS 6.2, *)
func getTypeEncoding<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> String? {
var encoding = ""
_ = _forEachField(of: type) { name, offset, type, kind in
_withTypeEncodingCallback(encoding: &encoding, name: name, offset: offset, type: type, kind: kind)
return "{\(encoding)}"
var tests = TestSuite("ForEachField")
if #available(macOS 10.15.4, iOS 13.4, tvOS 13.4, watchOS 6.2, *) {
tests.test("TestTuple") {
of: (Int, Bool).self,
fields: [".0": (0, Int.self), ".1": (MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, Bool.self)])
of: (a: Int, b: Bool).self,
fields: ["a": (0, Int.self), "b": (MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, Bool.self)])
tests.test("TestEnum") {
checkFields(of: TestEnum.self, fields: [:])
tests.test("TestStruct") {
of: TestStruct.self,
fields: [
"int": (0, Int.self),
"double": (MemoryLayout<Double>.stride, Double.self),
"bool": (MemoryLayout<Double>.stride * 2, Bool.self),
of: TestStruct.self,
fields: [
"int": (0, Int.self),
"double": (MemoryLayout<Double>.stride, Double.self),
"bool": (MemoryLayout<Double>.stride * 2, Bool.self),
// Applying to struct type with .classType option fails
expectFalse(_forEachField(of: TestStruct.self, options: .classType) {
_, _, _, _ in true
if #available(macOS 9999, iOS 9999, tvOS 9999, watchOS 9999, *) {
tests.test("StructKeyPath") {
of: TestStruct.self,
fields: [
"int": \,
"double": \TestStruct.double,
"bool": \TestStruct.bool,
tests.test("LetKeyPaths") {
of: LetKeyPaths.self,
fields: [
"int": \,
"double": \LetKeyPaths.double,
tests.test("KeyPathTypes") {
of: KeyPathTypes.self,
options: .ignoreUnknown,
fields: [
"obj": \KeyPathTypes.obj,
"tuple": \KeyPathTypes.tuple,
"structField": \KeyPathTypes.structField,
"enumField": \KeyPathTypes.enumField,
"existential": \KeyPathTypes.existential,
"existentialMetatype": \KeyPathTypes.existentialMetatype,
tests.test("TupleKeyPath") {
typealias TestTuple = (Int, Int, TestClass, TestStruct)
of: TestTuple.self,
fields: [
".0": \TestTuple.0,
".1": \TestTuple.1,
".2": \TestTuple.2,
".3": \TestTuple.3,
func checkGenericStruct<T>(_: T.Type) {
let firstOffset = max(MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, MemoryLayout<T>.alignment)
of: GenericStruct<T>.self,
fields: [
"int": (0, Int.self),
"first": (firstOffset, T.self),
"second": (firstOffset + MemoryLayout<T>.stride, T.self),
of: GenericStruct<T>.self,
fields: [
"int": (0, Int.self),
"first": (firstOffset, T.self),
"second": (firstOffset + MemoryLayout<T>.stride, T.self),
tests.test("GenericStruct") {
checkGenericStruct((TestStruct, TestClass, Int, Int).self)
tests.test("TestClass") {
let classOffset = MemoryLayout<Int>.stride * 2
let doubleOffset = classOffset
+ max(MemoryLayout<Int>.stride * 2, MemoryLayout<Double>.stride)
of: TestClass.self, options: .classType,
fields: [
"superInt": (classOffset, Int.self),
"int": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, Int.self),
"double": (doubleOffset, Double.self),
"bool": (doubleOffset + MemoryLayout<Double>.stride, Bool.self),
of: TestSubclass.self, options: .classType,
fields: [
"superInt": (classOffset, Int.self),
"int": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, Int.self),
"double": (doubleOffset, Double.self),
"bool": (doubleOffset + MemoryLayout<Double>.stride, Bool.self),
"strings": (doubleOffset + MemoryLayout<Double>.stride + MemoryLayout<Array<String>>.stride, Array<String>.self),
let firstOffset = classOffset
+ max(MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, MemoryLayout<TestStruct>.alignment)
of: GenericSubclass<TestStruct, TestStruct>.self, options: .classType,
fields: [
"superInt": (classOffset, Int.self),
"first": (firstOffset, TestStruct.self),
"second": (firstOffset + MemoryLayout<TestStruct>.size, Bool.self),
"third": (firstOffset + MemoryLayout<TestStruct>.stride, TestStruct.self),
of: GenericSubclass<Int, Never>.self, options: .classType,
fields: [
"superInt": (classOffset, Int.self),
"first": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, Int.self),
"second": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride * 2, Bool.self),
"third": (0, Never.self),
of: GenericSubclass<TestStruct, TestStruct>.self, options: .classType,
fields: [
"superInt": (classOffset, Int.self),
"first": (firstOffset, TestStruct.self),
"second": (firstOffset + MemoryLayout<TestStruct>.size, Bool.self),
"third": (firstOffset + MemoryLayout<TestStruct>.stride, TestStruct.self),
// Applying to class type without .classType option fails
expectFalse(_forEachField(of: TestClass.self) {
_, _, _, _ in true
tests.test("OwnershipTestClass") {
let classOffset = MemoryLayout<Int>.stride * 2
of: OwnershipTestClass.self, options: .classType,
fields: [
"superInt": (classOffset, Int.self),
"test1": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride, Optional<TestClass>.self),
"test2": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride * 2, TestClass.self),
"test3": (classOffset + MemoryLayout<Int>.stride * 3, TestClass.self),
#if _runtime(_ObjC)
tests.test("NSObjectSubclass") {
expectTrue(_forEachField(of: NSObjectSubclass.self, options: .classType) {
charPtr, _, type, _ in
let fieldName = String(cString: charPtr)
return type == (Double, Double).self
&& fieldName == "point"
expectTrue(_forEachField(of: EmptyNSObject.self, options: .classType) {
_, _, _, _ in true
tests.test("withTypeEncoding") {
expectEqual("{@}", getTypeEncoding(ContainsObject.self))
expectEqual("{{dd}{dd}}", getTypeEncoding(SimilarToNSRect.self))
let testEncoding = getTypeEncoding(TestStruct.self)
expectTrue("{qdB}" == testEncoding || "{ldB}" == testEncoding)
} else {