blob: 83636f1a499fb30d3092e82e9db580e7c5dc49a1 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import StdlibUnittest
import ObjectiveC // for autoreleasepool
var suite = TestSuite("AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer")
/// Call `body` passing it an AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer whose pointee
/// has the specified value, allocated in a temporary buffer.
func withAUMP<Pointee: AnyObject>(
as type: Pointee.Type = Pointee.self,
initialValue: Optional<Unmanaged<Pointee>> = nil,
_ body: (AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<Pointee>>) -> Void
) {
let p =
UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<Unmanaged<Pointee>>>.allocate(capacity: 1)
p.initialize(to: initialValue)
/// Call `body` passing it an AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer whose pointee
/// has the specified value, allocated in a temporary buffer.
func withAUMP<Pointee: AnyObject>(
initialValues: [Unmanaged<Pointee>?],
_ body: (AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<Pointee>>) -> Void
) {
let p = UnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<Unmanaged<Pointee>>>.allocate(
capacity: initialValues.count
for i in 0 ..< initialValues.count {
(p + i).initialize(to: initialValues[i])
let aump = AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer<Optional<Pointee>>(p)
suite.test("helper calls its closure exactly once") {
// `withAUMP` is expected to call its closure exactly once, with an argument
// pointing to a nil value.
var runCount = 0
withAUMP(as: LifetimeTracked.self) { p in
runCount += 1
expectEqual(runCount, 1)
suite.test("init doesn't autorelease") {
let originalInstances = LifetimeTracked.instances
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passRetained(LifetimeTracked(42))
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
withAUMP(initialValue: unmanaged) { p in noop(p) }
// Releasing the original reference should immediately deallocate the
// object.
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances)
suite.test("getter initially returns the initial value") {
withAUMP(as: LifetimeTracked.self) { p in
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passRetained(LifetimeTracked(42))
withAUMP(initialValue: unmanaged) { p in
expectTrue(p.pointee === unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue())
suite.test("pointee getter returns the last value set") {
autoreleasepool {
withAUMP(as: LifetimeTracked.self) { p in
let object = LifetimeTracked(23)
p.pointee = object
expectTrue(p.pointee === object)
let other = LifetimeTracked(42)
p.pointee = other
expectTrue(p.pointee === other)
p.pointee = nil
suite.test("pointee getter doesn't autorelease") {
let originalInstances = LifetimeTracked.instances
autoreleasepool {
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passRetained(LifetimeTracked(42))
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
withAUMP(initialValue: unmanaged) { p in
expectTrue(p.pointee === unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue())
// Releasing the original reference should immediately deallocate the
// object.
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances)
suite.test("pointee setter autoreleases the new value") {
let originalInstances = LifetimeTracked.instances
autoreleasepool {
withAUMP(as: LifetimeTracked.self) { p in
let object = LifetimeTracked(42)
// There is one more instance now.
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
p.pointee = object
// The strong reference to `object` is gone, but the autoreleasepool
// is still holding onto it.
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
// Draining the pool deallocates the instance.
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances)
suite.test("AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer doesn't retain its value") {
let originalInstances = LifetimeTracked.instances
withAUMP(as: LifetimeTracked.self) { p in
autoreleasepool {
let object = LifetimeTracked(42)
p.pointee = object
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + 1)
// Draining the pool deallocates the instance, even though
// the autoreleasing pointer still points to it.
// This is okay as long as the pointer isn't dereferenced.
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances)
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances)
suite.test("subscript[0] is the same as pointee.getter") {
withAUMP(as: LifetimeTracked.self) { p in
let unmanaged = Unmanaged.passRetained(LifetimeTracked(42))
withAUMP(initialValue: unmanaged) { p in
expectTrue(p[0] === unmanaged.takeUnretainedValue())
suite.test("subscript and advanced(by:) works") {
let originalInstances = LifetimeTracked.instances
let count = 100
var refs = 0
let values: [Unmanaged<LifetimeTracked>?] = (0 ..< count).map { i in
if i % 10 == 0 {
refs += 1
return Unmanaged.passRetained(LifetimeTracked(i))
} else {
return nil
withAUMP(initialValues: values) { p in
for i in 0 ..< count {
expectTrue(p[i] === values[i]?.takeUnretainedValue())
expectTrue(p.advanced(by: i).pointee === values[i]?.takeUnretainedValue())
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances + refs)
for unmanaged in values {
expectEqual(LifetimeTracked.instances, originalInstances)