blob: b4c17b7bec5491a1eda29856321b756eb4431a64 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify -primary-file %s %S/Inputs/struct_elementary_functions_other_module.swift
struct Empty : ElementaryFunctions {}
func testEmpty() {
_ = Empty()
struct Float2: ElementaryFunctions {
let a: Float
var b: Float
func testFloat2() {
_ = Float2(a: 1, b: 1)
// Test generic type.
struct Vector2<T : ElementaryFunctions>: ElementaryFunctions {
let x: T
var y: T
func testVector2() {
_ = Vector2<Double>(x: 1, y: 1)
// Test nested type.
struct Nested: ElementaryFunctions {
let float2: Float2
var float: Float
func testNested(float2: Float2) {
_ = Nested(float2: float2, float: 1)
// Test mixed type.
struct Mixed: ElementaryFunctions {
let nested: Nested
var float = Float(1)
var double: Double
func testMixed(nested: Nested) {
_ = Mixed(nested: nested, float: 1, double: 1)
// Test type in generic context.
struct A<T> {
struct B<U, V> {
struct GenericContextNested : ElementaryFunctions {
var nested: Nested
let float: Float
var double = Double(2)
func testGenericContext<T, U, V>(nested: Nested) -> A<T>.B<U, V>.GenericContextNested {
A<T>.B<U, V>.GenericContextNested(nested: nested, float: 1, double: 1)
// Test extension.
struct Extended {
var x: Float
extension Extended : ElementaryFunctions {}
// Test extension of generic type.
struct GenericExtended<T> {
var x: T
extension GenericExtended : ElementaryFunctions where T : ElementaryFunctions {}
// Test memberwise initializer synthesis.
struct NoMemberwiseInitializer<T : ElementaryFunctions> : ElementaryFunctions {
var value: T
init(randomLabel value: T) { self.value = value }
struct NoMemberwiseInitializerExtended<T> {
var value: T
init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
extension NoMemberwiseInitializerExtended: ElementaryFunctions
where T : ElementaryFunctions {}
// Test derived conformances in disallowed contexts.
// expected-error @+1 24 {{extension outside of file declaring struct 'OtherFileNonconforming' prevents automatic synthesis of}}
extension OtherFileNonconforming : ElementaryFunctions {}
// expected-error @+1 24 {{extension outside of file declaring generic struct 'GenericOtherFileNonconforming' prevents automatic synthesis of}}
extension GenericOtherFileNonconforming : ElementaryFunctions {}