blob: 8d5cedef565eeaa1397b7be0c164ff85e342e194 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
// Test redeclaration checking in local context.
func test1() {
let x = 123 // expected-note{{'x' previously declared here}}
func f() {} // expected-note{{'f()' previously declared here}}
struct S {} // expected-note{{'S' previously declared here}}
let x = 321 // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
func f() {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'f()'}}
struct S {} // expected-error{{invalid redeclaration of 'S'}}
func test2() {
let x = 123 // expected-warning {{never used}}
func f() {}
struct S {}
do {
let x = 321 // expected-warning {{never used}}
func f() {}
struct S {}
func test3<T, T>(_: T, _: T) {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'T' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'T'}}
// expected-error@-3 {{generic parameter 'T' is not used in function signature}}
func test4(x: Int, x: Int) {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
struct Test4<T, T> {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'T' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'T'}}
typealias Test5<T, T> = ()
// expected-note@-1 {{'T' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'T'}}
enum E {
case test6(x: Int, x: Int)
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
subscript(x: Int, x: Int) -> Int { return 0 }
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
_ = { (x: Int, x: Int) in }
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
enum MyError : Error {
case error(Int, Int)
func stmtTest() {
let n: (Int, Int)? = nil
if case (let x, let x)? = n {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
// expected-warning@-3 2{{never used}}
for case (let x, let x) in [(Int, Int)]() {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
// expected-warning@-3 2{{never used}}
switch n {
case (let x, let x)?: _ = ()
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
// expected-warning@-3 2{{never used}}
case nil: _ = ()
while case (let x, let x)? = n {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
// expected-warning@-3 2{{never used}}
guard case (let x, let x)? = n else {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
// expected-warning@-3 2{{never used}}
do {} catch MyError.error(let x, let x) {}
// expected-note@-1 {{'x' previously declared here}}
// expected-error@-2 {{invalid redeclaration of 'x'}}
// expected-warning@-3 2{{never used}}
// expected-warning@-4 {{unreachable}}
func fullNameTest() {
let x = 123 // expected-warning {{never used}}
func x() {}
// For source compatibility, allow duplicate parameter labels on
// protocol requirements.
protocol SillyProtocol {
init(x: Int, x: Int)
init(a x: Int, b x: Int)
func foo(x: Int, x: Int)
func foo(a x: Int, b x: Int)
subscript(x: Int, x: Int) -> Int { get }
subscript(a x: Int, b x: Int) -> Int { get }