blob: 3416e15f1e2694b137c69dae3ca1bd3a736e08fa [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
struct SomeOptions: OptionSet {
var rawValue: Int
static let some = MyOptions(rawValue: 4)
static let empty = SomeOptions(rawValue: 0) // expected-warning {{static property 'empty' produces an empty option set}} expected-note {{use [] to silence this warning}}{{35-48=([])}}
static var otherVal = SomeOptions(rawValue: 0)
let someVal = MyOptions(rawValue: 6)
let option = MyOptions(float: Float.infinity)
let none = SomeOptions(rawValue: 0) // expected-error {{value type 'SomeOptions' cannot have a stored property that recursively contains it}}
struct MyOptions: OptionSet {
let rawValue: Int
init(rawValue: Int) {
self.rawValue = rawValue
init(float: Float) {
self.rawValue = float.exponent
static let none = MyOptions(rawValue: 0) // expected-warning {{static property 'none' produces an empty option set}} expected-note {{use [] to silence this warning}}{{32-45=([])}}
static var nothing = MyOptions(rawValue: 0)
static let nope = MyOptions()
static let other = SomeOptions(rawValue: 8)
static let piVal = MyOptions(float: Float.pi)
static let zero = MyOptions(float: 0.0)