blob: bf9558fbb5487b3b8746d9f21855c7d58e4d4571 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -o %t/indirects.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/implementation-only-imports/indirects.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -o %t/directs.swiftmodule -I %t %S/Inputs/implementation-only-imports/directs.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -typecheck -verify %s -I %t
@_implementationOnly import directs
import indirects
// Types
public func testStructFromDirect() {
_ = StructFromDirect() // expected-error {{struct 'StructFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
// expected-error@-1 {{initializer 'init()' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testStructFromIndirect() {
_ = StructFromIndirect()
public func testAliasFromDirect() {
_ = AliasFromDirect() // expected-error {{type alias 'AliasFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
// expected-error@-1 {{initializer 'init()' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testAliasFromIndirect() {
_ = AliasFromIndirect()
public func testGenericAliasFromDirect() {
_ = GenericAliasFromDirect<Int>.self // expected-error {{type alias 'GenericAliasFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testGenericAliasFromIndirect() {
let tmp: GenericAliasFromIndirect<Int>?
_ = tmp
// Functions
public func testFunctionFromDirect() {
globalFunctionFromDirect() // expected-error {{global function 'globalFunctionFromDirect()' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testFunctionFromIndirect() {
// Variables
public func testVariableFromDirect_get() {
_ = globalVariableFromDirect // expected-error {{var 'globalVariableFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testVariableFromIndirect_get() {
_ = globalVariableFromIndirect
public func testVariableFromDirect_set() {
globalVariableFromDirect = 5 // expected-error {{var 'globalVariableFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testVariableFromIndirect_set() {
globalVariableFromIndirect = 5
// Extensions
public func testExtensionMethod(s: inout StructFromIndirect) {
s.extensionMethodFromDirect() // expected-error {{instance method 'extensionMethodFromDirect()' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testExtensionProperty_get(s: inout StructFromIndirect) {
_ = s.extensionPropertyFromDirect // expected-error {{property 'extensionPropertyFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testExtensionProperty_set(s: inout StructFromIndirect) {
s.extensionPropertyFromDirect = 5 // expected-error {{property 'extensionPropertyFromDirect' cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testExtensionSubscript_get(s: inout StructFromIndirect) {
_ = s[extensionSubscript: 0] // expected-error {{cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}
public func testExtensionSubscript_set(s: inout StructFromIndirect) {
s[extensionSubscript: 0] = 5 // expected-error {{cannot be used in an '@inlinable' function because 'directs' was imported implementation-only}}