blob: 7cc5fd13eac9a7ad964280cf4f59295bcc68b631 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -o %t/NormalLibrary.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/implementation-only-import-in-decls-public-helper.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-module -o %t/BADLibrary.swiftmodule %S/Inputs/implementation-only-import-in-decls-helper.swift -I %t
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -I %t
@_implementationOnly import BADLibrary
import NormalLibrary
@available(*, unavailable)
public typealias X = Int
public typealias NormalProtoAssoc<T: NormalProto> = T.Assoc
@inlinable func testConformanceInTypealias() {
let x: NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>? = nil // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = x
_ = NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>() // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
func internalConformanceInTypealias() {
let x: NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>? = nil // okay
_ = x
_ = NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>() // okay
public struct NormalProtoAssocHolder<T: NormalProto> {
public var value: T.Assoc?
public init() {}
public init(_ value: T?) {}
@inlinable func testConformanceInBoundGeneric() {
let x: NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>? = nil // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = x
// FIXME: We get this error twice: once for the TypeExpr and once for the implicit init.
_ = NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>() // expected-error 2 {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = NormalProtoAssocHolder(nil as NormalStruct?) // expected-error 2{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
func internalConformanceInBoundGeneric() {
let x: NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>? = nil // okay
_ = x
_ = NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>() // okay
_ = NormalProtoAssocHolder(nil as NormalStruct?) // okay
@inlinable func testDowncast(_ x: Any) -> Bool {
let normal = x is NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct> // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
let alias = x is NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct> // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
return normal || alias
func internalDowncast(_ x: Any) -> Bool {
let normal = x is NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct> // okay
let alias = x is NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct> // okay
return normal || alias
@inlinable func testSwitch(_ x: Any) {
switch x {
case let holder as NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>: // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = holder
case is NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>: // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
func internalSwitch(_ x: Any) {
switch x {
case let holder as NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>: // okay
_ = holder
case is NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>: // okay
public enum NormalProtoEnumUser<T: NormalProto> {
case a
@inlinable func testEnum() {
// FIXME: We get this error twice: once for the pattern and once for the implicit TypeExpr.
let x: NormalProtoEnumUser<NormalStruct> = .a // expected-error 2 {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = x
// FIXME: We get this error twice: once for the TypeExpr and once for the case.
_ = NormalProtoEnumUser<NormalStruct>.a // expected-error 2 {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
func internalEnum() {
let x: NormalProtoEnumUser<NormalStruct> = .a // okay
_ = x
_ = NormalProtoEnumUser<NormalStruct>.a // okay
@usableFromInline func testFuncImpl<T: NormalProto>(_: T.Type) {}
@inlinable func testFunc() {
testFuncImpl(NormalStruct.self) // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
func internalFunc() {
testFuncImpl(NormalStruct.self) // okay
public struct ForTestingMembers {
public init() {}
public init<T: NormalProto>(_: T.Type) {}
public subscript<T: NormalProto>(_: T.Type) -> Int {
get { return 0 }
set {}
public func method<T: NormalProto>(_: T.Type) {}
@inlinable func testMembers() {
_ = ForTestingMembers(NormalStruct.self) // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = ForTestingMembers.init(NormalStruct.self) // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
_ = ForTestingMembers()[NormalStruct.self] // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
var instance = ForTestingMembers()
instance[NormalStruct.self] = 1 // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
ForTestingMembers().method(NormalStruct.self) // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
extension NormalProtoAssocHolder {
public static func testAnotherConformance<U: NormalProto>(_: U.Type) {}
@inlinable func testMultipleConformances() {
// expected-error@-1 2 {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
// expected-error@-2 {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalClass' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
@inlinable func localTypeAlias() {
typealias LocalUser = NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct> // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
typealias LocalGenericUser<T> = (T, NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>) // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
typealias LocalProtoAssoc<T: NormalProto> = T.Assoc
_ = LocalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>() // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
@inlinable func localFunctions() {
func local(_: NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>) {} // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
func localReturn() -> NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct> { fatalError() } // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
let _ = { (_: NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>) in return } // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
let _ = { () -> NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct> in fatalError() } // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
@inlinable public func signatureOfInlinable(_: NormalProtoAssocHolder<NormalStruct>) {} // expected-error{{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
public func testDefaultArgument(_: Int = NormalProtoAssoc<NormalStruct>()) {} // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalStruct' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
public class SubclassOfNormalClass: NormalClass {}
@inlinable public func testInheritedConformance() {
_ = NormalProtoAssocHolder<SubclassOfNormalClass>.self // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'NormalClass' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}
@inlinable public func testSpecializedConformance() {
_ = NormalProtoAssocHolder<GenericStruct<Int>>.self // expected-error {{cannot use conformance of 'GenericStruct<T>' to 'NormalProto' here; 'BADLibrary' has been imported as implementation-only}}