blob: 3d74dee71cc22ee408e38617a477426a81135546 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -swift-version 5 -enable-library-evolution %S/Inputs/exhaustive_switch_testable_helper.swift -emit-module -o %t
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 5 -enable-library-evolution -I %t
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 4 -enable-library-evolution -enable-nonfrozen-enum-exhaustivity-diagnostics -I %t
import exhaustive_switch_testable_helper
func foo(a: Int?, b: Int?) -> Int {
switch (a, b) {
case (.none, _): return 1
case (_, .none): return 2
case (.some(_), .some(_)): return 3
switch (a, b) {
case (.none, _): return 1
case (_, .none): return 2
case (_?, _?): return 3
switch Optional<(Int?, Int?)>.some((a, b)) {
case .none: return 1
case let (_, x?)?: return x
case let (x?, _)?: return x
case (.none, .none)?: return 0
func bar(a: Bool, b: Bool) -> Int {
switch (a, b) {
case (false, false):
return 1
case (true, _):
return 2
case (false, true):
return 3
enum Result<T> {
case Ok(T)
case Error(Error)
func shouldWork<U>(other: Result<U>) -> Int {
switch (self, other) { // No warning
case (.Ok, .Ok): return 1
case (.Error, .Error): return 2
case (.Error, _): return 3
case (_, .Error): return 4
func parenthesized() {
// SR-7492: Space projection needs to treat extra paren-patterns explicitly.
let x: Result<(Result<Int>, String)> = .Ok((.Ok(1), "World"))
switch x {
case let .Error(e):
case let .Ok((.Error(e), b)):
print(e, b)
case let .Ok((.Ok(a), b)): // No warning here.
print(a, b)
enum Foo {
case A(Int)
case B(Int)
func foo() {
switch (Foo.A(1), Foo.B(1)) {
case (.A(_), .A(_)):
case (.B(_), _):
case (_, .B(_)):
switch (Foo.A(1), Optional<(Int, Int)>.some((0, 0))) {
case (.A(_), _):
case (.B(_), (let q, _)?):
case (.B(_), nil):
class C {}
enum Bar {
case TheCase(C?)
func test(f: Bar) -> Bool {
switch f {
case .TheCase(_?):
return true
case .TheCase(nil):
return false
func op(this : Optional<Bool>, other : Optional<Bool>) -> Optional<Bool> {
switch (this, other) { // No warning
case let (.none, w):
return w
case let (w, .none):
return w
case let (.some(e1), .some(e2)):
return .some(e1 && e2)
enum Threepeat {
case a, b, c
func test3(x: Threepeat, y: Threepeat) {
switch (x, y) { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add missing case: '(.a, .c)'}}
case (.a, .a):
case (.b, _):
case (.c, _):
case (_, .b):
enum A {
case A(Int)
case B(Bool)
case C
case D
enum B {
case A
case B
func s(a: A, b: B) {
switch (a, b) {
case (.A(_), .A):
case (.A(_), .B):
case (.B(_), let b):
// expected-warning@-1 {{immutable value 'b' was never used; consider replacing with '_' or removing it}}
case (.C, _), (.D, _):
enum Grimble {
case A
case B
case C
enum Gromble {
case D
case E
func doSomething(foo:Grimble, bar:Gromble) {
switch(foo, bar) { // No warning
case (.A, .D):
case (.A, .E):
case (.B, _):
case (.C, _):
enum E {
case A
case B
func f(l: E, r: E) {
switch (l, r) {
case (.A, .A):
case (.A, _):
case (_, .A):
case (.B, .B):
enum TestEnum {
case A, B
func switchOverEnum(testEnumTuple: (TestEnum, TestEnum)) {
switch testEnumTuple {
case (_,.B):
// Matches (.A, .B) and (.B, .B)
case (.A,_):
// Matches (.A, .A)
// Would also match (.A, .B) but first case takes precedent
case (.B,.A):
// Matches (.B, .A)
func tests(a: Int?, b: String?) {
switch (a, b) {
case let (.some(n), _): print("a: ", n, "?")
case (.none, _): print("Nothing", "?")
switch (a, b) {
case let (.some(n), .some(s)): print("a: ", n, "b: ", s)
case let (.some(n), .none): print("a: ", n, "Nothing")
case (.none, _): print("Nothing")
switch (a, b) {
case let (.some(n), .some(s)): print("a: ", n, "b: ", s)
case let (.some(n), .none): print("a: ", n, "Nothing")
case let (.none, .some(s)): print("Nothing", "b: ", s)
case (.none, _): print("Nothing", "?")
switch (a, b) {
case let (.some(n), .some(s)): print("a: ", n, "b: ", s)
case let (.some(n), .none): print("a: ", n, "Nothing")
case let (.none, .some(s)): print("Nothing", "b: ", s)
case (.none, .none): print("Nothing", "Nothing")
enum X {
case Empty
case A(Int)
case B(Int)
func f(a: X, b: X) {
switch (a, b) {
case (_, .Empty): ()
case (.Empty, _): ()
case (.A, .A): ()
case (.B, .B): ()
case (.A, .B): ()
case (.B, .A): ()
func f2(a: X, b: X) {
switch (a, b) {
case (.A, .A): ()
case (.B, .B): ()
case (.A, .B): ()
case (.B, .A): ()
case (_, .Empty): ()
case (.Empty, _): ()
case (.A, .A): () // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case (.B, .B): () // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case (.A, .B): () // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case (.B, .A): () // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
default: ()
enum XX : Int {
case A
case B
case C
case D
case E
func switcheroo(a: XX, b: XX) -> Int {
switch(a, b) { // No warning
case (.A, _) : return 1
case (_, .A) : return 2
case (.C, _) : return 3
case (_, .C) : return 4
case (.B, .B) : return 5
case (.B, .D) : return 6
case (.D, .B) : return 7
case (.B, .E) : return 8
case (.E, .B) : return 9
case (.E, _) : return 10
case (_, .E) : return 11
case (.D, .D) : return 12
print("never hits this:", a, b)
return 13
enum PatternCasts {
case one(Any)
case two
case three(String)
func checkPatternCasts() {
// Pattern casts with this structure shouldn't warn about duplicate cases.
let x: PatternCasts = .one("One")
switch x {
case .one(let s as String): print(s)
case .one: break
case .two: break
case .three: break
// But should warn here.
switch x {
case .one(_): print(s)
case .one: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
case .two: break
case .three: break
// And not here
switch x {
case .one: break
case .two: break
case .three(let s as String?): print(s as Any)
enum MyNever {}
func ~= (_ : MyNever, _ : MyNever) -> Bool { return true }
func myFatalError() -> MyNever { fatalError() }
@frozen public enum UninhabitedT4<A> {
case x(A)
func checkUninhabited() {
// Scrutinees of uninhabited type may match any number and kind of patterns
// that Sema is willing to accept at will. After all, it's quite a feat to
// productively inhabit the type of crashing programs.
func test1(x : Never) {
switch x {} // No diagnostic.
func test2(x : Never) {
switch (x, x) {} // No diagnostic.
func test3(x : MyNever) {
switch x { // No diagnostic.
case myFatalError(): break
case myFatalError(): break
case myFatalError(): break
func test4(x: UninhabitedT4<Never>) {
switch x {} // No diagnostic.
enum Runcible {
case spoon
case hat
case fork
func checkDiagnosticMinimality(x: Runcible?) {
switch (x!, x!) { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add missing case: '(.fork, _)'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '(.hat, .hat)'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '(_, .fork)'}}
case (.spoon, .spoon):
case (.spoon, .hat):
case (.hat, .spoon):
switch (x!, x!) { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add missing case: '(.fork, _)'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '(.hat, .spoon)'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '(.spoon, .hat)'}}
// expected-note@-4 {{add missing case: '(_, .fork)'}}
case (.spoon, .spoon):
case (.hat, .hat):
indirect enum InfinitelySized {
case one
case two
case recur(InfinitelySized)
case mutualRecur(MutuallyRecursive, InfinitelySized)
indirect enum MutuallyRecursive {
case one
case two
case recur(MutuallyRecursive)
case mutualRecur(InfinitelySized, MutuallyRecursive)
func infinitelySized() -> Bool {
switch (, { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 8 {{add missing case:}}
case (.one, .one): return true
case (.two, .two): return true
switch (, { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 8 {{add missing case:}}
case (.one, .one): return true
case (.two, .two): return true
func sr6316() {
let bool1 = false
let bool2 = false
let bool3 = false
let bool4 = true
let bool5 = false
let bool6 = true
let bool7 = true
let bool8 = false
let bool9 = false
switch (bool1, (bool2, bool4, bool6, bool8), (bool3, bool5, bool7, bool9)) {
// expected-error@-1 {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '(false, (_, false, true, _), (_, true, _, _))'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '(_, (_, true, _, _), (_, false, true, _))'}}
case (true, (_, _, _, _), (_, true, true, _)):
case (true, (_, _, _, _), (_, _, false, _)):
case (_, (_, true, true, _), (_, _, false, _)):
case (_, (_, _, false, _), (_, true, true, _)):
case (_, (_, true, true, _), (_, true, true, _)):
case (_, (_, _, false, _), (_, _, false, _)):
case (_, (_, false, _, _), (_, false, _, _)):
func sr6652() {
enum A {
indirect case a([A], foo: Bool)
indirect case b(Dictionary<String, Int>)
indirect case c(A, foo: [A])
indirect case d(if: A, then: A, else: A)
indirect case e(A, A, foo: Bool)
indirect case f(A)
case g(String, foo: Bool)
case string(String)
case `nil`
static func eke(_ lhs: A, _ rhs: A) -> Bool { return false }
enum B {
static func eke(_ lhs: B, _ rhs: B) -> Bool { return false }
enum C {
static func eke(_ lhs: C, _ rhs: C) -> Bool { return false }
enum D {
case a(A)
case b(B)
case c(C)
indirect case d([D])
// No diagnostic
static func eke(_ lhs: D, _ rhs: D) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case (.a(let r1), .a(let r2)): return A.eke(r1, r2)
case (.a, _): return false
case (.b(let r1), .b(let r2)): return B.eke(r1, r2)
case (.b, _): return false
case (.c(let r1), .c(let r2)): return C.eke(r1, r2)
case (.c, _): return false
case (.d(let r1), .d(let r2)): return zip(r1, r2).allSatisfy(D.eke)
case (.d, _): return false
func diagnoseDuplicateLiterals() {
let str = "def"
let int = 2
let dbl = 2.5
// No Diagnostics
switch str {
case "abc": break
case "def": break
case "ghi": break
default: break
switch str {
case "abc": break
case "def": break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case "def": break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case "ghi": break
default: break
switch str {
case "abc", "def": break // expected-note 2 {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case "ghi", "jkl": break
case "abc", "def": break // expected-warning 2 {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
switch str {
case "xyz": break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case "ghi": break
case "def": break
case "abc": break
case "xyz": break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
func someStr() -> String { return "sdlkj" }
let otherStr = "ifnvbnwe"
switch str {
case "sdlkj": break
case "ghi": break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case someStr(): break
case "def": break
case otherStr: break
case "xyz": break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case "ifnvbnwe": break
case "ghi": break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case "xyz": break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
// No Diagnostics
switch int {
case -2: break
case -1: break
case 0: break
case 1: break
case 2: break
case 3: break
default: break
switch int {
case -2: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case -2: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 1: break
case 2: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 2: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 3: break
default: break
switch int {
case -2, -2: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}} expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 1, 2: break // expected-note 3 {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 2, 3: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 1, 2: break // expected-warning 2 {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 4, 5: break
case 7, 7: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
switch int {
case 1: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 2: break // expected-note 2 {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 3: break
case 17: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 4: break
case 2: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 001: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 5: break
case 0x11: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 0b10: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
switch int {
case 10: break
case 0b10: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case -0b10: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 3000: break
case 0x12: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 400: break
case 2: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case -2: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 18: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
func someInt() -> Int { return 0x1234 }
let otherInt = 13254
switch int {
case 13254: break
case 3000: break
case 00000002: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 0x1234: break
case someInt(): break
case 400: break
case 2: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 18: break
case otherInt: break
case 230: break
default: break
// No Diagnostics
switch dbl {
case -3.5: break
case -2.5: break
case -1.5: break
case 1.5: break
case 2.5: break
case 3.5: break
default: break
switch dbl {
case -3.5: break
case -2.5: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case -2.5: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case -1.5: break
case 1.5: break
case 2.5: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 2.5: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 3.5: break
default: break
switch dbl {
case 1.5, 4.5, 7.5, 6.9: break // expected-note 2 {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 3.4, 1.5: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 7.5, 2.3: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
switch dbl {
case 1: break
case 1.5: break // expected-note 2 {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 2.5: break
case 3.5: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 5.3132: break
case 1.500: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 46.2395: break
case 1.5000: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 0003.50000: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 23452.43: break
default: break
func someDouble() -> Double { return 324.4523 }
let otherDouble = 458.2345
switch dbl {
case 1: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 1.5: break
case 2.5: break
case 3.5: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 5.3132: break
case 46.2395: break
case someDouble(): break
case 0003.50000: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case otherDouble: break
case 2.50505: break // expected-note {{first occurrence of identical literal pattern is here}}
case 23452.43: break
case 00001: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
case 123453: break
case 2.50505000000: break // expected-warning {{literal value is already handled by previous pattern; consider removing it}}
default: break
func checkLiteralTuples() {
let str1 = "abc"
let str2 = "def"
let int1 = 23
let int2 = 7
let dbl1 = 4.23
let dbl2 = 23.45
// No Diagnostics
switch (str1, str2) {
case ("abc", "def"): break
case ("def", "ghi"): break
case ("ghi", "def"): break
case ("abc", "def"): break // We currently don't catch this
default: break
// No Diagnostics
switch (int1, int2) {
case (94, 23): break
case (7, 23): break
case (94, 23): break // We currently don't catch this
case (23, 7): break
default: break
// No Diagnostics
switch (dbl1, dbl2) {
case (543.21, 123.45): break
case (543.21, 123.45): break // We currently don't catch this
case (23.45, 4.23): break
case (4.23, 23.45): break
default: break
func sr6975() {
enum E {
case a, b
let e = E.b
switch e {
case .a as E: // expected-warning {{'as' test is always true}}
case .b: // Valid!
case .a: // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
print("second a")
func foo(_ str: String) -> Int {
switch str { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{do you want to add a default clause?}}
case let (x as Int) as Any:
return x
_ = foo("wtf")
public enum NonExhaustive {
case a, b
public enum NonExhaustivePayload {
case a(Int), b(Bool)
@frozen public enum TemporalProxy {
case seconds(Int)
case milliseconds(Int)
case microseconds(Int)
case nanoseconds(Int)
case never
// Inlinable code is considered "outside" the module and must include a default
// case.
public func testNonExhaustive(_ value: NonExhaustive, _ payload: NonExhaustivePayload, for interval: TemporalProxy, flag: Bool) {
switch value { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b'}} {{none}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}} {{none}}
case .a: break
switch value { // expected-warning {{switch covers known cases, but 'NonExhaustive' may have additional unknown values}} {{none}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}} {{3-3=@unknown default:\n<#fatalError#>()\n}}
case .a: break
case .b: break
switch value {
case .a: break
case .b: break
default: break // no-warning
switch value {
case .a: break
case .b: break
@unknown case _: break // no-warning
switch value { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
@unknown case _: break
switch value { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.a'}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b'}} {{none}}
@unknown case _: break
switch value {
case _: break
@unknown case _: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
// Test being part of other spaces.
switch value as Optional { // expected-warning {{switch covers known cases, but 'Optional<NonExhaustive>' may have additional unknown values}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.some(_)'}}
case .a?: break
case .b?: break
case nil: break
switch value as Optional {
case .a?: break
case .b?: break
case nil: break
@unknown case _: break
} // no-warning
switch value as Optional {
case _?: break
case nil: break
} // no-warning
switch (value, flag) { // expected-warning {{switch covers known cases, but '(NonExhaustive, Bool)' may have additional unknown values}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '(_, false)'}}
case (.a, _): break
case (.b, false): break
case (_, true): break
switch (value, flag) {
case (.a, _): break
case (.b, false): break
case (_, true): break
@unknown case _: break
} // no-warning
switch (flag, value) { // expected-warning {{switch covers known cases, but '(Bool, NonExhaustive)' may have additional unknown values}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '(false, _)'}}
case (_, .a): break
case (false, .b): break
case (true, _): break
switch (flag, value) {
case (_, .a): break
case (false, .b): break
case (true, _): break
@unknown case _: break
} // no-warning
switch (value, value) { // expected-warning {{switch covers known cases, but '(NonExhaustive, NonExhaustive)' may have additional unknown values}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '(_, _)'}}
case (.a, _), (_, .a): break
case (.b, _), (_, .b): break
switch (value, value) {
case (.a, _), (_, .a): break
case (.b, _), (_, .b): break
@unknown case _: break
} // no-warning
// Test payloaded enums.
switch payload { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(_)'}} {{none}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}} {{none}}
case .a: break
switch payload { // expected-warning {{switch covers known cases, but 'NonExhaustivePayload' may have additional unknown values}} {{none}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}} {{3-3=@unknown default:\n<#fatalError#>()\n}}
case .a: break
case .b: break
switch payload {
case .a: break
case .b: break
default: break // no-warning
switch payload {
case .a: break
case .b: break
@unknown case _: break // no-warning
switch payload { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(_)'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
@unknown case _: break
switch payload { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(true)'}} {{none}} expected-note {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}} {{none}}
case .a: break
case .b(false): break
switch payload { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(true)'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
case .b(false): break
@unknown case _: break
// Test fully-covered switches.
switch interval {
case .seconds, .milliseconds, .microseconds, .nanoseconds: break
case .never: break
@unknown case _: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
switch flag {
case true: break
case false: break
@unknown case _: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
switch flag as Optional {
case _?: break
case nil: break
@unknown case _: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
switch (flag, value) {
case (true, _): break
case (false, _): break
@unknown case _: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
public func testNonExhaustiveWithinModule(_ value: NonExhaustive, _ payload: NonExhaustivePayload, flag: Bool) {
switch value { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b'}}
case .a: break
switch value { // no-warning
case .a: break
case .b: break
switch value {
case .a: break
case .b: break
default: break // no-warning
switch value {
case .a: break
case .b: break
@unknown case _: break // no-warning
switch value { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
@unknown case _: break
switch value { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.a'}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b'}} {{none}}
@unknown case _: break
switch value {
case _: break
@unknown case _: break // expected-warning {{case is already handled by previous patterns; consider removing it}}
// Test being part of other spaces.
switch value as Optional { // no-warning
case .a?: break
case .b?: break
case nil: break
switch value as Optional {
case _?: break
case nil: break
} // no-warning
switch (value, flag) { // no-warning
case (.a, _): break
case (.b, false): break
case (_, true): break
switch (flag, value) { // no-warning
case (_, .a): break
case (false, .b): break
case (true, _): break
switch (value, value) { // no-warning
case (.a, _): break
case (.b, _): break
case (_, .a): break
case (_, .b): break
switch (value, value) { // no-warning
case (.a, _): break
case (.b, _): break
case (_, .a): break
case (_, .b): break
@unknown case _: break
// Test payloaded enums.
switch payload { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(_)'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
switch payload { // no-warning
case .a: break
case .b: break
switch payload {
case .a: break
case .b: break
default: break // no-warning
switch payload {
case .a: break
case .b: break
@unknown case _: break // no-warning
switch payload { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(_)'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
@unknown case _: break
switch payload { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(true)'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
case .b(false): break
switch payload { // expected-warning {{switch must be exhaustive}} {{none}} expected-note {{add missing case: '.b(true)'}} {{none}}
case .a: break
case .b(false): break
@unknown case _: break
enum UnavailableCase {
case a
case b
@available(*, unavailable)
case oopsThisWasABadIdea
enum UnavailableCaseOSSpecific {
case a
case b
#if canImport(Darwin)
@available(macOS, unavailable)
@available(iOS, unavailable)
@available(tvOS, unavailable)
@available(watchOS, unavailable)
case unavailableOnAllTheseApplePlatforms
@available(*, unavailable)
case dummyCaseForOtherPlatforms
enum UnavailableCaseOSIntroduced {
case a
case b
@available(macOS 50, iOS 50, tvOS 50, watchOS 50, *)
case notYetIntroduced
func testUnavailableCases(_ x: UnavailableCase, _ y: UnavailableCaseOSSpecific, _ z: UnavailableCaseOSIntroduced) {
switch x {
case .a: break
case .b: break
} // no-error
switch y {
case .a: break
case .b: break
} // no-error
switch z {
case .a: break
case .b: break
case .notYetIntroduced: break
} // no-error
// The following test used to behave differently when the uninhabited enum was
// defined in the same module as the function (as opposed to using Swift.Never).
enum NoError {}
extension Result where T == NoError {
func testUninhabited() {
switch self {
case .Error(_):
// No .Ok case possible because of the 'NoError'.
switch self {
case .Error(_):
case .Ok(_):
break // But it's okay to write one.
enum SR10301<T,E> {
case value(T)
case error(E)
enum SR10301Error: Error {
case bad
func sr10301(_ foo: SR10301<String,(Int,Error)>) {
switch foo {
case .value: return
case .error((_, SR10301Error.bad)): return
case .error((_, let err)):
_ = err
func sr10301_is(_ foo: SR10301<String,(Int,Error)>) {
switch foo {
case .value: return
case .error((_, is SR10301Error)): return
case .error((_, let err)):
_ = err
func sr10301_as(_ foo: SR10301<String,(Int,Error)>) {
switch foo {
case .value: return
case .error((_, let err as SR10301Error)):
_ = err
case .error((_, let err)):
_ = err
func sr11160() {
switch Optional<(Int, Int)>((5, 6)) {
case .some((let a, let b)): print(a, b)
case nil: print(0)
switch Optional<(Int, Int)>((5, 6)) {
case let b?: print(b)
case nil: print(0)
enum Z {
case z1(a: Int)
case z2(a: Int, b: Int)
case z3((c: Int, d: Int))
func sr11160_extra() {
switch Z.z1(a: 1) { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add missing case: '.z1(a: let a)'}}
case .z2(_, _): ()
case .z3(_): ()
switch Z.z1(a: 1) { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add missing case: '.z2(a: let a, b: let b)'}}
case .z1(_): ()
case .z3(_): ()
switch Z.z1(a: 1) { // expected-error {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-1 {{add missing case: '.z3((let c, let d))'}}
case .z1(_): ()
case .z2(_, _): ()
public enum SR11672Tests {
@frozen public enum FrozenSameModule {
case a, b
func testNotRequired(_ value: NonExhaustive, _ value2: FrozenEnum, _ value3: FrozenSameModule) {
switch value {
// expected-error@-1 {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '.a'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '.b'}}
// Do not suggest adding '@unknown default'
switch value2 {
// expected-error@-1 {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '.a'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '.b'}}
// expected-note@-4 {{add missing case: '.c'}}
switch value3 {
// expected-error@-1 {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '.a'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '.b'}}
@inlinable public func testNotRequired2(_ value: FrozenSameModule) {
switch value {
// expected-error@-1 {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '.a'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '.b'}}
// Inlinable code is considered "outside" the module and must include a default
// case.
@inlinable public func testRequired(_ value: NonExhaustive) {
switch value {
// expected-error@-1 {{switch must be exhaustive}}
// expected-note@-2 {{add missing case: '.a'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{add missing case: '.b'}}
// expected-note@-4 {{handle unknown values using "@unknown default"}}
// SR-11212 tests: Some of the tests here rely on compiler bugs related to
// implicit (un)tupling in patterns.
// Related codegen test: Compatibility/implicit_tupling_untupling_codegen.swift
enum SR11212Tests {
enum Untupled {
case upair(Int, Int)
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_tupled1(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case .upair((let x, let y)): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'upair' has 2 associated values}}{{16-17=}}{{31-32=}}
// expected-note@-7 {{'upair' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_tupled2(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case .upair(let (x, y)): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'upair' has 2 associated values}} // No fix-it as that would require us to peek inside the 'let' :-/
// expected-note@-15 {{'upair' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_tupled3(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case let .upair((x, y)): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'upair' has 2 associated values}}{{20-21=}}{{27-28=}}
// expected-note@-23 {{'upair' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_untupled1(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case .upair(let x, let y): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_untupled2(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case let .upair(x, y): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_ambiguous1(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case .upair(let u_): return u_
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'upair' has 2 associated values; matching them as a tuple is deprecated}}
// expected-note@-43 {{'upair' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_untupled_pattern_ambiguous2(u: Untupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch u {
case let .upair(u_): return u_
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'upair' has 2 associated values; matching them as a tuple is deprecated}}
// expected-note@-51 {{'upair' declared here}}
enum Tupled {
case tpair((Int, Int))
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_tupled1(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case .tpair((let x, let y)): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_tupled2(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case .tpair(let (x, y)): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_tupled3(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case let .tpair((x, y)): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_untupled1(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case .tpair(let x, let y): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'tpair' has one associated value that is a tuple of 2 elements}}{{16-16=(}}{{30-30=)}}
// expected-note@-25 {{'tpair' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_untupled2(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case let .tpair(x, y): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'tpair' has one associated value that is a tuple of 2 elements}}{{20-20=(}}{{26-26=)}}
// expected-note@-33 {{'tpair' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_ambiguous1(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case .tpair(let t_): return t_
func sr11212_content_tupled_pattern_ambiguous2(t: Tupled) -> (Int, Int) {
switch t {
case let .tpair(t_): return t_
enum Box<T> {
case box(T)
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_tupled1(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case .box((let x, let y)): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_tupled2(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case .box(let (x, y)): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_tupled3(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case let .box((x, y)): return (x, y)
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_untupled1(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case .box(let x, let y): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'box' has one associated value that is a tuple of 2 elements}}{{14-14=(}}{{28-28=)}}
// expected-note@-25 {{'box' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_untupled2(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case let .box(x, y): return (x, y)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'box' has one associated value that is a tuple of 2 elements}}{{18-18=(}}{{24-24=)}}
// expected-note@-33 {{'box' declared here}}
// rdar://problem/58578342
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_untupled3(b: Box<((Int, Int), Int)>) -> (Int, Int, Int) {
switch b {
case let .box((x, y), z): return (x, y, z)
// expected-warning@-1 {{enum case 'box' has one associated value that is a tuple of 2 elements}}{{18-18=(}}{{29-29=)}}
// expected-note@-42 {{'box' declared here}}
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_ambiguous1(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case .box(let b_): return b_
func sr11212_content_generic_pattern_ambiguous2(b: Box<(Int, Int)>) -> (Int, Int) {
switch b {
case let .box(b_): return b_
} // end SR11212Tests
func sr12412() {
enum E {
case x
case y
switch (E.x, true) as Optional<(e: E, b: Bool)> {
case nil, (e: .x, b: _)?: break
case (e: .y, b: false)?: break
case (e: .y, b: true)?: break