blob: 35ff321c4531222108af2aa6862cf7bda026b917 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -swift-version 5
// Tests for the diagnostics emitted in Sema for checking constantness of
// function arguments annotated to be so. Note that these annotation are
// specific to the new os log overlay and the low-level atomics library.
// The following tests check different types of constants that are accepted
// by the constantness Sema check. It creates helper functions with the
// semnatics annotation: "oslog.requires_constant_arguments" which requires that
// all arguments passed to the function are constants. The annotation is meant
// to be used only by the os log overlay. The test helpers use it here only for
// the purpose of testing the functionality.
// Check simple literals.
func constantArgumentFunction<T>(_ constArg: T) {
func literalTest(x: Int) {
constantArgumentFunction("Some string")
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
constantArgumentFunction(x + 2)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
func constArgFunctionWithReturn<T>(_ constArg: T) -> T {
return constArg
func testConstArgFuncWithReturn(x: Int, str: String) -> Int {
_ = constArgFunctionWithReturn("")
_ = constArgFunctionWithReturn(str)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a string literal}}
// expected-warning@-1 {{result of call to 'constArgFunctionWithReturn' is unused}}
return constArgFunctionWithReturn(x)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
func constantOptionalArgument(_ constArg: Optional<Int>) {
// Correct test cases.
func optionalTest(x: Int) {
constantArgumentFunction(x + 2)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
// Test string interpolation literals. We can only enforce constantness on custom string
// interpolation types. For string types, the constant is a string literal.
struct CustomStringInterpolation : ExpressibleByStringLiteral,
ExpressibleByStringInterpolation {
struct StringInterpolation : StringInterpolationProtocol {
init(literalCapacity: Int, interpolationCount: Int) { }
mutating func appendLiteral(_ x: String) { }
mutating func appendInterpolation(_ x: Int) { }
init(stringLiteral value: String) { }
init(stringInterpolation: StringInterpolation) { }
func constantStringInterpolation(_ constArg: CustomStringInterpolation) {}
func testStringInterpolationLiteral(x: Int) {
constantStringInterpolation("a string interpolation literal \(x)")
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
constantStringInterpolation("a string interpolation literal \(10)")
// Test multiple arguments.
func multipleArguments(_ arg1: Int, _ arg2: Bool, _ arg3: String, _ arg4: Double) {
func testMultipleArguments(_ x: String, _ y: Double) {
multipleArguments(56, false, "", 23.3)
multipleArguments(56, false, x, y)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a string literal}}
// expected-error@-2 {{argument must be a floating-point literal}}
// Test enum uses.
enum Color {
case red
case blue
case green
case rgb(r: Int, g: Int, b: Int)
func enumArgument(_ color: Color) { }
func testEnumArgument(r: Int, c: Color) {
enumArgument(.rgb(r: 12, g: 0, b: 1))
enumArgument(.rgb(r: r, g: 200, b: 453))
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a case of enum 'Color'}}
// Test type expressions.
func typeArgument<T>(_ t: T.Type) { }
func testTypeArgument<S>(_ t: S.Type) {
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a <Type>.self}}
// Test constant evaluable function calls.
func constantEval(_ x: Int, _ y: Bool) -> Int { x + 100 }
func testConstantEvalArgument(x: Int) {
constantArgumentFunction(constantEval(90, true))
constantArgumentFunction(constantEval(constantEval(500, true), false))
constantArgumentFunction(constantEval(x, true))
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be an integer literal}}
// Test constant evaluable function calls with default arguments.
func constantEvalAdvanced(_ x: () -> Int, _ y: Bool = true, z: String) { }
func testConstantEvalAdvanced(arg: Int) {
constantArgumentFunction(constantEvalAdvanced({ arg }, z: ""))
// Test constant evaluable methods.
struct E {
// expected-note@-1 {{'E' declared here}}
func constantEvalMethod1() -> E { return self }
func constantEvalMethod2() -> E { return self }
static func constantEvalMethod3(x: Bool) -> E { return E() }
static func constantEvalMethod4() -> E { return E() }
func functionNeedingConstE(_ x: E) { }
func testConstantEvalMethod(b: Bool) {
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a static method or property of 'E'}}
functionNeedingConstE(.constantEvalMethod3(x: true))
functionNeedingConstE(.constantEvalMethod3(x: b))
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a bool literal}}
// Test functions with autoclosures.
func autoClosureArgument(_ number: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) { }
func testAutoClosure(_ number: Int) {
func constEvalWithAutoClosure(_ number: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Int) -> Int {
return 0
func testConstantEvalAutoClosure(_ number: Int) {
// Test nested use of constant parameter.
func testConstantArgumentRequirementPropagation(constParam: Int) {
// Test nested use of constant parameter in constant evaluable function.
func testConstantArgumentWithConstEval(constParam: Int) {
constantArgumentFunction(constantEval(constParam, true))
// Test parital-apply of constantArgumentFunction.
func constArg2(_ x: Int) -> Int { x }
// This is not an error.
func testPartialApply() -> ((Int) -> Int) {
return constArg2
func constArg3(_ x: (Int) -> Int) -> Int { x(0) }
func intIdentity(_ x: Int) -> Int { x }
func testPartialApply2() -> Int {
return constArg3(intIdentity)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a closure}}
// Test struct and class constructions. Structs whose initializers are marked as
// constant_evaluable are considered as constants.
struct AStruct {
var i: Int
struct BStruct {
var i: Int
init(_ value: Int) {
i = value
class CClass {
var str: String
init() {
str = ""
func testStructAndClasses(arg: Int) {
constantArgumentFunction(AStruct(i: 9))
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a static method or property of 'AStruct'}}
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a static method or property of 'CClass'}}
// Test "requires_constant" annotation on protocol requirements.
protocol Proto {
func method(arg1: Int, arg2: Bool)
struct SConf : Proto {
func method(arg1: Int, arg2: Bool) { }
func testProtocolMethods<T: Proto>(b: Bool, p: T, p2: Proto, s: SConf) {
p.method(arg1: 6, arg2: true)
p.method(arg1: 6, arg2: b)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a bool literal}}
p2.method(arg1: 6, arg2: b)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a bool literal}}
// Note that even though 's' conforms to Proto, since its method is not
// annotated as requiring constant arg2, there will be no error here.
s.method(arg1: 6, arg2: b)
// Check requiers annotation on a class method.
class ClassD {
func method(_ arg1: Int, _ arg2: Bool)
func testClassMethod(d: ClassD, b: Bool) {
d.method(10, true)
d.method(10, b)
// expected-error@-1 {{argument must be a bool literal}}
// Test that the check is resilient to errors in the semantics attribute.
func funcWithWrongSemantics(x: Int) {}
func testFunctionWithWrongSemantics(x: Int) {
funcWithWrongSemantics(x: x)
// Test that the check is resilient to other type errors.
func testOtherTypeErrors() {
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot find 'x' in scope}}
constantArgumentFunction(10 as String)
// expected-error@-1 {{cannot convert value of type 'Int' to type 'String' in coercion}}
// Test constantness of the ordering used in the atomic operations. The atomic
// operations that requires a constant ordering are required to use the
// semantics annotation "atomics.requires_constant_orderings".
internal struct AtomicLoadOrdering {
internal static var acquiring: Self { Self() }
internal static var sequentiallyConsistent: Self { Self() }
internal struct UnsafeAtomicIntStub {
internal func load(
ordering: AtomicLoadOrdering = .sequentiallyConsistent
) -> Int {
return 0
func testAtomicOrderingConstantness(
atomicInt: UnsafeAtomicIntStub,
myOrder: AtomicLoadOrdering
) {
_ = atomicInt.load()
_ = atomicInt.load(ordering: .acquiring)
_ = atomicInt.load(ordering: .sequentiallyConsistent)
_ = atomicInt.load(ordering: myOrder)
// expected-error@-1 {{ordering argument must be a static method or property of 'AtomicLoadOrdering'}}