blob: 57c3f1a1e7b49d844d8d919dc0317803993fe1e6 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
protocol P0 {
func callAsFunction(x: Self)
struct ConcreteType {
func callAsFunction<T, U>(_ x: T, _ y: U) -> (T, U) {
return (x, y)
func callAsFunction<T, U>(_ fn: @escaping (T) -> U) -> (T) -> U {
return fn
let concrete = ConcreteType()
_ = concrete(1, 3.0)
_ = concrete(concrete, concrete.callAsFunction as ([Int], Float) -> ([Int], Float))
func generic<T, U>(_ x: T, _ y: U) {
_ = concrete(x, x)
_ = concrete(x, y)
struct GenericType<T : Collection> {
let collection: T
func callAsFunction<U>(_ x: U) -> Bool where U == T.Element, U : Equatable {
return collection.contains(x)
// Test conditional conformance.
extension GenericType where T.Element : Numeric {
func callAsFunction(initialValue: T.Element) -> T.Element {
return collection.reduce(initialValue, +)
let genericString = GenericType<[String]>(collection: ["Hello", "world", "!"])
_ = genericString("Hello")
let genericInt = GenericType<Set<Int>>(collection: [1, 2, 3])
_ = genericInt(initialValue: 1)
// SR-11386
class C<T> {}
protocol P1 {}
extension C where T : P1 { // expected-note {{where 'T' = 'Int'}}
func callAsFunction(t: T) {}
struct S0 : P1 {}
func testCallAsFunctionWithWhereClause(_ c1: C<Int>, _ c2: C<S0>, _ s0: S0) {
c1(42) // expected-error {{referencing instance method 'callAsFunction(t:)' on 'C' requires that 'Int' conform to 'P1'}}
// expected-error@-1 {{missing argument label 't:' in call}}
c2(t: s0) // Okay.