blob: 40c6c97ae4d61154bca9addb91398a27813ccaef [file] [log] [blame]
// This file was used by Sema/availability_versions_multi.swift to
// test that we build enough of the type refinement context as needed to
// validate declarations when resolving declaration signatures.
// These days, we don't validate availability in secondary files at all,
// so the test here is just to make sure we don't crash.
// This file relies on the minimum deployment target for OS X being 10.9.
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
private class PrivateIntroduced99_52 { }
class OtherIntroduced10_9 { }
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.51)
class OtherIntroduced99_51 {
func uses99_52() {
// If this were the primary file then the below would emit an error, because
// PrivateIntroduced99_53 is not available on 99.52. But since we only
// run the first pass of the type checker on these declarations,
// the body is not checked.
_ = PrivateIntroduced99_52()
// This method uses a 99_52 only type in its signature, but we don't
// validate it since it comes from a secondary file.
func returns99_52() -> OtherIntroduced99_52 {
// Body is not type checked (by design) so no error is expected for unavailable type used in return.
return OtherIntroduced99_52()
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
func returns99_52Introduced99_52() -> OtherIntroduced99_52 {
return OtherIntroduced99_52()
func takes99_52(o: OtherIntroduced99_52) {
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
func takes99_52Introduced99_52(o: OtherIntroduced99_52) {
var propOf99_52: OtherIntroduced99_52 =
OtherIntroduced99_52() // We don't expect an error here because the initializer is not type checked (by design).
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
var propOf99_52Introduced99_52: OtherIntroduced99_52 = OtherIntroduced99_52()
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
class NestedIntroduced99_52 : OtherIntroduced99_52 {
override func returns99_52() -> OtherIntroduced99_52 {
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.53)
func returns99_53() -> OtherIntroduced99_53 {
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.51)
class SubOtherIntroduced99_51 : OtherIntroduced99_51 {
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
class OtherIntroduced99_52 : OtherIntroduced99_51 {
extension OtherIntroduced99_51 {
extension OtherIntroduced10_9 {
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.51)
func extensionMethodOnOtherIntroduced10_9AvailableOn99_51(_ p: OtherIntroduced99_51) { }
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.51)
extension OtherIntroduced99_51 {
func extensionMethodOnOtherIntroduced99_51() { }
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.52)
func extensionMethodOnOtherIntroduced99_51AvailableOn99_52() { }
@available(OSX, introduced: 99.53)
class OtherIntroduced99_53 {
var globalFromOtherOn99_52 : OtherIntroduced99_52? = nil