blob: 8cbc9b467203cf648e912842e167572bb5d74d67 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s -verify
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s -verify
func takesEscaping(_: @escaping () -> ()) {}
func takesNonEscaping(_ fn: () -> ()) { fn() }
func badClosureCaptureInOut1(x: inout Int) { // expected-note {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
func badClosureCaptureInOut2(x: inout Int, b: Bool) { // expected-note 2{{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
takesEscaping(b ? { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
} : { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
x -= 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
func badClosureCaptureNoEscape1(y: () -> ()) { // expected-note {{parameter 'y' is implicitly non-escaping}}
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
y() // expected-note {{captured here}}
func badClosureCaptureNoEscape2(y: () -> (), b: Bool) { // expected-note 2{{parameter 'y' is implicitly non-escaping}}
takesEscaping(b ? { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
y() // expected-note {{captured here}}
} : { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
y() // expected-note {{captured here}}
func badClosureCaptureNoEscape3(y: () -> ()) {
let yy = (y, y)
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping value}}
yy.0() // expected-note {{captured here}}
func badClosureCaptureNoEscape4(y: () -> (), z: () -> (), b: Bool) {
let x = b ? y : z
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping value}}
x() // expected-note {{captured here}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureInOut1(x: inout Int) { // expected-note {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
func local() {
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
takesEscaping(local) // expected-error {{escaping local function captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureInOut2(x: inout Int) { // expected-note {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
func local() {
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
local() // expected-note {{captured indirectly by this call}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureInOut3(x: inout Int) { // expected-note {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
func local1() {
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
func local2() {
local1() // expected-note {{captured indirectly by this call}}
takesEscaping(local2) // expected-error {{escaping local function captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureNoEscape1(y: () -> ()) { // expected-note {{parameter 'y' is implicitly non-escaping}}
func local() {
y() // expected-note {{captured here}}
takesEscaping(local) // expected-error {{escaping local function captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureNoEscape2(y: () -> ()) { // expected-note {{parameter 'y' is implicitly non-escaping}}
func local() {
y() // expected-note {{captured here}}
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
local() // expected-note {{captured indirectly by this call}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureNoEscape3(y: () -> ()) { // expected-note {{parameter 'y' is implicitly non-escaping}}
func local1() {
y() // expected-note {{captured here}}
func local2() {
local1() // expected-note {{captured indirectly by this call}}
takesEscaping(local2) // expected-error {{escaping local function captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
func badLocalFunctionCaptureNoEscape4(y: () -> ()) { // expected-note {{parameter 'y' is implicitly non-escaping}}
func local1() {
takesNonEscaping(y) // expected-note {{captured here}}
func local2() {
local1() // expected-note {{captured indirectly by this call}}
takesEscaping(local2) // expected-error {{escaping local function captures non-escaping parameter 'y'}}
// Capturing 'self' produces a different diagnostic.
struct SelfCapture {
var a: Int
mutating func badLocalFunctionCaptureInOut() {
// FIXME: The 'captured here' location chosen here is not ideal, because
// the original closure is formed in a closure that is nested inside the
// local function. That's a funny edge case that trips up the heuristics.
func _foo() {
a += 1
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures mutating 'self' parameter}}
_foo() // expected-note {{captured here}}
// Make sure reabstraction thunks don't cause problems.
func takesEscapingGeneric<T>(_: @escaping () -> T) {}
func testGenericClosureReabstraction(x: inout Int) { // expected-note {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
takesEscapingGeneric { () -> Int in // expected-error {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
return 0
func testGenericLocalFunctionReabstraction(x: inout Int) { // expected-note {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
func local() -> Int {
x += 1 // expected-note {{captured here}}
return 0
takesEscapingGeneric(local) // expected-error {{escaping local function captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
// Make sure that withoutActuallyEscaping counts as a safe use.
func goodUseOfNoEscapeClosure(fn: () -> (), fn2: () -> ()) {
withoutActuallyEscaping(fn) { _fn in
// Some random regression tests
infix operator ~>
protocol Target {}
func ~> <Target, Arg0, Result>(x: inout Target, f: @escaping (_: inout Target, _: Arg0) -> Result) -> (Arg0) -> Result {
// expected-note@-1 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
return { f(&x, $0) } // expected-note {{captured here}}
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
func ~> (x: inout Int, f: @escaping (_: inout Int, _: Target) -> Target) -> (Target) -> Target {
// expected-note@-1 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
return { f(&x, $0) } // expected-note {{captured here}}
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
func addHandler(_: @escaping () -> ()) {}
public struct SelfEscapeFromInit {
public init() {
addHandler { self.handler() }
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping closure captures mutating 'self' parameter}}
// expected-note@-2 {{captured here}}
public mutating func handler() {}
func autoclosureTakesEscaping(_ x: @escaping @autoclosure () ->Int) {}
// Test that captures of escaping autoclosure are diagnosed correctly.
func badCaptureInAutoclosure(x: inout Int) {
// expected-note@-1 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping autoclosure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{pass a copy of 'x'}}
autoclosureTakesEscaping((x + 1) - 100)
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping autoclosure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{pass a copy of 'x'}}
// Test that transitive captures in autoclosures are diagnosed correctly.
func badTransitiveCaptureInClosures(x: inout Int) -> ((Int) -> Void) {
// expected-note@-1 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
// expected-note@-3 {{parameter 'x' is declared 'inout'}}
// Test capture of x by an autoclosure within a non-escaping closure.
let _ = { (y: Int) in
autoclosureTakesEscaping(x + y)
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping autoclosure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
// expected-note@-2 {{pass a copy of 'x'}}
// Test capture of x by an autoclosure within an escaping closure.
let escapingClosure = { (y: Int) in
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping closure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
autoclosureTakesEscaping(x + y)
// expected-note@-1 {{captured indirectly by this call}}
// expected-note@-2 {{captured here}}
// expected-error@-4 {{escaping autoclosure captures 'inout' parameter 'x'}}
// expected-note@-5 {{pass a copy of 'x'}}
return escapingClosure
// Test that captures of mutating 'self' in escaping autoclosures are diagnosed correctly.
struct S {
var i = 0
init() {
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping autoclosure captures mutating 'self' parameter}}
// expected-note@-2 {{pass a copy of 'self'}}
mutating func method() {
// expected-error@-1 {{escaping autoclosure captures mutating 'self' parameter}}
// expected-note@-2 {{pass a copy of 'self'}}
// Test that we look through the SILBoxType used for a 'var' binding
func badNoEscapeCaptureThroughVar(_ fn: () -> ()) {
var myFunc = fn // expected-warning {{never mutated}} // expected-note {{captured here}}
takesEscaping { // expected-error {{escaping closure captures non-escaping value}}