blob: bd5a13ba69e22311554f9c4a670889c9c9208198 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %s -existential-specializer | %FileCheck %s
import Builtin
import Swift
import SwiftShims
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Test respecialization after the original thunk has been dead-code-eliminated.
// Consider the pipeline:
// - GenericSpecializer
// - ExistentialSpecializer
// - Inliner
// - DeadFunctionElimination
// - GenericSpecializer
// - ExistentialSpecializer
// This test models the pipeline just before the final invocation of
// ExistentialSpecializer. The SIL now contains a function "wrapFoo"
// that has already been specialized (with the suffix
// "Tf4ee_n"). However, the thunk for that specialization does not
// exist (it would have been inlined and dead-code eliminated by the
// pipeline above). This allows the ExistentialSpecializer to kick in
// again on a call to the same function.
// Here we reinvoke ExistentialSpecializer to ensure that it reuses
// the existing specialization of wrapFoo (with the suffix "Tf4ee_n").
// "callPrespecializedWrapFoo" is what drives the optimization this
// time around by calling into the original, unspecialized wrapFoo.
internal protocol SomeProtocol : AnyObject {
func foo() -> Int
@_hasMissingDesignatedInitializers public class SomeClass : SomeProtocol {
@_hasStorage @_hasInitialValue var x: Int { get set }
@inline(never) func foo() -> Int
sil [noinline] @$s1t9SomeClassC3fooSiyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
// The original "wrapFoo" function prior to existential specialization.
// This will be replaced with a thunk by existential specialization.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [signature_optimized_thunk] [always_inline] @$s1t7wrapFoo1a1bSi_SitAA12SomeProtocol_p_AaE_ptF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed SomeProtocol, @guaranteed SomeProtocol) -> (Int, Int) {
sil hidden [noinline] @$s1t7wrapFoo1a1bSi_SitAA12SomeProtocol_p_AaE_ptF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed SomeProtocol, @guaranteed SomeProtocol) -> (Int, Int) {
bb0(%0 : $SomeProtocol, %1 : $SomeProtocol):
debug_value %0 : $SomeProtocol, let, name "a", argno 1
debug_value %1 : $SomeProtocol, let, name "b", argno 2
%4 = open_existential_ref %0 : $SomeProtocol to $@opened("15146E00-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol
%5 = unchecked_ref_cast %4 : $@opened("15146E00-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol to $SomeClass
// function_ref
%6 = function_ref @$s1t9SomeClassC3fooSiyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
%7 = apply %6(%5) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
%8 = open_existential_ref %1 : $SomeProtocol to $@opened("15147238-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol
%9 = unchecked_ref_cast %8 : $@opened("15147238-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol to $SomeClass
%10 = apply %6(%9) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
%11 = tuple (%7 : $Int, %10 : $Int)
return %11 : $(Int, Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil @callPrespecializedWrapFoo : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> (Int, Int) {
sil @callPrespecializedWrapFoo : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> (Int, Int) {
bb0(%0 : $SomeClass):
debug_value %0 : $SomeClass, let, name "a", argno 1
%2 = init_existential_ref %0 : $SomeClass : $SomeClass, $SomeProtocol
%3 = init_existential_ref %0 : $SomeClass : $SomeClass, $SomeProtocol
// function_ref wrapFoo(a:b:)
%4 = function_ref @$s1t7wrapFoo1a1bSi_SitAA12SomeProtocol_p_AaE_ptF : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed SomeProtocol, @guaranteed SomeProtocol) -> (Int, Int)
%5 = apply %4(%2, %3) : $@convention(thin) (@guaranteed SomeProtocol, @guaranteed SomeProtocol) -> (Int, Int)
%6 = tuple_extract %5 : $(Int, Int), 0
%7 = tuple_extract %5 : $(Int, Int), 1
%8 = tuple (%6 : $Int, %7 : $Int)
return %8 : $(Int, Int)
// wrapFoo after existential specialization AND thunk inlining.
// After thunk inlining, the original thunk may be dead, but the specialized function may still be called.
// CHECK-LABEL: sil shared [noinline] @$s1t7wrapFoo1a1bSi_SitAA12SomeProtocol_p_AaE_ptFTf4ee_n : $@convention(thin) <τ_0_0, τ_0_1 where τ_0_0 : SomeProtocol, τ_0_1 : SomeProtocol> (@guaranteed τ_0_0, @guaranteed τ_0_1) -> (Int, Int) {
sil shared [noinline] @$s1t7wrapFoo1a1bSi_SitAA12SomeProtocol_p_AaE_ptFTf4ee_n : $@convention(thin) _0_0, τ_0_1 where τ_0_0 : SomeProtocol, τ_0_1 : SomeProtocol> (@guaranteed τ_0_0, @guaranteed τ_0_1) -> (Int, Int) {
bb0(%0 : $τ_0_0, %1 : $τ_0_1):
%2 = init_existential_ref %0 : $τ_0_0 : $τ_0_0, $SomeProtocol
%3 = init_existential_ref %1 : $τ_0_1 : $τ_0_1, $SomeProtocol
debug_value %2 : $SomeProtocol, let, name "a", argno 1
debug_value %3 : $SomeProtocol, let, name "b", argno 2
%6 = open_existential_ref %2 : $SomeProtocol to $@opened("47F4DDE6-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol
%7 = unchecked_ref_cast %6 : $@opened("47F4DDE6-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol to $SomeClass
// function_ref
%8 = function_ref @$s1t9SomeClassC3fooSiyF : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
%9 = apply %8(%7) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
%10 = open_existential_ref %3 : $SomeProtocol to $@opened("47F4E1A6-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol
%11 = unchecked_ref_cast %10 : $@opened("47F4E1A6-3B09-11EB-9A47-D0817AD9F6DD") SomeProtocol to $SomeClass
%12 = apply %8(%11) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed SomeClass) -> Int
%13 = tuple (%9 : $Int, %12 : $Int)
return %13 : $(Int, Int)