blob: 9003178eed2c26bd500d8958d76078b207230238 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-sil-opt -enable-sil-verify-all %/s -devirtualizer -dce -save-optimization-record-path=%t.yaml | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %FileCheck -check-prefix=YAML -input-file=%t.yaml %s
sil_stage canonical
import Builtin
import Swift
class Bar {
func foo()
sil_global @x : $Bar
// CHECK: function_with_cm
// CHECK: function_ref @_TFC4main3Bar3foofS0_FT_T_
// CHECK-NEXT: begin_borrow
// CHECK-NEXT: apply
// CHECK-NOT: class_method
// CHECK: return
// YAML: --- !Passed
// YAML-NEXT: Pass: sil-devirtualizer
// YAML-NEXT: Name: sil.ClassMethodDevirtualized
// YAML-NEXT: DebugLoc:
// YAML: File: {{.*}}/devirtualize_ownership.sil
// YAML: Line: 46
// YAML: Column: 8
// YAML-NEXT: Function: function_with_cm
// YAML-NEXT: Args:
// YAML-NEXT: - String: 'Devirtualized call to class method '
// YAML-NEXT: - Method: '""'
// YAML-NEXT: DebugLoc:
// YAML: File: {{.*}}/devirtualize_ownership.sil
// YAML: Line: 52
// YAML: Column: 6
// YAML-NEXT: ...
sil [ossa] @function_with_cm : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
%0 = global_addr @x : $*Bar // users: %2, %3
%1 = alloc_ref $Bar // user: %2
%5 = class_method %1 : $Bar, : (Bar) -> () -> (), $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Bar) -> () // user: %6
%6 = apply %5(%1) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Bar) -> ()
destroy_value %1 : $Bar
%7 = tuple () // user: %8
return %7 : $() // id: %8
sil @_TFC4main3Bar3foofS0_FT_T_ : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Bar) -> ()
sil_vtable Bar { @_TFC4main3Bar3foofS0_FT_T_
private class Node {
@_hasStorage var index: Int { get set }
init(index: Int)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [ossa] @class_method_apply
sil private [ossa] @class_method_apply : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Node) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : @guaranteed $Node):
// CHECK: bb0([[ARG:%.*]] :
// CHECK: [[ARG_COPY:%.*]] = copy_value [[ARG]]
%1 = copy_value %0 : $Node
// CHECK-NOT: class_method [[ARG_COPY]]
// CHECK: [[FUNC:%.*]] = function_ref @transparent_target
// CHECK: [[BORROW_ARG_COPY:%.*]] = begin_borrow [[ARG_COPY]]
%3 = class_method %1 : $Node, #Node.index!getter : (Node) -> () -> Int, $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Node) -> Int
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = apply [[FUNC]]([[BORROW_ARG_COPY]])
%4 = apply %3(%1) : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Node) -> Int
// CHECK: destroy_value [[ARG_COPY]]
destroy_value %1 : $Node
// return [[RESULT]]
return %4 : $Int
// YAML-NEXT: --- !Passed
// YAML-NEXT: Pass: sil-devirtualizer
// YAML-NEXT: Name: sil.ClassMethodDevirtualized
// YAML-NEXT: DebugLoc:
// YAML: File: {{.*}}/devirtualize_ownership.sil
// YAML: Line: 75
// YAML: Column: 8
// YAML-NEXT: Function: class_method_apply
// YAML-NEXT: Args:
// YAML-NEXT: - String: 'Devirtualized call to class method '
// YAML-NEXT: - Method: '"transparent_target"'
// YAML-NEXT: DebugLoc:
// YAML: File: {{.*}}/devirtualize_ownership.sil
// YAML: Line: 101
// YAML: Column: 46
// YAML-NEXT: ...
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [transparent] [noinline] [ossa] @transparent_target
sil private [transparent] [noinline] [ossa] @transparent_target : $@convention(method) (@guaranteed Node) -> Int {
bb0(%0 : @guaranteed $Node):
%2 = ref_element_addr %0 : $Node, #Node.index
%3 = load [trivial] %2 : $*Int
// CHECK: return
return %3 : $Int
sil_vtable Node {
#Node.index!getter: @transparent_target
private class B {
class func foo() -> Int
private class C : B { }
sil [ossa] @_TZFC4metaP33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99011B3foofMS0_FT_Si : $@convention(method) (@thick B.Type) -> Int
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [noinline] [ossa] @_TF4metaP33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99016callerFMCS_P33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99011CT_
sil private [noinline] [ossa] @_TF4metaP33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99016callerFMCS_P33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99011CT_ : $@convention(method) (@thick C.Type) -> () {
bb0(%0 : $@thick C.Type):
%2 = upcast %0 : $@thick C.Type to $@thick B.Type
// CHECK-NOT: class_method
// CHECK: function_ref @_TZFC4metaP33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99011B3foofMS0_FT_Si
%3 = class_method %2 : $@thick B.Type, : (B.Type) -> () -> Int, $@convention(method) (@thick B.Type) -> Int
%4 = apply %3(%2) : $@convention(method) (@thick B.Type) -> Int
%5 = tuple ()
// CHECK: return
return %5 : $()
// YAML-NEXT: --- !Passed
// YAML-NEXT: Pass: sil-devirtualizer
// YAML-NEXT: Name: sil.ClassMethodDevirtualized
// YAML-NEXT: DebugLoc:
// YAML: File: {{.*}}/devirtualize_ownership.sil
// YAML: Line: 128
// YAML: Column: 8
// YAML-NEXT: Function: 'caller(_:)'
// YAML-NEXT: Args:
// YAML-NEXT: - String: 'Devirtualized call to class method '
// YAML-NEXT: - Method: '"static"'
// YAML-NEXT: DebugLoc:
// YAML: File: {{.*}}/devirtualize_ownership.sil
// YAML: Line: 119
// YAML: Column: 13
// YAML-NEXT: ...
sil_vtable B { @_TZFC4metaP33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99011B3foofMS0_FT_Si
sil_vtable C { @_TZFC4metaP33_7026FC13D35FB9700BACF693F51A99011B3foofMS0_FT_Si [inherited]