blob: 118f05d508a1cd58331e956962dfb2f1af65a64c [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -module-name access_enforcement_noescape -enforce-exclusivity=checked -Onone -emit-sil -swift-version 4 -verify -parse-as-library %s
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -module-name access_enforcement_noescape -enforce-exclusivity=checked -Onone -emit-sil -swift-version 4 -verify -parse-as-library %s
// REQUIRES: asserts
// This is the subset of tests from access_enforcement_noescape.swift
// that cause compile-time errors. All the tests are organized in one
// place so it's easy to see that coverage of all the combinations of
// access paterns is exhaustive. But the ones that cause compile time
// errors are commented out in the original file and compiled here
// instead with the '-verify' option.
// Helper
func doOne(_ f: () -> ()) {
// Helper
func doOneInout(_: ()->(), _: inout Int) {}
// Error: noescape read + write inout.
func readWriteInout() {
var x = 3
// Around the call: [modify] [static]
// Inside closure: [modify] [static]
// expected-error@+2{{overlapping accesses to 'x', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
doOneInout({ _ = x }, &x)
// Error: noescape read + write inout of an inout.
func inoutReadWriteInout(x: inout Int) {
// Around the call: [modify] [static]
// Inside closure: [modify] [static]
// expected-error@+2{{overlapping accesses to 'x', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
doOneInout({ _ = x }, &x)
// Error: on noescape write + write inout.
func writeWriteInout() {
var x = 3
// Around the call: [modify] [static]
// Inside closure: [modify] [static]
// expected-error@+2{{overlapping accesses to 'x', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
doOneInout({ x = 42 }, &x)
// Error: on noescape write + write inout.
func inoutWriteWriteInout(x: inout Int) {
// Around the call: [modify] [static]
// Inside closure: [modify] [static]
// expected-error@+2{{overlapping accesses to 'x', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
doOneInout({ x = 42 }, &x)
// Helper
func doBlockInout(_: @convention(block) ()->(), _: inout Int) {}
func readBlockWriteInout() {
var x = 3
// Around the call: [modify] [static]
// Inside closure: [read] [static]
// expected-error@+2{{overlapping accesses to 'x', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
doBlockInout({ _ = x }, &x)
// Test AccessSummaryAnalysis.
// The captured @inout_aliasable argument to `doOne` is re-partially applied,
// then stored is a box before passing it to doBlockInout.
func noEscapeBlock() {
var x = 3
doOne {
// expected-error@+2{{overlapping accesses to 'x', but modification requires exclusive access; consider copying to a local variable}}
// expected-note@+1{{conflicting access is here}}
doBlockInout({ _ = x }, &x)