blob: 62dc2895d09bf23b634c39f946acfaee051e0784 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen %s
// Just make sure that we do not trigger the ownership verifier on this code. We
// were previously not emitting a destroy_value for (nil, error) since we were
// seeing the .none for [String: Any]? and propagating that values ownership
// rather than the error.
public enum Outcome<T> {
case success(T)
case error(T?, Error)
public protocol RequestContentRepresentable {
public class HttpClient {
public func fetch(requestContent: RequestContentRepresentable, completionHandler: @escaping (Outcome<[String: Any]>) -> Void) throws {
public final class Future <ResultType> {
public func finish(result: ResultType) -> Bool {
class Controller {
internal func test() {
let content2: RequestContentRepresentable? = nil
let content = content2!
let httpClient2: HttpClient? = nil
let httpClient: HttpClient = httpClient2!
// Create a Future to encapsulate the response handler.
// This allows us to guarantee we only call it once.
// We set the handler in the success block and we fail the future if we should no longer be allowed to call the completion
let futureResponseHandler = Future<([String: Any]?, Error?)>()
do {
try httpClient.fetch(requestContent: content) { (outcome) in
} catch let error {
// This is calling the future's success handler with a tuple.
futureResponseHandler.finish(result: (nil, error))