blob: 1a1407e5f09b5a9e701c96c91612b57c94205787 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %gyb -D TEMPDIR=%t %s > %t/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift
// RUN: %{python} -c "import io; import sys; t =[1], 'r', encoding='utf-8').read().replace('\r\n', '\n');[1], 'w', encoding='utf-8', newline='\n').write(t)" %t/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift
// We want to check both the diagnostics and the SIL output.
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -verify -emit-sorted-sil -enable-experimental-concise-pound-file -module-name Foo %t/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift %S/Inputs/magic_identifier_file_conflicting_other.swift | %FileCheck %s
// FIXME: Make this test work on Windows. There's no fundamental reason it
// can't; we just need someone with a Windows machine to do it so we
// don't have a 30-minute debug cycle.
// UNSUPPORTED: OS=windows-msvc
TEMPDIR_ESC = TEMPDIR.replace('\\', '\\\\')
import os
def fixit_loc(start_col, orig_suffix):
Computes a "start-end" string for a fix-it replacing a string literal which
starts at start_col and joins orig_suffix to TEMPDIR with a slash.
original = '"{0}"'.format(os.path.join(TEMPDIR, orig_suffix))
end_col = start_col + len(original)
return '{0}-{1}'.format(start_col, end_col)
// Same name as a physical file
// There should be no warning for the exact same path.
// no-warning
#sourceLocation(file: "${TEMPDIR_ESC}/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift", line: 10)
// expected-warning@+2 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
// expected-note@+1 {{change file in '#sourceLocation' to '${TEMPDIR_ESC}/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift'}} {{${fixit_loc(23, "other_path_b/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift")}="${TEMPDIR_ESC}/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift"}}
#sourceLocation(file: "${TEMPDIR_ESC}/other_path_b/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift", line: 20)
// expected-warning@+2 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
// expected-note@+1 {{change file in '#sourceLocation' to '${TEMPDIR_ESC}/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift'}} {{23-64="${TEMPDIR_ESC}/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift"}}
#sourceLocation(file: "magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift", line: 30)
// No physical file with the same name
// There shoud be no warning for a purely virtual file.
// no-warning
#sourceLocation(file: "other_file_a.swift", line: 40)
// Even if you use it twice.
// no-warning
#sourceLocation(file: "other_file_a.swift", line: 50)
// But there should be warnings for different-path, same-name virtual files.
// The lexicographically first path should be treated as canonical--we diagnose
// but don't offer a fix-it.
// expected-warning@+1 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/other_file_b.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
#sourceLocation(file: "first/other_file_b.swift", line: 60)
// Subsequent paths should fix-it to the first one.
// expected-warning@+2 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/other_file_b.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
// expected-note@+1 {{change file in '#sourceLocation' to 'first/other_file_b.swift'}} {{23-50="first/other_file_b.swift"}}
#sourceLocation(file: "second/other_file_b.swift", line: 70)
// Even if there's more than one.
// expected-warning@+2 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/other_file_b.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
// expected-note@+1 {{change file in '#sourceLocation' to 'first/other_file_b.swift'}} {{23-49="first/other_file_b.swift"}}
#sourceLocation(file: "third/other_file_b.swift", line: 80)
// Even if one is duplicated.
// expected-warning@+2 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/other_file_b.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
// expected-note@+1 {{change file in '#sourceLocation' to 'first/other_file_b.swift'}} {{23-49="first/other_file_b.swift"}}
#sourceLocation(file: "third/other_file_b.swift", line: 90)
// We should diagnose cross-file conflicts.
// expected-warning@+1 {{'#sourceLocation' directive produces '#fileID' string of 'Foo/other_file_c.swift', which conflicts with '#fileID' strings produced by other paths in the module}}
#sourceLocation(file: "first/other_file_c.swift", line: 100)
// Check '#fileID' => '#filePath' mapping table
// CHECK-LABEL: // Mappings from '#fileID' to '#filePath':
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift' => 'BUILD_DIR{{[/\\]}}test-{{[^/]+}}{{[/\\]}}SILGen{{[/\\]}}Output{{[/\\]}}magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift.gyb.tmp{{[/\\]}}magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift'
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift' => 'BUILD_DIR{{[/\\]}}test-{{[^/]+}}{{[/\\]}}SILGen{{[/\\]}}Output{{[/\\]}}magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift.gyb.tmp{{[/\\]}}other_path_b{{[/\\]}}magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift' (alternate)
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift' => 'magic_identifier_file_conflicting.swift' (alternate)
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/magic_identifier_file_conflicting_other.swift' => 'SOURCE_DIR{{[/\\]}}test{{[/\\]}}SILGen{{[/\\]}}Inputs{{[/\\]}}magic_identifier_file_conflicting_other.swift'
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/other_file_a.swift' => 'other_file_a.swift'
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/other_file_b.swift' => 'first/other_file_b.swift'
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/other_file_b.swift' => 'second/other_file_b.swift' (alternate)
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/other_file_b.swift' => 'third/other_file_b.swift' (alternate)
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/other_file_c.swift' => 'first/other_file_c.swift'
// CHECK-NEXT: // 'Foo/other_file_c.swift' => 'second/other_file_c.swift' (alternate)