blob: f9ba9e748b1942636c17b97e51bd9350bda3aff2 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-silgen -verify %s | %FileCheck %s
if true {
var x = 0 // expected-warning {{variable 'x' was never mutated; consider changing to 'let' constant}}
func local() -> Int { return 0 }
func localWithContext() -> Int { return x }
func transitiveWithoutContext() -> Int { return local() }
// Can't convert a closure with context to a C function pointer
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = { x } // expected-error{{cannot be formed from a closure that captures context}}
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = { [x] in x } // expected-error{{cannot be formed from a closure that captures context}}
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = localWithContext // expected-error{{cannot be formed from a local function that captures context}}
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = local
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = transitiveWithoutContext
class C {
static func staticMethod() -> Int { return 0 }
class func classMethod() -> Int { return 0 }
class Generic<X : C> {
func f<Y : C>(_ y: Y) {
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = { return 0 }
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = { return X.staticMethod() } // expected-error{{cannot be formed from a closure that captures generic parameters}}
let _: @convention(c) () -> Int = { return Y.staticMethod() } // expected-error{{cannot be formed from a closure that captures generic parameters}}
func values(_ arg: @escaping @convention(c) (Int) -> Int) -> @convention(c) (Int) -> Int {
return arg
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s19c_function_pointers6valuesyS2iXCS2iXCF
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $@convention(c) (Int) -> Int):
// CHECK: return %0 : $@convention(c) (Int) -> Int
func calls(_ arg: @convention(c) (Int) -> Int, _ x: Int) -> Int {
return arg(x)
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s19c_function_pointers5callsyS3iXC_SitF
// CHECK: bb0(%0 : $@convention(c) @noescape (Int) -> Int, %1 : $Int):
// CHECK: [[RESULT:%.*]] = apply %0(%1)
// CHECK: return [[RESULT]]
func calls_no_args(_ arg: @convention(c) () -> Int) -> Int {
return arg()
func global(_ x: Int) -> Int { return x }
func no_args() -> Int { return 42 }
// CHECK-LABEL: sil hidden [ossa] @$s19c_function_pointers0B19_to_swift_functionsyySiF
func pointers_to_swift_functions(_ x: Int) {
// CHECK: bb0([[X:%.*]] : $Int):
func local(_ y: Int) -> Int { return y }
// CHECK: [[GLOBAL_C:%.*]] = function_ref @$s19c_function_pointers6globalyS2iFTo
// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = convert_function [[GLOBAL_C]]
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}([[CVT]], [[X]])
calls(global, x)
// CHECK: [[LOCAL_C:%.*]] = function_ref @$s19c_function_pointers0B19_to_swift_functionsyySiF5localL_yS2iFTo
// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = convert_function [[LOCAL_C]]
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}([[CVT]], [[X]])
calls(local, x)
// CHECK: [[CLOSURE_C:%.*]] = function_ref @$s19c_function_pointers0B19_to_swift_functionsyySiFS2iXEfU_To
// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = convert_function [[CLOSURE_C]]
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}([[CVT]], [[X]])
calls({ $0 + 1 }, x)
// CHECK: [[NO_ARGS_C:%.*]] = function_ref @$s19c_function_pointers7no_argsSiyFTo
// CHECK: [[CVT:%.*]] = convert_function [[NO_ARGS_C]]
// CHECK: apply {{.*}}([[CVT]])
func unsupported(_ a: Any) -> Int { return 0 }
func pointers_to_bad_swift_functions(_ x: Int) {
calls(unsupported, x) // expected-error{{C function pointer signature '(Any) -> Int' is not compatible with expected type '@convention(c) (Int) -> Int'}}
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [ossa] @$s19c_function_pointers22StructWithInitializersV3fn1yyXCvpfiyycfU_ : $@convention(thin) () -> () {
// CHECK-LABEL: sil private [thunk] [ossa] @$s19c_function_pointers22StructWithInitializersV3fn1yyXCvpfiyycfU_To : $@convention(c) () -> () {
struct StructWithInitializers {
let fn1: @convention(c) () -> () = {}
init(a: ()) {}
init(b: ()) {}
func pointers_to_nested_local_functions_in_generics<T>(x: T) -> Int{
func foo(y: Int) -> Int { return y }
return calls(foo, 0)
func capture_list_no_captures(x: Int) {
calls({ [x] in $0 }, 0) // expected-warning {{capture 'x' was never used}}
class Selfless {
func capture_dynamic_self() {
calls_no_args { _ = Self.self; return 0 }
// expected-error@-1 {{a C function pointer cannot be formed from a closure that captures dynamic Self type}}