blob: 46105761650b73547455a29342785c4d0f8bc396 [file] [log] [blame]
// swift-interface-format-version: 1.0
// swift-module-flags: -module-name InheritedDefaults
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift
import Swift
public class Bar {
// note associated with the expected error in (F) below
public init(x: Int = 24, y: Int, z: Int = 42) // expected-note {{corresponding parameter declared here}}
public init(a: Int, b: Int = 99)
public convenience init(convInit: Int = 45) {}
// note associated with the expected error in (D) below
public convenience init(first: Int, second: Int = 88, third: Int, fourth: Int) // expected-note {{overridden declaration is here}}
public class Foo: Bar {
// A) designated overriding designated - valid
public override init(x: Int = super, y: Int, z: Int = super)
// B) convenience shadowing convenience
public convenience init(convInit: Int = super) // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' is only valid on the parameters of designated initializers}}
// C) convenience overriding designated
public override convenience init(a: Int, b: Int = super) // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' is only valid on the parameters of designated initializers}}
// D) designated shadowing convenience
public init(first: Int, second: Int = super, third: Int, fourth: Int) // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' can only be used when overriding a designated initializer}}
// E) not in initializer
public subscript(k: Int = super) -> Int { get } // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' is only valid on the parameters of designated initializers}}
public func foo(z: Int = super) // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' is only valid on the parameters of designated initializers}}
public class Baz: Bar {
// F) Matching param not defaulted
public override init(x: Int = super, y: Int = super, z: Int = super) // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' requires that the corresponding parameter of the overridden designated initializer has a default value}}
public class Direct: Bar {
public override init(x: Int = super, y: Int, z: Int = super)
// G) Doesn't override anything
public override init(other: Int = super, value: Int) // expected-error {{argument labels for initializer 'init(other:value:)' do not match those of overridden initializer 'init(a:b:)'}}
// expected-error@-1 {{default value inheritance via 'super' can only be used when overriding a designated initializer}}
public class Indirect: Direct {
// H) Chain of inherited defaults - valid all the way down
public override init(x: Int = super, y: Int, z: Int = super)
// I) Chain of inherited defaults - invalid further down (and diagnosed there)
public override init(other: Int = super, value: Int)
public enum Bob {
case bar(p: Int)
public init(foo: String = super /*comment*/) // expected-error {{default value inheritance via 'super' can only be used when overriding a designated initializer}}