blob: d8c8131c1b1ee289c13ef028bddf2c8fa2cce374 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %target-clang -fobjc-arc %S/Inputs/ObjCClasses/ObjCClasses.m -c -o %t/ObjCClasses.o
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/%target-library-name(resilient_struct)) -enable-library-evolution %S/../Inputs/resilient_struct.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_struct.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_struct
// RUN: %target-build-swift-dylib(%t/%target-library-name(resilient_objc_class)) -enable-library-evolution %S/Inputs/resilient_objc_class.swift -emit-module -emit-module-path %t/resilient_objc_class.swiftmodule -module-name resilient_objc_class -I %S/Inputs/ObjCClasses/ -L %t -Xlinker %t/ObjCClasses.o -framework Foundation
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/%target-library-name(resilient_struct) %t/%target-library-name(resilient_objc_class)
// RUN: %target-build-swift %s -L %t -I %t -lresilient_struct -lresilient_objc_class -I %S/Inputs/ObjCClasses/ -o %t/main %target-rpath(%t)
// RUN: %target-codesign %t/main
// RUN: %target-run %t/main %t/%target-library-name(resilient_struct) %t/%target-library-name(resilient_objc_class)
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// REQUIRES: objc_interop
import StdlibUnittest
import Foundation
import resilient_struct
import resilient_objc_class
import ObjCClasses
var ResilientClassTestSuite = TestSuite("ResilientClass")
class ResilientFieldWithCategory {
var value: ResilientInt?
@objc protocol MyProtocol {
func myMethod() -> Int
extension ResilientFieldWithCategory : MyProtocol {
@objc func myMethod() -> Int { return 42 }
func takesMyProtocol(_ p: MyProtocol) -> Int {
return p.myMethod()
.xfail(.osxMinor(10, 9, reason:
"Category attachment with ARCLite on 10.9 doesn't work currently"))
.code {
expectEqual(42, takesMyProtocol(ResilientFieldWithCategory()))
// rdar://problem/45569020 - Make sure we initialize the superclass first
class ResilientSuperclass {
var value: ResilientInt?
class ResilientSubclass : ResilientSuperclass {}
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("Superclass") {
// rdar://48031465 - Make sure we handle sliding empty ivars properly.
struct Empty {}
class ClassWithEmptyThenResilient : HasHiddenIvars {
let empty: Empty
let resilient: ResilientInt
init(empty: Empty, resilient: ResilientInt) {
self.empty = empty
self.resilient = resilient
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("EmptyThenResilient") {
let c = ClassWithEmptyThenResilient(empty: Empty(),
resilient: ResilientInt(i: 17))
c.x = 100
c.y = 2000
c.z = 30000
c.t = 400000
expectEqual(c.resilient.i, 17)
expectEqual(c.x, 100)
expectEqual(c.y, 2000)
expectEqual(c.z, 30000)
expectEqual(c.t, 400000)
class ClassWithResilientThenEmpty : HasHiddenIvars {
let resilient: ResilientInt
let empty: Empty
init(empty: Empty, resilient: ResilientInt) {
self.empty = empty
self.resilient = resilient
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("ResilientThenEmpty") {
let c = ClassWithResilientThenEmpty(empty: Empty(),
resilient: ResilientInt(i: 17))
c.x = 100
c.y = 2000
c.z = 30000
c.t = 400000
expectEqual(c.resilient.i, 17)
expectEqual(c.x, 100)
expectEqual(c.y, 2000)
expectEqual(c.z, 30000)
expectEqual(c.t, 400000)
// Same as the above, but the class itself has a resilient base class
class AnotherClassWithEmptyThenResilient : HasResilientObjCBaseClass {
let empty: Empty
let resilient: ResilientInt
init(empty: Empty, resilient: ResilientInt) {
self.empty = empty
self.resilient = resilient
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("AnotherEmptyThenResilient") {
let c = AnotherClassWithEmptyThenResilient(empty: Empty(),
resilient: ResilientInt(i: 17))
c.x = 100
c.y = 2000
c.z = 30000
c.t = 400000
expectEqual(c.resilient.i, 17)
expectEqual(c.x, 100)
expectEqual(c.y, 2000)
expectEqual(c.z, 30000)
expectEqual(c.t, 400000)
class AnotherClassWithResilientThenEmpty : HasHiddenIvars {
let resilient: ResilientInt
let empty: Empty
init(empty: Empty, resilient: ResilientInt) {
self.empty = empty
self.resilient = resilient
ResilientClassTestSuite.test("AnotherResilientThenEmpty") {
let c = AnotherClassWithResilientThenEmpty(empty: Empty(),
resilient: ResilientInt(i: 17))
c.x = 100
c.y = 2000
c.z = 30000
c.t = 400000
expectEqual(c.resilient.i, 17)
expectEqual(c.x, 100)
expectEqual(c.y, 2000)
expectEqual(c.z, 30000)
expectEqual(c.t, 400000)