blob: d5dbcc17f4ab983e54abe5b6b35f0afb8bfdd76d [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift
// REQUIRES: executable_test
// This file contains various scenarios that validate that various functional
// behaviors of mandatory inlining work as expected. Please give each test a
// descriptive name and a large comment explaining what you are testing.
import StdlibUnittest
var Tests = TestSuite("MandatoryInlining Functional Tests")
defer { runAllTests() }
func doNotInsertReleaseInLoopIfValueConsumedInLoop(
callBack: ((String) -> (Void))? = nil) {
let callBack = callBack ?? { msg in
for _ in 0..<1 {
callBack("foo bar baz")
// When using the linear lifetime checker to insert compensating releases, if we
// find a double consume due to a loop, do not insert an apply at that call site
// that is in the loop. There is already a compensating retain in the loop that
// we are ignoring. This test functionally makes sure we no longer do this.
Tests.test("doNotInsertReleaseInLoopIfValueConsumedInLoop") {
doNotInsertReleaseInLoopIfValueConsumedInLoop { msg in
public struct Published<Value> {
public var wrappedValue: Value
public init(initialValue value: Value) { wrappedValue = value }
private class Model {
var selectedContact: Int? {
get { _selectedContact }
set {
if let contact = newValue {
self._selectedContact = contact
@Published private var _selectedContact: Int? = nil
Tests.test("testNonOSSAPartialApplyLifetimeExtension") {
// If we mess this up, when we set model.selectedContact to nil, we release
// self incorrectly due to mandatory inlining getting the wrong begin lifetime
// block (which in this case is the entry block).
let model = Model()
model.selectedContact = nil