blob: 94d81f0fb840dec3bb66312ef9f6c4d620629a7f [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %empty-directory(%t)
// RUN: %{python} %utils/ -o %t %s
// RUN: mkdir -p %t/SDK/Frameworks/SomeModule.framework/Modules/SomeModule.swiftmodule
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend \
// RUN: -emit-module \
// RUN: -module-name SomeModule \
// RUN: -o %t/SDK/Frameworks/SomeModule.framework/Modules/SomeModule.swiftmodule/%module-target-triple.swiftmodule \
// RUN: -swift-version 5 \
// RUN: %t/SomeModule.swift
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -sdk %t/SDK -iframework %t/SDK/Frameworks -source-filename %t/main.swift -code-completion-token=GLOBAL | %FileCheck --check-prefix GLOBAL %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -sdk %t/SDK -iframework %t/SDK/Frameworks -source-filename %t/main.swift -code-completion-token=GLOBAL_TYPE | %FileCheck --check-prefix GLOBAL_TYPE %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -sdk %t/SDK -iframework %t/SDK/Frameworks -source-filename %t/main.swift -code-completion-token=INSTANCE | %FileCheck --check-prefix INSTANCE %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -code-completion -sdk %t/SDK -iframework %t/SDK/Frameworks -source-filename %t/main.swift -code-completion-token=INITIALIZER | %FileCheck --check-prefix INITIALIZER %s
// Test that declarations starting with '_' from system module doesn't apper in
// code completion.
// BEGIN SomeModule.swift
public struct SomeValue {
internal var internalValue: Int { return 1 }
public var _secretValue: Int { return 1 }
public var publicValue: Int { return 1 }
internal func internalMethod() -> Int { return 1 }
public func _secretMethod() -> Int { return 1 }
public func publicMethod() -> Int { return 1 }
internal init(internal: Int) {}
public init(_secret: Int) {}
public init(public: Int) {}
internal func internalFunc() {}
public func _secretFunc() {}
public func publicFunc() {}
internal class InternalClass {}
public class _SecretClass {}
public class PublicClass {}
// BEGIN main.swift
import SomeModule
func test(value: SomeValue) {
let _ = #^GLOBAL^#
// GLOBAL: Begin completions
// GLOBAL-NOT: _secretFunc
// GLOBAL-NOT: internalFunc
// GLOBAL-NOT: _SecretClass
// GLOBAL-NOT: InternalClass
// GLOBAL-DAG: Decl[Struct]/OtherModule[SomeModule]/IsSystem: SomeValue[#SomeValue#];
// GLOBAL-DAG: Decl[FreeFunction]/OtherModule[SomeModule]/IsSystem: publicFunc()[#Void#];
// GLOBAL-DAG: Decl[Class]/OtherModule[SomeModule]/IsSystem: PublicClass[#PublicClass#]; name=PublicClass
// GLOBAL: End completions
let _: #^GLOBAL_TYPE^#
// GLOBAL_TYPE: Begin completions
// GLOBAL_TYPE-NOT: InternalClass
// GLOBAL_TYPE-NOT: _SecretClass
// GLOBAL-TYPE-DAG: Decl[Struct]/OtherModule[SomeModule]: SomeValue[#SomeValue#];
// GLOBAL-TYPE-DAG: Decl[Class]/OtherModule[SomeModule]: PublicClass[#PublicClass#];
// GLOBAL_TYPE: End completions
let _ = value.#^INSTANCE^#
// INSTANCE: Begin completions, 3 items
// INSTANCE-DAG: Keyword[self]/CurrNominal: self[#SomeValue#];
// INSTANCE-DAG: Decl[InstanceVar]/CurrNominal/IsSystem: publicValue[#Int#];
// INSTANCE-DAG: Decl[InstanceMethod]/CurrNominal/IsSystem: publicMethod()[#Int#];
// INSTANCE: End completions
let _ = SomeValue(#^INITIALIZER^#
// INITIALIZER: Begin completions, 1 items
// INITIALIZER-DAG: Decl[Constructor]/CurrNominal/IsSystem: ['(']{#public: Int#}[')'][#SomeValue#];
// INITIALIZER: End completions