blob: a43348e781ebf3843d75cd14c364f0d6ff0b3070 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -syntax-coloring -source-filename %s | %FileCheck %s
// RUN: %target-swift-ide-test -syntax-coloring -typecheck -source-filename %s | %FileCheck %s
enum List<T> {
case Nil
// rdar://21927124
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>indirect</attr-builtin> <kw>case</kw> Cons(<type>T</type>, <type>List</type>)
indirect case Cons(T, List)
// CHECK: <kw>struct</kw> S {
struct S {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> x : <type>Int</type>
var x : Int
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> y : <type>Int</type>.<type>Int</type>
var y : Int.Int
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> a, b : <type>Int</type>
var a, b : Int
enum EnumWhereCaseHasADefaultedFunctionTypeParam {
// CHECK: <kw>enum</kw> EnumWhereCaseHasADefaultedFunctionTypeParam {
case foo(x: () -> () = {
// CHECK: <kw>case</kw> foo(x: () -> () = {
func inner(x: S) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> inner(x: <type>S</type>) {}
enum EnumWithDerivedEquatableConformance : Int {
// CHECK-LABEL: <kw>enum</kw> EnumWithDerivedEquatableConformance : {{(<type>)}}Int{{(</type>)?}} {
case CaseA
// CHECK-NEXT: <kw>case</kw> CaseA
case CaseB, CaseC
// CHECK-NEXT: <kw>case</kw> CaseB, CaseC
case CaseD = 30, CaseE
// CHECK-NEXT: <kw>case</kw> CaseD = <int>30</int>, CaseE
// CHECK: <kw>class</kw> MyCls {
class MyCls {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> www : <type>Int</type>
var www : Int
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> foo(x: <type>Int</type>) {}
func foo(x: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> aaa : <type>Int</type> {
var aaa : Int {
// CHECK: <kw>get</kw> {}
get {}
// CHECK: <kw>set</kw> {}
set {}
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> bbb : <type>Int</type> {
var bbb : Int {
// CHECK: <kw>set</kw> {
set {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> tmp : <type>Int</type>
var tmp : Int
// CHECK: <kw>get</kw> {
get {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> tmp : <type>Int</type>
var tmp : Int
// CHECK: <kw>subscript</kw> (i : <type>Int</type>, j : <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> {
subscript (i : Int, j : Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: <kw>get</kw> {
get {
// CHECK: <kw>return</kw> i + j
return i + j
// CHECK: <kw>set</kw>(v) {
set(v) {
// CHECK: v + i - j
v + i - j
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> multi(<kw>_</kw> name: <type>Int</type>, otherpart x: <type>Int</type>) {}
func multi(_ name: Int, otherpart x: Int) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: <kw>class</kw> Attributes {
class Attributes {
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@IBOutlet</attr-builtin> <kw>var</kw> v0: <type>Int</type>
@IBOutlet var v0: Int
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@IBOutlet</attr-builtin> <attr-id>@IBOutlet</attr-id> <kw>var</kw> v1: <type>String</type>
@IBOutlet @IBOutlet var v1: String
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@objc</attr-builtin> <attr-builtin>@IBOutlet</attr-builtin> <kw>var</kw> v2: <type>String</type>
@objc @IBOutlet var v2: String
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@IBOutlet</attr-builtin> <attr-builtin>@objc</attr-builtin> <kw>var</kw> v3: <type>String</type>
@IBOutlet @objc var v3: String
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@available</attr-builtin>(*, unavailable) <kw>func</kw> f1() {}
@available(*, unavailable) func f1() {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@available</attr-builtin>(*, unavailable) <attr-builtin>@IBAction</attr-builtin> <kw>func</kw> f2() {}
@available(*, unavailable) @IBAction func f2() {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@IBAction</attr-builtin> <attr-builtin>@available</attr-builtin>(*, unavailable) <kw>func</kw> f3() {}
@IBAction @available(*, unavailable) func f3() {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>mutating</attr-builtin> <kw>func</kw> func_mutating_1() {}
mutating func func_mutating_1() {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>nonmutating</attr-builtin> <kw>func</kw> func_mutating_2() {}
nonmutating func func_mutating_2() {}
func stringLikeLiterals() {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> us1: <type>UnicodeScalar</type> = <str>"a"</str>
var us1: UnicodeScalar = "a"
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> us2: <type>UnicodeScalar</type> = <str>"ы"</str>
var us2: UnicodeScalar = "ы"
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> ch1: <type>Character</type> = <str>"a"</str>
var ch1: Character = "a"
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> ch2: <type>Character</type> = <str>"あ"</str>
var ch2: Character = "あ"
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> s1 = <str>"abc абвгд あいうえお"</str>
var s1 = "abc абвгд あいうえお"
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> globComp : <type>Int</type>
var globComp : Int {
// CHECK: <kw>get</kw> {
get {
// CHECK: <kw>return</kw> <int>0</int>
return 0
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> foo(n: <type>Float</type>) -> <type>Int</type> {
func foo(n: Float) -> Int {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> fnComp : <type>Int</type>
var fnComp : Int {
// CHECK: <kw>get</kw> {
get {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> a: <type>Int</type>
// CHECK: <kw>return</kw> <int>0</int>
var a: Int
return 0
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> q = {{(<type>)?}}MyCls{{(</type>)?}}()
var q = MyCls()
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> ee = <str>"yoo"</str>;
var ee = "yoo";
// CHECK: <kw>return</kw> <int>100009</int>
return 100009
// CHECK: <kw>protocol</kw> Prot
protocol Prot {
// CHECK: <kw>associatedtype</kw> Assoc1 = <type>Array</type><<type>Never</type>>
associatedtype Assoc1 = Array<Never>
// CHECK: <kw>associatedtype</kw> Assoc2 = <type>Void</type> <kw>where</kw> <type>Assoc2</type>: <type>Equatable</type>
associatedtype Assoc2 = Void where Assoc2: Equatable
// CHECK: <kw>associatedtype</kw> Assoc3: <type>Prot</type>, <type>Prot</type> = <type>Void</type> <kw>where</kw> <type>Assoc3</type>: <type>Prot</type>
associatedtype Assoc3: Prot, Prot = Void where Assoc3: Prot
// CHECK: <kw>typealias</kw> Blarg
typealias Blarg
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> protMeth(x: <type>Int</type>)
func protMeth(x: Int)
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> protocolProperty1: <type>Int</type> { <kw>get</kw> }
var protocolProperty1: Int { get }
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> protocolProperty2: <type>Int</type> { <kw>get</kw> <kw>set</kw> }
var protocolProperty2: Int { get set }
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>infix</attr-builtin> <kw>operator</kw> *-* : FunnyPrecedence{{$}}
infix operator *-* : FunnyPrecedence
// CHECK: <kw>precedencegroup</kw> FunnyPrecedence
// CHECK-NEXT: <kw>associativity</kw>: <kw>left</kw>{{$}}
// CHECK-NEXT: <kw>higherThan</kw>: MultiplicationPrecedence
precedencegroup FunnyPrecedence {
associativity: left
higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> *-*(l: <type>Int</type>, r: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> l }{{$}}
func *-*(l: Int, r: Int) -> Int { return l }
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>infix</attr-builtin> <kw>operator</kw> *-+* : FunnyPrecedence
infix operator *-+* : FunnyPrecedence
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> *-+*(l: <type>Int</type>, r: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> l }{{$}}
func *-+*(l: Int, r: Int) -> Int { return l }
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>infix</attr-builtin> <kw>operator</kw> *--*{{$}}
infix operator *--*
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> *--*(l: <type>Int</type>, r: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> { <kw>return</kw> l }{{$}}
func *--*(l: Int, r: Int) -> Int { return l }
// CHECK: <kw>protocol</kw> Prot2 : <type>Prot</type> {}
protocol Prot2 : Prot {}
// CHECK: <kw>class</kw> SubCls : <type>MyCls</type>, <type>Prot</type> {}
class SubCls : MyCls, Prot {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> genFn<T : <type>Prot</type> <kw>where</kw> <type>T</type>.<type>Blarg</type> : <type>Prot2</type>>(<kw>_</kw>: <type>T</type>) -> <type>Int</type> {}{{$}}
func genFn<T : Prot where T.Blarg : Prot2>(_: T) -> Int {}
func f(x: Int) -> Int {
// CHECK: <str>#"This is a raw string"#</str>
#"This is a raw string"#
// CHECK: <str>##"This is also a raw string"##</str>
##"This is also a raw string"##
// CHECK: <str>###"This is an unterminated raw string"</str>
###"This is an unterminated raw string"
// CHECK: <str>#"""This is a multiline raw string"""#</str>
#"""This is a multiline raw string"""#
// CHECK: <str>#"This is an </str>\#<anchor>(</anchor>interpolated<anchor>)</anchor><str> raw string"#</str>
#"This is an \#(interpolated) raw string"#
// CHECK: <str>#"This is a raw string with an invalid \##() interpolation"#</str>
#"This is a raw string with an invalid \##() interpolation"#
// CHECK: <str>"This is string </str>\<anchor>(</anchor>genFn({(a:<type>Int</type> -> <type>Int</type>) <kw>in</kw> a})<anchor>)</anchor><str> interpolation"</str>
"This is string \(genFn({(a:Int -> Int) in a})) interpolation"
// CHECK: <str>"This is unterminated</str>
"This is unterminated
// CHECK: <str>"This is unterminated with ignored \(interpolation) in it</str>
"This is unterminated with ignored \(interpolation) in it
// CHECK: <str>"This is terminated with invalid \(interpolation" + "in it"</str>
"This is terminated with invalid \(interpolation" + "in it"
// CHECK: <str>"""
// CHECK-NEXT: This is a multiline string.
// CHECK-NEXT: """</str>
This is a multiline string.
// CHECK: <str>"""
// CHECK-NEXT: This is a multiline</str>\<anchor>(</anchor> <str>"interpolated"</str> <anchor>)</anchor><str>string
// CHECK-NEXT: </str>\<anchor>(</anchor>
// CHECK-NEXT: <str>"""
// CHECK-NEXT: inner
// CHECK-NEXT: """</str>
// CHECK-NEXT: <anchor>)</anchor><str>
// CHECK-NEXT: """</str>
This is a multiline\( "interpolated" )string
// CHECK: <str>"</str>\<anchor>(</anchor><int>1</int><anchor>)</anchor>\<anchor>(</anchor><int>1</int><anchor>)</anchor><str>"</str>
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> bar(x: <type>Int</type>) -> (<type>Int</type>, <type>Float</type>) {
func bar(x: Int) -> (Int, Float) {
// CHECK: foo({{(<type>)?}}Float{{(</type>)?}}())
// Check cases where an ObjectLiteralExpr appears in the AST
#colorLiteral(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
// CHECK: <object-literal>#colorLiteral(red: 1.0, green: 1.0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)</object-literal>
test(#imageLiteral(resourceName: "test"), test: 0)
// CHECK: test(<object-literal>#imageLiteral(resourceName: "test")</object-literal>, test: <int>0</int>)
// Check best-effort fallback handling when no ObjectLiteralExpr appears in the
// AST.
_: Foo = #colorLiteral(red: 1.0, green: 0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
// CHECK: <kw>_</kw>: Foo = <object-literal>#colorLiteral(red: 1.0, green: 0, blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)</object-literal>
_ = [#imageLiteral(resourceName: "foo.png")] + ;
// CHECK: <kw>_</kw> = [<object-literal>#imageLiteral(resourceName: "foo.png")</object-literal>] + ;
import let bad = #fileLiteral(resourceName: "foo.txt")
// CHECK: <kw>import</kw> <kw>let</kw> bad = <object-literal>#fileLiteral(resourceName: "foo.txt")</object-literal>
import let fixme = #fileLiteral(badArg: 65);
// CHECK: <kw>import</kw> <kw>let</kw> fixme = <kw>#fileLiteral</kw>(badArg: <int>65</int>);
let x = #colorLiteral(red: 1.0 / 2.0, green: 0.1 + 0.2, blue: 0.5, alpha: 0.5)
// CHECK: <kw>let</kw> x = <object-literal>#colorLiteral(red: 1.0 / 2.0, green: 0.1 + 0.2, blue: 0.5, alpha: 0.5)</object-literal>
// Some editors (including Xcode) don't support multi-line object literals well, so
// check we don't report them regardless of whether they exist in the AST or not.
_: Foo = #colorLiteral(red: 1.0, green: 0,
// CHECK: <kw>_</kw>: Foo = <kw>#colorLiteral</kw>(red: <float>1.0</float>, green: <int>0</int>,
blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
// CHECK: blue: <float>1.0</float>, alpha: <float>1.0</float>)
// CHECK: <kw>let</kw> x = <kw>#colorLiteral</kw>(red: <float>1.0</float>, green: <float>1.0</float>,
let x = #colorLiteral(red: 1.0, green: 1.0,
// CHECK: blue: <float>1.0</float>, alpha: <float>1.0</float>)
blue: 1.0, alpha: 1.0)
class GenC<T1,T2> {}
func test() {
// CHECK: {{(<type>)?}}GenC{{(</type>)?}}<<type>Int</type>, <type>Float</type>>()
var x = GenC<Int, Float>()
// CHECK: <kw>typealias</kw> MyInt = <type>Int</type>
typealias MyInt = Int
func test2(x: Int) {
// CHECK: <str>"</str>\<anchor>(</anchor>x<anchor>)</anchor><str>"</str>
// CHECK: <kw>#colorLiteral</kw>
// CHECK: <kw>class</kw> Observers {
class Observers {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> p1 : <type>Int</type> {
var p1 : Int {
// CHECK: <kw>willSet</kw>(newValue) {}
willSet(newValue) {}
// CHECK: <kw>didSet</kw> {}
didSet {}
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> p2 : <type>Int</type> {
var p2 : Int {
// CHECK: <kw>didSet</kw> {}
didSet {}
// CHECK: <kw>willSet</kw> {}
willSet {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> test3(o: <type>AnyObject</type>) {
func test3(o: AnyObject) {
// CHECK: <kw>_</kw> = o <kw>is</kw> <type>MyCls</type> ? o <kw>as</kw> <type>MyCls</type> : o <kw>as</kw>! <type>MyCls</type> <kw>as</kw> <type>MyCls</type> + <int>1</int>
_ = o is MyCls ? o as MyCls : o as! MyCls as MyCls + 1
// CHECK: <kw>class</kw> MySubClass : <type>MyCls</type> {
class MySubClass : MyCls {
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>override</attr-builtin> <kw>func</kw> foo(x: <type>Int</type>) {}
override func foo(x: Int) {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>convenience</attr-builtin> <kw>init</kw>(a: <type>Int</type>) {}
convenience init(a: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> g1 = { (x: <type>Int</type>) -> <type>Int</type> <kw>in</kw> <kw>return</kw> <int>0</int> }
var g1 = { (x: Int) -> Int in return 0 }
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>infix</attr-builtin> <kw>operator</kw> ~~ {
infix operator ~~ {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>prefix</attr-builtin> <kw>operator</kw> *~~ {
prefix operator *~~ {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>postfix</attr-builtin> <kw>operator</kw> ~~* {
postfix operator ~~* {}
func test_defer() {
defer {
// CHECK: <kw>let</kw> x : <type>Int</type> = <int>0</int>
let x : Int = 0
func test6<T : Prot>(x: T) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> test6<T : <type>Prot</type>>(x: <type>T</type>) {}{{$}}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> <placeholder><#test1#></placeholder> () {}
func <#test1#> () {}
func funcTakingFor(for internalName: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> funcTakingFor(for internalName: <type>Int</type>) {}
func funcTakingIn(in internalName: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> funcTakingIn(in internalName: <type>Int</type>) {}
_ = 123
// CHECK: <int>123</int>
_ = -123
// CHECK: <int>-123</int>
_ = -1
// CHECK: <int>-1</int>
_ = -0x123
// CHECK: <int>-0x123</int>
_ = -3.1e-5
// CHECK: <float>-3.1e-5</float>
"--\"\(x) --"
// CHECK: <str>"--\"</str>\<anchor>(</anchor>x<anchor>)</anchor><str> --"</str>
func keywordAsLabel1(in: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordAsLabel1(in: <type>Int</type>) {}
func keywordAsLabel2(for: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordAsLabel2(for: <type>Int</type>) {}
func keywordAsLabel3(if: Int, for: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordAsLabel3(if: <type>Int</type>, for: <type>Int</type>) {}
func keywordAsLabel4(_: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordAsLabel4(<kw>_</kw>: <type>Int</type>) {}
func keywordAsLabel5(_: Int, for: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordAsLabel5(<kw>_</kw>: <type>Int</type>, for: <type>Int</type>) {}
func keywordAsLabel6(if func: Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordAsLabel6(if func: <type>Int</type>) {}
func foo1() {
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> foo1() {
keywordAsLabel1(in: 1)
// CHECK: keywordAsLabel1(in: <int>1</int>)
keywordAsLabel2(for: 1)
// CHECK: keywordAsLabel2(for: <int>1</int>)
keywordAsLabel3(if: 1, for: 2)
// CHECK: keywordAsLabel3(if: <int>1</int>, for: <int>2</int>)
keywordAsLabel5(1, for: 2)
// CHECK: keywordAsLabel5(<int>1</int>, for: <int>2</int>)
_ = (if: 0, for: 2)
// CHECK: <kw>_</kw> = (if: <int>0</int>, for: <int>2</int>)
_ = (_: 0, _: 2)
// CHECK: <kw>_</kw> = (<kw>_</kw>: <int>0</int>, <kw>_</kw>: <int>2</int>)
func foo2(O1 : Int?, O2: Int?, O3: Int?) {
guard let _ = O1, var _ = O2, let _ = O3 else { }
// CHECK: <kw>guard</kw> <kw>let</kw> <kw>_</kw> = O1, <kw>var</kw> <kw>_</kw> = O2, <kw>let</kw> <kw>_</kw> = O3 <kw>else</kw> { }
if let _ = O1, var _ = O2, let _ = O3 {}
// CHECK: <kw>if</kw> <kw>let</kw> <kw>_</kw> = O1, <kw>var</kw> <kw>_</kw> = O2, <kw>let</kw> <kw>_</kw> = O3 {}
func keywordInCaseAndLocalArgLabel(_ for: Int, for in: Int, class _: Int) {
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> keywordInCaseAndLocalArgLabel(<kw>_</kw> for: <type>Int</type>, for in: <type>Int</type>, class <kw>_</kw>: <type>Int</type>) {
switch(`for`, `in`) {
case (let x, let y):
// CHECK: <kw>case</kw> (<kw>let</kw> x, <kw>let</kw> y):
print(x, y)
@unknown default:
// CHECK: <attr-id>@unknown</attr-id> <kw>default</kw>:
enum CasesWithMissingElement {
case a(Int, String),
// CHECK: <kw>case</kw> a(<type>Int</type>, <type>String</type>)
case b(Int, String),
// CHECK: <kw>case</kw> b(<type>Int</type>, <type>String</type>)
// CHECK: <kw>class</kw> Ownership {
class Ownership {
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>weak</attr-builtin> <kw>var</kw> w
weak var w
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>unowned</attr-builtin> <kw>var</kw> u
unowned var u
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>unowned(unsafe)</attr-builtin> <kw>var</kw> uu
unowned(unsafe) var uu
// CHECK: <kw>let</kw> closure = { [<attr-builtin>weak</attr-builtin> x=bindtox, <attr-builtin>unowned</attr-builtin> y=bindtoy, <attr-builtin>unowned(unsafe)</attr-builtin> z=bindtoz] <kw>in</kw> }
let closure = { [weak x=bindtox, unowned y=bindtoy, unowned(unsafe) z=bindtoz] in }
protocol FakeClassRestrictedProtocol : `class` {}
// CHECK: <kw>protocol</kw> FakeClassRestrictedProtocol : <type>`class`</type> {}
// FIXME: rdar://42801404: OLD and NEW should be the same '<type>`class`</type>'.
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> foo() -> <kw>some</kw> <type>P</type> {}
func foo() -> some P {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> foo() -> <kw>some</kw> <type>P</type> & <type>Q</type> {}
func foo() -> some P & Q {}
// CHECK: <kw>class</kw> PropertyDelgate {
class PropertyDelgate {
// CHECK: @<type>MyDelegate</type>(<int>1</int>, receiveClosure {
@MyDelegate(1, receiveClosure {
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> x = <int>1</int>; x
var x = 1; x
var something
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> acceptBuilder<T>(
func acceptBuilder<T>(
// CHECK: @<type>SomeBuilder</type><<type>Element</type>> label param: () -> <type>T</type>
@SomeBuilder<Element> label param: () -> T
) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> typeAttr(a: <attr-builtin>@escaping</attr-builtin> () -> <type>Int</type>) {}
func typeAttr(a: @escaping () -> Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> typeAttr3(a: <attr-builtin>@ escaping</attr-builtin> () -> <type>Int</type>) {}
func typeAttr3(a: @ escaping () -> Int) {}
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> typeAttr2(a: @ <comment-block>/*this is fine...*/</comment-block> escaping () -> <type>Int</type>, b: <attr-builtin>@ escaping</attr-builtin> () -> <type>Int</type>) {}
func typeAttr2(a: @ /*this is fine...*/ escaping () -> Int, b: @ escaping () -> Int) {}
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@available</attr-builtin>(<kw>iOS</kw> <int>99</int>, *)
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> iHave = <int>10</int>, multipleVars = <int>20</int>
@available(iOS 99, *)
var iHave = 10, multipleVars = 20
enum MultipleCaseElements {
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@available</attr-builtin>(<kw>iOS</kw> <int>99</int>, *)
// CHECK: <kw>case</kw> foo, bar
@available(iOS 99, *)
case foo, bar
protocol P {}
enum E {
// CHECK: <attr-builtin>@available</attr-builtin>(<kw>iOS</kw> <int>99</int>, *)
// CHECK: <kw>case</kw> a(<type>P</type>)
@available(iOS 99, *)
case a(P)
// Ideally this would be attr-builtin, but we don't actually have the attribute
// in the AST at all.
// CHECK: <attr-id>@available</attr-id>(<kw>iOS</kw> <int>99</int>, *)
// CHECK: <kw>var</kw> <kw>_</kw> = <int>10</int>
@available(iOS 99, *)
var _ = 10
// CHECK: <type>Array</type><<type>T</type>> <kw>where</kw> <type>T</type>: <type>Equatable</type>
typealias GenericAlias<T> = Array<T> where T: Equatable
// Where clauses on contextually generic declarations
struct FreeWhere<T> {
// CHECK: <kw>func</kw> foo() <kw>where</kw> <type>T</type> == <type>Int</type>
func foo() where T == Int {}
// CHECK: <kw>subscript</kw>() -> <type>Int</type> <kw>where</kw> <type>T</type>: <type>Sequence</type>
subscript() -> Int where T: Sequence {}
// CHECK: <kw>enum</kw> Enum <kw>where</kw> <type>T</type> == <type>Int</type>
enum Enum where T == Int {}
// CHECK: <kw>typealias</kw> Alias = <type>Int</type> <kw>where</kw> <type>T</type> == <type>Int</type>
typealias Alias = Int where T == Int
// Renamed attribute ('fixed' to @available by the parser after emitting an error, so not treated as a custom attribute)
// CHECK: @availability(<kw>macOS</kw> <float>10.11</float>, *)
@availability(macOS 10.11, *)
class HasMisspelledAttr {}