blob: aa4153ba14926f5a58792b427966723827b3937a [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-typecheck-verify-swift -enable-experimental-concurrency
// REQUIRES: concurrency
func someAsyncFunc() async -> String { "" }
struct MyError: Error {}
func someThrowingAsyncFunc() async throws -> String { throw MyError() }
// ==== Unsafe Continuations ---------------------------------------------------
struct Vegetable {}
func buyVegetables(
shoppingList: [String],
// a) if all veggies were in store, this is invoked *exactly-once*
onGotAllVegetables: ([Vegetable]) -> (),
// b) if not all veggies were in store, invoked one by one (one or more times)
onGotVegetable: (Vegetable) -> (),
// b) if at least one onGotVegetable was called *exactly-once*
// this is invoked once no more veggies will be emitted
onNoMoreVegetables: () -> (),
// c) if no veggies _at all_ were available, this is invoked *exactly once*
onNoVegetablesInStore: (Error) -> ()
) {}
// returns 1 or more vegetables or throws an error
func buyVegetables(shoppingList: [String]) async throws -> [Vegetable] {
await try withUnsafeThrowingContinuation { continuation in
var veggies: [Vegetable] = []
shoppingList: shoppingList,
onGotAllVegetables: { veggies in continuation.resume(returning: veggies) },
onGotVegetable: { v in veggies.append(v) },
onNoMoreVegetables: { continuation.resume(returning: veggies) },
onNoVegetablesInStore: { error in continuation.resume(throwing: error) }
func test_unsafeContinuations() async {
// the closure should not allow async operations;
// after all: if you have async code, just call it directly, without the unsafe continuation
let _: String = withUnsafeContinuation { continuation in // expected-error{{invalid conversion from 'async' function of type '(UnsafeContinuation<String>) async -> Void' to synchronous function type '(UnsafeContinuation<String>) -> Void'}}
let s = await someAsyncFunc() // rdar://70610141 for getting a better error message here
continuation.resume(returning: s)
let _: String = await withUnsafeContinuation { continuation in
continuation.resume(returning: "")
func test_unsafeThrowingContinuations() async {
let _: String = await try withUnsafeThrowingContinuation { continuation in
continuation.resume(returning: "")
let _: String = await try withUnsafeThrowingContinuation { continuation in
continuation.resume(throwing: MyError())
// TODO: Potentially could offer some warnings if we know that a continuation was resumed or escaped at all in a closure?
// ==== Detached Tasks ---------------------------------------------------------
func test_detached() async throws {
let handle = Task.runDetached() {
await someAsyncFunc() // able to call async functions
let result: String = await try handle.get()
_ = result
func test_detached_throwing() async -> String {
let handle: Task.Handle<String> = Task.runDetached() {
await try someThrowingAsyncFunc() // able to call async functions
do {
return await try handle.get()
} catch {
print("caught: \(error)")