blob: 7b9a145b751b3c8a167efb678b2ccf3cc5d35121 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-run-simple-swift-forward-mode-differentiation
// REQUIRES: executable_test
import StdlibUnittest
import DifferentiationUnittest
#if os(macOS)
import Darwin.C
import Glibc
var ForwardModeTests = TestSuite("ForwardMode")
// Basic tests.
ForwardModeTests.test("Identity") {
func func_to_diff(x: Float) -> Float {
return x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, in: func_to_diff)
expectEqual(4, y)
expectEqual(1, differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("Unary") {
func func_to_diff(x: Float) -> Float {
return x * x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, in: func_to_diff)
expectEqual(16, y)
expectEqual(8, differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("Binary") {
func func_to_diff(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
return x * y
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5, in: func_to_diff)
expectEqual(20, y)
expectEqual(9, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.test("BinaryWithLets") {
func func_to_diff(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
let a = x + y
let b = a
return b * -y
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5, in: func_to_diff)
expectEqual(-45, y)
expectEqual(-19, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.test("SubsetParametersDiff") {
func func_to_diff1(x: Int, y: Float, z: Int) -> Float {
return y
let (y1, differential1) = valueWithDifferential(at: 5) { y in
func_to_diff1(x: 0, y: y, z: 0)
expectEqual(5, y1)
expectEqual(1, differential1(1))
func func_to_diff2(x: Float, y: Int, z: Int) -> Float {
return 2 * x
let (y2, differential2) = valueWithDifferential(at: 6) { x in
func_to_diff2(x: x, y: 0, z: 0)
expectEqual(12, y2)
expectEqual(2, differential2(1))
func func_to_diff3(x: Int, y: Int, z: Float) -> Float {
return 3 * z
let (y3, differential3) = valueWithDifferential(at: 7) { z in
func_to_diff3(x: 0, y: 0, z: z)
expectEqual(21, y3)
expectEqual(3, differential3(1))
// Functions with variables
ForwardModeTests.test("UnaryWithVars") {
func unary(x: Float) -> Float {
var a = x
a = x
var b = a + 2
b = b - 1
let c: Float = 3
var d = a + b + c - 1
d = d + d
return d
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, in: unary)
expectEqual(22, y)
expectEqual(4, differential(1))
// Functions with basic struct
struct A: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
var x: Float
ForwardModeTests.test("StructInit") {
func structInit(x: Float) -> A {
return A(x: 2 * x)
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, in: structInit)
expectEqual(A(x: 8), y)
expectEqual(A(x: 2), differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("StructExtract") {
func structExtract(x: A) -> Float {
return 2 * x.x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(
at: A(x: 4),
in: structExtract)
expectEqual(8, y)
expectEqual(2, differential(A(x: 1)))
ForwardModeTests.test("LocalStructVariable") {
func structExtract(x: A) -> A {
let a = A(x: 2 * x.x) // 2x
var b = A(x: a.x + 2) // 2x + 2
b = A(x: b.x + a.x) // 2x + 2 + 2x = 4x + 2
return b
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(
at: A(x: 4),
in: structExtract)
expectEqual(A(x: 18), y)
expectEqual(A(x: 4), differential(A(x: 1)))
// Functions with methods
extension A {
func noParamMethodA() -> A {
return A(x: 2 * x)
func noParamMethodx() -> Float {
return 2 * x
static func *(lhs: A, rhs: A) -> A {
return A(x: lhs.x * rhs.x)
func complexBinaryMethod(u: A, v: Float) -> A {
var b: A = u * A(x: 2) // A(x: u * 2)
b.x = b.x * v // A(x: u * 2 * v)
let c = b.x + 1 // u * 2 * v + 1
// A(x: u * 2 * v + 1 + u * 2 * v) = A(x: x * (4uv + 1))
return A(x: x * (c + b.x))
ForwardModeTests.test("noParamMethodA") {
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: A(x: 4)) { x in
expectEqual(A(x: 8), y)
expectEqual(A(x: 2), differential(A(x: 1)))
ForwardModeTests.test("noParamMethodx") {
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: A(x: 4)) { x in
expectEqual(8, y)
expectEqual(2, differential(A(x: 1)))
ForwardModeTests.test("complexBinaryMethod") {
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: A(x: 4), A(x: 5), 3) {
(x, y, z) in
// derivative = A(x: 4uv + 4xv + 4ux + 1) = 4*5*3 + 4*4*3 + 4*5*4 + 1 = 189
x.complexBinaryMethod(u: y, v: z)
expectEqual(A(x: 244), y)
expectEqual(A(x: 189), differential(A(x: 1), A(x: 1), 1))
// Tracked struct
ForwardModeTests.testWithLeakChecking("TrackedIdentity") {
func identity(x: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
return x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, in: identity)
expectEqual(4, y)
expectEqual(1, differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.testWithLeakChecking("TrackedAddition") {
func add(x: Tracked<Float>, y: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
return x + y
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5, in: add)
expectEqual(9, y)
expectEqual(2, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.testWithLeakChecking("TrackedDivision") {
func divide(x: Tracked<Float>, y: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
return x / y
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 10, 5, in: divide)
expectEqual(2, y)
expectEqual(-0.2, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.testWithLeakChecking("TrackedMultipleMultiplication") {
func add(x: Tracked<Float>, y: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
return x * y * x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5, in: add)
expectEqual(80, y)
// 2yx+xx
expectEqual(56, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.testWithLeakChecking("TrackedWithLets") {
func add(x: Tracked<Float>, y: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
let a = x + y
let b = a * a // (x+y)^2
let c = b / x + y // (x+y)^2/x+y
return c
// (3x^2+2xy-y^2)/x^2+1
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5, in: add)
expectEqual(25.25, y)
expectEqual(4.9375, differential(1, 1))
// Tuples
ForwardModeTests.test("TupleLet") {
do {
func tupleLet(_ x: Float) -> Float {
let tuple = (2 * x, x)
return tuple.0
let (value, derivative) = valueWithDerivative(at: 4, in: tupleLet)
expectEqual(8, value)
expectEqual(2, derivative)
ForwardModeTests.test("TupleVar") {
do {
func tupleVar(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var tuple = (2 * x, x)
return tuple.0
let (value, derivative) = valueWithDerivative(at: 4, in: tupleVar)
expectEqual(8, value)
expectEqual(2, derivative)
do {
// TF-964: Test tuple with non-tuple-typed adjoint value.
func TF_964(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var tuple = (2 * x, 1)
return tuple.0
let (value, derivative) = valueWithDerivative(at: 4, in: TF_964)
expectEqual(8, value)
expectEqual(2, derivative)
ForwardModeTests.test("TupleMutation") {
func foo(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var tuple = (x, x)
tuple.0 = tuple.0 * x
return x * tuple.0
expectEqual(27, derivative(at: 3, in: foo))
func fifthPower(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var tuple = (x, x)
tuple.0 = tuple.0 * x
tuple.1 = tuple.0 * x
return tuple.0 * tuple.1
expectEqual(405, derivative(at: 3, in: fifthPower))
func nested(_ x: Float) -> Float {
var tuple = ((x, x), x)
tuple.0.0 = tuple.0.0 * x
tuple.0.1 = tuple.0.0 * x
return tuple.0.0 * tuple.0.1
expectEqual(405, derivative(at: 3, in: nested))
func generic<T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic>(_ x: T) -> T {
var tuple = (x, x)
return tuple.0
expectEqual(1, derivative(at: 3.0, in: generic))
// FIXME(TF-1033): Fix forward-mode ownership error for tuple with non-active
// initial values.
func genericInitialNonactive<T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic>(
_ x: T
) -> T {
var tuple = (,
tuple.0 = x
tuple.1 = x
return tuple.0
expectEqual(1, derivative(at: 3.0, in: genericInitialNonactive))
// Tests TF-321.
ForwardModeTests.test("TupleNonDifferentiableElements") {
// TF-964: Test tuple with non-tuple-typed adjoint value.
func tupleLet(_ x: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
let tuple = (2 * x, 1)
return tuple.0
expectEqual((8, 2), valueWithDerivative(at: 4, in: tupleLet))
func tupleVar(_ x: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
var tuple = (x, 1)
tuple.0 = x
tuple.1 = 1
return tuple.0
expectEqual((3, 1), valueWithDerivative(at: 3, in: tupleVar))
func nested(_ x: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
// Convoluted function computing `x * x`.
var tuple: (Int, (Int, Tracked<Float>), Tracked<Float>) = (1, (1, 0), 0)
tuple.0 = 1
tuple.1.0 = 1
tuple.1.1 = x
tuple.2 = x
return tuple.1.1 * tuple.2
expectEqual((16, 8), valueWithDerivative(at: 4, in: nested))
struct Wrapper<T> {
@differentiable(where T : Differentiable)
func baz(_ x: T) -> T {
var tuple = (1, 1, x, 1)
tuple.0 = 1
tuple.2 = x
tuple.3 = 1
return tuple.2
func wrapper(_ x: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
let w = Wrapper<Tracked<Float>>()
return w.baz(x)
expectEqual((3, 1), valueWithDerivative(at: 3, in: wrapper))
// Generics
struct Tensor<Scalar : FloatingPoint & Differentiable>
: AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
// NOTE: `value` must have type with known size (e.g. `Float`, not `Scalar`)
// until differentiation has indirect passing support.
var value: Float
init(_ value: Float) { self.value = value }
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericIdentity") {
func identity<T : Differentiable>(_ x: T) -> T {
return x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4) { (x: Float) in
expectEqual(4, y)
expectEqual(1, differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTensorIdentity") {
func identity<T : FloatingPoint & Differentiable>(
_ x: Tensor<T>) -> Tensor<T> {
return x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4) { (x: Float) in
expectEqual(Tensor<Float>(4), y)
expectEqual(Tensor<Float>(1), differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTensorPlus") {
func plus<T : FloatingPoint & Differentiable>(_ x: Tensor<T>) -> Float {
return x.value + x.value
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4) { (x: Float) in
expectEqual(8, y)
expectEqual(2, differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTensorBinaryInput") {
func binary<T : FloatingPoint & Differentiable>(
_ x: Tensor<T>, _ y: Tensor<T>) -> Float {
return x.value * y.value
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5) {
(x: Float, y: Float) in
binary(Tensor<Float>(x), Tensor<Float>(y))
expectEqual(20, y)
expectEqual(9, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTensorWithLets") {
func binary<T : FloatingPoint & Differentiable>(
_ x: Tensor<T>, _ y: Tensor<T>) -> Float {
let a = Tensor<T>(x.value)
let b = Tensor<T>(y.value)
return a.value * b.value
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5) {
(x: Float, y: Float) in
binary(Tensor<Float>(x), Tensor<Float>(y))
expectEqual(20, y)
expectEqual(9, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTensorWithVars") {
func binary<T : FloatingPoint & Differentiable>(
_ x: Tensor<T>, _ y: Tensor<T>) -> Float {
var a = Tensor<T>(x.value)
var b = Tensor<T>(y.value)
b = a
a = Tensor<T>(y.value)
return a.value * b.value
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5) {
(x: Float, y: Float) in
binary(Tensor<Float>(x), Tensor<Float>(y))
expectEqual(20, y)
expectEqual(9, differential(1, 1))
// Test case where associated derivative function's requirements are met.
extension Tensor where Scalar : Numeric {
@differentiable(wrt: self where Scalar : Differentiable & FloatingPoint)
func mean() -> Tensor {
return self
@differentiable(wrt: self where Scalar : Differentiable & FloatingPoint)
func variance() -> Tensor {
return mean() // ok
_ = differential(at: Tensor<Float>(1), in: { $0.variance() })
// Tests TF-508: differentiation requirements with dependent member types.
protocol TF_508_Proto {
associatedtype Scalar
extension TF_508_Proto where Scalar : FloatingPoint {
where Self : Differentiable, Scalar : Differentiable,
// Conformance requirement with dependent member type.
Self.TangentVector : TF_508_Proto
static func +(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
return lhs
where Self : Differentiable, Scalar : Differentiable,
// Same-type requirement with dependent member type.
Self.TangentVector == Float
static func -(lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Self {
return lhs
extension TF_508_Proto where Self : Differentiable,
Scalar : FloatingPoint & Differentiable,
Self.TangentVector : TF_508_Proto {
@derivative(of: +)
static func jvpAdd(lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
-> (value: Self, differential: (TangentVector, TangentVector) -> TangentVector) {
return (lhs, { (dlhs, drhs) in dlhs })
extension TF_508_Proto where Self : Differentiable,
Scalar : FloatingPoint & Differentiable,
Self.TangentVector == Float {
@derivative(of: -)
static func jvpSubtract(lhs: Self, rhs: Self)
-> (value: Self, differential: (TangentVector, TangentVector) -> TangentVector) {
return (lhs, { (dlhs, drhs) in dlhs })
struct TF_508_Struct<Scalar : AdditiveArithmetic>
: TF_508_Proto, AdditiveArithmetic {}
extension TF_508_Struct : Differentiable where Scalar : Differentiable {
typealias TangentVector = TF_508_Struct
// func TF_508() {
// let x = TF_508_Struct<Float>()
// // Test conformance requirement with dependent member type.
// _ = differential(at: x, in: {
// (x: TF_508_Struct<Float>) -> TF_508_Struct<Float> in
// return x + x
// })
// // Test same-type requirement with dependent member type.
// _ = differential(at: x, in: {
// (x: TF_508_Struct<Float>) -> TF_508_Struct<Float> in
// return x - x
// })
// }
// TF-523
struct TF_523_Struct : Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
var a: Float = 1
typealias TangentVector = TF_523_Struct
typealias AllDifferentiableVariables = TF_523_Struct
func TF_523_f(_ x: TF_523_Struct) -> Float {
return x.a * 2
// TF-534: Thunk substitution map remapping.
protocol TF_534_Layer : Differentiable {
associatedtype Input : Differentiable
associatedtype Output : Differentiable
func callAsFunction(_ input: Input) -> Output
struct TF_534_Tensor<Scalar> : Differentiable {}
func TF_534<Model: TF_534_Layer>(
_ model: inout Model, inputs: Model.Input
) -> TF_534_Tensor<Float> where Model.Output == TF_534_Tensor<Float> {
return valueWithDifferential(at: model) { model -> Model.Output in
return model(inputs)
// TODO: uncomment once control flow is supported in forward mode.
// TF-652: Test VJPEmitter substitution map generic signature.
// The substitution map should have the VJP's generic signature, not the
// original function's.
// struct TF_652<Scalar> {}
// extension TF_652 : Differentiable where Scalar : FloatingPoint {}
// @differentiable(wrt: x where Scalar: FloatingPoint)
// func test<Scalar: Numeric>(x: TF_652<Scalar>) -> TF_652<Scalar> {
// for _ in 0..<10 {
// let _ = x
// }
// return x
// }
// Tracked Generic.
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTrackedIdentity") {
func identity<T : Differentiable>(_ x: Tracked<T>) -> Tracked<T> {
return x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4) { (x: Float) in
expectEqual(4, y)
expectEqual(1, differential(1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTrackedBinaryAdd") {
func add<T>(_ x: Tracked<T>, _ y: Tracked<T>) -> Tracked<T>
where T: Differentiable, T == T.TangentVector {
return x + y
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5) {
(x: Float, y: Float) in
add(Tracked(x), Tracked(y))
expectEqual(9, y)
expectEqual(2, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTrackedBinaryLets") {
func add<T>(_ x: Tracked<T>, _ y: Tracked<T>) -> Tracked<T>
where T: Differentiable & SignedNumeric,
T == T.TangentVector,
T == T.Magnitude {
let a = x * y // xy
let b = a + a // 2xy
return b + b // 4xy
// 4y + 4x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5) { (x: Float, y: Float) in
add(Tracked(x), Tracked(y))
expectEqual(80, y)
expectEqual(36, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.test("GenericTrackedBinaryVars") {
func add<T>(_ x: Tracked<T>, _ y: Tracked<T>) -> Tracked<T>
where T: Differentiable & SignedNumeric,
T == T.TangentVector,
T == T.Magnitude {
var a = x * y // xy
a = a + a // 2xy
var b = x
b = a
return b + b // 4xy
// 4y + 4x
let (y, differential) = valueWithDifferential(at: 4, 5) { (x: Float, y: Float) in
add(Tracked(x), Tracked(y))
expectEqual(80, y)
expectEqual(36, differential(1, 1))
ForwardModeTests.testWithLeakChecking("TrackedDifferentiableFuncType") {
func valAndDeriv(
f: @escaping @differentiable (Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float>
) -> (Tracked<Float>, Tracked<Float>) {
let (y, diff) = valueWithDifferential(at: 5, in: f)
return (y, diff(1))
func func1(_ x: Tracked<Float>) -> Tracked<Float> {
let a = x + x // 2x
let b = a + a // 4x
return b * b // 16x^2
let (val1, dv1) = valAndDeriv(f: func1)
expectEqual(400, val1)
expectEqual(160, dv1)
// Classes
ForwardModeTests.test("Final") {
final class Final : Differentiable {
func method(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return x * x
for i in -5...5 {
Float(i) * 2,
derivative(at: Float(i)) { x in Final().method(x) })
ForwardModeTests.test("Simple") {
class Super {
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return 2 * x
@derivative(of: f)
final func jvpf(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, differential: (Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { v in 2 * v })
@derivative(of: f)
final func vjpf(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { v in 2 * v })
class SubOverride : Super {
@differentiable(wrt: x)
override func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return 3 * x
class SubOverrideCustomDerivatives : Super {
@differentiable(wrt: x)
override func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return 3 * x
@derivative(of: f)
final func jvpf2(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, differential: (Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { v in 3 * v })
@derivative(of: f)
final func vjpf2(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { v in 3 * v })
func classValueWithDerivative(_ c: Super) -> (Float, Float) {
return valueWithDerivative(at: 1) { c.f($0) }
expectEqual((2, 2), classValueWithDerivative(Super()))
expectEqual((3, 3), classValueWithDerivative(SubOverride()))
expectEqual((3, 3), classValueWithDerivative(SubOverrideCustomDerivatives()))
ForwardModeTests.test("SimpleWrtSelf") {
class Super : Differentiable {
var base: Float
// FIXME(TF-648): Dummy to make `Super.AllDifferentiableVariables` be nontrivial.
var _nontrivial: [Float] = []
// FIXME(SR-12175): Fix forward-mode differentiation crash.
// @differentiable
required init(base: Float) {
self.base = base
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return base * x
@derivative(of: f)
final func jvpf(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, differential: (TangentVector, Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { (dself, dx) in dself.base * dx })
@derivative(of: f)
final func vjpf(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> (TangentVector, Float)) {
let base = self.base
return (f(x), { v in
(TangentVector(base: v * x, _nontrivial: []), base * v)
class SubOverride : Super {
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
override func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return 3 * x
class SubOverrideCustomDerivatives : Super {
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
@differentiable(wrt: x)
override func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return 3 * x
@derivative(of: f, wrt: x)
final func jvpf2(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, differential: (Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { v in 3 * v })
@derivative(of: f, wrt: x)
final func vjpf2(_ x: Float) -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> Float) {
return (f(x), { v in 3 * v })
// FIXME(SR-12175): Fix forward-mode differentiation crash.
// let v = Super.TangentVector(base: 100, _nontrivial: [])
// expectEqual(100, pullback(at: 1337) { x in Super(base: x) }(v))
// expectEqual(100, pullback(at: 1337) { x in SubOverride(base: x) }(v))
// expectEqual(100, pullback(at: 1337) { x in SubOverrideCustomDerivatives(base: x) }(v))
// `valueWithDerivative` is not used because the derivative requires `Super`
// to conform to `FloatingPoint`.
func classDifferential(
_ c: Super
) -> (Float, (Super.TangentVector, Float) -> Float) {
return valueWithDifferential(at: c, 10) { (c: Super, x: Float) in c.f(x) }
let (y1, diff1) = classDifferential(Super(base: 5))
expectEqual(50, y1)
let c1 = Super.TangentVector(base: 1, _nontrivial: [])
expectEqual(1, diff1(c1, 1))
let (y2, diff2) = classDifferential(SubOverride(base: 5))
expectEqual(30, y2)
let c2 = SubOverride.TangentVector(base: 1, _nontrivial: [])
expectEqual(3, diff2(c2, 1))
let (y3, diff3) = classDifferential(SubOverrideCustomDerivatives(base: 5))
expectEqual(30, y3)
let c3 = SubOverrideCustomDerivatives.TangentVector(base: 1, _nontrivial: [])
expectEqual(3, diff3(c3, 1))
// Protocols
protocol Prot : Differentiable {
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func foo(x: Float) -> Float
ForwardModeTests.test("Simple Protocol") {
struct Linear: Prot, AdditiveArithmetic {
typealias TangentVector = Linear
let m: Float
let b: Float
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func foo(x: Float) -> Float {
return m * x + b
func genericFoo<T: Prot>(_ t: T, _ x: Float) -> Float { x)
let inst = Linear(m: 5, b: -2)
let (y1, diff1) = valueWithDifferential(at: 5) { x in genericFoo(inst, x) }
expectEqual(23, y1)
expectEqual(5, diff1(1))
protocol DiffReq : Differentiable {
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
func f(_ x: Float) -> Float
extension DiffReq where TangentVector : AdditiveArithmetic {
@inline(never) // Prevent specialization, to test all witness code.
func derivF(at x: Float) -> Float {
return (valueWithDifferential(at: x) { x in self.f(x) }).1(1)
struct Quadratic : DiffReq, AdditiveArithmetic {
typealias TangentVector = Quadratic
let a: Float
let b: Float
let c: Float
init(_ a: Float, _ b: Float, _ c: Float) {
self.a = a
self.b = b
self.c = c
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
func f(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return a * x * x + b * x + c
ForwardModeTests.test("ProtocolFunc") {
expectEqual(12, Quadratic(11, 12, 13).derivF(at: 0))
expectEqual(2 * 11 + 12, Quadratic(11, 12, 13).derivF(at: 1))
expectEqual(2 * 11 * 2 + 12, Quadratic(11, 12, 13).derivF(at: 2))
// MARK: Constructor, accessor, and subscript requirements.
protocol FunctionsOfX: Differentiable {
init(x: Float)
var x: Float { get }
var y: Float { get }
var z: Float { get }
subscript() -> Float { get }
struct TestFunctionsOfX: FunctionsOfX {
init(x: Float) {
self.x = x
self.y = x * x
/// x = x
var x: Float
/// y = x * x
var y: Float
/// z = x * x + x
var z: Float {
return y + x
subscript() -> Float {
return z
@inline(never) // Prevent specialization, to test all witness code.
func derivatives<F: FunctionsOfX>(at x: Float, in: F.Type)
-> (Float, Float, Float, Float)
let dxdx = derivative(at: x) { x in F(x: x).x }
let dydx = derivative(at: x) { x in F(x: x).y }
let dzdx = derivative(at: x) { x in F(x: x).z }
let dsubscriptdx = derivative(at: x) { x in F(x: x)[] }
return (dxdx, dydx, dzdx, dsubscriptdx)
ForwardModeTests.test("constructor, accessor, subscript") {
(1.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0),
derivatives(at: 2.0, in: TestFunctionsOfX.self))
// MARK: - Test witness method SIL type computation.
protocol P : Differentiable {
@differentiable(wrt: (x, y))
func foo(_ x: Float, _ y: Double) -> Float
struct S : P {
@differentiable(wrt: (x, y))
func foo(_ x: Float, _ y: Double) -> Float {
return x
// MARK: - Overridden protocol method adding differentiable attribute.
public protocol Distribution {
associatedtype Value
func logProbability(of value: Value) -> Float
public protocol DifferentiableDistribution: Differentiable, Distribution {
@differentiable(wrt: self)
func logProbability(of value: Value) -> Float
struct Foo: DifferentiableDistribution {
@differentiable(wrt: self)
func logProbability(of value: Float) -> Float {
func blah<T: DifferentiableDistribution>(_ x: T) -> Float where T.Value: AdditiveArithmetic {
x.logProbability(of: .zero)
// Adding a more general `@differentiable` attribute.
public protocol DoubleDifferentiableDistribution: DifferentiableDistribution
where Value: Differentiable {
@differentiable(wrt: self)
@differentiable(wrt: (self, value))
func logProbability(of value: Value) -> Float
func blah2<T: DoubleDifferentiableDistribution>(_ x: T, _ value: T.Value) -> Float
where T.Value: AdditiveArithmetic {
x.logProbability(of: value)
protocol DifferentiableFoo {
associatedtype T: Differentiable
@differentiable(wrt: x)
func foo(_ x: T) -> Float
protocol MoreDifferentiableFoo: Differentiable, DifferentiableFoo {
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
func foo(_ x: T) -> Float
struct MoreDifferentiableFooStruct: MoreDifferentiableFoo {
@differentiable(wrt: (self, x))
func foo(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Simple Math
ForwardModeTests.test("Arithmetics") {
func foo1(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
return x * y
expectEqual(7, derivative(at: 3, 4, in: foo1))
func foo2(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
return -x * y
expectEqual(-7, derivative(at: 3, 4, in: foo2))
func foo3(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
return -x + y
expectEqual(0, derivative(at: 3, 4, in: foo3))
ForwardModeTests.test("Fanout") {
func foo1(x: Float) -> Float {
x - x
expectEqual(0, derivative(at: 100, in: foo1))
func foo2(x: Float) -> Float {
x + x
expectEqual(2, derivative(at: 100, in: foo2))
func foo3(x: Float, y: Float) -> Float {
x + x + x * y
expectEqual(7, derivative(at: 3, 2, in: foo3))
ForwardModeTests.test("FunctionCall") {
func foo(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> Float {
return 3 * x + { $0 * 3 }(3) * y
expectEqual(12, derivative(at: 3, 4, in: foo))
expectEqual(3, derivative(at: 3) { x in foo(x, 4) })
ForwardModeTests.test("ResultSelection") {
func foo(_ x: Float, _ y: Float) -> (Float, Float) {
return (x + 1, y + 2)
expectEqual(1, derivative(at: 3, 3, in: { x, y in foo(x, y).0 }))
expectEqual(1, derivative(at: 3, 3, in: { x, y in foo(x, y).1 }))
ForwardModeTests.test("CaptureLocal") {
let z: Float = 10
func foo(_ x: Float) -> Float {
return z * x
expectEqual(10, derivative(at: 0, in: foo))
var globalVar: Float = 10
ForwardModeTests.test("CaptureGlobal") {
func foo(x: Float) -> Float {
globalVar += 20
return globalVar * x
expectEqual(30, derivative(at: 0, in: foo))
ForwardModeTests.test("Mutation") {
func fourthPower(x: Float) -> Float {
var a = x
a = a * x
a = a * x
return a * x
expectEqual(4 * 27, derivative(at: 3, in: fourthPower))
// Tests TF-21.
ForwardModeTests.test("StructMemberwiseInitializer") {
struct Foo : AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var stored: Float
var computed: Float {
return stored * stored
let derivFoo = differential(at: Float(4), in: { input -> Foo in
let foo = Foo(stored: input)
let foo2 = foo + foo
return Foo(stored: foo2.stored)
expectEqual(Foo.TangentVector(stored: 2), derivFoo)
let computed = derivative(at: Float(4)) { input -> Float in
let foo = Foo(stored: input)
return foo.computed
expectEqual(8, computed)
let derivProduct = derivative(at: Float(4)) { input -> Float in
let foo = Foo(stored: input)
return foo.computed * foo.stored
expectEqual(48, derivProduct)
struct Custom : AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var x: Float
// Custom initializer with `@differentiable`.
init(x: Float) {
self.x = x
let derivCustom = differential(at: Float(4), in: { input -> Custom in
let foo = Custom(x: input)
return foo + foo
expectEqual(Custom.TangentVector(x: 2), derivCustom)
// Tests TF-319: struct with non-differentiable constant stored property.
ForwardModeTests.test("StructConstantStoredProperty") {
struct TF_319 : Differentiable {
var x: Float
@noDerivative let constant = Float(2)
init(x: Float) {
self.x = x
@differentiable(wrt: (self, input))
func applied(to input: Float) -> Float {
return x * constant * input
func testStructInit(to input: Float) -> Float {
let model = TF_319(x: 10)
return model.applied(to: input)
expectEqual(6, derivative(at: 10, in: { TF_319(x: $0).applied(to: 3) }))
expectEqual(20, derivative(at: 3, in: testStructInit))
ForwardModeTests.test("StructMutation") {
struct Point : AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var x: Float
var y: Float
var z: Float
func double(_ input: Float) -> Point {
let point = Point(x: input, y: input, z: input)
return point + point
expectEqual(Point(x: 2, y: 2, z: 2), differential(at: 4, in: double)(1))
func fifthPower(_ input: Float) -> Float {
var point = Point(x: input, y: input, z: input)
point.x = point.x * input
point.y = point.x * input
return point.x * point.y
expectEqual(405, derivative(at: 3, in: fifthPower))
func mix(_ input: Float) -> Float {
var tuple = (point: Point(x: input, y: input, z: input), float: input)
tuple.point.x = tuple.point.x * tuple.float
tuple.point.y = tuple.point.x * input
return tuple.point.x * tuple.point.y
expectEqual(405, derivative(at: 3, in: mix))
// Test TF-282.
struct Add : Differentiable {
var bias: Float
func applied(to input: Float) -> Float {
var tmp = input
tmp = tmp + bias
return tmp
expectEqual(1, derivative(at: 1) { m in Add(bias: m).applied(to: 1) })
ForwardModeTests.test("StructGeneric") {
struct Generic<T : AdditiveArithmetic & Differentiable> : AdditiveArithmetic, Differentiable {
var x: T
var y: T
var z: T
let deriv = differential(at: Float(3), in: { input -> Generic<Float> in
var generic = Generic(x: input, y: input, z: input)
return generic
expectEqual(Generic<Float>.TangentVector(x: 1, y: 1, z: 1), deriv)
func fifthPower(_ input: Float) -> Float {
var generic = Generic(x: input, y: input, z: input)
generic.x = generic.x * input
generic.y = generic.x * input
return generic.x * generic.y
expectEqual(405, derivative(at: 3, in: fifthPower))
ForwardModeTests.test("SubsetIndices") {
func deriv(_ lossFunction: @differentiable (Float, Float) -> Float) -> Float {
return derivative(at: 1) { x in lossFunction(x * x, 10.0) }
expectEqual(2, deriv { x, y in x + y })
func derivWRTNonDiff(_ lossFunction: @differentiable (Float, @noDerivative Int) -> Float) -> Float {
return derivative(at: 2) { x in lossFunction(x * x, 10) }
expectEqual(4, derivWRTNonDiff { x, y in x + Float(y) })
ForwardModeTests.test("ForceUnwrapping") {
func forceUnwrap<T: Differentiable & FloatingPoint>(_ t: T) -> Float where T == T.TangentVector {
derivative(at: t, Float(3)) { (x, y) in
(x as! Float) * y
expectEqual(5, forceUnwrap(Float(2)))