blob: 4d839b55ae07a98e7fad408fb59c58c2fb9523d5 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-emit-sil %s
// REQUIRES: asserts
// TF-923: Ownership verification error in pullback function generated by the
// differentiation transform.
// Adjoint value of basic block argument is destroyed at end of pullback block
// (because it's a temporary value), but is also set as adjoint value of
// incoming values, causing use-after-free errors in pullback successor blocks.
struct Tensor<Scalar> {
class Box {
init() {}
var box: Box = Box()
extension Tensor: Equatable where Scalar: Equatable {
static func ==(_: Self, _: Self) -> Bool { fatalError() }
extension Tensor: AdditiveArithmetic where Scalar: AdditiveArithmetic {
static var zero: Self { fatalError() }
static func +(_: Self, _: Self) -> Self { fatalError() }
static func -(_: Self, _: Self) -> Self { fatalError() }
extension Tensor: Differentiable where Scalar: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic {
typealias TangentVector = Self
struct Tuple<T: Differentiable & AdditiveArithmetic>: Differentiable {
var first: Tensor<T>
@noDerivative var second: Tensor<T>
@differentiable(wrt: (input))
func TF_923<T>(_ input: Tensor<T>, _ bool: Bool) -> Tuple<T> {
let x = bool ? input : input
return Tuple(first: x, second: x)
// Function: 'AD__$s4main6TF_923yAA5TupleVyxGAA6TensorVyxG_Sbts18AdditiveArithmeticRzs14DifferentiableRzlF__pullback_src_0_wrt_0'
// Found use after free due to unvisited non lifetime ending uses?!
// Value: %22 = load [take] %10 : $*Tensor<τ_0_0> // users: %88, %60, %47
// Remaining Users:
// User: %60 = copy_value %22 : $Tensor<τ_0_0> // user: %65
// User: %88 = copy_value %22 : $Tensor<τ_0_0> // user: %93