blob: 043d1f2e1f8431e6bddccc8f8e82dc489776fb68 [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-swift-frontend -emit-sil %s -verify
// REQUIRES: asserts
// TF-1159: `begin_borrow` instruction unhandled in the
// `reapplyFunctionConversion` helper function.
func id<T>(_ x: T) -> T { x }
func TF_1159(_ x: Float) -> Float {
// Note: code below generates `partial_apply` and `begin_borrow`.
let fn: (Float) -> Float = id
return fn(x)
// Unhandled function conversion instruction
// UNREACHABLE executed at swift/lib/SILOptimizer/Mandatory/Differentiation.cpp:433!
// Stack dump:
// ...
// 1. Swift version 5.2-dev (Swift 415d33b3f1)
// 2. While running pass #27 SILModuleTransform "Differentiation".
// 3. While canonicalizing `differentiable_function` SIL node %12 = differentiable_function [parameters 0] %10 : $@callee_guaranteed (Float) -> Float // users: %17, %13
// 4. While SIL function "@AD__$s4main3fooyS2fF__vjp_src_0_wrt_0".
// for 'foo(_:)' (at tf-1159.swift:4:1)
// 0 swift 0x0000000107b15105 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 37
// 1 swift 0x0000000107b14078 llvm::sys::RunSignalHandlers() + 248
// 2 swift 0x0000000107b15706 SignalHandler(int) + 278
// 3 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff68ed2b5d _sigtramp + 29
// 4 libsystem_platform.dylib 0x0000000000000053 _sigtramp + 2534593811
// 5 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00007fff68d8c6a6 abort + 127
// 6 swift 0x0000000108dcc09e llvm::llvm_unreachable_internal(char const*, char const*, unsigned int) + 462
// 7 swift 0x0000000104047ec2 reapplyFunctionConversion(swift::autodiff::ADContext&, swift::SILValue, swift::SILValue, swift::SILValue, swift::SILBuilder&, swift::SILLocation, llvm::SmallVectorImpl<swift::AllocStackInst*>&, swift::IndexSubset*, swift::GenericSignature) + 1506
// 8 swift 0x000000010402d5c0 (anonymous namespace)::DifferentiationTransformer::promoteToDifferentiableFunction(swift::DifferentiableFunctionInst*, swift::SILBuilder&, swift::SILLocation, swift::autodiff::DifferentiationInvoker) + 8880
// 9 swift 0x00000001040292ea (anonymous namespace)::DifferentiationTransformer::processDifferentiableFunctionInst(swift::DifferentiableFunctionInst*) + 426
// 10 swift 0x0000000104026b06 (anonymous namespace)::Differentiation::run() + 1174