blob: 007b4b997dfcebfb0309dea6512868ae20450e1b [file] [log] [blame]
// RUN: %target-build-swift -O %s
// SR-12548: SIL verification error regarding
// `CapturePropagation::rewritePartialApply` for `partial_apply` with
// `@convention(method)` callee.
import _Differentiation
protocol Protocol: Differentiable {
func method() -> Self
extension Protocol {
func method() -> Self { self }
struct Struct: Protocol {}
let _: @differentiable (Struct) -> Struct = { $0.method() }
// SIL verification failed: operand of thin_to_thick_function must be thin: opFTy->getRepresentation() == SILFunctionType::Representation::Thin
// Verifying instruction:
// // function_ref specialized Protocol.method()
// %5 = function_ref @$s7crasher8ProtocolPAAE6methodxyFAA6StructV_TG5 : $@convention(method) (@in_guaranteed Struct) -> @out Struct // user: %6
// -> %6 = thin_to_thick_function %5 : $@convention(method) (@in_guaranteed Struct) -> @out Struct to $@callee_guaranteed (@in_guaranteed Struct) -> @out Struct // user: %11