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//===--- StringUTF16.swift ------------------------------------------------===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// FIXME(ABI)#71 : The UTF-16 string view should have a custom iterator type to
// allow performance optimizations of linear traversals.
extension String {
/// A view of a string's contents as a collection of UTF-16 code units.
/// You can access a string's view of UTF-16 code units by using its `utf16`
/// property. A string's UTF-16 view encodes the string's Unicode scalar
/// values as 16-bit integers.
/// let flowers = "Flowers 💐"
/// for v in flowers.utf16 {
/// print(v)
/// }
/// // 70
/// // 108
/// // 111
/// // 119
/// // 101
/// // 114
/// // 115
/// // 32
/// // 55357
/// // 56464
/// Unicode scalar values that make up a string's contents can be up to 21
/// bits long. The longer scalar values may need two `UInt16` values for
/// storage. Those "pairs" of code units are called *surrogate pairs*.
/// let flowermoji = "💐"
/// for v in flowermoji.unicodeScalars {
/// print(v, v.value)
/// }
/// // 💐 128144
/// for v in flowermoji.utf16 {
/// print(v)
/// }
/// // 55357
/// // 56464
/// To convert a `String.UTF16View` instance back into a string, use the
/// `String` type's `init(_:)` initializer.
/// let favemoji = "My favorite emoji is 🎉"
/// if let i = favemoji.utf16.firstIndex(where: { $0 >= 128 }) {
/// let asciiPrefix = String(favemoji.utf16[..<i])!
/// print(asciiPrefix)
/// }
/// // Prints "My favorite emoji is "
/// UTF16View Elements Match NSString Characters
/// ============================================
/// The UTF-16 code units of a string's `utf16` view match the elements
/// accessed through indexed `NSString` APIs.
/// print(flowers.utf16.count)
/// // Prints "10"
/// let nsflowers = flowers as NSString
/// print(nsflowers.length)
/// // Prints "10"
/// Unlike `NSString`, however, `String.UTF16View` does not use integer
/// indices. If you need to access a specific position in a UTF-16 view, use
/// Swift's index manipulation methods. The following example accesses the
/// fourth code unit in both the `flowers` and `nsflowers` strings:
/// print(nsflowers.character(at: 3))
/// // Prints "119"
/// let i = flowers.utf16.index(flowers.utf16.startIndex, offsetBy: 3)
/// print(flowers.utf16[i])
/// // Prints "119"
/// Although the Swift overlay updates many Objective-C methods to return
/// native Swift indices and index ranges, some still return instances of
/// `NSRange`. To convert an `NSRange` instance to a range of
/// `String.Index`, use the `Range(_:in:)` initializer, which takes an
/// `NSRange` and a string as arguments.
/// let snowy = "❄️ Let it snow! ☃️"
/// let nsrange = NSRange(location: 3, length: 12)
/// if let range = Range(nsrange, in: snowy) {
/// print(snowy[range])
/// }
/// // Prints "Let it snow!"
public struct UTF16View {
internal var _guts: _StringGuts
internal init(_ guts: _StringGuts) {
self._guts = guts
extension String.UTF16View {
@inlinable @inline(__always) internal func _invariantCheck() {}
@usableFromInline @inline(never) @_effects(releasenone)
internal func _invariantCheck() {
startIndex.transcodedOffset == 0 && endIndex.transcodedOffset == 0)
extension String.UTF16View: BidirectionalCollection {
public typealias Index = String.Index
/// The position of the first code unit if the `String` is
/// nonempty; identical to `endIndex` otherwise.
@inlinable @inline(__always)
public var startIndex: Index { return _guts.startIndex }
/// The "past the end" position---that is, the position one greater than
/// the last valid subscript argument.
/// In an empty UTF-16 view, `endIndex` is equal to `startIndex`.
@inlinable @inline(__always)
public var endIndex: Index { return _guts.endIndex }
@inlinable @inline(__always)
public func index(after idx: Index) -> Index {
if _slowPath(_guts.isForeign) { return _foreignIndex(after: idx) }
if _guts.isASCII { return idx.nextEncoded }
// For a BMP scalar (1-3 UTF-8 code units), advance past it. For a non-BMP
// scalar, use a transcoded offset first.
// TODO: If transcoded is 1, can we just skip ahead 4?
let idx = _utf16AlignNativeIndex(idx)
let len = _guts.fastUTF8ScalarLength(startingAt: idx._encodedOffset)
if len == 4 && idx.transcodedOffset == 0 {
return idx.nextTranscoded
return idx.strippingTranscoding.encoded(offsetBy: len)._scalarAligned
@inlinable @inline(__always)
public func index(before idx: Index) -> Index {
if _slowPath(_guts.isForeign) { return _foreignIndex(before: idx) }
if _guts.isASCII { return idx.priorEncoded }
if idx.transcodedOffset != 0 {
_internalInvariant(idx.transcodedOffset == 1)
return idx.strippingTranscoding
let idx = _utf16AlignNativeIndex(idx)
let len = _guts.fastUTF8ScalarLength(endingAt: idx._encodedOffset)
if len == 4 {
// 2 UTF-16 code units comprise this scalar; advance to the beginning and
// start mid-scalar transcoding
return idx.encoded(offsetBy: -len).nextTranscoded
// Single UTF-16 code unit
_internalInvariant((1...3) ~= len)
return idx.encoded(offsetBy: -len)._scalarAligned
public func index(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
if _slowPath(_guts.isForeign) {
return _foreignIndex(i, offsetBy: n)
let lowerOffset = _nativeGetOffset(for: i)
let result = _nativeGetIndex(for: lowerOffset + n)
return result
public func index(
_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Index
) -> Index? {
if _slowPath(_guts.isForeign) {
return _foreignIndex(i, offsetBy: n, limitedBy: limit)
let iOffset = _nativeGetOffset(for: i)
let limitOffset = _nativeGetOffset(for: limit)
// If distance < 0, limit has no effect if it is greater than i.
if _slowPath(n < 0 && limit <= i && limitOffset > iOffset + n) {
return nil
// If distance > 0, limit has no effect if it is less than i.
if _slowPath(n >= 0 && limit >= i && limitOffset < iOffset + n) {
return nil
let result = _nativeGetIndex(for: iOffset + n)
return result
public func distance(from start: Index, to end: Index) -> Int {
if _slowPath(_guts.isForeign) {
return _foreignDistance(from: start, to: end)
let lower = _nativeGetOffset(for: start)
let upper = _nativeGetOffset(for: end)
return upper &- lower
public var count: Int {
if _slowPath(_guts.isForeign) {
return _foreignCount()
return _nativeGetOffset(for: endIndex)
/// Accesses the code unit at the given position.
/// The following example uses the subscript to print the value of a
/// string's first UTF-16 code unit.
/// let greeting = "Hello, friend!"
/// let i = greeting.utf16.startIndex
/// print("First character's UTF-16 code unit: \(greeting.utf16[i])")
/// // Prints "First character's UTF-16 code unit: 72"
/// - Parameter position: A valid index of the view. `position` must be
/// less than the view's end index.
@inlinable @inline(__always)
public subscript(idx: Index) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
if _fastPath(_guts.isFastUTF8) {
let scalar = _guts.fastUTF8Scalar(
startingAt: _guts.scalarAlign(idx)._encodedOffset)
return scalar.utf16[idx.transcodedOffset]
return _foreignSubscript(position: idx)
extension String.UTF16View {
public struct Iterator: IteratorProtocol {
internal var _guts: _StringGuts
internal var _position: Int = 0
internal var _end: Int
// If non-nil, return this value for `next()` (and set it to nil).
// This is set when visiting a non-BMP scalar: the leading surrogate is
// returned, this field is set with the value of the trailing surrogate, and
// `_position` is advanced to the start of the next scalar.
internal var _nextIsTrailingSurrogate: UInt16? = nil
internal init(_ guts: _StringGuts) {
self._end = guts.count
self._guts = guts
public mutating func next() -> UInt16? {
if _slowPath(_nextIsTrailingSurrogate != nil) {
let trailing = self._nextIsTrailingSurrogate._unsafelyUnwrappedUnchecked
self._nextIsTrailingSurrogate = nil
return trailing
guard _fastPath(_position < _end) else { return nil }
let (scalar, len) = _guts.errorCorrectedScalar(startingAt: _position)
_position &+= len
if _slowPath(scalar.value > UInt16.max) {
self._nextIsTrailingSurrogate = scalar.utf16[1]
return scalar.utf16[0]
return UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded: scalar.value)
public __consuming func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
return Iterator(_guts)
extension String.UTF16View: CustomStringConvertible {
@inlinable @inline(__always)
public var description: String { return String(_guts) }
extension String.UTF16View: CustomDebugStringConvertible {
public var debugDescription: String {
return "StringUTF16(\(self.description.debugDescription))"
extension String {
/// A UTF-16 encoding of `self`.
public var utf16: UTF16View {
@inline(__always) get { return UTF16View(_guts) }
@inline(__always) set { self = String(newValue._guts) }
/// Creates a string corresponding to the given sequence of UTF-16 code units.
@inlinable @inline(__always)
@available(swift, introduced: 4.0)
public init(_ utf16: UTF16View) {
// Index conversions
extension String.UTF16View.Index {
/// Creates an index in the given UTF-16 view that corresponds exactly to the
/// specified string position.
/// If the index passed as `sourcePosition` represents either the start of a
/// Unicode scalar value or the position of a UTF-16 trailing surrogate,
/// then the initializer succeeds. If `sourcePosition` does not have an
/// exact corresponding position in `target`, then the result is `nil`. For
/// example, an attempt to convert the position of a UTF-8 continuation byte
/// results in `nil`.
/// The following example finds the position of a space in a string and then
/// converts that position to an index in the string's `utf16` view.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let stringIndex = cafe.firstIndex(of: "é")!
/// let utf16Index = String.Index(stringIndex, within: cafe.utf16)!
/// print(String(cafe.utf16[...utf16Index])!)
/// // Prints "Café"
/// - Parameters:
/// - sourcePosition: A position in at least one of the views of the string
/// shared by `target`.
/// - target: The `UTF16View` in which to find the new position.
public init?(
_ idx: String.Index, within target: String.UTF16View
) {
if _slowPath(target._guts.isForeign) {
guard idx._foreignIsWithin(target) else { return nil }
} else {
guard target._guts.isOnUnicodeScalarBoundary(idx) else { return nil }
self = idx
/// Returns the position in the given view of Unicode scalars that
/// corresponds exactly to this index.
/// This index must be a valid index of `String(unicodeScalars).utf16`.
/// This example first finds the position of a space (UTF-16 code point `32`)
/// in a string's `utf16` view and then uses this method to find the same
/// position in the string's `unicodeScalars` view.
/// let cafe = "Café 🍵"
/// let i = cafe.utf16.firstIndex(of: 32)!
/// let j = i.samePosition(in: cafe.unicodeScalars)!
/// print(String(cafe.unicodeScalars[..<j]))
/// // Prints "Café"
/// - Parameter unicodeScalars: The view to use for the index conversion.
/// This index must be a valid index of at least one view of the string
/// shared by `unicodeScalars`.
/// - Returns: The position in `unicodeScalars` that corresponds exactly to
/// this index. If this index does not have an exact corresponding
/// position in `unicodeScalars`, this method returns `nil`. For example,
/// an attempt to convert the position of a UTF-16 trailing surrogate
/// returns `nil`.
public func samePosition(
in unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView
) -> String.UnicodeScalarIndex? {
return String.UnicodeScalarIndex(self, within: unicodeScalars)
// Reflection
extension String.UTF16View: CustomReflectable {
/// Returns a mirror that reflects the UTF-16 view of a string.
public var customMirror: Mirror {
return Mirror(self, unlabeledChildren: self)
// Slicing
extension String.UTF16View {
public typealias SubSequence = Substring.UTF16View
public subscript(r: Range<Index>) -> Substring.UTF16View {
return Substring.UTF16View(self, _bounds: r)
// Foreign string support
extension String.UTF16View {
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignIndex(after i: Index) -> Index {
return i.strippingTranscoding.nextEncoded
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignIndex(before i: Index) -> Index {
return i.strippingTranscoding.priorEncoded
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignSubscript(position i: Index) -> UTF16.CodeUnit {
return _guts.foreignErrorCorrectedUTF16CodeUnit(at: i.strippingTranscoding)
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignDistance(from start: Index, to end: Index) -> Int {
// Ignore transcoded offsets, i.e. scalar align if-and-only-if from a
// transcoded view
return end._encodedOffset - start._encodedOffset
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignIndex(
_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int, limitedBy limit: Index
) -> Index? {
let l = limit._encodedOffset - i._encodedOffset
if n > 0 ? l >= 0 && l < n : l <= 0 && n < l {
return nil
return i.strippingTranscoding.encoded(offsetBy: n)
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignIndex(_ i: Index, offsetBy n: Int) -> Index {
return i.strippingTranscoding.encoded(offsetBy: n)
@usableFromInline @inline(never)
internal func _foreignCount() -> Int {
return endIndex._encodedOffset - startIndex._encodedOffset
// Align a native UTF-8 index to a valid UTF-16 position. If there is a
// transcoded offset already, this is already a valid UTF-16 position
// (referring to the second surrogate) and returns `idx`. Otherwise, this will
// scalar-align the index. This is needed because we may be passed a
// non-scalar-aligned index from the UTF8View.
@_alwaysEmitIntoClient // Swift 5.1
internal func _utf16AlignNativeIndex(_ idx: String.Index) -> String.Index {
guard idx.transcodedOffset == 0 else { return idx }
return _guts.scalarAlign(idx)
extension String.Index {
@usableFromInline @inline(never) // opaque slow-path
internal func _foreignIsWithin(_ target: String.UTF16View) -> Bool {
// If we're transcoding, we're a UTF-8 view index, not UTF-16.
return self.transcodedOffset == 0
// Breadcrumb-aware acceleration
extension _StringGuts {
fileprivate func _useBreadcrumbs(forEncodedOffset offset: Int) -> Bool {
return hasBreadcrumbs && offset >= _StringBreadcrumbs.breadcrumbStride
extension String.UTF16View {
internal func _nativeGetOffset(for idx: Index) -> Int {
// Trivial and common: start
if idx == startIndex { return 0 }
if _guts.isASCII {
_internalInvariant(idx.transcodedOffset == 0)
return idx._encodedOffset
let idx = _utf16AlignNativeIndex(idx)
guard _guts._useBreadcrumbs(forEncodedOffset: idx._encodedOffset) else {
// TODO: Generic _distance is still very slow. We should be able to
// skip over ASCII substrings quickly
return _distance(from: startIndex, to: idx)
// Simple and common: endIndex aka `length`.
let breadcrumbsPtr = _guts.getBreadcrumbsPtr()
if idx == endIndex { return breadcrumbsPtr.pointee.utf16Length }
// Otherwise, find the nearest lower-bound breadcrumb and count from there
let (crumb, crumbOffset) = breadcrumbsPtr.pointee.getBreadcrumb(
forIndex: idx)
return crumbOffset + _distance(from: crumb, to: idx)
internal func _nativeGetIndex(for offset: Int) -> Index {
// Trivial and common: start
if offset == 0 { return startIndex }
if _guts.isASCII { return Index(_encodedOffset: offset) }
guard _guts._useBreadcrumbs(forEncodedOffset: offset) else {
return _index(startIndex, offsetBy: offset)
// Simple and common: endIndex aka `length`.
let breadcrumbsPtr = _guts.getBreadcrumbsPtr()
if offset == breadcrumbsPtr.pointee.utf16Length { return endIndex }
// Otherwise, find the nearest lower-bound breadcrumb and advance that
let (crumb, remaining) = breadcrumbsPtr.pointee.getBreadcrumb(
forOffset: offset)
if remaining == 0 { return crumb }
return _guts.withFastUTF8 { utf8 in
var readIdx = crumb._encodedOffset
let readEnd = utf8.count
_internalInvariant(readIdx < readEnd)
var utf16I = 0
let utf16End: Int = remaining
// Adjust for sub-scalar initial transcoding: If we're starting the scan
// at a trailing surrogate, then we set our starting count to be -1 so as
// offset counting the leading surrogate.
if crumb.transcodedOffset != 0 {
utf16I = -1
while true {
let len = _utf8ScalarLength(utf8[_unchecked: readIdx])
let utf16Len = len == 4 ? 2 : 1
utf16I &+= utf16Len
if utf16I >= utf16End {
// Uncommon: final sub-scalar transcoded offset
if _slowPath(utf16I > utf16End) {
_internalInvariant(utf16Len == 2)
return Index(encodedOffset: readIdx, transcodedOffset: 1)
return Index(_encodedOffset: readIdx &+ len)._scalarAligned
readIdx &+= len
// Copy (i.e. transcode to UTF-16) our contents into a buffer. `alignedRange`
// means that the indices are part of the UTF16View.indices -- they are either
// scalar-aligned or transcoded (e.g. derived from the UTF-16 view). They do
// not need to go through an alignment check.
internal func _nativeCopy(
into buffer: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<UInt16>,
alignedRange range: Range<String.Index>
) {
range.lowerBound == _utf16AlignNativeIndex(range.lowerBound))
range.upperBound == _utf16AlignNativeIndex(range.upperBound))
if _slowPath(range.isEmpty) { return }
let isASCII = _guts.isASCII
return _guts.withFastUTF8 { utf8 in
var writeIdx = 0
let writeEnd = buffer.count
var readIdx = range.lowerBound._encodedOffset
let readEnd = range.upperBound._encodedOffset
if isASCII {
_internalInvariant(range.lowerBound.transcodedOffset == 0)
_internalInvariant(range.upperBound.transcodedOffset == 0)
while readIdx < readEnd {
_internalInvariant(utf8[readIdx] < 0x80)
buffer[_unchecked: writeIdx] = UInt16(
truncatingIfNeeded: utf8[_unchecked: readIdx])
readIdx &+= 1
writeIdx &+= 1
// Handle mid-transcoded-scalar initial index
if _slowPath(range.lowerBound.transcodedOffset != 0) {
_internalInvariant(range.lowerBound.transcodedOffset == 1)
let (scalar, len) = _decodeScalar(utf8, startingAt: readIdx)
buffer[writeIdx] = scalar.utf16[1]
readIdx &+= len
writeIdx &+= 1
// Transcode middle
while readIdx < readEnd {
let (scalar, len) = _decodeScalar(utf8, startingAt: readIdx)
buffer[writeIdx] = scalar.utf16[0]
readIdx &+= len
writeIdx &+= 1
if _slowPath(scalar.utf16.count == 2) {
buffer[writeIdx] = scalar.utf16[1]
writeIdx &+= 1
// Handle mid-transcoded-scalar final index
if _slowPath(range.upperBound.transcodedOffset == 1) {
_internalInvariant(writeIdx < writeEnd)
let (scalar, _) = _decodeScalar(utf8, startingAt: readIdx)
_internalInvariant(scalar.utf16.count == 2)
buffer[writeIdx] = scalar.utf16[0]
writeIdx &+= 1
_internalInvariant(writeIdx <= writeEnd)