blob: 37f3e379c370f8202fdd96c2ce35ee409fb59c88 [file] [log] [blame]
//===-- KeyPathIterable.swift ---------------------------------*- swift -*-===//
// This source file is part of the open source project
// Copyright (c) 2014 - 2017 Apple Inc. and the Swift project authors
// Licensed under Apache License v2.0 with Runtime Library Exception
// See for license information
// See for the list of Swift project authors
// This file defines the KeyPathIterable protocol.
// KeyPathIterable
/// An implementation detail of `KeyPathIterable`; do not use this protocol
/// directly.
public protocol _KeyPathIterableBase {
var _allKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] { get }
var _recursivelyAllKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] { get }
/// A type whose values provides custom key paths to properties or elements.
public protocol KeyPathIterable: _KeyPathIterableBase {
/// A type that can represent a collection of all key paths of this type.
associatedtype AllKeyPaths: Collection
where AllKeyPaths.Element == PartialKeyPath<Self>
/// A collection of all custom key paths of this value.
var allKeyPaths: AllKeyPaths { get }
public extension KeyPathIterable {
/// An array of all custom key paths of this value and any custom key paths
/// nested within each of what this value's key paths refers to.
var recursivelyAllKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
var result: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] = []
for kp in allKeyPaths {
if let nested = self[keyPath: kp] as? _KeyPathIterableBase {
for nkp in nested._recursivelyAllKeyPathsTypeErased {
result.append(kp.appending(path: nkp)!)
return result
public extension KeyPathIterable {
var _allKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] {
return { $0 as AnyKeyPath }
var _recursivelyAllKeyPathsTypeErased: [AnyKeyPath] {
return { $0 as AnyKeyPath }
public extension KeyPathIterable {
/// Returns an array of all custom key paths of this value, to the specified
/// type.
func allKeyPaths<T>(to _: T.Type) -> [KeyPath<Self, T>] {
return allKeyPaths.compactMap { $0 as? KeyPath<Self, T> }
/// Returns an array of all custom key paths of this value and any custom key
/// paths nested within each of what this value's key paths refers to, to
/// the specified type.
func recursivelyAllKeyPaths<T>(to _: T.Type) -> [KeyPath<Self, T>] {
return recursivelyAllKeyPaths.compactMap { $0 as? KeyPath<Self, T> }
/// Returns an array of all custom writable key paths of this value, to the
/// specified type.
func allWritableKeyPaths<T>(to _: T.Type) -> [WritableKeyPath<Self, T>] {
return allKeyPaths(to: T.self)
.compactMap { $0 as? WritableKeyPath<Self, T> }
/// Returns an array of all custom writable key paths of this value and any
/// custom writable key paths nested within each of what this value's key
/// paths refers to, to the specified type.
func recursivelyAllWritableKeyPaths<T>(
to _: T.Type
) -> [WritableKeyPath<Self, T>] {
return recursivelyAllKeyPaths(to: T.self)
.compactMap { $0 as? WritableKeyPath<Self, T> }
// Collection conformances
/// Returns `true` if all of the given key paths are instances of
/// `WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>`.
private func areWritable<Root, Value>(
_ keyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Root>], valueType: Value.Type
) -> Bool {
return !keyPaths.contains(
where: { kp in !(kp is WritableKeyPath<Root, Value>) }
extension Array: KeyPathIterable {
public typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Array>]
public var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Array>] {
let result = { \Array[$0] }
_internalInvariant(areWritable(result, valueType: Element.self))
return result
// TODO(TF-938): Remove this conformance after removing
// `Element: Differentiable` requirement.
// Currently necessary to avoid error:
// error: conditional conformance of type 'Array<Element>.DifferentiableView'
// to protocol 'KeyPathIterable' does not imply conformance to inherited
// protocol '_KeyPathIterableBase'.
extension Array.DifferentiableView: _KeyPathIterableBase
where Element: Differentiable {}
// TODO(TF-938): Remove `Element: Differentiable` requirement.
extension Array.DifferentiableView: KeyPathIterable
where Element: Differentiable {
public typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Array.DifferentiableView>]
public var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Array.DifferentiableView>] {
let result = [\Array.DifferentiableView.base]
_internalInvariant(areWritable(result, valueType: Array.self))
return result
extension Dictionary: KeyPathIterable {
public typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Dictionary>]
public var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Dictionary>] {
// Note: `Dictionary.subscript(_: Key)` returns `Value?` and can be used to
// form `WritableKeyPath<Self, Value>` key paths.
// Force-unwrapping the result is necessary.
let result = { \Dictionary[$0]! }
_internalInvariant(areWritable(result, valueType: Value.self))
return result
extension Optional: KeyPathIterable {
public typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Self>]
public var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
if self != nil {
return [\.!]
return []
extension Optional.TangentVector: KeyPathIterable {
public typealias AllKeyPaths = [PartialKeyPath<Self>]
public var allKeyPaths: [PartialKeyPath<Self>] {
if value != nil {
return [\Self.value!]
return []